public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateEnrollee(int enrolleeId, Enrollee enrollee, [FromQuery] bool beenThroughTheWizard = false)
            if (enrollee == null)
                this.ModelState.AddModelError("Enrollee", "Could not update the enrollee, the passed in Enrollee cannot be null.");
                return(BadRequest(new ApiBadRequestResponse(this.ModelState)));

            if (enrollee == null || enrollee.Id == null)
                this.ModelState.AddModelError("Enrollee.Id", "Enrollee Id is required to make updates.");
                return(BadRequest(new ApiBadRequestResponse(this.ModelState)));

            if (enrolleeId != enrollee.Id)
                this.ModelState.AddModelError("Enrollee.Id", "Enrollee Id does not match with the payload.");
                return(BadRequest(new ApiBadRequestResponse(this.ModelState)));

            if (!_enrolleeService.EnrolleeExists(enrolleeId))
                return(NotFound(new ApiResponse(404, $"Enrollee not found with id {enrolleeId}")));

            // If the enrollee is not in the status of 'In Progress', it cannot be updated
            if (!(await _enrolleeService.IsEnrolleeInStatusAsync(enrolleeId, Status.IN_PROGRESS_CODE)))
                this.ModelState.AddModelError("Enrollee.CurrentStatus", "Enrollee can not be updated when the current status is not 'In Progress'.");
                return(BadRequest(new ApiBadRequestResponse(this.ModelState)));

            // If the user is not an ADMIN, make sure the enrolleeId matches the user, otherwise return not authorized
            if (!BelongsToEnrollee(enrollee))

            await _enrolleeService.UpdateEnrolleeAsync(enrollee, beenThroughTheWizard);
