        // This fills the list of textures, depending on the selected texture set
        private void FillImagesList(string selectflat)
            // Get the selected texture set
            IFilledTextureSet set = (selectedset.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);

            // Start adding

            // Add all used flats
            foreach (ImageData img in set.Flats)
                if (img.UsedInMap)
                    browser.Add(img.Name, img, img, usedgroup);

            // Add all available flats
            foreach (ImageData img in set.Flats)
                browser.Add(img.Name, img, img, availgroup);

            // Done adding
        private TreeNode FindTextureByLongName(TreeNode node, long longname)
            //first search in child nodes

            foreach (TreeNode n in node.Nodes)
                TreeNode match = FindTextureByLongName(n, longname);
                if (match != null)

            //then - in current node
            IFilledTextureSet set = (node.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);

            foreach (ImageData img in (browseflats ? set.Flats : set.Textures))
                if (img.LongName == longname)

        // This fills the list of textures, depending on the selected texture set
        private void FillImagesList()
            // Get the selected texture set
            IFilledTextureSet set = (selectedset.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);

            // Start adding

            // Add all available textures and mark the images for temporary loading
            foreach (ImageData img in set.Textures)
                browser.Add(img.Name, img, img, availgroup);

            // Add all used textures and mark the images for permanent loading
            foreach (ImageData img in set.Textures)
                if (img.UsedInMap)
                    browser.Add(img.Name, img, img, usedgroup);

            // Done adding
        // This fills the list of textures, depending on the selected texture set
        private void FillImagesList()
            //mxd. Show root items
            if (selectedset == null)

            // Get the selected texture set
            IFilledTextureSet set = ((TreeNodeData)selectedset.Tag).Set;

            // Start adding

            //mxd. Add "Browse up" item
            if (selectedset.Parent != null)
                TreeNodeData data = (TreeNodeData)selectedset.Parent.Tag;
                browser.AddFolder(ImageBrowserItemType.FOLDER_UP, data.FolderName);
                browser.AddFolder(ImageBrowserItemType.FOLDER_UP, "All Texture Sets");

            //mxd. Add folders
            foreach (TreeNode child in selectedset.Nodes)
                TreeNodeData data = (TreeNodeData)child.Tag;
                browser.AddFolder(ImageBrowserItemType.FOLDER, data.FolderName);

            // Add textures
            if (browseflats)
                // Add all available flats
                foreach (ImageData img in set.Flats)
                // Add all available textures
                foreach (ImageData img in set.Textures)

            browser.MakeTexturesUnique();             // biwa

            // Done adding
        // Constructor
        public FlatBrowserForm(string selecttexture)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            ListViewItem item;
            bool         foundselecttexture = false;
            long         longname           = Lump.MakeLongName(selecttexture ?? "");

            // Initialize

            // Update the used textures

            // Resize columns to maximize available width
            countcolumn.Width = COLUMN_WIDTH_COUNT;
            namecolumn.Width  = texturesets.ClientRectangle.Width - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth - countcolumn.Width - 2;

            // Fill texture sets list with normal texture sets
            foreach (IFilledTextureSet ts in General.Map.Data.TextureSets)
                item            = texturesets.Items.Add(ts.Name);
                item.Tag        = ts;
                item.ImageIndex = 0;
                item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
                item.SubItems.Add(ts.Textures.Count.ToString(), item.ForeColor,
                                  item.BackColor, new Font(item.Font, FontStyle.Regular));

            // Add container-specific texture sets
            foreach (ResourceTextureSet ts in General.Map.Data.ResourceTextureSets)
                item            = texturesets.Items.Add(ts.Name);
                item.Tag        = ts;
                item.ImageIndex = 2 + ts.Location.type;
                item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
                item.SubItems.Add(ts.Textures.Count.ToString(), item.ForeColor,
                                  item.BackColor, new Font(item.Font, FontStyle.Regular));

            // Add All textures set
            item            = texturesets.Items.Add(General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Name);
            item.Tag        = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet;
            item.ImageIndex = 1;
            item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
                              item.ForeColor, item.BackColor, new Font(item.Font, FontStyle.Regular));

            // Select the last one that was selected
            string selectname = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.textureset", "");

            foreach (ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
                if (i.Text == selectname)
                    IFilledTextureSet set = (i.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
                    foreach (ImageData img in set.Textures)
                        if (img.LongName == longname)
                            i.Selected         = true;
                            foundselecttexture = true;

