/// <summary>
        /// Create a function app, upload the files for his running state. The files are run.csx, function.json and host.json
        /// DO NOT WORK ATM : the inputs / outputs of the function app does not works.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateFunctionApp()
            string appName = SdkContext.RandomResourceName(functionAppPrefix, 20);
            string suffix  = ".azurewebsites.net";
            string appUrl  = appName + suffix;

            spin.setMessage("Creating function app " + appName + " in resource group " + rgName + "...");
            //Console.WriteLine("Creating function app " + appName + " in resource group " + rgName + "...");

            IFunctionApp app1 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(appName)

            Console.WriteLine("Created Function App");

            spin.setMessage("Deploying to function app" + appName + " with FTP...");

            IPublishingProfile profile = app1.GetPublishingProfile();

            Utilities.UploadFileToFunctionApp(profile, Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "FunctionAppCore", "host.json"));
            Utilities.UploadFileToFunctionApp(profile, Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "FunctionAppCore", "IoTHubTrigger", "function.json"), "IoTHubTrigger/function.json");
            Utilities.UploadFileToFunctionApp(profile, Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "FunctionAppCore", "IoTHubTrigger", "run.csx"), "IoTHubTrigger/run.csx");
            //sync triggers

            Console.WriteLine("Deployment iotHubTrigger to web app" + app1.Name + " completed");

            //warm up
            //Console.WriteLine("Warming up " + appUrl + "/api/IoTHubTrigger");
            //Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + appUrl + "/api/IoTHubTrigger", "toto");
            //Console.WriteLine(Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + appUrl + "/api/IoTHubTrigger", "toto"));
         * Azure App Service basic sample for managing function apps.
         *  - Create 4 function apps under the same new app service plan:
         *    - Deploy to 1 using FTP
         *    - Deploy to 2 using local Git repository
         *    - Deploy to 3 using a publicly available Git repository
         *    - Deploy to 4 using a GitHub repository with continuous integration

        public static void RunSample(IAzure azure)
            // New resources
            string suffix   = ".azurewebsites.net";
            string app1Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp1-", 20);
            string app2Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp2-", 20);
            string app3Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp3-", 20);
            string app4Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp4-", 20);
            string app1Url  = app1Name + suffix;
            string app2Url  = app2Name + suffix;
            string app3Url  = app3Name + suffix;
            string app4Url  = app4Name + suffix;
            string rgName   = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rg1NEMV_", 24);

            try {
                // Create a function app with a new app service plan

                Utilities.Log("Creating function app " + app1Name + " in resource group " + rgName + "...");

                IFunctionApp app1 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(app1Name)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app1.Name);

                // Deploy to app 1 through FTP

                Utilities.Log("Deploying a function app to " + app1Name + " through FTP...");

                IPublishingProfile profile = app1.GetPublishingProfile();
                Utilities.UploadFileToFtp(profile, Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "Asset", "square-function-app", "host.json"));
                Utilities.UploadFileToFtp(profile, Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "Asset", "square-function-app", "square", "function.json"), "square/function.json");
                Utilities.UploadFileToFtp(profile, Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "Asset", "square-function-app", "square", "index.js"), "square/index.js");

                Utilities.Log("Deployment square app to web app " + app1.Name + " completed");

                // warm up
                Utilities.Log("Warming up " + app1Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app1Url + "/api/square", "625");
                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + app1Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.Log(Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app1Url + "/api/square", "625"));

                // Create a second function app with local git source control

                Utilities.Log("Creating another function app " + app2Name + " in resource group " + rgName + "...");
                IAppServicePlan plan = azure.AppServices.AppServicePlans.GetById(app1.AppServicePlanId);
                IFunctionApp    app2 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(app2Name)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app2.Name);

                // Deploy to app 2 through local Git

                Utilities.Log("Deploying a local Tomcat source to " + app2Name + " through Git...");

                profile = app2.GetPublishingProfile();
                Utilities.DeployByGit(profile, "square-function-app");

                Utilities.Log("Deployment to function app " + app2.Name + " completed");

