/// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        public void CreateShape(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            // Special handling for Box representation.  We may decide to create an IFCBoundingBox class and stop this special treatment.
            if (BoundingBox != null)
                CreateBoxShape(shapeEditScope, scaledLcs);

            if (LayerAssignment != null)

            // There is an assumption here that Process() weeded out any items that are invalid for this representation.
            using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCMaterialStack stack = new IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCMaterialStack(shapeEditScope, null, LayerAssignment))
                using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCContainingRepresentationSetter repSetter = new IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCContainingRepresentationSetter(shapeEditScope, this))
                    foreach (IFCRepresentationItem representationItem in RepresentationItems)
                        representationItem.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);
        /// <summary>
        /// Return geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="unscaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        /// <returns>Zero or more created geometries.</returns>
        protected override IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometryInternal(
            IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform unscaledLcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            Transform unscaledSweptDiskPosition = (unscaledLcs == null) ? Transform.Identity : unscaledLcs;
            Transform scaledSweptDiskPosition   = (scaledLcs == null) ? Transform.Identity : scaledLcs;

            CurveLoop trimmedDirectrix = IFCGeometryUtil.TrimCurveLoop(Id, Directrix, StartParameter, EndParameter);

            if (trimmedDirectrix == null)

            CurveLoop trimmedDirectrixInWCS = IFCGeometryUtil.CreateTransformed(trimmedDirectrix, Id, unscaledSweptDiskPosition, scaledSweptDiskPosition);

            // Create the disk.
            Curve firstCurve = null;

            foreach (Curve curve in trimmedDirectrixInWCS)
                firstCurve = curve;

            double            startParam        = 0.0;
            IList <CurveLoop> profileCurveLoops = CreateProfileCurveLoopsForDirectrix(firstCurve, out startParam);

            if (profileCurveLoops == null)

            SolidOptions           solidOptions = new SolidOptions(GetMaterialElementId(shapeEditScope), shapeEditScope.GraphicsStyleId);
            IList <GeometryObject> myObjs       = new List <GeometryObject>();

                Solid sweptDiskSolid = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateSweptGeometry(trimmedDirectrixInWCS, 0, startParam, profileCurveLoops,
                if (sweptDiskSolid != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If we can't create a solid, we will attempt to split the Solid into valid pieces (that will likely have some overlap).
                if (ex.Message.Contains("self-intersections"))
                    Importer.TheLog.LogWarning(Id, "The IfcSweptDiskSolid definition does not define a valid solid, likely due to self-intersections or other such problems; the profile probably extends too far toward the inner curvature of the sweep path. Creating the minimum number of solids possible to represent the geometry.", false);
                    myObjs = SplitSweptDiskIntoValidPieces(trimmedDirectrixInWCS, profileCurveLoops, solidOptions);
                    throw ex;

        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        override protected void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (XYZPoint == null)

            XYZ transformedPoint = scaledLcs.OfPoint(XYZPoint);

            if (transformedPoint == null)

            ElementId gstyleId      = shapeEditScope.GraphicsStyleId;
            Category  pointCategory = IFCCategoryUtil.GetSubCategoryForRepresentation(shapeEditScope.Document, Id, shapeEditScope.ContainingRepresentation.Identifier);

            if (pointCategory != null)
                GraphicsStyle graphicsStyle = pointCategory.GetGraphicsStyle(GraphicsStyleType.Projection);
                if (graphicsStyle != null)
                    gstyleId = graphicsStyle.Id;

            Point point = Point.Create(transformedPoint, gstyleId);

            if (point == null)

            shapeEditScope.AddGeometry(IFCSolidInfo.Create(Id, point));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, scaledLcs, lcs, guid);

