/// <summary>Calculates the grid frontend name.</summary>
        /// <param name="grid">The grid.</param>
        /// <param name="col">The col.</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Name_Frontend(IGridBlock_Base grid, int col, int row, GridControl_Settings settings)
            var    parentRow = grid.Name_ParentRow; // + "/";
            string prefix    = GridPrefix(grid, settings);

            return(parentRow + prefix + $"{row}_{col}");
        private static bool GridSync_DisplayMode(IGridBlock_Base grid, IGridControl gridControl, enGrid_BlockDisplayType displayMode)
            var result = false;

            switch (displayMode)
            case enGrid_BlockDisplayType.Address: gridControl.Text = grid.Name_Caption; break;

            case enGrid_BlockDisplayType.Name: gridControl.Text = grid.Name_Control; break;

            case enGrid_BlockDisplayType.Value:
                var state = grid as IGridBlock_State;
                if (state == null)
                if (Double.IsNaN(state.State_ValueDouble))
                    gridControl.Text = "?";
                    gridControl.Text = state.State_ValueDouble.zObject().AsStr();
        public static string GridPrefix(IGridBlock_Base grid, GridControl_Settings settings)
            if (grid == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(grid));
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings));

            string prefix = "";

            if (grid is GridBlock_1Micro)
                prefix = settings.GridBlock_Name1Micro;
            else if (grid is GridBlock_2Sub)
                prefix = settings.GridBlock_Name2Sub;
            else if (grid is GridBlock_3Macro)
                prefix = settings.GridBlock_Name3Macro;
            else if (grid is GridBlock_4Cuboid)
                prefix = settings.GridBlock_Name4Cuboid;
                throw new ArgumentException($"Error! '{nameof(grid)}' is not a defined type.");
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GridBlock_4Cuboid" /> class.</summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
        /// <param name="onGridCreate">The on grid create.</param>
        /// <param name="onGridRowCreate">The on grid row create.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param>
        /// <param name="macroRows">The macro rows.</param>
        /// <param name="macroCols">The child rows.</param>
        /// <param name="subRows">The sub rows.</param>
        /// <param name="subCols">The sub cols.</param>
        /// <param name="microRows">The micro rows.</param>
        /// <param name="microCols">The micro cols.</param>
        public GridBlock_4Cuboid(IGridBlock_Base parent, onGrid_CreateItem onGridCreate, onGrid_CreateItem onGridRowCreate,
                                 GridControl_Settings settings, int macroRows = 1, int macroCols = 1, int subRows = 5, int subCols = 5,
                                 int microRows = 5, int microCols = 5) : base(parent, 1, 1, settings)
            Child_BlockType   = enGrid_BlockType.MacroBlock;
            Child_DisplayType = enGrid_BlockDisplayType.Address;
            Child_Cols        = macroCols;
            Child_Rows        = macroRows;

            onGridCreate?.Invoke(this, enGrid_BlockType.CuboidGrid);

            // Create the child objects
            int ii = 0;

            for (int row1 = 1; row1 <= macroRows; row1++)
                Name_ChildRow = GridBlock_zMethods.Name_ChildRow(this, row1);
                onGridRowCreate?.Invoke(this, Child_BlockType);

                for (int col = 1; col <= macroCols; col++)
                    var grid = new GridBlock_3Macro(this, onGridCreate, onGridRowCreate, settings,
                                                    ii, row1, col,
                                                    subRows, subCols,
                                                    microRows, microCols);
                    _GridBlocksDictionary.Add(grid.Name_Address, grid);
            Child_Count = macroRows * macroCols * subRows * subCols * microRows * microCols;
        private void onGridClick(IGridControl sender)
            // Fired when mouse click on a grid

            IGridBlock_Base gridData = sender.GridState;
            var             caption  = gridData.Name_Caption;

