public static async Task TriggeredAntiProtection(IGuildUser[] users, PunishmentAction action, ProtectionType protection) { if (users.Length == 0) return; LogSetting logSetting; if (!GuildLogSettings.TryGetValue(users.First().Guild.Id, out logSetting) || !logSetting.IsLogging) return; ITextChannel logChannel; if ((logChannel = TryGetLogChannel(users.First().Guild, logSetting)) == null) return; var punishment = ""; if (action == PunishmentAction.Mute) { punishment = "🔇 MUTED"; //punishment = "MUTED"; } else if (action == PunishmentAction.Kick) { punishment = "☣ SOFT-BANNED (KICKED)"; //punishment = "KICKED"; } else if (action == PunishmentAction.Ban) { punishment = "⛔️ BANNED"; //punishment = "BANNED"; } await logChannel.SendMessageAsync(String.Join("\n",users.Select(user=>$"‼️ {Format.Bold(user.ToString())} got **{punishment}** due to __**{protection}**__ protection on **{user.Guild.Name}** server."))) //await logChannel.SendMessageAsync(String.Join("\n",users.Select(user=>$"{Format.Bold(user.ToString())} was **{punishment}** due to `{protection}` protection on **{user.Guild.Name}** server."))) .ConfigureAwait(false); }