protected IActionResult ResponseWithFirstNotification() { if (_domainNotification.HasNotifications()) { return(BadRequest(_domainNotification.GetFirstNotification())); } return(Ok()); }
public BaseResponse Commit() { var response = new BaseResponse(); if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { response.Fail(); return(response); } try { var saveResult = _unitOfWork.Save(); if (saveResult > 0) { return(response); } var errorMessage = "Erro ao salvar os dados no banco"; _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", errorMessage)); response.Fail(errorMessage); } catch (Exception e) { response.Fail(e.Message); } return(response); }
public IHttpActionResult Response(object result) { if (!_notifications.HasNotifications()) { try { _unitOfWork.Commit(); return(Ok(new { success = true, data = result })); } catch { // Logar o erro (Elmah) return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new { success = false, errors = new[] { "Ocorreu uma falha interna no servidor." } })); } } else { return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new { success = false, errors = _notifications.Notify().Select(n => n.Value) })); } }
protected bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Ocorreu um erro ao salvar os dados no banco.")); return(false); }
public ActionResult Post(LancamentosViewModel collection) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(NotFound(collection)); } context.Lancamentos(collection); if (!_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(Ok(collection)); } else { return(NotFound(_notifications)); } }
public bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } //commit //if (commandResponse.Success) return true; _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Tivemos um problema salbando seus dados.")); return(false); }
protected IActionResult GetResponse(object result) { if (_notifications != null && _notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(BadRequest(_notifications.GetNotifications().Select(n => n.Value))); } if (result == null) { return(Ok()); } return(Ok(result)); }
public bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } if (_unitOfWork.Commit()) { return(true); } _bus.RaiseEvent(new Core.Notifications.DomainNotification("Commit", "Não foi possivel realizar a operação.")); return(false); }
public void Handle(RegistrarNoticiaCommand message) { var noticia = Noticia.NoticiaFactory.NovaNoticiaCompleta(message.Id, message.Titulo, message.Subtitulo, message.Descricao, message.Autor); var noticiaExistente = _noticiaRepository.Buscar(n => n.Titulo == noticia.Titulo); if (noticiaExistente.Any()) { _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification(message.MessageType, "Titulo já existente")); } if (!NoticiaValido(noticia)) { return; } if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return; } _noticiaRepository.Adicionar(noticia); _bus.RaiseEvent(new NoticiaRegistradaEvent(message.Id, message.Titulo, message.Subtitulo, message.Descricao, message.Autor)); }
protected bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } if (_uow.Commit()) { return(true); } _bus.SendEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Error while saving data into database")); return(false); }
public bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "We had a problem during saving your data.")); return(false); }
public bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } _bus.RaizeEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Algum erro ocorreu ao atualizar o banco de dados")); return(false); }
protected bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } //TODO: Translate the texts for all languages _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainDotification("Commit", "Ocorreu um erro ao salvar os dados no banco")); return(false); }
protected bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _unitOfWork.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "There was an error saving the data.")); return(false); }
protected bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Não foi possível salvar.")); return(false); }
protected bool Commit() { if (_notification.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Error on saving the data.")); return(false); }
protected bool Commit() { if (_DomainNotificationHandler.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _unitOfWork.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } Console.WriteLine("Ocorreu um erro ao salvar os dados no banco"); _Bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Ocorreu um erro ao salvar os dados no banco")); return(false); }
protected bool Commit() { // Se já houver erro não continua pro commit if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Erro ao salvar dados no banco")); return(false); }
protected bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } // TODO: Validar se há alguma validcao de negócio com erro! var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } Console.WriteLine("Ocorreu um erro ao salvar os dados no banco"); _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Ocorreu um erro ao salvar os dados no banco")); return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Commits this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification( Const.CONST_DOMAIN_NOTIFICATION_KEY_COMMIT, Const.CONST_DOMAIN_NOTIFICATION_KEY_COMMIT_VALUE)); return(false); }
protected bool Commit() { // TODO: Check business validations ! if (_domainNotificationHandler.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _unitOfWork.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } Console.WriteLine("Error when saving data"); _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Error when saving data")); return(false); }