            // Ignoring Inner shells for now.
            if (Outer != null)
                    IList <GeometryObject> solids = CreateGeometry(shapeEditScope, scaledLcs, lcs, guid);
                    if (solids != null)
                        foreach (GeometryObject solid in solids)
                            shapeEditScope.AddGeometry(IFCSolidInfo.Create(Id, solid));
                        Importer.TheLog.LogError(Outer.Id, "cannot create valid solid, ignoring.", false);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Importer.TheLog.LogError(Outer.Id, ex.Message, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Check for any occurence where distance of two vertices are too narrow (within the tolerance)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityId">The integer number representing the current IFC entity Id</param>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">the shapeEditScope</param>
        /// <param name="inputVerticesList">Input list of the vertices</param>
        /// <param name="outputVerticesList">Output List of the valid vertices, i.e. not vertices that are too close to each other</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void CheckAnyDistanceVerticesWithinTolerance(int entityId, IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, IList <XYZ> inputVerticesList, out IList <XYZ> outputVerticesList)
            // Check triangle that is too narrow (2 vertices are within the tolerance
            double shortSegmentTolerance = shapeEditScope.TryToCreateSolid() ?
                                           shapeEditScope.Document.Application.ShortCurveTolerance :

            int         lastVertex = 0;
            IList <XYZ> vertList   = new List <XYZ>();

            outputVerticesList = vertList;
            for (int ii = 1; ii <= inputVerticesList.Count; ii++)
                int currIdx = (ii % inputVerticesList.Count);

                double dist = inputVerticesList[lastVertex].DistanceTo(inputVerticesList[currIdx]);
                if (dist >= shortSegmentTolerance)
                    lastVertex = currIdx;
                    string distAsString      = IFCUnitUtil.FormatLengthAsString(dist);
                    string shortDistAsString = IFCUnitUtil.FormatLengthAsString(shortSegmentTolerance);
                    string warningString     = "Distance between vertices " + lastVertex + " and " + currIdx +
                                               " is " + distAsString + ", which is less than the minimum " + (shapeEditScope.TryToCreateSolid() ? "Solid" : "Mesh") +
                                               " distance of " + shortDistAsString + ", removing second point.";

                    Importer.TheLog.LogComment(entityId, warningString, false);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the Revit elements associated with this IfcPresentationLayerAssignment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
 virtual public void Create(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope)
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name))
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the Revit elements associated with this IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
        override public void Create(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope)
            // TODO: support cut pattern id and cut pattern color.
            if (CreatedMaterialElementId != ElementId.InvalidElementId || !IsValidForCreation)


                // If the styled item or the surface style has a name, use it.
                IFCSurfaceStyle surfaceStyle = GetSurfaceStyle();
                if (surfaceStyle == null)
                    // We only handle surface styles at the moment; log file should already reflect any other unhandled styles.
                    IsValidForCreation = true;

                string forcedName = surfaceStyle.Name;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(forcedName))
                    forcedName = Name;

                CreatedMaterialElementId = surfaceStyle.Create(shapeEditScope.Document, forcedName, null, Id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                IsValidForCreation = false;
                Importer.TheLog.LogCreationError(this, ex.Message, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (shapeEditScope.BuilderType != IFCShapeBuilderType.TessellatedShapeBuilder)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Currently BrepBuilder is only used to support IFCAdvancedFace");

            base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            // we would only be in this code if we are not processing and IfcAdvancedBrep, since IfcAdvancedBrep must have IfcAdvancedFace
            if (shapeEditScope.BuilderScope == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("BuilderScope has not been initialized");
            TessellatedShapeBuilderScope tsBuilderScope = shapeEditScope.BuilderScope as TessellatedShapeBuilderScope;

            bool      addFace        = true;
            bool      canTriangulate = (Bounds.Count == 1);
            ElementId materialId     = GetMaterialElementId(shapeEditScope);

            // We can only really triangulate faces with one boundary with 4 vertices,
            // but we don't really know how many vertices the boundary has until later.
            // So this is just the first block.  Later, we can try to extend to generic
            // polygons.
            tsBuilderScope.StartCollectingFace(materialId, canTriangulate);

            foreach (IFCFaceBound faceBound in Bounds)
                faceBound.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

