public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { int from = FreeUtil.ReplaceInt(this.from, args); int to = FreeUtil.ReplaceInt(, args); if (StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(i)) { i = "i"; } if (from > to) { for (int i = from; i >= to; i--) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new IntPara(this.i, i)); action.Act(args); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume(this.i); } } else { for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new IntPara(this.i, i)); action.Act(args); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume(this.i); } } }
public static void HandleMoveAction(ItemInventory fromIn, ItemInventory toIn, IInventoryUI fromUI, IInventoryUI toUI, ItemPosition ip, IEventArgs args, bool remove) { args.TempUse(PARA_ITEM, ip); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new StringPara(PARA_ITEM_MOVE_FROM, fromIn.GetName())); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new StringPara(PARA_ITEM_MOVE_TO, toIn.GetName())); if (remove) { if (fromUI.MoveAction != null) { fromUI.MoveAction.Act(args); } } else { if (toUI != fromUI) { if (toUI.MoveAction != null) { toUI.MoveAction.Act(args); } } } args.Resume(PARA_ITEM); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume(PARA_ITEM_MOVE_FROM); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume(PARA_ITEM_MOVE_TO); }
private void SetArg(FuncArg arg, IList <ArgValue> funcArgs, IEventArgs args) { ArgValue fa = GetArgValue(arg, funcArgs, args); if (fa != null) { IPara para = ParaUtil.GetPara(arg.GetType()); if (para != null) { try { IPara old = new ParaExp(fa.GetValue()).GetSourcePara(args); if (old != null) { if (old.GetValue() != null) { para = para.Initial("=", old.GetValue().ToString()); } else { para = para.Initial("=", string.Empty); } } else { para = para.Initial("=", FreeUtil.ReplaceNumber(fa.GetValue(), args)); } } catch (Exception) { para = para.Initial("=", FreeUtil.ReplaceNumber(fa.GetValue(), args)); } para.SetName("arg_" + arg.GetName()); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(para); IPara p = (IPara)para.Borrow(); p.SetName(arg.GetName()); if (para.GetValue() != null) { p.SetValue("=", para); } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(p); FreeLog.FuncArg(p.ToString()); } else { // 非简单变量 ((BaseEventArgs)args).TempUse(arg.GetName(), args.GetUnit(fa.GetValue())); } } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { int random = RandomUtil.Random(0, 100); int percent = FreeUtil.ReplaceInt(this.percent, args); if (random <= percent) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new IntPara("roll", random)); if (action != null) { action.Act(args); } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("roll"); } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { if (StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { key = BaseEventArgs.DEFAULT; } IParable unit = args.GetUnit(key); if (unit != null) { IPara sort = unit.GetParameters().Get(sorter); if (sort != null) { ParaListSet pls = (ParaListSet)sort; if (action != null) { Iterator <ParaList> it = pls.Iterator(); int i = 1; while (it.HasNext()) { ParaList pl = it.Next(); args.TempUse("element", new SimpleParable(pl)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new IntPara("index", i++)); if (condition == null || condition.Meet(args)) { if (action != null) { action.Act(args); } if (FreeUtil.ReplaceBool(remove, args)) { it.Remove(); } } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("index"); args.Resume("element"); } if (i == 1) { if (noneAction != null) { noneAction.Act(args); } } } } } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { if (paras == null) { paras = new List <ParaValue>(); } foreach (ParaValue pv in paras) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(pv.GetPara(args)); } action.Act(args); foreach (ParaValue pv_1 in paras) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume(pv_1.GetName()); } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { IParable p = null; if (StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { p = args.GetDefault(); } else { p = args.GetUnit(key); } if (p != null && paras != null) { foreach (ParaValue para in paras) { if (null == para) { throw new GameConfigExpception("para is not a null field at " + key); } if (!p.GetParameters().HasPara(para.GetName()) || @override) { p.GetParameters().AddPara(para.GetPara(args)); } } } if (paras == null || paras.Count == 0) { _logger.Info("AddParaValueAction paras is null or count is 0 !"); } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { IParable p = null; if (StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { p = args.GetDefault(); } else { p = args.GetUnit(key); } if (p != null && paras != null) { foreach (IPara para in paras) { if (!p.GetParameters().HasPara(para) || @override) { IPara clone = (IPara)para.Copy(); clone.SetName(FreeUtil.ReplaceVar(clone.GetName(), args)); p.GetParameters().AddPara(clone); } } } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { if (this.args != null) { foreach (ArgValue av in this.args) { ParaValue pv = new ParaValue(); pv.SetName(av.GetName()); pv.SetValue(av.GetValue()); IPara para = args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Get(av.GetName()); if (para != null) { if (para is IntPara) { pv.SetType("int"); } if (para is StringPara) { pv.SetType("string"); } if (para is BoolPara) { pv.SetType("bool"); } if (para is FloatPara) { pv.SetType("float"); } if (para is DoublePara) { pv.SetType("double"); } } // 如果为空,则说明在父规则中定义了当前规则的组件,所以忽略当前设置,直接使用父规则中的设置 // 如 bioPushcar引用了 bioComponent, reliveComponent, // bioComponent中也引用了reliveComponent,当bioComponent设置组件值时,reliveComponent还未初始化 // 则bioPushcar中的reliveComponent将在最后赋值,也是最终的值 IPara paraValue = pv.GetPara(args); if (paraValue != null) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().AddPara(paraValue); } } } }
private void SetOne(IEventArgs args, string field, int value) { IntPara para = (IntPara)args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Get(field); if (para != null) { para.SetValue(value); } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { if (this.args != null) { foreach (ParaValue pv in this.args) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().AddPara(pv.GetPara(args)); } } }
private void RemoveArg(FuncArg fa, IEventArgs args) { if (fa != null) { string t = fa.GetType(); if ("string".Equals(t) || "int".Equals(t) || "bool".Equals(t) || "float".Equals(t) || "long".Equals(t) || "double".Equals(t)) { IPara p = args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Get("arg_" + fa.GetName()); p.Recycle(); p = args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Get(fa.GetName()); p.Recycle(); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("arg_" + fa.GetName()); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume(fa.GetName()); } else { ((BaseEventArgs)args).Resume(fa.GetName()); } } }
private void HandleOne(int all, int index, string k, string v, IEventArgs args) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new IntPara("index", index)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new IntPara("count", all)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new StringPara("key", k)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new StringPara("value", v)); if (action != null) { action.Act(args); } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("count"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("index"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("key"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("value"); }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { FreeRuleEventArgs fr = (FreeRuleEventArgs)args; IGameUnit player = GetPlayer(args); if (player != null) { FreeData fd = (FreeData)player; try { ItemPosition currentItem = fd.freeInventory.GetCurrentItem(); if (!StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(cat)) { currentItem = fd.freeInventory.GetCurrentItem(FreeUtil.ReplaceVar(cat, args)); } if (currentItem != null) { currentItem.GetInventory().RemoveItem(fr, currentItem); if (drop != null) { fr.TempUse("item", currentItem.GetKey()); drop.Act(args); fr.Resume("item"); } } } catch (Exception e) { StringPara sp = new StringPara("message", e.Message); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(sp); if (message != null) { message.Act(args); } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("message"); } } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { if (paras == null) { paras = new List <ParaValue>(); } foreach (ParaValue pv in paras) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(pv.GetPara(args)); } try { action.Act(args); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error("DefineParaAction action failed " + e.Message); } foreach (ParaValue pv_1 in paras) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume(pv_1.GetName()); } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { ParaList list = args.GetDefault().GetParameters(); if (list.HasPara("resetpos")) { resetpos = (int)list.Get("resetpos").GetValue(); var poss = args.FreeContext.Poss; if (!poss.ExsitIndex(TYPE, resetpos)) { poss.Remove(TYPE, resetpos); } } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { if (cache == null || keys.Contains("{") || keys.Contains("}")) { cache = new LinkedHashMap <string, string>(); string[] ks = StringUtil.Split(FreeUtil.ReplaceVar(keys, args), new string[] { ",", "," }); foreach (string k in ks) { string[] vs = StringUtil.Split(k, "="); if (vs.Length == 2) { cache[vs[0].Trim()] = vs[1].Trim(); } else { if (vs.Length == 1) { cache[vs[0].Trim()] = vs[0].Trim(); } } } } if (StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { int i = 0; foreach (string k in cache.Keys) { HandleOne(cache.Count, i + 1, k, cache[k], args); i++; } } else { string k = FreeUtil.ReplaceVar(key, args); if (cache.ContainsKey(k) || useKey) { string v = cache[k]; args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new BoolPara("hasKey", v != null)); if (v == null) { v = key; } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new StringPara("key", k)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new StringPara("value", v)); if (action != null) { action.Act(args); } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("key"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("value"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("hasKey"); } } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { IParable p = null; if (StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { p = args.GetDefault(); } else { p = args.GetUnit(key); } if (p != null && para != null) { foreach (string pa in StringUtil.Split(para, ",")) { p.GetParameters().RemovePara(pa.Trim()); } } }
private void HandleArmor(IEventArgs args) { if ("ReduceDamage" == code) { FreeData fd = (FreeData)args.GetUnit("target"); if (fd != null) { SimpleParable sp = (SimpleParable)args.GetUnit("damage"); if (sp != null) { PlayerDamageInfo info = (PlayerDamageInfo)((ObjectFields)((SimpleParaList)sp.GetParameters()).GetFieldList()[0]).GetObj(); float da = ReduceDamageUtil.HandleDamage(args, fd, info); FloatPara d = (FloatPara)args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Get("damage"); if (d != null) { d.SetValue(da); } } } } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { if (count == 0) { count = 1; } UnitPosition[] ups = null; if (count == 1) { UnitPosition sub = pos.Select(args); if (sub == null) { throw new GameActionExpception("找不到pos点[" + pos.ToString() + "]"); } ups = new UnitPosition[] { sub }; } else { ups = pos.Select(args, count); } int index = 0; foreach (UnitPosition up in ups) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("x", up.GetX())); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("y", up.GetY())); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("z", up.GetZ())); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new IntPara("index", ++index)); action.Act(args); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("x"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("y"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("z"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("index"); } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { List <DataRecord> records = GetRecords(); foreach (DataRecord record in records) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("x", float.Parse(record.GetValue("x")))); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("y", float.Parse(record.GetValue("y")))); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("z", float.Parse(record.GetValue("z")))); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("rotation", float.Parse(record.GetValue("rotation")))); try { action.Act(args); } catch { Logger.DebugFormat("SqlPointAction has no action !"); } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("x"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("y"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("z"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("rotation"); } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { IParable p = null; if (StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { p = args.GetDefault(); } else { p = args.GetUnit(key); } if (p != null && paras != null) { foreach (ParaValue para in paras) { if (!p.GetParameters().HasPara(para.GetName()) || @override) { p.GetParameters().AddPara(para.GetPara(args)); } } } }
private void ReduceDamage(IEventArgs args, PlayerEntity player) { SimpleParable sp = (SimpleParable)args.GetUnit("damage"); if (sp != null) { PlayerDamageInfo damage = (PlayerDamageInfo)sp.GetFieldObject(0); float da = damage.damage; if (damage.part == (int)EBodyPart.Head) { int helId = player.gamePlay.HelmetLv; if (armorDic.ContainsKey(helId)) { ArmorData ad = armorDic[helId]; da = ReduceDamage(args, player, damage, ad.reduce, false); } } else if (damage.part == (int)EBodyPart.Chest || damage.part == (int)EBodyPart.Stomach || damage.part == (int)EBodyPart.Pelvis) { int armor = player.gamePlay.ArmorLv; if (armorDic.ContainsKey(armor)) { ArmorData ad = armorDic[armor]; da = ReduceDamage(args, player, damage, ad.reduce, true); } } FloatPara d = (FloatPara)args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Get("damage"); if (d != null) { d.SetValue(da); } } }