            // If the selected texture was not found in the last-selected set, try finding it in the other sets
            if (!foundselecttexture)
                foreach (ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
                    IFilledTextureSet set = (i.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
                    foreach (ImageData img in set.Textures)
                        if (img.LongName == longname)
                            i.Selected         = true;
                            foundselecttexture = true;

            // Texture still now found? Then just select the last used set
            if (!foundselecttexture)
                foreach (ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
                    if (i.Text == selectname)
                        i.Selected         = true;
                        foundselecttexture = true;

            // WARNING: Some strange behavior of the listview here!
            // When you leave this line out, the list becomes very slow.
            // Also, this does not change the item selected previously.
            texturesets.Items[0].Selected = true;

            // Texture to select when list is filled
            selecttextureonfill = selecttexture;

            // Make groups
            usedgroup  = browser.AddGroup("Used Textures");
            availgroup = browser.AddGroup("Available Textures");

            // Keep last position and size
            lastposition = this.Location;
            lastsize     = this.Size;

            // Position window from configuration settings

             * this.Location = new Point(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.positionx", this.Location.X),
             *                                                General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.positiony", this.Location.Y));
            this.Size = new Size(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.sizewidth", this.Size.Width),
                                 General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.sizeheight", this.Size.Height));
            this.WindowState = (FormWindowState)General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.windowstate", (int)FormWindowState.Normal);
            if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
                this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
        private readonly bool browseflats; //mxd

        // Constructor
        public TextureBrowserForm(string selecttexture, bool nbrowseflats)
            bStillLoading = true;

            browseflats = nbrowseflats;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            bool foundselecttexture = false;
            long longname = Lump.MakeLongName(selecttexture ?? "");

            // Initialize

            // Update the used textures

            // Resize columns to maximize available width
            countcolumn.Width = COLUMN_WIDTH_COUNT;
            namecolumn.Width = texturesets.ClientRectangle.Width - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth - countcolumn.Width - 2;

            if (General.Settings.ReverseTextureCategories)

            // Select the last one that was selected
            // ano - renamed this from "selectname" because there's also a "selectedname"
            // in scope and it's confusing
            string cfgTextureSet = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.textureset", "");
            bool bAllSelected = false;

            if (cfgTextureSet == "All" || cfgTextureSet == "Flats" || cfgTextureSet == "Textures")
                bAllSelected = true;

                // ano - swap flats / textures box selection as appropriate
                if (General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats && cfgTextureSet != "All")
                    cfgTextureSet = browseflats ? "Flats" : "Textures";

                // If the selected texture was not found in the last-selected set, try finding it in the other sets
                if (!foundselecttexture)
                    foreach (ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
                        IFilledTextureSet set = (i.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
                        foreach (ImageData img in set.Textures)
                            if (img.LongName == longname)
                                i.Selected = true;
                                foundselecttexture = true;
                        if (foundselecttexture) break;

                if (!foundselecttexture)
                    cfgTextureSet = "All";

            // ano - look in the last selected set for our texture
            foreach (ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
                if (i.Text == cfgTextureSet)
                    IFilledTextureSet set = (i.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
                    foreach (ImageData img in set.Textures)
                        if (img.LongName == longname)
                            i.Selected = true;
                            foundselecttexture = true;

            // If the selected texture was not found in the last-selected set, try finding it in the other sets
            if (!foundselecttexture && !bAllSelected)
                foreach (ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
                    IFilledTextureSet set = (i.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
                    foreach (ImageData img in set.Textures)
                        if (img.LongName == longname)
                            i.Selected = true;
                            foundselecttexture = true;
                    if (foundselecttexture) break;

            // Texture still now found? Then just select the last used set
            if (!foundselecttexture)
                foreach (ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
                    if (i.Text == cfgTextureSet)
                        i.Selected = true;
                        foundselecttexture = true;

            // ano - otherwise definitely select All
            if (!foundselecttexture)
                foreach (ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
                    if (i.Text == "All")
                        i.Selected = true;
                        foundselecttexture = true;

            // WARNING: Some strange behavior of the listview here!
            // When you leave this line out, the list becomes very slow.
            // Also, this does not change the item selected previously.
            texturesets.Items[0].Selected = true;

