public static void Execute(IFeatureClass featureClass, String indexName, String nameOfField)
            // Ensure the feature class contains the specified field.
            int fieldIndex = featureClass.FindField(nameOfField);

            if (fieldIndex == -1)
                throw new ArgumentException("The specified field does not exist in the feature class.");

            // Get the specified field from the feature class.
            IFields featureClassFields = featureClass.Fields;
            IField  field = featureClassFields.get_Field(fieldIndex);

            // Create a fields collection and add the specified field to it.
            IFields     fields     = new FieldsClass();
            IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit = (IFieldsEdit)fields;

            fieldsEdit.FieldCount_2 = 1;
            fieldsEdit.set_Field(0, field);

            // Create an index and cast to the IIndexEdit interface.
            IIndex     index     = new IndexClass();
            IIndexEdit indexEdit = (IIndexEdit)index;

            // Set the index's properties, including the associated fields.
            indexEdit.Fields_2      = fields;
            indexEdit.IsAscending_2 = false;
            indexEdit.IsUnique_2    = false;
            indexEdit.Name_2        = indexName;

            // Add the index to the feature class.
        public static void createSpatialIndex(IFeatureClass fc, double gridOneSize = 0.0, double gridTwoSize = 0.0, double gridThreeSize = 0.0)
            String shapeFieldName = fc.ShapeFieldName;

            // Clone the shape field from the feature class.
            int     shapeFieldIndex  = fc.FindField(shapeFieldName);
            IFields fields           = fc.Fields;
            IField  sourceField      = fields.get_Field(shapeFieldIndex);
            IClone  sourceFieldClone = (IClone)sourceField;
            IClone  targetFieldClone = sourceFieldClone.Clone();
            IField  targetField      = (IField)targetFieldClone;

            // Open the geometry definition from the cloned field and modify it.
            IGeometryDef     geometryDef     = targetField.GeometryDef;
            IGeometryDefEdit geometryDefEdit = (IGeometryDefEdit)geometryDef;

            if (gridTwoSize > 0.0)
                geometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 1;
                geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(0, gridOneSize);
            if (gridTwoSize > 0.0)
                geometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 2;
                geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(1, gridTwoSize);
            if (gridThreeSize > 0.0)
                geometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 3;
                geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(2, gridThreeSize);

            // Create a spatial index and set the required attributes.
            IIndex     newIndex     = new IndexClass();
            IIndexEdit newIndexEdit = (IIndexEdit)newIndex;

            newIndexEdit.Name_2 = shapeFieldName + "_Indx";

            // Create a fields collection and assign it to the new index.
            IFields     newIndexFields     = new FieldsClass();
            IFieldsEdit newIndexFieldsEdit = (IFieldsEdit)newIndexFields;

            newIndexEdit.Fields_2 = newIndexFields;

            // Add the spatial index back into the feature class.
        // CHANGED: CR13 (Export features performance)
        // Add a new attribute index to a feature class.
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an attribute index to a field in a feature class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="featureClass">The feature class.</param>
        /// <param name="indexName">Name of the index.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldName">Name of the field.</param>
        public void AddFieldIndex(IFeatureClass featureClass, String indexName, String fieldName)
            // Ensure the feature class contains the specified field.
            int fieldIndex = featureClass.FindField(fieldName);
            if (fieldIndex == -1)

            // Get the specified field from the feature class.
            IFields featureClassFields = featureClass.Fields;
            IField field = featureClassFields.get_Field(fieldIndex);

            // Create a fields collection and add the specified field to it.
            IFields fields = new FieldsClass();
            IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit = (IFieldsEdit)fields;
            fieldsEdit.FieldCount_2 = 1;
            fieldsEdit.set_Field(0, field);

            //Create an index and cast to the IIndexEdit interface.
            IIndex index = new IndexClass();
            IIndexEdit indexEdit = (IIndexEdit)index;

            // Set the index's properties, including the associated fields.
            indexEdit.Fields_2 = fields;
            indexEdit.IsAscending_2 = false;
            indexEdit.IsUnique_2 = false;
            indexEdit.Name_2 = indexName;

            // Attempt to acquire an exclusive schema lock on the feature class.
            ISchemaLock schemaLock = (ISchemaLock)featureClass;
            catch (COMException comExc)
                // Handle this in a way appropriate to your application.
                Console.WriteLine("A COM Exception was thrown: {0}", comExc.Message);
        public static void createSpatialIndex(IFeatureClass fc, double gridOneSize = 0.0, double gridTwoSize = 0.0, double gridThreeSize = 0.0)
            String shapeFieldName = fc.ShapeFieldName;

