/// <summary>
        /// Toggle the playback state of the media source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private async void TogglePlaybackState(bool?overridenState = null)
            if (Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess)
                await m_lock.WaitAsync();

                    m_frameSourceIsStreaming = overridenState ?? !m_frameSourceIsStreaming;

                    if (m_frameSourceIsStreaming)
                        // Start frame source, update button to pause button
                        await m_frameSource?.StartAsync();

                        UIPlayButton.Icon  = new SymbolIcon(Symbol.Pause);
                        UIPlayButton.Label = "Pause";
                        // Stop frame source, update button to play button
                        await m_frameSource?.StopAsync();

                        UIPlayButton.Icon  = new SymbolIcon(Symbol.Play);
                        UIPlayButton.Label = "Play";
                await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => TogglePlaybackState(overridenState));
        /// <summary>
        /// Triggers when a skill execution device is selected from the UI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private async void UISkillExecutionDevices_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            var selectedDevice = m_availableExecutionDevices[UISkillExecutionDevices.SelectedIndex];
            await m_lock.WaitAsync();

                await InitializeObjectDetectorAsync(selectedDevice);
            if (m_frameSource != null)
                await m_frameSource.StartAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure an IFrameSource from a StorageFile or MediaCapture instance to produce optionally a specified format of frame
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="inputImageDescriptor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task ConfigureFrameSourceAsync(object source, ISkillFeatureImageDescriptor inputImageDescriptor = null)
            await m_lock.WaitAsync();

                // Reset bitmap rendering component
                UIProcessedPreview.Source = null;
                m_renderTargetFrame       = null;
                m_processedBitmapSource   = new SoftwareBitmapSource();
                UIProcessedPreview.Source = m_processedBitmapSource;

                // Clean up previous frame source
                if (m_frameSource != null)
                    m_frameSource.FrameArrived -= FrameSource_FrameAvailable;
                    var disposableFrameSource = m_frameSource as IDisposable;
                    if (disposableFrameSource != null)
                        // Lock disposal based on frame source consumers

                // Create new frame source and register a callback if the source fails along the way
                m_frameSource = await FrameSourceFactory.CreateFrameSourceAsync(
                    (sender, message) =>

                // TODO: Workaround for a bug in ObjectDetectorBinding when binding consecutively VideoFrames with Direct3DSurface and SoftwareBitmap
                await m_skillWrappers[0].InitializeSkillAsync(m_skillWrappers[0].Skill.Device);

                // Set additional input features as exposed in the UI
                await m_skillWrappers[0].Binding["InputObjectKindFilterList"].SetFeatureValueAsync(m_objectKindFilterList);
                await m_skillWrappers[0].Binding["InputConfidenceThreshold"].SetFeatureValueAsync((float)UIConfidenceThresholdControl.Value);

            // If we obtained a valid frame source, start it
            if (m_frameSource != null)
                m_frameSource.FrameArrived += FrameSource_FrameAvailable;
                await m_frameSource.StartAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure an IFrameSource from a StorageFile or MediaCapture instance to produce optionally a specified format of frame
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="inputImageDescriptor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task ConfigureFrameSourceAsync(object source, ISkillFeatureImageDescriptor inputImageDescriptor = null)
            await m_lock.WaitAsync();

                // Reset bitmap rendering component
                UIProcessedPreview.Source = null;
                m_renderTargetFrame       = null;
                m_processedBitmapSource   = new SoftwareBitmapSource();
                UIProcessedPreview.Source = m_processedBitmapSource;

                // Clean up previous frame source
                if (m_frameSource != null)
                    m_frameSource.FrameArrived -= FrameSource_FrameAvailable;
                    var disposableFrameSource = m_frameSource as IDisposable;
                    if (disposableFrameSource != null)
                        // Lock disposal based on frame source consumers

                // Create new frame source and register a callback if the source fails along the way
                m_frameSource = await FrameSourceFactory.CreateFrameSourceAsync(
                    (sender, message) =>

                // Clear existing trackers
                m_frameCounter = 0;

            // If we obtained a valid frame source, start it
            if (m_frameSource != null)
                m_frameSource.FrameArrived += FrameSource_FrameAvailable;
                await m_frameSource.StartAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure an IFrameSource from a StorageFile or MediaCapture instance to produce optionally a specified format of frame
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="inputImageDescriptor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task ConfigureFrameSourceAsync(object source, ISkillFeatureImageDescriptor inputImageDescriptor = null)
            await m_lock.WaitAsync();

                // Reset bitmap rendering component
                UIProcessedPreview.Source = null;
                m_renderTargetFrame       = null;
                m_processedBitmapSource   = new SoftwareBitmapSource();
                UIProcessedPreview.Source = m_processedBitmapSource;

                // Clean up previous frame source
                if (m_frameSource != null)
                    m_frameSource.FrameArrived -= FrameSource_FrameAvailable;
                    var disposableFrameSource = m_frameSource as IDisposable;
                    if (disposableFrameSource != null)
                        // Lock disposal based on frame source consumers

                // Create new frame source and register a callback if the source fails along the way
                m_frameSource = await FrameSourceFactory.CreateFrameSourceAsync(
                    (sender, message) =>

                // TODO: Workaround for a bug in ObjectDetectorBinding when binding consecutively VideoFrames with Direct3DSurface and SoftwareBitmap
                m_binding = await m_skill.CreateSkillBindingAsync() as ObjectDetectorBinding;

            // If we obtained a valid frame source, start it
            if (m_frameSource != null)
                m_frameSource.FrameArrived += FrameSource_FrameAvailable;
                await m_frameSource.StartAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure an IFrameSource from a StorageFile or MediaCapture instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task ConfigureFrameSourceAsync(object source)
            await m_lock.WaitAsync();

                // Reset bitmap rendering component
                UIImageViewer.Source     = null;
                m_processedBitmapSource  = new SoftwareBitmapSource();
                UIImageViewer.Source     = m_processedBitmapSource;
                m_bodyRenderer.IsVisible = false;

                // Clean up previous frame source
                if (m_frameSource != null)
                    m_frameSource.FrameArrived -= FrameSource_FrameAvailable;
                    var disposableFrameSource = m_frameSource as IDisposable;
                    if (disposableFrameSource != null)
                        // Lock disposal based on frame source consumers

                // Create new frame source and register a callback if the source fails along the way
                m_frameSource = await FrameSourceFactory.CreateFrameSourceAsync(source, (sender, message) =>

            // If we obtained a valid frame source, start it
            if (m_frameSource != null)
                m_frameSource.FrameArrived += FrameSource_FrameAvailable;
                await m_frameSource.StartAsync();