public static void VA_Init1(ref Dictionary<string, object> state, ref Dictionary<string, Int16?> shortIntValues, ref Dictionary<string, string> textValues, ref Dictionary<string, int?> intValues, ref Dictionary<string, decimal?> decimalValues, ref Dictionary<string, Boolean?> booleanValues, ref Dictionary<string, DateTime?> dateTimeValues, ref Dictionary<string, object> extendedValues)
            // Set up and/or open our database
            String dataDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AppData") + "\\EDDI";

            // Obtain our credentials
            Credentials credentials = Credentials.FromFile();
            if (credentials == null)
                setPluginStatus(ref textValues, "Failed", "Failed to access credentials file; please log in", null);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.appId) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.machineId) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.machineToken))
                setPluginStatus(ref textValues, "Failed", "Credentials file does not contain required information; please log in", null);

            app = new CompanionAppService(credentials);

            starSystemRepository = new EDDIStarSystemSqLiteRepository();

            setPluginStatus(ref textValues, "Operational", null, null);

            // Set up log monitor
            logWatcherThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartLogMonitor));

            // Carry out initial population of information
            InvokeUpdateProfile(ref state, ref shortIntValues, ref textValues, ref intValues, ref decimalValues, ref booleanValues, ref dateTimeValues, ref extendedValues);
            InvokeNewSystem(ref state, ref shortIntValues, ref textValues, ref intValues, ref decimalValues, ref booleanValues, ref dateTimeValues, ref extendedValues);
            setString(ref textValues, "Environment", CurrentEnvironment);
        public static void VA_Init1(ref Dictionary<string, object> state, ref Dictionary<string, Int16?> shortIntValues, ref Dictionary<string, string> textValues, ref Dictionary<string, int?> intValues, ref Dictionary<string, decimal?> decimalValues, ref Dictionary<string, Boolean?> booleanValues, ref Dictionary<string, DateTime?> dateTimeValues, ref Dictionary<string, object> extendedValues)
            if (!initialised)
                lock (initLock)
                    if (!initialised)
                            logInfo("EDDI " + PLUGIN_VERSION + " starting");

                            // Set up and/or open our database
                            String dataDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AppData") + "\\EDDI";

                            // Set up our local star system repository
                            starSystemRepository = new EDDIStarSystemSqLiteRepository();

                            // Set up the EDDI configuration
                            EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile();
                            setString(ref textValues, "Home system", eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem != null && eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem.Trim().Length > 0 ? eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem : null);
                            setString(ref textValues, "Home system (spoken)", eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem != null && eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem.Trim().Length > 0 ? Translations.StarSystem(eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem) : null);
                            setString(ref textValues, "Home station", eddiConfiguration.HomeStation != null && eddiConfiguration.HomeStation.Trim().Length > 0 ? eddiConfiguration.HomeStation : null);
                            setDecimal(ref decimalValues, "Insurance", eddiConfiguration.Insurance);
                            if (eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem != null && eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem.Trim().Length > 0)
                                EDDIStarSystem HomeStarSystemData = starSystemRepository.GetEDDIStarSystem(eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem.Trim());
                                if (HomeStarSystemData == null)
                                    // We have no record of this system; set it up
                                    HomeStarSystemData = new EDDIStarSystem();
                                    HomeStarSystemData.Name = eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem.Trim();
                                    HomeStarSystemData.StarSystem = DataProviderService.GetSystemData(eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem.Trim());
                                    HomeStarSystemData.LastVisit = DateTime.Now;
                                    HomeStarSystemData.StarSystemLastUpdated = HomeStarSystemData.LastVisit;
                                    HomeStarSystemData.TotalVisits = 1;
                                HomeStarSystem = HomeStarSystemData.StarSystem;

                            enableDebugging = eddiConfiguration.Debug;
                            setBoolean(ref booleanValues, "EDDI debug", enableDebugging);

                            // Set up the app service
                            appService = new CompanionAppService(enableDebugging);
                            if (appService.CurrentState == CompanionAppService.State.READY)
                                // Carry out initial population of profile
                                InvokeUpdateProfile(ref state, ref shortIntValues, ref textValues, ref intValues, ref decimalValues, ref booleanValues, ref dateTimeValues, ref extendedValues);
                            if (Cmdr != null && Cmdr.Name != null)
                                setString(ref textValues, "EDDI plugin profile status", "Enabled");
                                logInfo("EDDI access to the companion app is enabled");
                                // If InvokeUpdatePlugin failed then it will have have left an error message, but this once we ignore it
                                setPluginStatus(ref textValues, "Operational", null, null);
                                setString(ref textValues, "EDDI plugin profile status", "Disabled");
                                logInfo("EDDI access to the companion app is disabled");
                                // We create a commander anyway, as data such as starsystem uses it
                                Cmdr = new Commander();

                            // Set up the star map service
                            StarMapConfiguration starMapCredentials = StarMapConfiguration.FromFile();
                            if (starMapCredentials != null && starMapCredentials.apiKey != null)
                                // Commander name might come from star map credentials or the companion app's profile
                                string commanderName = null;
                                if (starMapCredentials.commanderName != null)
                                    commanderName = starMapCredentials.commanderName;
                                else if (Cmdr.Name != null)
                                    commanderName = Cmdr.Name;
                                if (commanderName != null)
                                    starMapService = new StarMapService(starMapCredentials.apiKey, commanderName);
                                    setString(ref textValues, "EDDI plugin EDSM status", "Enabled");
                                    logInfo("EDDI access to EDSM is enabled");
                            if (starMapService == null)
                                setString(ref textValues, "EDDI plugin EDSM status", "Disabled");
                                logInfo("EDDI access to EDSM is disabled");

                            setString(ref textValues, "EDDI version", PLUGIN_VERSION);

                            speechService = new SpeechService(SpeechServiceConfiguration.FromFile());

                            InvokeNewSystem(ref state, ref shortIntValues, ref textValues, ref intValues, ref decimalValues, ref booleanValues, ref dateTimeValues, ref extendedValues);
                            CurrentEnvironment = ENVIRONMENT_NORMAL_SPACE;
                            setString(ref textValues, "Environment", CurrentEnvironment);

                            // Set up log monitor
                            NetLogConfiguration netLogConfiguration = NetLogConfiguration.FromFile();
                            if (netLogConfiguration != null && netLogConfiguration.path != null)
                                logWatcherThread = new Thread(() => StartLogMonitor(netLogConfiguration));
                                logWatcherThread.IsBackground = true;
                                logWatcherThread.Name = "EDDI netlog watcher";
                                setString(ref textValues, "EDDI plugin NetLog status", "Enabled");
                                logInfo("EDDI netlog monitor is enabled for " + netLogConfiguration.path);
                                setString(ref textValues, "EDDI plugin NetLog status", "Disabled");
                                logInfo("EDDI netlog monitor is disabled");

                            setPluginStatus(ref textValues, "Operational", null, null);

                            initialised = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            setPluginStatus(ref textValues, "Failed", "Failed to initialise", ex);