private void HandleOne(int all, int index, string[] ks, IEventArgs args) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new IntPara("index", index)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new IntPara("count", all)); for (int i = 0; i < ks.Length; i++) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new StringPara("r" + (i + 1), ks[i].Trim())); } if (action != null) { action.Act(args); } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("count"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("index"); for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < ks.Length; i_1++) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("r" + (i_1 + 1)); } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { Vector3 fromV = UnityPositionUtil.ToVector3(from.Select(args)); Vector3 toV = UnityPositionUtil.ToVector3(to.Select(args)); Ray r = new Ray(fromV, new Vector3(toV.x - fromV.x, toV.y - fromV.y, toV.z - fromV.z)); RaycastHit hitInfo; bool hited = Physics.Raycast(r, out hitInfo); if (type == (int)TraceType.Water) { float sur = SingletonManager.Get <MapConfigManager>().DistanceAboveWater(fromV); if (sur > 0) { hitInfo.point = new Vector3(fromV.x, fromV.y - sur, fromV.z); hited = true; } } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("fx", fromV.x)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("fy", fromV.y)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("fz", fromV.z)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("tx", toV.x)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("ty", toV.y)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("tz", toV.z)); if (hited) { args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("x", hitInfo.point.x)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("y", hitInfo.point.y)); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(new FloatPara("z", hitInfo.point.z)); if (action != null) { action.Act(args); } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("x"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("y"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("z"); } else { if (noHitAction != null) { noHitAction.Act(args); } } args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("fx"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("fy"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("fz"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("tx"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("ty"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("tz"); }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { PlayerEntity playerEntity = GetPlayerEntity(args); if (playerEntity != null) { SimpleParable sp = (SimpleParable)args.GetUnit("damage"); if (sp != null) { FloatPara d = (FloatPara)args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Get("damage"); PlayerDamageInfo damage = (PlayerDamageInfo)sp.GetFieldObject(0); if (damage.type != (int)EUIDeadType.Weapon && damage.type != (int)EUIDeadType.Unarmed) { return; } if (playerEntity.gamePlay.CurHelmet > 0) { var config = SingletonManager.Get <WeaponConfigManagement>().FindConfigById(playerEntity.gamePlay.HelmetLv); if (config != null) { if (config.NewWeaponCfg.ProtectivePartsList.Contains(damage.part)) { float readDamage = damage.damage; float reduce = readDamage * config.NewWeaponCfg.DamageReduction / 100; reduce = Math.Min(playerEntity.gamePlay.CurHelmet, reduce); playerEntity.gamePlay.CurHelmet = Math.Max(0, playerEntity.gamePlay.CurHelmet - (int)readDamage); if (reduce > 0 && playerEntity.gamePlay.CurHelmet == 0) { playerEntity.gamePlay.HelmetLv = playerEntity.gamePlay.MaxHelmet = 0; SimpleProto msg = FreePool.Allocate(); msg.Key = FreeMessageConstant.ChickenTip; msg.Ss.Add("word75," + config.NewWeaponCfg.Name); FreeMessageSender.SendMessage(playerEntity, msg); } damage.damage -= reduce; playerEntity.statisticsData.Statistics.DefenseDamage += reduce; d.SetValue(damage.damage); } } } if (playerEntity.gamePlay.CurArmor > 0) { var config = SingletonManager.Get <WeaponConfigManagement>().FindConfigById(playerEntity.gamePlay.ArmorLv); if (config != null) { if (config.NewWeaponCfg.ProtectivePartsList.Contains(damage.part)) { float readDamage = damage.damage; float reduce = readDamage * config.NewWeaponCfg.DamageReduction / 100; reduce = Math.Min(playerEntity.gamePlay.CurArmor, reduce); playerEntity.gamePlay.CurArmor = Math.Max(0, playerEntity.gamePlay.CurArmor - (int)readDamage); if (reduce > 0 && playerEntity.gamePlay.CurArmor == 0) { playerEntity.gamePlay.ArmorLv = playerEntity.gamePlay.MaxArmor = 0; SimpleProto msg = FreePool.Allocate(); msg.Key = FreeMessageConstant.ChickenTip; msg.Ss.Add("word75," + config.NewWeaponCfg.Name); FreeMessageSender.SendMessage(playerEntity, msg); } damage.damage -= reduce; playerEntity.statisticsData.Statistics.DefenseDamage += reduce; d.SetValue(damage.damage); } } } } } }