                // warm up
                Utilities.Log("Warming up " + app2Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app2Url + "/api/square", "725");
                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + app2Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.Log("Square of 725 is " + Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app2Url + "/api/square", "725"));

                // Create a 3rd function app with a public GitHub repo in Azure-Samples

                Utilities.Log("Creating another function app " + app3Name + "...");
                IFunctionApp app3 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(app3Name)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app3.Name);

                // warm up
                Utilities.Log("Warming up " + app3Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app3Url + "/api/square", "825");
                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + app3Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.Log("Square of 825 is " + Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app3Url + "/api/square", "825"));

                // Create a 4th function app with a personal GitHub repo and turn on continuous integration

                Utilities.Log("Creating another function app " + app4Name + "...");
                IFunctionApp app4 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps
                                    // Uncomment the following lines to turn on 4th scenario
                                    //    .WithContinuouslyIntegratedGitHubRepository("username", "reponame")
                                    //    .WithBranch("master")
                                    //    .WithGitHubAccessToken("YOUR GITHUB PERSONAL TOKEN")
                                    //    .Attach()

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app4.Name);

                // warm up
                Utilities.Log("Warming up " + app4Url + "...");
                Utilities.CheckAddress("http://" + app4Url);
                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + app4Url + "...");
                Utilities.Log(Utilities.CheckAddress("http://" + app4Url));
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rgName);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rgName);
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    Utilities.Log("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");
                catch (Exception g)
         * Azure App Service basic sample for managing function apps.
         *  - Create 4 function apps under the same new app service plan:
         *    - Deploy to 1 using FTP
         *    - Deploy to 2 using local Git repository
         *    - Deploy to 3 using a publicly available Git repository
         *    - Deploy to 4 using a GitHub repository with continuous integration

        public static void RunSample(IAzure azure)
            // New resources
            string suffix   = ".azurewebsites.net";
            string app1Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp1-", 20);
            string app2Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp2-", 20);
            string app1Url  = app1Name + suffix;
            string app2Url  = app2Name + suffix;
            string rgName   = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rg1NEMV_", 24);

            try {
                // Create a function app with admin level auth

                Utilities.Log("Creating function app " + app1Name + " in resource group " + rgName + " with admin level auth...");

                IFunctionApp app1 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(app1Name)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app1.Name);

                // Create a second function app with function level auth

                Utilities.Log("Creating another function app " + app2Name + " in resource group " + rgName + " with function level auth...");
                IAppServicePlan plan = azure.AppServices.AppServicePlans.GetById(app1.AppServicePlanId);
                IFunctionApp    app2 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(app2Name)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app2.Name);

                // Deploy to app 1 through Git

                Utilities.Log("Deploying a local function app to " + app1Name + " through Git...");

                IPublishingProfile profile = app1.GetPublishingProfile();
                Utilities.DeployByGit(profile, "square-function-app-admin-auth");

                // warm up
                Utilities.Log("Warming up " + app1Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app1Url + "/api/square", "625");
                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + app1Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.Log("Square of 625 is " + Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app1Url + "/api/square?code=" + app1.GetMasterKey(), "625"));

                // Deploy to app 2 through Git

                Utilities.Log("Deploying a local function app to " + app2Name + " through Git...");

                profile = app2.GetPublishingProfile();
                Utilities.DeployByGit(profile, "square-function-app-function-auth");

                Utilities.Log("Deployment to function app " + app2.Name + " completed");

                string masterKey       = app2.GetMasterKey();
                var    functionsHeader = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                functionsHeader["x-functions-key"] = masterKey;
                string response    = Utilities.CheckAddress("http://" + app2Url + "/admin/functions/square/keys", functionsHeader);
                Regex  pattern     = new Regex(@"""name"":""default"",""value"":""([\w=/]+)""");
                Match  matcher     = pattern.Match(response);
                string functionKey = matcher.Captures[0].Value;