            if (radioClick.Checked)
                // Click event message
                if (gridData._Parent != null)
                    caption = gridData._Parent.Name_Caption + " x " + caption;
                    if (gridData._Parent._Parent != null)
                        caption = gridData._Parent._Parent.Name_Caption + " x " + caption;
                MessageBox.Show(caption, "Grid Feedback");
            if (radioSelect.Checked)
                // Do selection of grids
                if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control) == false && ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Shift) == false)
                    RefreshGrid();                                                                                            // Remove previous selections
                var gridState = gridData as IGridBlock_State;
                sender.BackColor = Color.CadetBlue;
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GridBlock_1Micro" /> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index.</param>
 /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
 /// <param name="col">The col.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param>
 public GridBlock_0BaseState(IGridBlock_Base parent, int index, int row, int col, GridControl_Settings settings) : base(parent, row, col, settings)
     State_Index = index;
     State_Col   = col;
     State_Row   = row;
     State_Setup(Double.NaN, 0, Color.Black);
     State_EditState = enGrid_BlockEditState.Undefined;
        public static void ReadGridDataFromFile(winForms_GridControlsSetup grid, string fileName)
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
                while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                    string   sLine;
                    string[] sArrData;
                    sLine = sr.ReadLine();

                    sArrData = sLine.Split(',');

                    string sMacroX = sArrData[0];
                    string sMacroY = sArrData[1];
                    string sMacro  = AddressConcat(sMacroX, sMacroY);

                    string sSubX = sArrData[2];
                    string sSubY = sArrData[3];
                    string sSub  = AddressConcat(sSubX, sSubY);

                    string sMicroX = sArrData[4];
                    string sMicroY = sArrData[5];
                    string sMicro  = AddressConcat(sMicroX, sMicroY);

                    string sFloatValue = sArrData[6];
                    double dFloatData;

                    if (sFloatValue == "")
                        dFloatData = 0;
                        dFloatData = Double.Parse(sFloatValue);

                    string sState = sArrData[7];

                    switch (sState)
                    case "Scheduled": sState = "1"; break;

                    case "In Progress": sState = "2"; break;

                    case "Complete": sState = "3"; break;

                    case "Cancelled": sState = "4"; break;

                    case "Inspected": sState = "5"; break;

                    IGridBlock_Base micro = grid.Cuboid.GetChild_MicroGridBlock(sMacro, sSub, sMicro);
                    micro.State_Setup(dFloatData, Int32.Parse(sState));
        /// <summary>Setups the sub grids.</summary>
        /// <param name="macroAddress">The macro address.</param>
        /// <param name="subAddress">The sub address.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param>
        /// <param name="microRows">The micro rows.</param>
        /// <param name="microCols">The micro cols.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Error! Macro grid was not found.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Error! Macro grid was not found.</exception>
        public void Setup_MicroGrids(string macroAddress, string subAddress, GridControl_Settings settings, int microRows, int microCols)
            IGridBlock_Base grid      = GetChild_SubGridBlock(macroAddress, subAddress);
            var             gridMicro = grid as GridBlock_2Sub;

            if (gridMicro == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Error! Macro grid was not found.");
            gridMicro.CreateMicroGrids(OnGridCreate, OnGridRowCreate, settings, microRows, microCols);
        /// <summary>Calculate the current row name for the frontend.</summary>
        /// <param name="grid">The grid.</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Name_ParentRow(IGridBlock_Base grid, int row)
            string name = "";

            if (grid._Parent != null)
                name = grid._Parent.Name_Control;
            //if (name != "") name += "/";
            return(name + "R" + row);
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GridBlock_1Micro" /> class.</summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
        /// <param name="onGridCreate">The on grid create.</param>
        /// <param name="onGridRowCreate">The on grid row create.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param>
        /// <param name="index">The index.</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
        /// <param name="col">The col.</param>
        /// <param name="microRows">The micro rows.</param>
        /// <param name="microCols">The micro cols.</param>
        public GridBlock_2Sub(IGridBlock_Base parent, onGrid_CreateItem onGridCreate, onGrid_CreateItem onGridRowCreate,
                              GridControl_Settings settings, int index, int row, int col,
                              int microRows = 5, int microCols = 5) : base(parent, index, row, col, settings)
            Child_BlockType   = enGrid_BlockType.MicroBlock;
            Child_DisplayType = enGrid_BlockDisplayType.Address;
            Child_Cols        = microCols;
            Child_Rows        = microRows;
            Child_Count       = 0;
            onGridCreate?.Invoke(this, enGrid_BlockType.SubBlock);

            CreateMicroGrids(onGridCreate, onGridRowCreate, settings, microRows, microCols);
        public void GridPrefix_Test()
            // null, null
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => GridBlock_zMethods.GridPrefix(null, null));

            Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.".NL() + "Parameter name: grid", ex.Message);

            // macro, null
            var             settings   = GridControl_Settings.Setup(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            var             gridCuboid = new GridBlock_5Setup(OnCreateGridControl1, settings);
            IGridBlock_Base grid       = gridCuboid.GetChild_MacroGridBlock("1_1");

            ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => GridBlock_zMethods.GridPrefix(grid, null));
            Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.".NL() + "Parameter name: settings", ex.Message);
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GridBlock_1Micro" /> class.</summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
        /// <param name="onGridCreate">The on grid create.</param>
        /// <param name="onGridRowCreate">The on grid row create.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param>
        /// <param name="index">The index.</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
        /// <param name="col">The col.</param>
        /// <param name="subRows">The sub rows.</param>
        /// <param name="subCols">The sub cols.</param>
        /// <param name="microRows">The micro rows.</param>
        /// <param name="microCols">The micro cols.</param>
        public GridBlock_3Macro(IGridBlock_Base parent, onGrid_CreateItem onGridCreate, onGrid_CreateItem onGridRowCreate,
                                GridControl_Settings settings, int index, int row, int col,
                                int subRows   = 5, int subCols   = 5,
                                int microRows = 5, int microCols = 5) : base(parent, index, row, col, settings)
            Child_BlockType   = enGrid_BlockType.SubBlock;
            Child_DisplayType = enGrid_BlockDisplayType.Address;
            Child_Cols        = subCols;
            Child_Rows        = subRows;

            onGridCreate?.Invoke(this, enGrid_BlockType.MacroBlock);

            // Create the child objects
            CreateSubGrids(onGridCreate, onGridRowCreate, settings, subRows, subCols, microRows, microCols);
        private void OnGridRowCreate(IGridBlock_Base sender, enGrid_BlockType blockType)
            var          parentGrid     = sender.Name_Control;
            var          rowName        = sender.Name_ChildRow;
            IGridControl gridRowControl = new object() as IGridControl;  // Create dummy control

            if (_onCreateGridControl != null)
                _onCreateGridControl(sender, enGrid_ControlType.Row, parentGrid, rowName, blockType, ref gridRowControl);                                // Ask frontend to create the control
            //sender.zGridControl = gridRowControl;    // We do not want to save the row. We can get it through the parent property. We already have the grid
            _treeControls.zDictionary_AddSafe(rowName, gridRowControl);

            // Save testing information
            _treeDebugInfo.zDictionary_AddSafe(GridControl_2Str(enGrid_ControlType.Row, parentGrid, rowName, blockType), null);
        private void OnGridCreate(IGridBlock_Base sender, enGrid_BlockType blockType)
            var          gridName    = sender.Name_Control;
            var          gridRow     = sender.Name_ParentRow;
            IGridControl gridControl = new object() as IGridControl;  // Create dummy control

            if (_onCreateGridControl != null)
                _onCreateGridControl(sender, enGrid_ControlType.Grid, gridRow, gridName, blockType, ref gridControl);                                // Ask frontend to create the control
            sender.zGridControl = gridControl;

            // Save tree for quick references
            _treeControls.zDictionary_AddSafe(gridName, gridControl);

            // Save testing information
            _treeDebugInfo.zDictionary_AddSafe(GridControl_2Str(enGrid_ControlType.Grid, gridRow, gridName, blockType), null);
        private static bool GridSync_StateColor(IGridBlock_Base grid, IGridControl gridFrontend, GridControl_Settings settings)
            var state = grid as IGridBlock_State;

            if (state == null)

            var   result = false;
            Color color;

            if (settings.Color_ID.TryGetValue(state.State_Id, out color))
                if (gridFrontend.BackColor != color)
                    gridFrontend.BackColor = color;
                    result = true;
        private static void GridSync_CalcSize(IGridBlock_Base grid, ref int width, ref int height)
            IGridControl gridControl = grid.zGridControl;
            var          child       = grid as IGridBlock_State;

            if (child != null)
                // Recalc sizes
                if (child.State_Row != rowMax)
                    // reset the row
                    width  = 0;
                    rowMax = child.State_Row;
                width += gridControl.Width; // Only increase width on first row

                if (child.State_Col == 1)
                    height += gridControl._Parent.Height;                       // Only increase height on first col
        public static void ReadGridDataFromFile(winForms_GridControlsSetup grid, DataTable gridData)
            foreach (DataRow dr in gridData.Rows)
                double dValue;
                string sMacro         = dr["Macro Block Name (Grid One)"].ToString().Replace(',', '_');
                string sSub           = dr["Sub Block Name (Grid Two)"].ToString().Replace(',', '_');
                string sMicro         = dr["Micro Block Name (Grid Three)"].ToString().Replace(',', '_');
                string sValue         = dr["Value"].ToString();
                string sProgressState = dr["FKProgressState"].ToString();

                if (sValue == "")
                    dValue = 0;
                    dValue = Double.Parse(sValue);