            // Clone the shape field from the feature class.
            int shapeFieldIndex = fc.FindField(shapeFieldName);
            IFields fields = fc.Fields;
            IField sourceField = fields.get_Field(shapeFieldIndex);
            IClone sourceFieldClone = (IClone)sourceField;
            IClone targetFieldClone = sourceFieldClone.Clone();
            IField targetField = (IField)targetFieldClone;

            // Open the geometry definition from the cloned field and modify it.
            IGeometryDef geometryDef = targetField.GeometryDef;
            IGeometryDefEdit geometryDefEdit = (IGeometryDefEdit)geometryDef;
            if (gridTwoSize > 0.0)
                geometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 1;
                geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(0, gridOneSize);
            if (gridTwoSize > 0.0)
                geometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 2;
                geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(1, gridTwoSize);
            if (gridThreeSize > 0.0)
                geometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 3;
                geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(2, gridThreeSize);

            // Create a spatial index and set the required attributes.
            IIndex newIndex = new IndexClass();
            IIndexEdit newIndexEdit = (IIndexEdit)newIndex;
            newIndexEdit.Name_2 = shapeFieldName + "_Indx";

            // Create a fields collection and assign it to the new index.
            IFields newIndexFields = new FieldsClass();
            IFieldsEdit newIndexFieldsEdit = (IFieldsEdit)newIndexFields;
            newIndexEdit.Fields_2 = newIndexFields;

            // Add the spatial index back into the feature class.
        /// <summary>
        /// 重建要素类空间索引
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pFeatureClass"></param>
        /// <param name="gridOneSize"></param>
        /// <param name="gridTwoSize"></param>
        /// <param name="gridThreeSize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool RebuildSpatialIndex(IFeatureClass pFeatureClass, Double gridOneSize = 0, Double gridTwoSize = 0, Double gridThreeSize = 0)
            ISchemaLock pSchemaLock = pFeatureClass as ISchemaLock;

                // Get an enumerator for indexes based on the shape field.
                IIndexes   indexes        = pFeatureClass.Indexes;
                String     shapeFieldName = pFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
                IEnumIndex enumIndex      = indexes.FindIndexesByFieldName(shapeFieldName);

                // Get the index based on the shape field (should only be one) and delete it.
                IIndex index = enumIndex.Next();
                if (index != null)

                // Clone the shape field from the feature class.
                int     shapeFieldIndex  = pFeatureClass.FindField(shapeFieldName);
                IFields fields           = pFeatureClass.Fields;
                IField  sourceField      = fields.get_Field(shapeFieldIndex);
                IClone  sourceFieldClone = (IClone)sourceField;
                IClone  targetFieldClone = sourceFieldClone.Clone();
                IField  targetField      = (IField)targetFieldClone;

                // Open the geometry definition from the cloned field and modify it.
                IGeometryDef     geometryDef     = targetField.GeometryDef;
                IGeometryDefEdit geometryDefEdit = (IGeometryDefEdit)geometryDef;
                geometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 3;
                geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(0, gridOneSize);
                geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(1, gridTwoSize);
                geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(2, gridThreeSize);

                // Create a spatial index and set the required attributes.
                IIndex     newIndex     = new Index();
                IIndexEdit newIndexEdit = (IIndexEdit)newIndex;
                newIndexEdit.Name_2        = String.Concat(shapeFieldName, "_Index");
                newIndexEdit.IsAscending_2 = true;
                newIndexEdit.IsUnique_2    = false;

                // Create a fields collection and assign it to the new index.
                IFields     newIndexFields     = new Fields();
                IFieldsEdit newIndexFieldsEdit = (IFieldsEdit)newIndexFields;
                newIndexEdit.Fields_2 = newIndexFields;

                // Add the spatial index back into the feature class.
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化数据
        /// </summary>
        public void InitData(object progress1)
            ProgressBar progress = (ProgressBar)progress1;

            // MainForm.baseData.InitData(progressBar1);

            IEnumIndex pEnumIndex = zoneLCA_FC.Indexes.FindIndexesByFieldName(zidField);
            IIndex     pTemIndex  = pEnumIndex.Next();

            if (pTemIndex == null)
                IIndex      pIndex      = new IndexClass();
                IIndexEdit  pIndexEdit  = pIndex as IIndexEdit;
                IFields     pFields     = new FieldsClass();
                IFieldsEdit pFieldsEdit = pFields as IFieldsEdit;
                int         zidindex    = zoneLCA_FC.Fields.FindField(zidField);
                IField      pField      = zoneLCA_FC.Fields.Field[zidindex];
                pFieldsEdit.FieldCount_2 = 1;
                pFieldsEdit.set_Field(0, pField);

                pIndexEdit.Fields_2      = pFields;
                pIndexEdit.Name_2        = zidField;
                pIndexEdit.IsAscending_2 = true;