            // Texture to select when list is filled
            selecttextureonfill = selecttexture;

            // Make groups
            usedgroup = browser.AddGroup(browseflats ? "Used Flats" : "Used Textures");
            availgroup = browser.AddGroup(browseflats ? "Available Flats" : "Available Textures");

            // Keep last position and size
            lastposition = this.Location;
            lastsize = this.Size;

            // ano - rename labels if we're browsing flats
            if (browseflats)
                Text = "Browse Flats";
                browser.LabelText = "Select or enter a flat name:";

            // Position window from configuration settings

			this.Location = new Point(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.positionx", this.Location.X),
									  General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.positiony", this.Location.Y));
            this.Size = new Size(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.sizewidth", this.Size.Width),
                                 General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.sizeheight", this.Size.Height));
            this.WindowState = (FormWindowState)General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.windowstate", (int)FormWindowState.Normal);
            if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
            bStillLoading = false;
        // Constructor
        public TextureBrowserForm(string selecttexture, bool browseflats)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            General.Interface.DisableProcessing(); //mxd

            TreeNode item;                         //mxd
            long     longname = Lump.MakeLongName(selecttexture ?? "");

            longname = (browseflats ? General.Map.Data.GetFullLongFlatName(longname) : General.Map.Data.GetFullLongTextureName(longname)); //mxd
            int count;                                                                                                                     //mxd

            selectedset      = null;                                                                                                       //mxd
            this.browseflats = browseflats;                                                                                                //mxd

            // Initialize

            //mxd. Set title
            string imagetype = (browseflats ? "flats" : "textures");

            this.Text = "Browse " + imagetype;

            // Setup texture browser
            ImageBrowserControl.ShowTexturesFromSubDirectories = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.showtexturesfromsubdirs", true);
            ImageBrowserControl.UseLongTextureNames            = General.Map.Options.UseLongTextureNames;
            browser.BrowseFlats = browseflats;

            // Update the used textures

            tvTextureSets.BeginUpdate();             //mxd

            //mxd. Texture longname to select when list is filled
            selecttextureonfill = longname;

            // Make groups
            usedgroup  = browser.AddGroup("Used " + imagetype + ":");
            availgroup = browser.AddGroup("Available " + imagetype + ":");

            //mxd. Make "Used" group collapsible
            usedgroupcollapsed = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.usedgroupcollapsed", false);
            browser.SetGroupCollapsed(usedgroup, usedgroupcollapsed);

            //mxd. Fill texture sets list with normal texture sets
            foreach (IFilledTextureSet ts in General.Map.Data.TextureSets)
                count = (browseflats ? ts.Flats.Count : ts.Textures.Count);
                if ((count == 0 && !General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats) || (ts.Flats.Count == 0 && ts.Textures.Count == 0))

                item            = tvTextureSets.Nodes.Add(ts.Name + " [" + count + "]");
                item.Name       = ts.Name;
                item.Tag        = ts;
                item.ImageIndex = 0;

            //mxd. Add container-specific texture sets
            foreach (ResourceTextureSet ts in General.Map.Data.ResourceTextureSets)
                count = (browseflats ? ts.Flats.Count : ts.Textures.Count);
                if ((count == 0 && !General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats) || (ts.Flats.Count == 0 && ts.Textures.Count == 0))

                item                    = tvTextureSets.Nodes.Add(ts.Name + " [" + count + "]");
                item.Name               = ts.Name;
                item.Tag                = ts;
                item.ImageIndex         = 2 + ts.Location.type;
                item.SelectedImageIndex = item.ImageIndex;


            //mxd. Add "All" texture set
            count                   = (browseflats ? General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Flats.Count : General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Textures.Count);
            item                    = tvTextureSets.Nodes.Add(General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Name + " [" + count + "]");
            item.Name               = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Name;
            item.Tag                = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet;
            item.ImageIndex         = 1;
            item.SelectedImageIndex = item.ImageIndex;

            //mxd. Should we bother finding the correct texture set?
            if (General.Settings.LocateTextureGroup)
                //mxd. Get the previously selected texture set
                string   prevtextureset = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.textureset", "");
                TreeNode match;