                IGridBlock_Base micro = grid.Cuboid.GetChild_MicroGridBlock(sMacro, sSub, sMicro);
                micro.State_Setup(dValue, Int32.Parse(sProgressState));
 private void OnCreateGridControl1(IGridBlock_Base sender, enGrid_ControlType gridcontroltype, string parentname, string childname,
                                   enGrid_BlockType blocktype, ref IGridControl gridcontrol)
     //gridcontrol = new object() as IGridControl;
     _ListTest1.Add(ControlToStr(gridcontroltype, parentname, childname, blocktype));
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GridBlock_1Micro" /> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
 /// <param name="onGridCreate">The on grid create.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index.</param>
 /// <param name="col">The col.</param>
 /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
 public GridBlock_1Micro(IGridBlock_Base parent, onGrid_CreateItem onGridCreate, GridControl_Settings settings, int index, int col, int row) : base(parent, index, row, col, settings)
     onGridCreate?.Invoke(this, enGrid_BlockType.MicroBlock);
        private void onCreateGridControl(IGridBlock_Base sender, enGrid_ControlType gridcontroltype, string parentname, string childname,
                                         enGrid_BlockType blocktype, ref IGridControl gridcontrol)
            if (gridcontrol != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(gridcontrol), "Error!. Grid control must be null in order to be created.");
            #region Sample of a simple 1x1,1x1,1x1 grid
            // R1
            // R1cub1_1
            // R1cub1_1R1
            // R1cub1_1R1mac1_1
            // R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1
            // R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1sub1_1
            // R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1sub1_1R1
            // R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1sub1_1R1mic1_1

            // Row//?//R1//CuboidGrid
            // Grid//R1//R1cub1_1//CuboidGrid
            // Row//R1cub1_1//R1cub1_1R1//MacroBlock
            // Grid//R1cub1_1R1//R1cub1_1R1mac1_1//MacroBlock
            // Row//R1cub1_1R1mac1_1//R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1//SubBlock
            // Grid//R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1//R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1sub1_1//SubBlock
            // Row//R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1sub1_1//R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1sub1_1R1//MicroBlock
            // Grid//R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1sub1_1R1//R1cub1_1R1mac1_1R1sub1_1R1mic1_1//MicroBlock

            // Find the grid control
            bool created;
            gridcontrol = GridControl_Get(gridcontroltype, childname, blocktype, out created);
            if (created == false)
                return;                     // The control exists, we do not need to do anything.
            // Find the parent
            IGridControl parent;
            if (GridControl_Get(parentname, out parent) == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error! Parent '{parentname}' does not exist.");

            // Setup the row / grid properties
            gridcontrol.GridState = sender;
            gridcontrol.Text      = sender.Name_Caption; // Set the caption of the control
            if (gridcontroltype == enGrid_ControlType.Row)
                #region Row setup
                // ==================
                int height = 100;
                if (blocktype == enGrid_BlockType.CuboidGrid)
                    height = _Settings.Size_CuboidHeight;                                            // These settings need to be calculated
                else if (blocktype == enGrid_BlockType.MacroBlock)
                    height = _Settings.Size_MacroHeight;                                                 // These settings need to be calculated
                else if (blocktype == enGrid_BlockType.SubBlock)
                    height = _Settings.Size_SubHeight;
                else if (blocktype == enGrid_BlockType.MicroBlock)
                    height = _Settings.Size_MicroHeight;