                // warm up
                Utilities.Log("Warming up " + app2Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app2Url + "/api/square", "725");
                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + app2Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.Log("Square of 725 is " + Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app2Url + "/api/square?code=" + functionKey, "725"));
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rgName);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rgName);
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    Utilities.Log("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");
                catch (Exception g)
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies the site configurations from a given function app.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="app">The function app to copy the configurations from.</param>
 /// <return>The next stage of the definition.</return>
 FunctionDeploymentSlot.Definition.IWithCreate FunctionDeploymentSlot.Definition.IWithConfiguration.WithConfigurationFromFunctionApp(IFunctionApp app)
     return(this.WithConfigurationFromFunctionApp(app) as FunctionDeploymentSlot.Definition.IWithCreate);
         * Azure App Service basic sample for managing function apps.
         *  - Create 3 function apps under the same new app service plan:
         *    - 1, 2 are in the same resource group, 3 in a different one
         *    - 1, 3 are under the same consumption plan, 2 under a basic app service plan
         *  - List function apps
         *  - Delete a function app

        public static void RunSample(IAzure azure)
            // New resources
            string app1Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp1-", 20);
            string app2Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp2-", 20);
            string app3Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp3-", 20);
            string rg1Name  = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rg1NEMV_", 24);
            string rg2Name  = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rg2NEMV_", 24);

                // Create a function app with a new app service plan

                Utilities.Log("Creating function app " + app1Name + " in resource group " + rg1Name + "...");

                IFunctionApp app1 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app1.Name);

                // Create a second function app with the same app service plan

                Utilities.Log("Creating another function app " + app2Name + " in resource group " + rg1Name + "...");
                IAppServicePlan plan = azure.AppServices.AppServicePlans.GetById(app1.AppServicePlanId);
                IFunctionApp    app2 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app2.Name);

                // Create a third function app with the same app service plan, but
                // in a different resource group

                Utilities.Log("Creating another function app " + app3Name + " in resource group " + rg2Name + "...");
                IFunctionApp app3 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app3.Name);

                // stop and start app1, restart app 2
                Utilities.Log("Stopping function app " + app1.Name);
                Utilities.Log("Stopped function app " + app1.Name);
                Utilities.Log("Starting function app " + app1.Name);
                Utilities.Log("Started function app " + app1.Name);
                Utilities.Log("Restarting function app " + app2.Name);
                Utilities.Log("Restarted function app " + app2.Name);

                // List function apps

                Utilities.Log("Printing list of function apps in resource group " + rg1Name + "...");

                foreach (IFunctionApp functionApp in azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.ListByResourceGroup(rg1Name))

                Utilities.Log("Printing list of function apps in resource group " + rg2Name + "...");

                foreach (IFunctionApp functionApp in azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.ListByResourceGroup(rg2Name))

                // Delete a function app

                Utilities.Log("Deleting function app " + app1Name + "...");
                azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.DeleteByResourceGroup(rg1Name, app1Name);
                Utilities.Log("Deleted function app " + app1Name + "...");

                Utilities.Log("Printing list of function apps in resource group " + rg1Name + " again...");
                foreach (IFunctionApp functionApp in azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.ListByResourceGroup(rg1Name))
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rg2Name);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rg2Name);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rg1Name);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rg1Name);
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    Utilities.Log("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");
                catch (Exception g)
        private async Task <int> OnExecuteAsync(CommandLineApplication app, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var authenticationOptions            = AuthenticationOptions.BuildFrom(this.UseAzCliDevAuth, this.TenantId);
            IAppServiceManager appServiceManager = AppServiceManagerSource.Get(
                authenticationOptions, this.SubscriptionId);
            IWebAppAuthentication  webAppAuthConfig;
            ManagedServiceIdentity managedIdentity;
            IFunctionApp           function = null;

                function = appServiceManager.FunctionApps.GetByResourceGroup(this.ResourceGroupName, this.AppName);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // Unhelpfully, we seem to get a null reference exception if the app isn't found

