 public EmailController(
     IAlfrescoConfiguration alfrescoConfig,
     IAlfrescoHttpClient alfrescoHttpClient,
     INodesService nodesService,
     IEmailDataBoxService emailDataBoxService,
     IEmailHttpClient emailHttpClient
     _alfrescoConfig      = alfrescoConfig;
     _alfrescoHttpClient  = alfrescoHttpClient;
     _nodesService        = nodesService;
     _emailDataBoxService = emailDataBoxService;
     _emailHttpClient     = emailHttpClient;
        public ShipmentUpdateEmailValidator(IAlfrescoHttpClient alfrescoHttpClient, IIdentityUser identityUser, INodesService nodesService, IEmailHttpClient emailHttpClient)
            RuleFor(o => o)
            .MustAsync(async(context, cancellationToken) =>
                _nodeEntry = await alfrescoHttpClient.GetNodeInfo(context.NodeId, ImmutableList <Parameter> .Empty
                                                                  .Add(new Parameter(AlfrescoNames.Headers.Include, AlfrescoNames.Includes.Path, ParameterType.QueryString)));
                _nodeParents = await nodesService.GetParentsByAssociation(context.NodeId, new List <string>
                _groupPaging = await alfrescoHttpClient.GetPersonGroups(identityUser.Id);

                try { _accounts = await emailHttpClient.Accounts(); } catch { }

                if (_nodeParents?.Any(x => x?.Entry?.Association?.AssocType == SpisumNames.Associations.ShipmentsToDispatch) ?? false)
                    _groupToDispatch = await alfrescoHttpClient.GetGroupMembers(SpisumNames.Groups.DispatchGroup,
                                                                                ImmutableList <Parameter> .Empty.Add(new Parameter(AlfrescoNames.Headers.Where, AlfrescoNames.MemberType.Group, ParameterType.QueryString)));

                return(_nodeEntry?.Entry?.Id != null && _groupPaging != null && _nodeParents != null && _accounts != null);
            .WithName(x => nameof(x.NodeId))
            .WithMessage("Something went wrong with alfresco server.")
            .DependentRules(() =>
                RuleFor(x => x)
                .Must(y => _groupPaging?.List?.Entries?.Any(q => q.Entry.Id == identityUser.RequestGroup) ?? false)
                .WithName(x => "Group")
                .WithMessage($"User isn't member of group {identityUser.RequestGroup}.");

                RuleFor(x => x.NodeId)
                .Must(x => _nodeEntry.Entry.NodeType == SpisumNames.NodeTypes.ShipmentEmail)
                .WithMessage(x => $"Provided nodeId must be NodeType {SpisumNames.NodeTypes.ShipmentEmail}");

                RuleFor(x => x)
                .Must(y => _nodeParents?.Any(q => q.Entry.NodeType == SpisumNames.NodeTypes.Document) ?? false)
                .WithName(x => "Parent")
                .WithMessage($"Provided shipment does not have a parent type of {SpisumNames.NodeTypes.Document}");

                RuleFor(x => x)
                .Must(y => CheckDispatchGroup(identityUser.RequestGroup))
                .WithMessage(x => "Dispatch group")
                .WithMessage($"Requested group in not part of {SpisumNames.Groups.DispatchGroup}");

                RuleFor(x => x)
                .Must(x => _accounts.Count > 0)
                .WithMessage(x => "No email configuration on email server");

                RuleFor(x => x.Body.Sender)
                .Must(y => _accounts?.Any(x => x.Username == y) ?? false)
                .WithMessage(x => "Sender was not found in email configuration on email server");

            RuleFor(x => x.Body.Recipient)
            .Must(x => EmailUtils.IsValidEmail(x))
            .When(x => x.Body != null)
            .WithName(x => "Recipient")
            .WithMessage("Recipient is not a valid email address");

            RuleFor(x => x.Body.Subject)
            .Must(x => CheckLength(x, 255))
            .When(x => x.Body != null)
            .WithName(x => "Subject")
            .WithMessage("Subject is too long");

            RuleFor(x => x.Body.Recipient)
            .Must(x => CheckLength(x, 254))
            .When(x => x.Body != null)
            .WithName(x => "Recipient")
            .WithMessage("Recipient is too long");

            RuleFor(x => x.Body.Components)
            .Must(y => y.Count > 0)
            .WithName(x => "Components")
            .WithMessage("Components cannot be empty");
        public ShipmentCreateEmailValidator(IAlfrescoHttpClient alfrescoHttpClient, IIdentityUser identityUser, IEmailHttpClient emailHttpClient)
            RuleFor(o => o)
            .MustAsync(async(context, cancellationToken) =>
                _nodeEntry = await alfrescoHttpClient.GetNodeInfo(context.NodeId, ImmutableList <Parameter> .Empty
                                                                  .Add(new Parameter(AlfrescoNames.Headers.Include, AlfrescoNames.Includes.Path, ParameterType.QueryString)));
                _groupPaging = await alfrescoHttpClient.GetPersonGroups(identityUser.Id);
                try { _accounts = await emailHttpClient.Accounts(); } catch { }

                return(_nodeEntry?.Entry?.Id != null && _groupPaging != null && _accounts != null);
            .WithName(x => nameof(x.NodeId))
            .WithMessage("Something went wrong with alfresco server.")
            .DependentRules(() =>
                RuleFor(x => x)
                .Must(y => _groupPaging?.List?.Entries?.Any(q => q.Entry.Id == identityUser.RequestGroup) ?? false)
                .WithName(x => "Group")
                .WithMessage($"User isn't member of group {identityUser.RequestGroup}.");

                RuleFor(x => x.NodeId)
                .Must(x => _nodeEntry.Entry.NodeType == SpisumNames.NodeTypes.Document)
                .WithMessage(x => $"Provided nodeId must be NodeType {SpisumNames.NodeTypes.Document}");

                RuleFor(x => x)
                .Must(x => _nodeEntry?.Entry?.Path?.Name?.StartsWith(AlfrescoNames.Prefixes.Path + SpisumNames.Paths.Evidence, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true)
                .OnAnyFailure(x => throw new BadRequestException("Document must be in evidence site."));

                RuleFor(x => x)
                .Must(x => _accounts.Count > 0)
                .WithMessage(x => "No email configuration on email server");

                RuleFor(x => x.Body.Sender)
                .Must(y => _accounts?.Any(x => x.Username == y) ?? false)
                .WithMessage(x => "Sender was not found in email configuration on email server");

            RuleFor(x => x.Body.Recipient)
            .Must(x => EmailUtils.IsValidEmail(x))
            .When(x => x.Body != null)
            .WithName(x => "Recipient")
            .WithMessage("Recipient is not a valid email address");

            RuleFor(x => x.Body.Subject)
            .Must(x => CheckSubjectLenght(x))
            .When(x => x.Body != null)
            .WithName(x => "Subject")
            .WithMessage("Subject is too long");

            RuleFor(x => x.Body.Recipient)
            .Must(x => CheckRecipientLenght(x))
            .When(x => x.Body != null)
            .WithName(x => "Recipient")
            .WithMessage("Recipient is too long");

            RuleFor(x => x.Body.Components)
            .Must(y => y?.Count > 0)
            .When(x => x.Body != null)
            .WithName(x => "Components")
            .WithMessage("Components cannot be empty");