                GridControl_SetupRow(parent, gridcontrol, height);
                #region Grid setup
                // ===================
                var color = Color.Gray;
                int width = 30;
                if (blocktype == enGrid_BlockType.CuboidGrid)
                    color = _Settings.ColorDefault_CuboidGrid;
                    width = _Settings.Size_CuboidWidth; // These settings need to be calculated
                else if (blocktype == enGrid_BlockType.MacroBlock)
                    width = _Settings.Size_MacroWidth; // These settings need to be calculated
                    color = _Settings.ColorDefault_MacroGrid;
                else if (blocktype == enGrid_BlockType.SubBlock)
                    width = _Settings.Size_SubWidth;
                    color = _Settings.ColorDefault_SubGrid;
                else if (blocktype == enGrid_BlockType.MicroBlock)
                    var display = _Settings.DisplayMode_MicroGrids;
                    if (display == enGrid_BlockDisplayType.Address)
                        gridcontrol.Text = sender.Name_Caption;                                               // Set the caption of the control
                    if (display == enGrid_BlockDisplayType.Name)
                        gridcontrol.Text = sender.Name_Control;                                            // Set the caption of the control
                    if (display == enGrid_BlockDisplayType.Value)
                        gridcontrol.Text = "?";                                             //There is no value yet
                    width = _Settings.Size_MicroWidth;
                    color = _Settings.ColorDefault_MicroGrid;
                GridControl_SetupBlock(parent, gridcontrol, width, color);

 /// <summary>Calculates the front-ends child row.</summary>
 /// <param name="gridBlock">The grid block.</param>
 /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string Name_ChildRow(IGridBlock_Base gridBlock, int row)
     return(gridBlock.Name_Control + "R" + row);
        private static void GridSync(IGridBlock_Base grid, GridControl_Settings settings, bool resetColors, onGrid_ChangeEvent onGridChangeEvent)
            IGridControl gridControl = grid.zGridControl;

            if (gridControl == null)
                return;                       // Testing code
            var parent = grid._Parent as IGridBlock_ChildState;
            var child  = grid as IGridBlock_State;

            if (parent == null)
                // Cuboid
                if (GridSync_Size(child, gridControl, settings.Size_CuboidWidth, settings.Size_CuboidHeight))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Size);                                                                                           // Check size
                if (resetColors && GridSync_Color(child, gridControl, settings.ColorDefault_CuboidGrid))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Color);                                                                                      // Check size
                //if (GridSync_Visible(gridControl, Visible_CuboidGrids)) onGridChange?.Invoke(gridControl, enGridChangeType.Visible); // Check size
                //if (GridSync_DisplayMode(grid, gridControl, DisplayMode_CuboidGrids)) onGridChange?.Invoke(gridControl, enGridChangeType.DisplayMode); // Check size
            else if (parent.Child_BlockType == enGrid_BlockType.MacroBlock)
                // Macro
                if (GridSync_Size(child, gridControl, settings.Size_MacroWidth, settings.Size_MacroHeight))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Size);                                                                                         // Check size
                if (resetColors && GridSync_Color(child, gridControl, settings.ColorDefault_MacroGrid))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Color);                                                                                     // Check size
                if (GridSync_Visible(gridControl, settings.Visible_MacroGrids))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Visible);                                                             // Check size
                //if (GridSync_DisplayMode(grid, gridControl, DisplayMode_MacroGrids)) onGridChange?.Invoke(gridControl, enGridChangeType.DisplayMode); // Check size
            else if (parent.Child_BlockType == enGrid_BlockType.SubBlock)
                // Sub
                if (GridSync_Size(child, gridControl, settings.Size_SubWidth, settings.Size_SubHeight))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Size);                                                                                     // Check size
                if (resetColors && GridSync_Color(child, gridControl, settings.ColorDefault_SubGrid))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Color);                                                                                   // Check size
                if (GridSync_Visible(gridControl, settings.Visible_SubGrids))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Visible);                                                           // Check size
                //if (GridSync_DisplayMode(grid, gridControl, DisplayMode_SubGrids)) onGridChange?.Invoke(gridControl, enGridChangeType.DisplayMode); // Check size
            else if (parent.Child_BlockType == enGrid_BlockType.MicroBlock)
                // Micro
                if (GridSync_Size(child, gridControl, settings.Size_MicroWidth, settings.Size_MicroHeight))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Size);                                                                                         // Check size
                if (resetColors && GridSync_Color(child, gridControl, settings.ColorDefault_MicroGrid))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Color);                                                                                     // Check size
                if (GridSync_Visible(gridControl, settings.Visible_MicroGrids))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.Visible);                                                             // Check size
                if (GridSync_DisplayMode(grid, gridControl, settings.DisplayMode_MicroGrids))
                    onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.DisplayMode);                                                                           // Check size

            // Color ID is always the same for all grids
            if (settings.Color_ID.Count != 0 && GridSync_StateColor(grid, gridControl, settings))
                onGridChangeEvent(gridControl, enGrid_ChangeType.StateColor);                                                                                   // Check size