                // If we can't create the outer face boundary, we will abort the creation of this face.
                // In that case, return, unless we can triangulate it.
                if (!tsBuilderScope.HaveActiveFace())
                    addFace = false;

            tsBuilderScope.StopCollectingFace(addFace, false);

            IList <List <XYZ> > delayedFaceBoundaries = CreateTriangulation(tsBuilderScope.DelayedFaceBoundary);

            if (delayedFaceBoundaries != null)
                bool extraFace = false;
                foreach (List <XYZ> delayedBoundary in delayedFaceBoundaries)
                    bool addTriangulatedFace = true;
                    tsBuilderScope.StartCollectingFace(GetMaterialElementId(shapeEditScope), false);
                    if (!tsBuilderScope.AddLoopVertices(Id, delayedBoundary))
                        Importer.TheLog.LogComment(Id, "Bounded loop plane is slightly non-planar, couldn't triangulate.", false);
                        addTriangulatedFace = false;
                    tsBuilderScope.StopCollectingFace(addTriangulatedFace, extraFace);
                    extraFace = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        public void CreateShape(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            // We are not yet displaying Axis information, but do (potentially) need the Axis curve for generating material layer-based extrusions.
            if (Identifier == IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Axis)

            if (LayerAssignment != null)

            // There is an assumption here that Process() weeded out any items that are invalid for this representation.
            using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCMaterialStack stack = new IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCMaterialStack(shapeEditScope, null, LayerAssignment))
                using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCContainingRepresentationSetter repSetter = new IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCContainingRepresentationSetter(shapeEditScope, this))
                    foreach (IFCRepresentationItem representationItem in RepresentationItems)
                        using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCTargetSetter setter =
                                   new IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCTargetSetter(shapeEditScope, TessellatedShapeBuilderTarget.AnyGeometry, TessellatedShapeBuilderFallback.Mesh))
                            representationItem.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);
        /// <summary>
        /// Return geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        /// <returns>The created geometry.</returns>
        protected override IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometryInternal(
            IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            // since IFCAdvancedBrep must contain a closed shell, we set the BuildPreferenceType to be solid for now
            for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
                using (BuilderScope bs = shapeEditScope.InitializeBuilder(IFCShapeBuilderType.BrepBuilder))
                    BrepBuilderScope brepBuilderScope = bs as BrepBuilderScope;

                    BRepType brepType = (pass == 0) ? BRepType.Solid : BRepType.OpenShell;

                    Outer.AllowInvalidFace = (pass == 0);
                    Outer.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

                    IList <GeometryObject> geomObjs = null;
                    geomObjs = brepBuilderScope.CreateGeometry();

                    // We'll return only if we have geometry; otherwise we'll try again with looser validation, if we can.
                    if (geomObjs != null)
                        if (pass == 1)
                            Importer.TheLog.LogError(Id, "Some faces are missing from this Solid; reading in as an Open Shell instead.", false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (shapeEditScope.BuilderType != IFCShapeBuilderType.TessellatedShapeBuilder)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Currently BrepBuilder is only used to support IFCAdvancedFace");

            base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            // we would only be in this code if we are not processing and IfcAdvancedBrep, since IfcAdvancedBrep must have IfcAdvancedFace
            if (shapeEditScope.BuilderScope == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("BuilderScope has not been initialized");
            TessellatedShapeBuilderScope tsBuilderScope = shapeEditScope.BuilderScope as TessellatedShapeBuilderScope;


            foreach (IFCFaceBound faceBound in Bounds)
                faceBound.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

                // If we can't create the outer face boundary, we will abort the creation of this face.  In that case, return.
                if (!tsBuilderScope.HaveActiveFace())
        /// <summary>
        /// Return geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        /// <returns>The created geometry.</returns>
        /// <remarks>As this doesn't inherit from IfcSolidModel, this is a non-virtual CreateGeometry function.</remarks>
        protected IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometry(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (Shells.Count == 0)

