        /// <summary>
        /// Set the Mediatype from a bitmap
        /// </summary>
        override public void SetMediaType(IGenericSampleConfig psc)
            BitmapInfoHeader bmi = new BitmapInfoHeader();

            // Make sure we have an image to get the data from
            if (m_bmp == null)
                int    i;
                IntPtr ip = IntPtr.Zero;
                GetImage(0, ip, 0, out i);

            // Build a BitmapInfo struct using the parms from the file
            bmi.Size          = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BitmapInfoHeader));
            bmi.Width         = m_bmd.Width;
            bmi.Height        = m_bmd.Height * -1;
            bmi.Planes        = 1;
            bmi.BitCount      = 32;
            bmi.Compression   = 0;
            bmi.ImageSize     = (bmi.BitCount / 8) * bmi.Width * bmi.Height;
            bmi.XPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bmi.YPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bmi.ClrUsed       = 0;
            bmi.ClrImportant  = 0;

            int hr = psc.SetMediaTypeFromBitmap(bmi, m_FPS);

        /// <summary>
        /// Set the media type on the IGenericSampleConfig
        /// </summary>
        override public void SetMediaType(IGenericSampleConfig psc)
            BitmapInfoHeader bmi = new BitmapInfoHeader();

            // Build a BitmapInfo struct using the parms from the file
            bmi.Size          = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BitmapInfoHeader));
            bmi.Width         = WIDTH;
            bmi.Height        = HEIGHT * -1;
            bmi.Planes        = 1;
            bmi.BitCount      = BPP;
            bmi.Compression   = 0;
            bmi.ImageSize     = (bmi.BitCount / 8) * bmi.Width * bmi.Height;
            bmi.XPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bmi.YPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bmi.ClrUsed       = 0;
            bmi.ClrImportant  = 0;

            int hr = psc.SetMediaTypeFromBitmap(bmi, m_FPS);

    override public void SetMediaType(IGenericSampleConfig psc)
        BitmapInfoHeader bmi = new BitmapInfoHeader();

        bmi.Size          = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BitmapInfoHeader));
        bmi.Width         = reader.Header.VideoSize.Width;
        bmi.Height        = reader.Header.VideoSize.Height;
        bmi.Planes        = 1;
        bmi.BitCount      = 24;
        bmi.Compression   = 0;
        bmi.ImageSize     = (bmi.BitCount / 8) * bmi.Width * bmi.Height;
        bmi.XPelsPerMeter = 0;
        bmi.YPelsPerMeter = 0;
        bmi.ClrUsed       = 0;
        bmi.ClrImportant  = 0;
        int hr = psc.SetMediaTypeFromBitmap(bmi, 0);

        buffer         = new byte[reader.Header.FrameSize];
        demosaicBuffer = new byte[reader.Header.FrameSize * 3];
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the media type on the IGenericSampleConfig
        /// </summary>
        public override void SetMediaType(IGenericSampleConfig psc)
            BitmapInfoHeader bmi = new BitmapInfoHeader();

            // Build a BitmapInfo struct using the parms from the file
            bmi.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BitmapInfoHeader));
            bmi.Width = WIDTH;
            bmi.Height = HEIGHT * -1;
            bmi.Planes = 1;
            bmi.BitCount = BPP;
            bmi.Compression = 0;
            bmi.ImageSize = (bmi.BitCount / 8) * bmi.Width * bmi.Height;
            bmi.XPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bmi.YPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bmi.ClrUsed = 0;
            bmi.ClrImportant = 0;

            int hr = psc.SetMediaTypeFromBitmap(bmi, m_FPS);
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the Mediatype from a bitmap
        /// </summary>
        public override void SetMediaType(IGenericSampleConfig psc)
            BitmapInfoHeader bmi = new BitmapInfoHeader();

            // Make sure we have an image to get the data from
            if (m_bmp == null)
                int i;
                IntPtr ip = IntPtr.Zero;
                GetImage(0, ip, 0, out i);

            // Build a BitmapInfo struct using the parms from the file
            bmi.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BitmapInfoHeader));
            bmi.Width = m_bmd.Width;
            bmi.Height = m_bmd.Height * -1;
            bmi.Planes = 1;
            bmi.BitCount = 32;
            bmi.Compression = 0;
            bmi.ImageSize = (bmi.BitCount / 8) * bmi.Width * bmi.Height;
            bmi.XPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bmi.YPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bmi.ClrUsed = 0;
            bmi.ClrImportant = 0;

            int hr = psc.SetMediaTypeFromBitmap(bmi, m_FPS);