            if (function != null)
                managedIdentity  = function.Inner.Identity;
                webAppAuthConfig = await function.GetAuthenticationConfigAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                IWebApp webApp = appServiceManager.WebApps.GetByResourceGroup(this.ResourceGroupName, this.AppName);
                if (webApp == null)
                    app.Error.WriteLine($"Unable to find either a Function or Web App in resource group '{this.ResourceGroupName}' called '{this.AppName}'");

                managedIdentity  = webApp.Inner.Identity;
                webAppAuthConfig = await webApp.GetAuthenticationConfigAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (webAppAuthConfig.Inner.Enabled == true)
                app.Out.WriteLine($"Default Easy Auth: {webAppAuthConfig.Inner.DefaultProvider}");
                app.Out.WriteLine($" Client ID: {webAppAuthConfig.Inner.ClientId}");
                app.Out.WriteLine("Easy Auth not enabled");

            if (managedIdentity == null)
                app.Out.WriteLine("No managed identity");
                app.Out.WriteLine("Managed identity:");
                app.Out.WriteLine($" Type:                 {managedIdentity.Type}");
                app.Out.WriteLine($" TenantId:             {managedIdentity.TenantId}");
                app.Out.WriteLine($" PrincipalId:          {managedIdentity.PrincipalId}");

                if (managedIdentity.UserAssignedIdentities != null)
                    foreach ((string id, ManagedServiceIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue value) in managedIdentity.UserAssignedIdentities)
                        app.Out.WriteLine($" UserAssignedIdentity: Id = {id}, ClientId = {value.ClientId}, PrincipalId = {value.PrincipalId}");

         * Azure App Service sample for managing function apps.
         *  - app service plan, function app
         *    - Create 2 function apps under the same new app service plan
         *  - domain
         *    - Create a domain
         *  - certificate
         *    - Upload a self-signed wildcard certificate
         *    - update both function apps to use the domain and the created wildcard SSL certificate
        public static void RunSample(IAzure azure)
            string app1Name     = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp1-", 20);
            string app2Name     = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp2-", 20);
            string rgName       = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rgNEMV_", 24);
            string domainName   = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("jsdkdemo-", 20) + ".com";
            string certPassword = "******";

            try {
                // Create a function app with a new app service plan

                Utilities.Log("Creating function app " + app1Name + "...");

                IFunctionApp app1 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(app1Name)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app1.Name);

                // Create a second function app with the same app service plan

                Utilities.Log("Creating another function app " + app2Name + "...");
                IFunctionApp app2 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(app2Name)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app2.Name);

                // Purchase a domain (will be canceled for a full refund)

                Utilities.Log("Purchasing a domain " + domainName + "...");

                IAppServiceDomain domain = azure.AppServices.AppServiceDomains.Define(domainName)
                                           .WithAddressLine1("123 4th Ave")
                Utilities.Log("Purchased domain " + domain.Name);

                // Bind domain to function app 1

                Utilities.Log("Binding http://" + app1Name + "." + domainName + " to function app " + app1Name + "...");

                app1 = app1.Update()

                Utilities.Log("Finished binding http://" + app1Name + "." + domainName + " to function app " + app1Name);

                // Create a self-singed SSL certificate
                var pfxPath = "webapp_" + nameof(ManageFunctionAppWithDomainSsl).ToLower() + ".pfx";

                Utilities.Log("Creating a self-signed certificate " + pfxPath + "...");

                Utilities.CreateCertificate(domainName, pfxPath, CertificatePassword);

                Utilities.Log("Created self-signed certificate " + pfxPath);

                // Bind domain to function app 2 and turn on wild card SSL for both

                Utilities.Log("Binding https://" + app1Name + "." + domainName + " to function app " + app1Name + "...");

                app1 = app1.Update()
                       .WithManagedHostnameBindings(domain, app1Name)
                       .ForHostname(app1Name + "." + domainName)
                       .WithPfxCertificateToUpload(Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "Asset", pfxPath), certPassword)

                Utilities.Log("Finished binding http://" + app1Name + "." + domainName + " to function app " + app1Name);