            IList <GeometryObject> geomObjs = null;

            using (BuilderScope bs = shapeEditScope.InitializeBuilder(IFCShapeBuilderType.TessellatedShapeBuilder))
                TessellatedShapeBuilderScope tsBuilderScope = bs as TessellatedShapeBuilderScope;

                foreach (IFCConnectedFaceSet faceSet in Shells)
                    faceSet.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

                geomObjs = tsBuilderScope.CreateGeometry(guid);
            if (geomObjs == null || geomObjs.Count == 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Return geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        /// <returns>The created geometry.</returns>
        /// <remarks>As this doesn't inherit from IfcSolidModel, this is a non-virtual CreateGeometry function.</remarks>
        protected IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometry(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (Shells.Count == 0)

            using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCTargetSetter setter =
                       new IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCTargetSetter(shapeEditScope, TessellatedShapeBuilderTarget.AnyGeometry, TessellatedShapeBuilderFallback.Mesh))

                foreach (IFCConnectedFaceSet faceSet in Shells)
                    faceSet.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

                IList <GeometryObject> geomObjs = shapeEditScope.CreateGeometry(guid);
                if (geomObjs == null || geomObjs.Count == 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Return geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        /// <returns>The created geometry.</returns>
        protected override IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometryInternal(
            IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (Outer == null || Outer.Faces.Count == 0)

            Tuple <IList <GeometryObject>, bool> faceInfo = CollectFaces(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            IList <GeometryObject> geomObjs = faceInfo.Item1;

            if (geomObjs == null || geomObjs.Count == 0)
                if (faceInfo.Item2) // canRevertToMesh
                    using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.BuildPreferenceSetter setter =
                               new IFCImportShapeEditScope.BuildPreferenceSetter(shapeEditScope, IFCImportShapeEditScope.BuildPreferenceType.AnyMesh))
                        faceInfo = CollectFaces(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);
                        geomObjs = faceInfo.Item1;

            if (geomObjs == null || geomObjs.Count == 0)
                // Couldn't use fallback, or fallback didn't work.
                Importer.TheLog.LogWarning(Id, "Couldn't create any geometry.", false);

        private Tuple <IList <GeometryObject>, bool> CollectFaces(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope,
                                                                  Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            using (BuilderScope bs = shapeEditScope.InitializeBuilder(IFCShapeBuilderType.TessellatedShapeBuilder))
                TessellatedShapeBuilderScope tsBuilderScope = bs as TessellatedShapeBuilderScope;

                Outer.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

                IList <GeometryObject> geomObjs = null;
                bool canRevertToMesh            = tsBuilderScope.CanRevertToMesh();

                int numCreatedFaces  = tsBuilderScope.CreatedFacesCount;
                int numExpectedFaces = Outer.Faces.Count;

                if (numCreatedFaces == numExpectedFaces || (!canRevertToMesh && numCreatedFaces > 0))
                    geomObjs = tsBuilderScope.CreateGeometry(guid);

                    if (numCreatedFaces < numExpectedFaces)
                                                   "Processing " + numCreatedFaces + " valid faces out of " + numExpectedFaces + " total.", false);

                return(Tuple.Create(geomObjs, canRevertToMesh));
        private void CreateBoxShape(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform scaledLcs)
            using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCContainingRepresentationSetter repSetter = new IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCContainingRepresentationSetter(shapeEditScope, this))
                // Get the material and graphics style based in the "Box" sub-category of Generic Models.
                // We will create the sub-category if this is our first time trying to use it.
                // Note that all bounding boxes are controlled by a sub-category of Generic Models.  We may revisit that decision later.
                // Note that we hard-wire the identifier to "Box" because older files may have bounding box items in an obsolete representation.
                SolidOptions solidOptions = null;
                Category     bboxCategory = IFCCategoryUtil.GetSubCategoryForRepresentation(shapeEditScope.Document, Id, IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Box);
                if (bboxCategory != null)
                    ElementId     materialId    = (bboxCategory.Material == null) ? ElementId.InvalidElementId : bboxCategory.Material.Id;
                    GraphicsStyle graphicsStyle = bboxCategory.GetGraphicsStyle(GraphicsStyleType.Projection);
                    ElementId     gstyleId      = (graphicsStyle == null) ? ElementId.InvalidElementId : graphicsStyle.Id;
                    solidOptions = new SolidOptions(materialId, gstyleId);

