        static void StoreEventProvider(IEventProvider eventProvider, SqlTransaction transaction)
            const string commandText = "INSERT INTO EventProvider(EventProviderId, Type) VALUES(@eventProviderId, @type)";

            using (var command = new SqlCommand(commandText, transaction.Connection, transaction))
                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@eventProviderId", eventProvider.Id));
                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@type", eventProvider.GetType().FullName));

        private void LoadRemainingHistoryEvents(Guid id, IEventProvider <TDomainEvent> aggregateRoot)
            var events       = _domainEventStorage.GetEventsSinceLastSnapShot(id, aggregateRoot.GetType());
            var domainEvents = events as TDomainEvent[] ?? events.ToArray();

            if (domainEvents.Any())

        private static int GetEventProviderVersion(IEventProvider eventProvider, SQLiteTransaction transaction)
            const string commandText = @"
                INSERT OR IGNORE INTO EventProviders VALUES (@eventProviderId, @type, 0);
                SELECT Version FROM EventProviders WHERE EventProviderId = @eventProviderId";

            using (var sqLiteCommand = new SQLiteCommand(commandText, transaction.Connection, transaction))
                sqLiteCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@eventProviderId", eventProvider.Id));
                sqLiteCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@type", eventProvider.GetType().FullName));
                sqLiteCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@version", eventProvider.Version));

        /// <summary>
        ///     Registers the specified object with the Event Manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="registrant">The object to register.</param>
        /// <param name="registeredProviders">The Dictionary, keyed on Type, of registered Event Provider instances.</param>
        /// <param name="registeredEvents">The Dictionary, keyed on Type, of registered Events.</param>
        /// <returns>A Result containing the result of the operation.</returns>
        private Result RegisterProvider(object registrant, Dictionary <Type, List <string> > registeredProviders, Dictionary <Type, List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > > registeredEvents)
            logger.EnterMethod(xLogger.Params(registrant.GetType(), new xLogger.ExcludedParam(), new xLogger.ExcludedParam()));
            logger.Debug("Registering object of Type '" + registrant.GetType().Name + "...");
            Result retVal = new Result();

            // check to ensure the provided object implements IEventProvider
            logger.Trace("Checking to see if the registrant implements IEventProvider...");
            if (!(registrant is IEventProvider))
                return(retVal.AddError("The specified object does not implement IEventProvider and can not be registered."));

            logger.Trace("Casting the registrant object to IEventProvider...");
            IEventProvider provider = (IEventProvider)registrant;

            // check to see if the specified type has previously been registered
            logger.Trace("Checking the registration of the Type and event list...");
            if (registeredProviders.ContainsKey(provider.GetType()))
                logger.Trace("The Type '" + provider.GetType() + "' is registered.  Checking the instance name...");

                // check to see if the type contains the specified provider instance
                if (registeredProviders[provider.GetType()].Contains(provider.EventProviderName))
                    // if it does, exit.
                    return(retVal.AddError("The provider '" + provider.EventProviderName + "' has already been registered."));
                    // if not, add it.
                    logger.Trace("The instance '" + provider.EventProviderName + "' isn't registered.  Adding it to the list...");
                // if the provider dictionary doesn't contain the Type, add the key and initialize the provider list with this
                // provider name.
                logger.Trace("The Type '" + provider.GetType() + "' hasn't yet been registered.  Adding it to the Dictionary with the instance '" + provider.EventProviderName + "'...");
                List <string> list = new List <string>();

                registeredProviders.Add(provider.GetType(), list);

            // next, add the Type to the event dictionary. check to make sure it doesn't exist, just in case. it shouldn't.
            logger.Trace("Checking whether the events for '" + provider.GetType() + "' have been registered...");
            if (!registeredEvents.ContainsKey(provider.GetType()))
                logger.Trace("Adding the Type '" + provider.GetType() + "' to the event Dictionary with an empty list...");
                registeredEvents.Add(provider.GetType(), new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >());
                logger.Trace("Type '" + provider.GetType() + "' is already registered; no changes made to the event Dictionary.");