                Utilities.Log("Binding https://" + app2Name + "." + domainName + " to function app " + app2Name + "...");

                app2 = app2.Update()
                       .WithManagedHostnameBindings(domain, app2Name)
                       .ForHostname(app2Name + "." + domainName)
                       .WithPfxCertificateToUpload(Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "Asset", pfxPath), certPassword)

                Utilities.Log("Finished binding http://" + app2Name + "." + domainName + " to function app " + app2Name);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rgName);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rgName);
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    Utilities.Log("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");
                catch (Exception g)
        private static IStorageAccount getStorageAccount(IStorageManager storageManager, IFunctionApp functionApp,
                                                         out IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IAppSetting> appSettings, out StorageSettings storageSettings)
            appSettings     = functionApp.GetAppSettings();
            storageSettings = new StorageSettings();

            string storageAccountConnectionString = appSettings[KeyAzureWebJobsStorage].Value;

            string[] segments = storageAccountConnectionString.Split(";");
            foreach (string segment in segments)
                if (segment.StartsWith(AccountNameSegment))
                    storageSettings.AccountName = segment.Remove(0, AccountNameSegment.Length);
                else if (segment.StartsWith(AccountKeySegment))
                    storageSettings.AccountKey = segment.Remove(0, AccountKeySegment.Length);
            if (storageSettings.AccountName != null)
                IEnumerable <IStorageAccount> storageAccounts = storageManager.StorageAccounts.List();
                foreach (IStorageAccount storageAccount in storageAccounts)
                    if (storageAccount.Name == storageSettings.AccountName)

            throw new System.InvalidOperationException("storage account not found for connection string: " + storageAccountConnectionString);
 public FunctionDeploymentSlotImpl WithConfigurationFromFunctionApp(IFunctionApp app)
     CopyConfigurations(((FunctionAppImpl)app).SiteConfig, app.AppSettings.Values.ToList(), app.ConnectionStrings.Values.ToList());
         * Azure App Service basic sample for managing function apps.
         *  - Create a function app under the same new app service plan:
         *    - Deploy to app using FTP
         *    - stream logs for 30 seconds

        public static void RunSample(IAzure azure)
            // New resources
            string suffix  = ".azurewebsites.net";
            string appName = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp1-", 20);
            string appUrl  = appName + suffix;
            string rgName  = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rg1NEMV_", 24);

            try {
                // Create a function app with a new app service plan

                Utilities.Log("Creating function app " + appName + " in resource group " + rgName + "...");

                IFunctionApp app = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(appName)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app.Name);

                // Deploy to app 1 through FTP

                Utilities.Log("Deploying a function app to " + appName + " through FTP...");

                IPublishingProfile profile = app.GetPublishingProfile();
                Utilities.UploadFileToFunctionApp(profile, Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "Asset", "square-function-app", "host.json"));
                Utilities.UploadFileToFunctionApp(profile, Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "Asset", "square-function-app", "square", "function.json"), "square/function.json");
                Utilities.UploadFileToFunctionApp(profile, Path.Combine(Utilities.ProjectPath, "Asset", "square-function-app", "square", "index.js"), "square/index.js");

                // sync triggers

                Utilities.Log("Deployment square app to web app " + app.Name + " completed");

                // warm up
                Utilities.Log("Warming up " + appUrl + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + appUrl + "/api/square", "625");
                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + appUrl + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.Log(Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + appUrl + "/api/square", "625"));

                // Listen to logs synchronously for 30 seconds

                using (var stream = app.StreamApplicationLogs())
                    var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
                    Utilities.Log("Streaming logs from function app " + appName + "...");
                    string    line      = reader.ReadLine();
                    Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + appUrl + "/api/square", "625");
                        Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + appUrl + "/api/square", "725");
                        Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + appUrl + "/api/square", "825");
                    while (line != null && stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 30000)
                        line = reader.ReadLine();
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rgName);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rgName);
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    Utilities.Log("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");
                catch (Exception g)
         * Azure App Service basic sample for managing function apps.
         *  - Create 3 function apps under the same new app service plan and with the same storage account
         *    - Deploy 1 & 2 via Git a function that calculates the square of a number
         *    - Deploy 3 via Web Deploy
         *    - Enable app level authentication for the 1st function app
         *    - Verify the 1st function app can be accessed with the admin key
         *    - Enable function level authentication for the 2nd function app
         *    - Verify the 2nd function app can be accessed with the function key
         *    - Enable function level authentication for the 3rd function app
         *    - Verify the 3rd function app can be accessed with the function key

