        public async Task <JsonResult> TryClaimSession([FromBody] ServerSessionClaimRequest sessionInquiryRequest, [FromServices] IGameSessionRepository gameSessionRepository)
            //TODO: The session could be removed? We may do that when they log out. Or if they transfer.
            if (!await gameSessionRepository.HasSession(sessionInquiryRequest.SessionGuid))
                return(Json(new ServerSessionClaimResponse(ServerSessionClaimResponseCode.FailedNoSessionRegistered)));

            //Could be a race condition here in the future when the session logic is fully implemented
            //We need to verify for the requesting gameserver that the IP matches
            string ip = (await gameSessionRepository.GetSessionByGuid(sessionInquiryRequest.SessionGuid)).SessionIp;

            //This could happen if a malicious user was trying to claim random sessions.
            //This doesn't exactly prevent someone from stealing known sessions on the same network though.
            if (ip != sessionInquiryRequest.IpAddress)
                return(Json(new ServerSessionClaimResponse(ServerSessionClaimResponseCode.FailedSessionIsForDifferentIp)));

            //At this point we need to try to claim the session
            if (await gameSessionRepository.TryClaimSession(sessionInquiryRequest.SessionGuid))
                //TODO: There is a lot more stuff we NEED to do in the future. We need to validate that this is the server the session was created on, that they aren't logged in and etc.
                return(Json(new ServerSessionClaimResponse(ServerSessionClaimResponseCode.Success)));

            //TODO: We should add more information and logging
            return(Json(new ServerSessionClaimResponse(ServerSessionClaimResponseCode.FailedGeneralServerError)));