                // When texture set name is empty, select "All" texture set
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prevtextureset))
                    match = tvTextureSets.Nodes[tvTextureSets.Nodes.Count - 1];
                    match = FindNodeByName(tvTextureSets.Nodes, prevtextureset);

                if (match != null)
                    IFilledTextureSet set = (match.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
                    foreach (ImageData img in (browseflats ? set.Flats : set.Textures))
                        if (img.LongName == longname)
                            selectedset = match;

                //mxd. If the selected texture was not found in the last-selected set, try finding it in the other sets
                if (selectedset == null && selecttexture != "-")
                    foreach (TreeNode n in tvTextureSets.Nodes)
                        selectedset = FindTextureByLongName(n, longname);
                        if (selectedset != null)

                //mxd. Texture still not found? Then just select the last used set
                if (selectedset == null && match != null)
                    selectedset = match;

            //mxd. Select the found set or "All", if none were found
            if (tvTextureSets.Nodes.Count > 0)
                if (selectedset == null)
                    selectedset = tvTextureSets.Nodes[tvTextureSets.Nodes.Count - 1];

            tvTextureSets.EndUpdate();            //mxd

            // Keep last position and size
            lastposition = this.Location;
            lastsize     = this.Size;


            // Position window from configuration settings
            this.Size = new Size(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.sizewidth", this.Size.Width),
                                 General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.sizeheight", this.Size.Height));
            this.WindowState = (FormWindowState)General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.windowstate", (int)FormWindowState.Normal);

            if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
                Point location = new Point(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.positionx", int.MaxValue), General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.positiony", int.MaxValue));
                if (location.X < int.MaxValue && location.Y < int.MaxValue)
                    this.Location = location;
                    this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;


            //mxd. Set splitter position and state (doesn't work when layout is suspended)
            if (General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.splittercollapsed", false))
                splitter.IsCollapsed = true;

            //mxd. Looks like SplitterDistance is unaffected by DPI scaling. Let's fix that...
            int splitterdistance = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.splitterdistance", int.MinValue);

            if (splitterdistance == int.MinValue)
                splitterdistance = 210;
                if (MainForm.DPIScaler.Width != 1.0f)
                    splitterdistance = (int)Math.Round(splitterdistance * MainForm.DPIScaler.Width);

            splitter.SplitPosition = splitterdistance;
        private readonly bool browseflats; //mxd

        // Constructor
        public TextureBrowserForm(string selecttexture, bool nbrowseflats)
            bStillLoading = true;

            browseflats = nbrowseflats;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            ListViewItem item;
            bool foundselecttexture = false;
            long longname = Lump.MakeLongName(selecttexture ?? "");

            // Initialize

            // Update the used textures

            // Resize columns to maximize available width
            countcolumn.Width = COLUMN_WIDTH_COUNT;
            namecolumn.Width = texturesets.ClientRectangle.Width - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth - countcolumn.Width - 2;

            // Fill texture sets list with normal texture sets
            foreach (IFilledTextureSet ts in General.Map.Data.TextureSets)
                int textureCount;
                if (General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats)
                    textureCount = ts.Flats.Count + ts.Textures.Count;
                else if (browseflats)
                    textureCount = ts.Flats.Count;
                    textureCount = ts.Textures.Count;

                // ano - hide empty texturesets
                if (textureCount > 0)
                    item = texturesets.Items.Add(ts.Name);
                    item.Tag = ts;
                    item.ImageIndex = 0;
                    item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
                    item.SubItems.Add(textureCount.ToString(), item.ForeColor,
                            item.BackColor, new Font(item.Font, FontStyle.Regular));

            // Add container-specific texture sets
            foreach (ResourceTextureSet ts in General.Map.Data.ResourceTextureSets)
                int textureCount;
                if (General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats)
                    textureCount = ts.Flats.Count + ts.Textures.Count;
                else if (browseflats)
                    textureCount = ts.Flats.Count;
                    textureCount = ts.Textures.Count;

                item = texturesets.Items.Add(ts.Name);
                item.Tag = ts;
                item.ImageIndex = 2 + ts.Location.type;
                item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
                item.SubItems.Add(textureCount.ToString(), item.ForeColor,
                        item.BackColor, new Font(item.Font, FontStyle.Regular));