            IEnumIndex pEnumIndex1 = zoneLCA_FC.Indexes.FindIndexesByFieldName(codeField);
            IIndex     pTemIndex1  = pEnumIndex1.Next();

            if (pTemIndex == null)
                IIndex      pIndex      = new IndexClass();
                IIndexEdit  pIndexEdit  = pIndex as IIndexEdit;
                IFields     pFields     = new FieldsClass();
                IFieldsEdit pFieldsEdit = pFields as IFieldsEdit;
                int         codeindex   = zoneLCA_FC.Fields.FindField(codeField);
                IField      pField      = zoneLCA_FC.Fields.Field[codeindex];
                pFieldsEdit.FieldCount_2 = 1;
                pFieldsEdit.set_Field(0, pField);

                pIndexEdit.Fields_2      = pFields;
                pIndexEdit.Name_2        = codeField;
                pIndexEdit.IsAscending_2 = true;


            areaIndex      = zoneLCA_FC.FindField("Shape_Area");
            perimeterIndex = zoneLCA_FC.FindField("Shape_Length");

            if (zone_FC != null)
                areaIndex_zone      = zone_FC.FindField("Shape_Area");
                perimeterIndex_zone = zone_FC.FindField("Shape_Length");

            codeIndex = zoneLCA_FC.FindField(codeField);

            IQueryDef         pQueryDef;
            IRow              pRow;
            ICursor           pCursor;
            IWorkspace        pWorkspace;
            IFeatureWorkspace pFeatureWorkspace;
            IDataset          pDataset;

            pDataset          = zoneLCA_FC as IDataset;
            pWorkspace        = pDataset.Workspace;
            pFeatureWorkspace = pDataset.Workspace as IFeatureWorkspace;
            pQueryDef         = pFeatureWorkspace.CreateQueryDef();

            pQueryDef.SubFields = "DISTINCT(" + zidField + ")";
            pQueryDef.Tables    = pDataset.Name;
            pCursor             = pQueryDef.Evaluate();
            pRow = pCursor.NextRow();
            while (pRow != null)
                object obj = pRow.get_Value(0);
                pRow = pCursor.NextRow();
                if (progress.Value < progress.Maximum)
            //添加 分类唯一值
            pQueryDef.SubFields = "DISTINCT(" + codeField + ")";
            pQueryDef.Tables    = pDataset.Name;
            pCursor             = pQueryDef.Evaluate();
            pRow = pCursor.NextRow();
            while (pRow != null)
                object obj = pRow.get_Value(0);
                pRow = pCursor.NextRow();
                if (progress.Value < progress.Maximum)

            if (zone_FC != null)
                string objectFiled = "";
                objectFiled         = zone_FC.Fields.Field[0].Name;
                pQueryDef.SubFields = (zone_FC as IDataset).Name + "." + objectFiled;
                //pQueryDef.SubFields = pDataset.Name + "." + zidField + "," + (zone_FC as IDataset).Name + "." + zidField + "," + (zone_FC as IDataset).Name + ".OBJECTID";
                pQueryDef.Tables = (zone_FC as IDataset).Name;
                for (int i = 0; i < zoneValue.Count; i++)
                    pQueryDef.WhereClause = zidField + " = " + "'" + zoneValue[i] + "'";
                    pCursor = pQueryDef.Evaluate();
                    pRow    = pCursor.NextRow();

                    while (pRow != null)
                        object obj1 = pRow.get_Value(0);
                        //  zoneValue.Add(obj.ToString());
                        pRow = pCursor.NextRow();
                        if (progress.Value < progress.Maximum)

            string objectFiled1 = "";

            objectFiled1 = zoneLCA_FC.Fields.Field[0].Name;

            pQueryDef.SubFields = objectFiled1 + ",Shape_Area";
            pQueryDef.Tables    = pDataset.Name;

            for (int i = 0; i < zoneValue.Count; i++)
                double area = 0.0;
                pQueryDef.WhereClause = zidField + "=\'" + zoneValue[i] + "\'";
                pCursor = pQueryDef.Evaluate();
                pRow    = pCursor.NextRow();
                List <int> pids = new List <int>();
                while (pRow != null)
                    area += (double)pRow.get_Value(1);
                    pRow = pCursor.NextRow();
//                     progress.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate()
//                     {
//                         if (progress.Value < progress.Maximum)
//                         {
//                             progress.Value++;
//                         }
//                     });
                    if (progress.Value < progress.Maximum)

            for (int i = 0; i < patchIDs.Count; i++)
//                 progress.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate()
//                 {
//                     if (progress.Value < progress.Maximum)
//                     {
//                         progress.Value++;
//                     }
//                 });
                if (progress.Value < progress.Maximum)