protected bool Commit() { //TODO: Validate whether there are some error business validation or not. if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } Console.WriteLine("An error has occured saving data"); _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "An error has occured saving data")); return(false); }
public bool Commit() { if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } Console.WriteLine("FAZER ALGO P VALIDAR O ERRO"); _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Ocorreu um erro ao salvar os dados no banco")); return(false); }
protected bool Commit() { // TODO: há agluma validação de negocio com erro if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _uow.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } Console.WriteLine("Erro ao salvar"); _bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commmit", "Erro ao salvar")); return(false); }
//CreateReponse always check for Domain Notifications (errors) before send results //This will secure that the application never will deliver wrong or incomplete data //DomainNotificationHandler notifications are filled on the AppServices operations protected IActionResult CreateResponse(object result = null, HttpStatusCode statusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (_domainNotificationHandler.HasNotifications()) { return(BadRequest(new { success = false, result = "Ocorreu um erro ao retornar os resultados.", data = _domainNotificationHandler .GetNotifications() })); } return(StatusCode((int)statusCode, new { success = true, result = "A operação foi concluída com sucesso.", data = result })); }
protected bool Commit() { //TODO: validar se a há alguma validacao de negocio com erro! //se houver nao entra em commit if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(false); } var commandResponse = _unitOfWork.Commit(); if (commandResponse.Success) { return(true); } Console.WriteLine("Erro ao salvar dados no banco"); _bus.RiseEvent(new DomainNotification("Commit", "Erro ao salvar dados no banco")); return(false); }
protected IActionResult CreateResponse(object result = null, HttpStatusCode statusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (_domainNotificationHandler.HasNotifications()) { _logger.LogWarning("Retornando resposta do Controller: BadRequest devido à {notifications}.", _domainNotificationHandler.GetNotifications()); return(BadRequest(new { success = false, result = "Ocorreu um erro ao retornar os resultados.", data = _domainNotificationHandler .GetNotifications() })); } _logger.LogInformation("Retornando resposta do Controller: Operação concluída com sucesso, dados retornados: {data}.", result); return(StatusCode((int)statusCode, new { success = true, result = "A operação foi concluída com sucesso.", data = result })); }
public async Task <bool> CommitAsync() { if (!_notificationHandler.HasNotifications()) { foreach (var entry in ChangeTracker.Entries().Where(entry => entry.Entity.GetType().GetProperty("DataCriacao") != null)) { if (entry.State == EntityState.Added) { entry.Property("DataCriacao").CurrentValue = DateTime.Now; } if (entry.State == EntityState.Modified) { entry.Property("DataCriacao").IsModified = false; } } var sucesso = await base.SaveChangesAsync() > 0; //if (sucesso) await _mediatorHandler.PublicarEventos(this); return(sucesso); } return(false); }
public async Task <Entities.Payment> CreateAsync(decimal value, int installments, int debitAccountNumber, int creditAccountNumber) { #region Verifica se as contas existem var debitAccount = (await _unitOfWork .CheckingAccountRepository .ListAsync(new CheckingAccountFilterSpecification(debitAccountNumber))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (debitAccount == null) { _notifications.Handle(new DomainNotification(string.Empty, "Debit Account not found")); } var creditAccount = (await _unitOfWork .CheckingAccountRepository .ListAsync(new CheckingAccountFilterSpecification(creditAccountNumber))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (debitAccount == null) { _notifications.Handle(new DomainNotification(string.Empty, "Credit Account not found")); } if (_notifications.HasNotifications()) { return(await Task.FromResult <Entities.Payment>(null)); } #endregion #region Calculas as taxas var netValue = CalculateTax(value, installments); #endregion #region Verifica o saldo da conta de débito if (debitAccount.Balance < netValue) { _notifications.Handle(new DomainNotification(string.Empty, "The debit account is not enough")); } #endregion #region Insere os lançamentos var debitEntry = new Entry { CheckingAccountNumber = debitAccount.Number, Type = "D", Value = netValue }; var creditEntry = new Entry { CheckingAccountNumber = creditAccount.Number, Type = "C", Value = netValue }; #endregion #region Criação do pagamento var payment = new Domain.Entities.Payment { GrossValue = value, NetValue = netValue, Installments = installments, CreditAccountNumber = creditAccount.Number, DebitAccountNumber = debitAccount.Number }; #endregion #region Atualiza o saldo das contas debitAccount.Balance -= netValue; creditAccount.Balance += netValue; #endregion #region Commit _unitOfWork.EntryRepository.Add(debitEntry); _unitOfWork.EntryRepository.Add(creditEntry); _unitOfWork.PaymentRepository.Add(payment); _unitOfWork.CheckingAccountRepository.Update(debitAccount); _unitOfWork.CheckingAccountRepository.Update(creditAccount); if (!(await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync())) { return(await Task.FromResult <Entities.Payment>(null)); } #endregion return(payment); }