            // Add All textures set
                int textureCount;
                if (General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats)
                    textureCount = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Flats.Count + General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Textures.Count;
                else if (browseflats)
                    textureCount = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Flats.Count;
                    textureCount = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Textures.Count;

                item = texturesets.Items.Add(General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Name);
                item.Tag = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet;
                item.ImageIndex = 1;
                item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
                    item.ForeColor, item.BackColor, new Font(item.Font, FontStyle.Regular));

            if (General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats)
                if (General.Map.Data.WallsTextureSet != null)
                    // Add all Textures-only set
                    int textureCount;
                    textureCount = General.Map.Data.WallsTextureSet.Textures.Count;

                    item = texturesets.Items.Add(General.Map.Data.WallsTextureSet.Name);
                    item.Tag = General.Map.Data.WallsTextureSet;
                    item.ImageIndex = 1;
                    item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
                        item.ForeColor, item.BackColor, new Font(item.Font, FontStyle.Regular));
                else if (browseflats && General.Map.Data.FlatsTextureSet != null)
                    // Add All flats-only set
                    int textureCount;
                    textureCount = General.Map.Data.FlatsTextureSet.Textures.Count;

                    item = texturesets.Items.Add(General.Map.Data.FlatsTextureSet.Name);
                    item.Tag = General.Map.Data.FlatsTextureSet;
                    item.ImageIndex = 1;
                    item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;
                        item.ForeColor, item.BackColor, new Font(item.Font, FontStyle.Regular));

            // Select the last one that was selected
            // ano - renamed this from "selectname" because there's also a "selectedname"
            // in scope and it's confusing
            string cfgTextureSet = General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.textureset", "");

            // ano - select flats box if we're on a mixflats/textures cfg and we're looking in "All"
            if (!foundselecttexture && General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats && cfgTextureSet == "All")
                cfgTextureSet = browseflats ? "Textures" : "Flats";

            foreach (ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
				if(i.Text == cfgTextureSet)
					IFilledTextureSet set = (i.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
					foreach(ImageData img in set.Textures)
						if(img.LongName == longname)
							i.Selected = true;
							foundselecttexture = true;
			// If the selected texture was not found in the last-selected set, try finding it in the other sets
				foreach(ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
					IFilledTextureSet set = (i.Tag as IFilledTextureSet);
					foreach(ImageData img in set.Textures)
						if(img.LongName == longname)
							i.Selected = true;
							foundselecttexture = true;
					if(foundselecttexture) break;
			// Texture still now found? Then just select the last used set
				foreach(ListViewItem i in texturesets.Items)
					if(i.Text == cfgTextureSet)
						i.Selected = true;
						foundselecttexture = true;

			// WARNING: Some strange behavior of the listview here!
			// When you leave this line out, the list becomes very slow.
			// Also, this does not change the item selected previously.
			texturesets.Items[0].Selected = true;

			// Texture to select when list is filled
			selecttextureonfill = selecttexture;
			// Make groups
			usedgroup = browser.AddGroup(browseflats ? "Used Flats" : "Used Textures");
			availgroup = browser.AddGroup(browseflats ? "Available Flats" : "Available Textures");
			// Keep last position and size
			lastposition = this.Location;
			lastsize = this.Size;

            // ano - rename labels if we're browsing flats
            if (browseflats)
                Text = "Browse Flats";
                browser.LabelText = "Select or enter a flat name:";

            // Position window from configuration settings

			this.Location = new Point(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.positionx", this.Location.X),
									  General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.positiony", this.Location.Y));
            this.Size = new Size(General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.sizewidth", this.Size.Width),
								 General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.sizeheight", this.Size.Height));
			this.WindowState = (FormWindowState)General.Settings.ReadSetting("browserwindow.windowstate", (int)FormWindowState.Normal);
			if(this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
            bStillLoading = false;
        // Constructor
        public TextureBrowserForm(string selecttexture, bool browseflats)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            General.Interface.DisableProcessing(); //mxd

            TreeNode item;                         //mxd
            long     longname = Lump.MakeLongName(selecttexture ?? "");

            // [ZZ] check if this name is even ok.
            if (browseflats && General.Map.Data.GetFlatImage(longname) == General.Map.Data.UnknownImage)
                longname = Lump.MakeLongName("");
            longname = (browseflats ? General.Map.Data.GetFullLongFlatName(longname) : General.Map.Data.GetFullLongTextureName(longname)); //mxd
            int count;                                                                                                                     //mxd

            selectedset      = null;                                                                                                       //mxd
            this.browseflats = browseflats;                                                                                                //mxd