            // at this point we have ensured that the type and instance exist in both the provider and event dictionaries. next we
            // will iterate over the events in the specified Type, attach our generic handler and, if an event is missing from the
            // registered events dictionary, we will add it. begin by retrieving a list of events for the specified Type
            logger.Trace("Retrieving list of events from the Type '" + provider.GetType() + "'...");
            EventInfo[] events = provider.GetType().GetEvents(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

            // iterate over each event. add the event to the list of registered events for the Type if it doesn't yet exist, then
            // attach our generic event handler.
            logger.Debug("The Type '" + provider.GetType().Name + "' contains " + events.Length + " events.  Enumerating...");
            foreach (EventInfo eventInfo in events)
                // attempt to fetch the description from the Event attribute that *should* be attached to the event.
                logger.Trace("Attempting to fetch the description for event '" + eventInfo.Name + "'...");
                string         description    = string.Empty;
                EventAttribute eventAttribute = (EventAttribute)eventInfo.GetCustomAttributes().Where(a => a is EventAttribute).FirstOrDefault();

                if (eventAttribute != default(Attribute))
                    // the attribute was attached; grab the description.
                    description = eventAttribute.Description;
                    logger.Trace("Fetched '" + description + "'.");
                    logger.Trace("Event attribute was not attached to the event '" + eventInfo.Name + "; skipping registration.");

                logger.Debug("Processing event '" + eventInfo.Name + "' with description '" + description + "'...");

                // create a new key value pair for the current event
                KeyValuePair <string, string> currentEvent = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(eventInfo.Name, description);

                // check to see if the event has been registered and add it if it hasn't.
                if (!registeredEvents[provider.GetType()].Exists(k => k.Key == currentEvent.Key))
                    logger.Trace("Adding event '" + eventInfo.Name + "' to the event dictionary...");

                // attach the generic event handler to the event
                logger.Trace("Attaching event handler to '" + eventInfo.Name + "'...");
                eventInfo.AddEventHandler(provider, Delegate.CreateDelegate(eventInfo.EventHandlerType, this, GetType().GetMethod("ProviderEventRaised", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)));

 private static string CreateMessage(IEventProvider<IDomainEvent> eventProvider)
     return string.Format("The AggregateRoot {0} of Type {1} was changed",eventProvider.Id,eventProvider.GetType().FullName);
 private static void CreateEventProvider(IEventProvider provider, SqlTransaction transaction)
     using (var command = new SqlCommand(InsertNewProviderQuery, transaction.Connection))
         command.Transaction = transaction;
         command.Parameters.AddWithValue("Id", provider.Id);
         command.Parameters.AddWithValue("Type", provider.GetType().ToString());
         command.Parameters.AddWithValue("Version", provider.Version);
 private static string CreateMessage(IEventProvider <IDomainEvent> eventProvider)
     return(string.Format("The AggregateRoot {0} of Type {1} was changed", eventProvider.Id, eventProvider.GetType().FullName));
        private static int GetVersion(IEventProvider eventProvider)
            const string selectOrInsertEventsource = @"
                INSERT IGNORE INTO EventSource VALUES (@id, @name, @type, 0);
                SELECT Version FROM EventSource WHERE Id = @id";

            var aggregateType = eventProvider.GetType();

            using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) {
                    command.CommandText = selectOrInsertEventsource;
                    command.Parameters.Add("@id", MySqlDbType.Guid).Value = eventProvider.Id;
                    command.Parameters.Add("@name", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = aggregateType.Name;
                    command.Parameters.Add("@type", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = aggregateType.FullName;

                    var queryResult = command.ExecuteScalar();
                    var version = Convert.ToInt32(queryResult);

                    return version;
        static void StoreEventProvider(IEventProvider eventProvider, SqlTransaction transaction)
            const string commandText = "INSERT INTO EventProvider(EventProviderId, Type) VALUES(@eventProviderId, @type)";

            using (var command = new SqlCommand(commandText, transaction.Connection, transaction))
                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@eventProviderId", eventProvider.Id));
                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@type", eventProvider.GetType().FullName));