                Solid bboxSolid = IFCGeometryUtil.CreateSolidFromBoundingBox(scaledLcs, BoundingBox, solidOptions);
                if (bboxSolid != null)
                    IFCSolidInfo bboxSolidInfo = IFCSolidInfo.Create(Id, bboxSolid);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates or populates Revit elements based on the information contained in this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="doc">The document.</param>
 /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
 /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
 /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
 public void CreateProductRepresentation(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
     // TODO: separate representations.
     foreach (IFCRepresentation representation in Representations)
         representation.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);
 /// <summary>
 /// Return geometry for a particular representation item.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
 /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
 /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
 /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
 /// <returns>Zero or more created geometries.</returns>
 public IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometry(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
     if (StyledByItem != null)
     return(CreateGeometryInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item, and add to scope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        /// <remarks>This currently assumes that we are creating plan view curves.</remarks>
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            foreach (IFCCurve curve in Curves)
                curve.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);
        protected List <GeometryObject> CreateConformalGeometryIfPossible(
            IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform unscaledLcs)
            Transform unscaledSweptDiskPosition = (unscaledLcs == null) ? Transform.Identity : unscaledLcs;

            IList <CurveLoop> trimmedDirectrices = IFCGeometryUtil.TrimCurveLoops(Id, Directrix, StartParameter, EndParameter);

            if (trimmedDirectrices == null)

            List <GeometryObject> myObjs = null;
            bool isIdentity = unscaledSweptDiskPosition.IsIdentity;

            foreach (CurveLoop trimmedDirectrix in trimmedDirectrices)
                // Create the disk.
                Curve firstCurve = null;
                foreach (Curve curve in trimmedDirectrix)
                    firstCurve = curve;

                double            startParam        = 0.0;
                IList <CurveLoop> profileCurveLoops = CreateProfileCurveLoopsForDirectrix(firstCurve, out startParam);
                if (profileCurveLoops == null)

                SolidOptions solidOptions = new SolidOptions(GetMaterialElementId(shapeEditScope), shapeEditScope.GraphicsStyleId);
                myObjs = new List <GeometryObject>();

                    Solid sweptDiskSolid = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateSweptGeometry(trimmedDirectrix, 0, startParam, profileCurveLoops,
                    if (!isIdentity)
                        sweptDiskSolid = SolidUtils.CreateTransformed(sweptDiskSolid, unscaledSweptDiskPosition);

                    if (sweptDiskSolid != null)

 protected override IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometryInternal(
     IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
     if (TreeRootExpression != null)
         return(TreeRootExpression.CreateGeometry(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid));
 protected override IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometryInternal(
     IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
     if (BooleanResult != null)
         return(BooleanResult.CreateGeometry(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid));
 /// <summary>
 /// Return geometry for a particular representation item.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
 /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
 /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
 /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
 /// <returns>The created geometries.</returns>
 public IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometry(
     IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
     // A HalfSpaceSolid must always be a Solid, regardless of input.
     using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCTargetSetter setter =
                new IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCTargetSetter(shapeEditScope, TessellatedShapeBuilderTarget.Solid, TessellatedShapeBuilderFallback.Abort))
         return(CreateGeometryInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid));
        /// <summary>
        /// Return geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        /// <returns>Zero or more created geometries.</returns>
        public IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometry(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (StyledByItem != null)

