private void SetupViews(View view, bool init) { _spentTimeTextView = view.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.spentTimeTextView); _spentTimeTextView.Text = _task.UnaccountedWorkTime?.ToString(); _startDateTextView = view.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.startDateTextView); _startDateTextView.Text = _task.UnaccountedWorkLog?.StartDate?.ToString(); _commentEditText = view.FindViewById <EditText> (Resource.Id.commentEditText); _commentEditText.Text = _task.UnaccountedWorkLog?.Comment; _cancelButton = view.FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.dialogCancelSendingButton); _sendButton = view.FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.dialogSendWorklogButton); if (init) { _spentTimeTextView.Click += delegate { var transaction = Dialog.OwnerActivity.FragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); var dialog = new EditSpentTimeDialogFragment(_task); dialog.Show(transaction, ""); }; _cancelButton.Click += delegate { Dismiss(); }; _sendButton.Click += delegate { // TODO: apply new settings for worklog before sending! _taskProvider.SendTaskWorklog(_task); Dismiss(); }; } }
private void SetupButtons() { // TODO: implement sending worklogs for tasks of current date or for all at once?? _sendAllWorklogsButton.Click += delegate { var tasks = _taskProvider.GetTasksForDate(_currentDate); if (null == tasks) { return; } // TODO: add some sign for user about sending and change @sendStatusImageButton image on success or fail foreach (var task in tasks) { _taskProvider.SendTaskWorklog(task); } }; _previousDateButton.Click += async delegate { _currentDate = _currentDate.AddDays(-1); await CurrentDateChanged(); }; _nextDateButton.Click += async delegate { _currentDate = _currentDate.AddDays(1); await CurrentDateChanged(); }; }