public override void DoAction(IEventArgs args) { object target = GetTarget(args); if (fields != null && values != null) { string[] fs = StringUtil.Split(fields, ","); string[] vs = StringUtil.Split(values, ","); if (fs.Length == vs.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < fs.Length; i++) { try { string fName = fs[i].Trim(); FieldInfo f = ReflectionCache.GetField(target, fName); string type = f.GetType().Name.ToLower(); IPara p = null; string[] ss = StringUtil.Split(vs[i].Trim(), "."); if (ss.Length == 2) { if (args.GetUnit(ss[0].Trim()) != null) { p = args.GetUnit(ss[0].Trim()).GetParameters().Get(ss[1].Trim()); } } else { if (ss.Length == 1) { p = args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Get(ss[0].Trim()); } } object v = null; if (p != null) { v = p.GetValue(); } if ("long".Equals(type)) { if (v == null) { v = long.Parse(vs[i].Trim()); } } else { if ("int".Equals(type)) { if (v == null) { v = int.Parse(vs[i].Trim()); } } else { if ("float".Equals(type)) { if (v == null) { v = float.Parse(vs[i].Trim()); } } else { if ("double".Equals(type)) { if (v == null) { v = double.Parse(vs[i].Trim()); } } else { if ("string".Equals(type)) { if (v == null) { v = vs[i].Trim().ToString(); } } else { if ("boolean".Equals(type)) { if (v == null) { v = bool.Parse(vs[i].Trim()); } } else { throw new GameConfigExpception(fName + "'s type '" + type + "' is not supported."); } } } } } } SetValue(target, f, v); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(target.GetType().FullName + "'s " + fName + " -> " + v); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GameConfigExpception("set " + fields + " to " + values + " failed at " + target.GetType().FullName + "\n" + ExceptionUtil.GetExceptionContent(e)); } } } } }
public virtual bool OnCreate(IEventArgs skill) { startTime = skill.Rule.ServerTime; this.ins = new HashSet <long>(); this.showedIds = new HashSet <long>(); this.realKey = FreeUtil.ReplaceVar(key, skill); this.realTime = FreeUtil.ReplaceInt(time, skill); this.paras = new SimpleParaList(); this.posindex = -1; ParaList list = skill.GetDefault().GetParameters(); if (list.HasPara("posindex")) { posindex = (int)list.Get("posindex").GetValue(); } skill.TempUse("buf", this); IPosSelector pos = GetPos(region.GetCenter(skill)); if (pos.Select(skill).GetInvalid()) { return(false); } bool hasCreator = false; if (creator != null && creator.hasFreeData) { skill.TempUse("creator", (FreeData)this.creator.freeData.FreeData); hasCreator = true; } AddParas(skill); if (createAction != null) { createAction.Act(skill); } if (effectAction != null) { effectAction.SetSelector(pos); effectAction.SetKey("bufeffect_" + realKey); } else { if (show == null) { show = new FreeEffectShowAction(); show.SetKey(effect); show.SetPos(pos); } } skill.Resume("buf"); if (creator != null && hasCreator) { skill.Resume("creator"); } if (!StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { bufCondition = new ExpParaCondition(FreeUtil.ReplaceVar(condition, skill)); } return(true); }
public virtual void Draw(SimpleInventoryUI ui, IEventArgs args, ItemInventory inventory, ItemPosition ip) { this.inventory = inventory; if (fui == null) { fui = new FreeUICreateAction(); Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(fui.GetComponents(), components); } ip.GetParameters().AddPara(new StringPara("inventory", inventory.GetName())); StringPara img = new StringPara("img", string.Empty); StringPara itemName = new StringPara("name", string.Empty); IntPara count = new IntPara("count", 0); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(img); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(count); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().TempUse(itemName); img.SetValue(ip.GetKey().GetImg()); count.SetValue(ip.GetCount()); itemName.SetValue(ip.GetKey().GetName()); FreeImageComponet back = GetBackground(); if (ui.nomouse) { back.SetNoMouse("true"); } if (ui.itemFixed) { back.SetFixed("true"); } int startX = GetX(args, ui, ip, back); int startY = GetY(args, ui, ip, back); if (!StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(notused) && !StringUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(used)) { if (ip.IsUsed()) { back.SetUrl(used); } else { back.SetUrl(notused); } } back.SetX(startX.ToString()); back.SetY(startY.ToString()); back.SetRelative(ui.relative); back.SetEvent(inventory.GetName() + "," + ip.GetX() + "," + ip.GetY()); FreeImageComponet itemImg = back; FreeImageComponet secondComponent = GetItemImage(); if (secondComponent != null) { back.SetEvent(string.Empty); itemImg = secondComponent; } if (ui.nomouse) { itemImg.SetNoMouse("true"); } if (ui.itemFixed) { itemImg.SetFixed("true"); } itemImg.SetUrl(ip.GetKey().GetImg()); itemImg.SetOriginalSize(ip.GetKey().GetItemWidth() + "," + ip.GetKey().GetItemHeight()); if (itemImg == back) { AdjustSize(args, ui, ip, inventory, back, itemImg, startX, startY); } else { AdjustSize(args, ui, ip, inventory, back, itemImg, 0, 0); } SetCount(ip); fui.SetKey(ip.GetUIKey()); fui.SetShow(inventory.IsOpen()); fui.SetScope(1); fui.SetPlayer("current"); fui.Act(args); UpdateHotKey(ui, args, ip); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("img"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("name"); args.GetDefault().GetParameters().Resume("count"); }