        public void Render(Bitmap output, IFunctionR2ToR funct)
            if (output == null ||
                funct == null)

            prepareProjection(output, funct);

            // !!!{{ TODO: add the graph rendering code here

            Graphics gr  = Graphics.FromImage(output);
            Pen      pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 80), 1.0f);

            float x, dx, z, dz;
            float ax, ay, bx, by;

            dx = (float)(funct.MaxX - funct.MinX) / Columns;
            dz = (float)(funct.MaxZ - funct.MinZ) / Rows;

            z = (float)funct.MinZ;
            x = (float)funct.MinX;
            for (int i = 1; i < Columns; i++, x += dx)
                transform(x, z, out ax, out ay);
                transform(x + dx, z, out bx, out by);
                gr.DrawLine(pen, ax, ay, bx, by);

            for (int j = 1; j < Rows; j++, z += dz)
                x = (float)funct.MinX;
                transform(x, z, out ax, out ay);
                transform(x, z + dz, out bx, out by);
                gr.DrawLine(pen, ax, ay, bx, by);

                for (int i = 1; i < Columns; i++, x += dx)
                    transform(x, z + dz, out ax, out ay);
                    transform(x + dx, z + dz, out bx, out by);
                    gr.DrawLine(pen, ax, ay, bx, by);
                    transform(x + dx, z, out ax, out ay);
                    gr.DrawLine(pen, ax, ay, bx, by);

            // !!!}}
        protected void prepareProjection(Bitmap output, IFunctionR2ToR funct)
            f = funct;
            Vector3 center;

            center.X = 0.5f * (float)(f.MaxX + f.MinX);
            center.Z = 0.5f * (float)(f.MaxZ + f.MinZ);
            center.Y = (float)(0.5 * f.f(center.X, center.Z));

            float diameter = (float)((f.MaxX - f.MinX) + (f.MaxZ - f.MinZ));

            if (Distance < diameter)
                Distance = diameter;

            // and the rest of projection matrix goes here:
            int    width  = output.Width;
            int    height = output.Height;
            float  aspect = width / (float)height;
            double az     = Azimuth / 180.0 * Math.PI;
            double el     = Elevation / 180.0 * Math.PI;

            Vector3 eye = new Vector3((float)(center.X + Distance * Math.Sin(az) * Math.Cos(el)),
                                      (float)(center.Y + Distance * Math.Sin(el)),
                                      (float)(center.Z + Distance * Math.Cos(az) * Math.Cos(el)));
            Matrix4 modelView = Matrix4.LookAt(eye, center, Vector3.UnitY);
            Matrix4 proj;

            if (Perspective)
                float vv = (float)(2.0 * Math.Atan2(diameter * 0.5, Distance));
                proj = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(vv, aspect, 1.0f, 50.0f);
                float vHalf = diameter * 0.52f;
                proj = Matrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(-vHalf, vHalf,
                                                           -vHalf / aspect, vHalf / aspect,
                                                           1.0f, 50.0f);

            compound = Matrix4.Mult(modelView, proj);
            Matrix4 viewport = Geometry.SetViewport(0, 0, width, height);

            compound = Matrix4.Mult(compound, viewport);
        protected void prepareProjection( Bitmap output, IFunctionR2ToR funct )
            f = funct;
              Vector3 center;
              center.X = 0.5f * (float)(f.MaxX + f.MinX);
              center.Z = 0.5f * (float)(f.MaxZ + f.MinZ);
              center.Y = (float)( 0.5 * f.f( center.X, center.Z ) );

              float diameter = (float)((f.MaxX - f.MinX) + (f.MaxZ - f.MinZ));
              if ( Distance < diameter ) Distance = diameter;

              // and the rest of projection matrix goes here:
              int width = output.Width;
              int height = output.Height;
              float aspect = width / (float)height;
              double az = Azimuth / 180.0 * Math.PI;
              double el = Elevation / 180.0 * Math.PI;

              Vector3 eye = new Vector3( (float)(center.X + Distance * Math.Sin( az ) * Math.Cos( el )),
                                 (float)(center.Y + Distance * Math.Sin( el )),
                                 (float)(center.Z + Distance * Math.Cos( az ) * Math.Cos( el )) );
              Matrix4 modelView = Matrix4.LookAt( eye, center, Vector3.UnitY );
              Matrix4 proj;

              if ( Perspective )
            float vv = (float)(2.0 * Math.Atan2( diameter * 0.5, Distance ));
            proj = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView( vv, aspect, 1.0f, 50.0f );
            float vHalf = diameter * 0.52f;
            proj = Matrix4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter( -vHalf, vHalf,
                                                    -vHalf / aspect, vHalf / aspect,
                                                    1.0f, 50.0f );

              compound = Matrix4.Mult( modelView, proj );
              Matrix4 viewport = Geometry.SetViewport( 0, 0, width, height );
              compound = Matrix4.Mult( compound, viewport );
        public void Render( Bitmap output, IFunctionR2ToR funct )
            if ( output == null ||
               funct  == null ) return;

              prepareProjection( output, funct );

              // !!!{{ TODO: add the graph rendering code here

              Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage( output );
              Pen pen = new Pen( Color.FromArgb( 255, 255, 80 ), 1.0f );

              float x, dx, z, dz;
              float ax, ay, bx, by;

              dx = (float)(funct.MaxX - funct.MinX) / Columns;
              dz = (float)(funct.MaxZ - funct.MinZ) / Rows;

              z = (float)funct.MinZ;
              x = (float)funct.MinX;
              for ( int i = 1; i < Columns; i++, x += dx )
            transform( x,      z, out ax, out ay );
            transform( x + dx, z, out bx, out by );
            gr.DrawLine( pen, ax, ay, bx, by );

              for ( int j = 1; j < Rows; j++, z += dz )
            x = (float)funct.MinX;
            transform( x, z,      out ax, out ay );
            transform( x, z + dz, out bx, out by );
            gr.DrawLine( pen, ax, ay, bx, by );

            for ( int i = 1; i < Columns; i++, x += dx )
              transform( x,      z + dz, out ax, out ay );
              transform( x + dx, z + dz, out bx, out by );
              gr.DrawLine( pen, ax, ay, bx, by );
              transform( x + dx, z,      out ax, out ay );
              gr.DrawLine( pen, ax, ay, bx, by );

              // !!!}}