            using (IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCMaterialStack stack = new IFCImportShapeEditScope.IFCMaterialStack(shapeEditScope, StyledByItem, null))
                return(CreateGeometryInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            IList <GeometryObject> extrudedGeometries = CreateGeometryInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            if (extrudedGeometries != null)
                foreach (GeometryObject extrudedGeometry in extrudedGeometries)
                    shapeEditScope.AddGeometry(IFCSolidInfo.Create(Id, extrudedGeometry));
        /// <summary>
        /// Return geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        /// <returns>The created geometry.</returns>
        protected override IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometryInternal(
            IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            Outer.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            IList <GeometryObject> geomObjs = shapeEditScope.CreateGeometry(guid);

            if (geomObjs == null || geomObjs.Count == 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (shapeEditScope.BuilderScope == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("BuilderScope has not been initialised");
            base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);
            Bound.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);
            IsValidForCreation = Bound.IsValidForCreation;

            if (shapeEditScope.BuilderType == IFCShapeBuilderType.TessellatedShapeBuilder)
                CreateTessellatedShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, scaledLcs);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or populates Revit elements based on the information contained in this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The document.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        public void CreateProductRepresentation(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            // Partially sort the representations so that we create: Body, Box, then the rest of the representations in that order.
            // This allows us to skip Box representations if any of the Body representations create 3D geometry.  Until we have UI in place,
            // this will disable creating extra 3D (bounding box) geometry that clutters the display, is only marginally useful and is hard to turn off.
            List <IFCRepresentation>  sortedReps = new List <IFCRepresentation>(); // Double usage as body rep list.
            IList <IFCRepresentation> boxReps    = new List <IFCRepresentation>();
            IList <IFCRepresentation> otherReps  = new List <IFCRepresentation>();

            foreach (IFCRepresentation representation in Representations)
                switch (representation.Identifier)
                case IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Body:

                case IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Box:


            // Add back the other representations.

            foreach (IFCRepresentation representation in sortedReps)
                // Since we process all Body representations first, the misnamed "Solids" field will contain 3D geometry.
                // If this isn't empty, then we'll skip the bounding box, unless we are always importing bounding box geometry.
                // Note that we process Axis representations later since they create model geometry also,
                // but we don't consider Axis or 2D geometry in our decision to import bounding boxes.
                // Note also that we will only read in the first bounding box, which is the maximum of Box representations allowed.
                if ((representation.Identifier == IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Box) &&
                    IFCImportFile.TheFile.Options.ProcessBoundingBoxGeometry != IFCProcessBBoxOptions.Always &&
                    shapeEditScope.Creator.Solids.Count > 0)

                representation.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);
        private Mesh GetMeshBackup(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, IList <CurveLoop> loops,
                                   XYZ scaledExtrusionDirection, double currDepth)
            if (shapeEditScope.MustCreateSolid())

            Importer.TheLog.LogError(Id, "Extrusion has an invalid definition for a solid; reverting to mesh.", false);

            MeshFromGeometryOperationResult meshResult = TessellatedShapeBuilder.CreateMeshByExtrusion(
                loops, scaledExtrusionDirection, currDepth, GetMaterialElementId(shapeEditScope));

            // will throw if mesh is not available
        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item, and add to scope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            // Reject Axis curves - not yet supported.
            IFCRepresentation parentRep = shapeEditScope.ContainingRepresentation;

            IFCRepresentationIdentifier repId = (parentRep == null) ? IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Unhandled : parentRep.Identifier;
            bool createModelGeometry          = (repId == IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Axis);

            if (createModelGeometry)
                Importer.TheLog.LogWarning(Id, "Can't process Axis representation, ignoring.", true);

            base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            IList <Curve> transformedCurves = new List <Curve>();

            if (Curve != null)
                Curve transformedCurve = CreateTransformedCurve(Curve, parentRep, lcs);
                if (transformedCurve != null)
            else if (CurveLoop != null)
                foreach (Curve curve in CurveLoop)
                    Curve transformedCurve = CreateTransformedCurve(curve, parentRep, lcs);
                    if (transformedCurve != null)

            // TODO: set graphics style for footprint curves.
            ElementId gstyleId = ElementId.InvalidElementId;

            foreach (Curve curve in transformedCurves)
                // Default: assume a plan view curve.