        public static void RunSample(IAzure azure)
            // New resources
            string suffix   = ".azurewebsites.net";
            string app1Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp1-", 20);
            string app2Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp2-", 20);
            string app3Name = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("webapp3-", 20);
            string app1Url  = app1Name + suffix;
            string app2Url  = app2Name + suffix;
            string app3Url  = app3Name + suffix;
            string rgName   = SdkContext.RandomResourceName("rg1NEMV_", 24);

            try {
                // Create a function app with admin level auth

                Utilities.Log("Creating function app " + app1Name + " in resource group " + rgName + " with admin level auth...");

                IFunctionApp app1 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(app1Name)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app1.Name);

                // Create a second function app with function level auth

                Utilities.Log("Creating another function app " + app2Name + " in resource group " + rgName + " with function level auth...");
                IAppServicePlan plan = azure.AppServices.AppServicePlans.GetById(app1.AppServicePlanId);
                IFunctionApp    app2 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(app2Name)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app2.Name);

                // Create a third function app with function level auth

                Utilities.Log("Creating another function app " + app3Name + " in resource group " + rgName + " with function level auth...");
                IFunctionApp app3 = azure.AppServices.FunctionApps.Define(app3Name)

                Utilities.Log("Created function app " + app3.Name);

                // Deploy to app 1 through Git

                Utilities.Log("Deploying a local function app to " + app1Name + " through Git...");

                IPublishingProfile profile = app1.GetPublishingProfile();
                Utilities.DeployByGit(profile, "square-function-app-admin-auth");

                // warm up
                Utilities.Log("Warming up " + app1Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app1Url + "/api/square", "625");
                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + app1Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.Log("Square of 625 is " + Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app1Url + "/api/square?code=" + app1.GetMasterKey(), "625"));

                // Deploy to app 2 through Git

                Utilities.Log("Deploying a local function app to " + app2Name + " through Git...");

                profile = app2.GetPublishingProfile();
                Utilities.DeployByGit(profile, "square-function-app-function-auth");

                Utilities.Log("Deployment to function app " + app2.Name + " completed");

                string functionKey = app2.ListFunctionKeys("square").Values.First();

                // warm up
                Utilities.Log("Warming up " + app2Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app2Url + "/api/square", "725");
                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + app2Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.Log("Square of 725 is " + Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app2Url + "/api/square?code=" + functionKey, "725"));

                Utilities.Log("Adding a new key to function app " + app2.Name + "...");

                var newKey = app2.AddFunctionKey("square", "newkey", null);

                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + app2Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.Log("Square of 825 is " + Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app2Url + "/api/square?code=" + newKey.Value, "825"));

                // Deploy to app 3 through web deploy

                Utilities.Log("Deploying a local function app to " + app3Name + " throuh web deploy...");


                Utilities.Log("Deployment to function app " + app3.Name + " completed");

                Utilities.Log("Adding a new key to function app " + app3.Name + "...");
                app3.AddFunctionKey("square", "newkey", "mysecretkey");

                // warm up
                Utilities.Log("Warming up " + app3Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app3Url + "/api/square", "925");
                Utilities.Log("CURLing " + app3Url + "/api/square...");
                Utilities.Log("Square of 925 is " + Utilities.PostAddress("http://" + app3Url + "/api/square?code=mysecretkey", "925"));
                    Utilities.Log("Deleting Resource Group: " + rgName);
                    Utilities.Log("Deleted Resource Group: " + rgName);
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    Utilities.Log("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");
                catch (Exception g)