            // Initialize

            //mxd. Set titles
            string imagetype = (browseflats ? "flats" : "textures");

            this.Text           = "Browse " + imagetype;
            browser.ElementName = imagetype;

            // Setup texture browser
            browser.ApplySettings("windows." + configname, browseflats);

            // Update the used textures

            tvTextureSets.BeginUpdate();             //mxd

            //mxd. Texture longname to select when list is filled
            selecttextureonfill = longname;

            //mxd. Fill texture sets list with normal texture sets
            foreach (IFilledTextureSet ts in General.Map.Data.TextureSets)
                count = (browseflats ? ts.Flats.Count : ts.Textures.Count);
                if ((count == 0 && !General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats) || (ts.Flats.Count == 0 && ts.Textures.Count == 0))

                item      = tvTextureSets.Nodes.Add(ts.Name + " [" + count + "]");
                item.Name = ts.Name;
                item.Tag  = new TreeNodeData {
                    Set = ts, FolderName = ts.Name
                item.ImageIndex = 0;

            //mxd. Add container-specific texture sets
            foreach (ResourceTextureSet ts in General.Map.Data.ResourceTextureSets)
                count = (browseflats ? ts.Flats.Count : ts.Textures.Count);
                if ((count == 0 && !General.Map.Config.MixTexturesFlats) || (ts.Flats.Count == 0 && ts.Textures.Count == 0))

                item      = tvTextureSets.Nodes.Add(ts.Name);
                item.Name = ts.Name;
                item.Tag  = new TreeNodeData {
                    Set = ts, FolderName = ts.Name
                item.ImageIndex         = 2 + ts.Location.type;
                item.SelectedImageIndex = item.ImageIndex;


            //mxd. Add "All" texture set
            count     = (browseflats ? General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Flats.Count : General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Textures.Count);
            item      = tvTextureSets.Nodes.Add(General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Name + " [" + count + "]");
            item.Name = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Name;
            item.Tag  = new TreeNodeData {
                Set = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet, FolderName = General.Map.Data.AllTextureSet.Name
            item.ImageIndex         = 1;
            item.SelectedImageIndex = item.ImageIndex;

            //mxd. Should we bother finding the correct texture set?
            if (General.Settings.LocateTextureGroup)
                //mxd. Get the previously selected texture set
                string   prevtextureset = General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".textureset", "");
                TreeNode match;

                // When texture set name is empty, select "All" texture set
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prevtextureset))
                    match = tvTextureSets.Nodes[tvTextureSets.Nodes.Count - 1];
                    match = FindNodeByName(tvTextureSets.Nodes, prevtextureset);

                if (match != null)
                    IFilledTextureSet set = ((TreeNodeData)match.Tag).Set;
                    foreach (ImageData img in (browseflats ? set.Flats : set.Textures))
                        if (img.LongName == longname)
                            selectedset = match;

                //mxd. If the selected texture was not found in the last-selected set, try finding it in the other sets
                if (selectedset == null && selecttexture != "-")
                    foreach (TreeNode n in tvTextureSets.Nodes)
                        selectedset = FindTextureByLongName(n, longname);
                        if (selectedset != null)

                //mxd. Texture still not found? Then just select the last used set
                if (selectedset == null && match != null)
                    selectedset = match;

            //mxd. Select the found set or "All", if none were found
            if (tvTextureSets.Nodes.Count > 0)
                if (selectedset == null)
                    selectedset = tvTextureSets.Nodes[tvTextureSets.Nodes.Count - 1];

            tvTextureSets.EndUpdate();             //mxd

            //mxd. Set splitter position and state (doesn't work when layout is suspended)
            if (General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".splittercollapsed", false))
                splitter.IsCollapsed = true;

            //mxd. Looks like SplitterDistance is unaffected by DPI scaling. Let's fix that...
            int splitterdistance = General.Settings.ReadSetting("windows." + configname + ".splitterdistance", int.MinValue);

            if (splitterdistance == int.MinValue)
                splitterdistance = 210;
                if (MainForm.DPIScaler.Width != 1.0f)
                    splitterdistance = (int)Math.Round(splitterdistance * MainForm.DPIScaler.Width);

            splitter.SplitPosition = splitterdistance;