        private IEnvelope Envelope_Search(IActiveView activeView)
            IArea       Area;
            IEnvelope   pEnvelope;
            IRubberBand rubberEnv;
            IGeometry   geom;

            rubberEnv = new RubberEnvelopeClass();
            geom      = rubberEnv.TrackNew(activeView.ScreenDisplay, null);

            geom.SpatialReference = Map.SpatialReference;
            pEnvelope             = geom.Envelope;

            Area = (IArea)pEnvelope;

            if (pEnvelope.IsEmpty || Area.Area == 0)
                pEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();

                ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.tagRECT RECT = new tagRECT();
                RECT.bottom = 0;
                RECT.left   = 0;
                RECT.right  = 5;
                RECT.top    = 5;

                IDisplayTransformation dispTrans = activeView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation;
                dispTrans.TransformRect(pEnvelope, RECT, 4);
        static void SelectFeaturesScreenPoint(IMap pMap, int x, int y, int pixelTol)
            tagRECT r;

            //Construct a small rectangle out of the x,y coordinates' pixel tolerance.
            r.left   = x - pixelTol; //Upper left x, top left is 0,0.
            r.top    = y - pixelTol; //Upper left y, top left is 0,0.
            r.right  = x + pixelTol; //Lower right x, top left is 0,0.
            r.bottom = y + pixelTol; //Lower right y, top left is 0,0.

            //Transform the device rectangle into a geographic rectangle via the display transformation.
            IEnvelope              pEnvelope     = new EnvelopeClass();
            IActiveView            pActiveView   = pMap as IActiveView;
            IDisplayTransformation pDisplayTrans = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation;

            pDisplayTrans.TransformRect(pEnvelope, ref r, 5);
            //5 = esriTransformPosition + esriTransformToMap.

            pEnvelope.SpatialReference = pMap.SpatialReference;

            //ISelectionEnvironment pSelectionEnvironment = new SelectionEnvironmentClass();
            //pSelectionEnvironment.CombinationMethod =
            //    esriSelectionResultEnum.esriSelectionResultNew;
            //pMap.SelectByShape(pEnvelope, pSelectionEnvironment, false);
        private void ZoomToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (item == null)
            IFeature pF    = (IFeature)m_ArrayListFeatures[item.Index];
            ILayer   Layer = (ILayer)m_ArrayListLayers[item.Index];

            IEnvelope   pEnvelope;
            IActiveView ActiveView = (IActiveView)m_Map;

            if (Layer == null || pF == null)
            if (pF.Shape.GeometryType != ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                pEnvelope = pF.Extent;
                pEnvelope.Expand(1.5, 1.5, true);

                pEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();

                ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.tagRECT RECT = new tagRECT();

                IDisplayTransformation dispTrans = ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation;
                dispTrans.TransformRect(pEnvelope, RECT, 4);
                pEnvelope.Width  = ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds.Width / 10;
                pEnvelope.Height = ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds.Height / 10;

                pEnvelope.CenterAt(pF.ShapeCopy as IPoint);
                pEnvelope.SpatialReference = m_Map.SpatialReference;
            ActiveView.Extent = pEnvelope;
        protected override void OnMouseDown(ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs arg)
            int            X      = arg.X;
            int            Y      = arg.Y;
            IMxApplication pMxApp = null;
            IMxDocument    pMxDoc = null;

            pMxApp = (IMxApplication)ArcMap.Application;
            pMxDoc = (IMxDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document;

            // calculate tolerance rectangle to identify features inside it
            int Tolerance = 0;

            Tolerance = pMxDoc.SearchTolerancePixels;

            IDisplayTransformation pDispTrans = null;

            pDispTrans = pMxApp.Display.DisplayTransformation;
            tagRECT pToleranceRect = new tagRECT();

            pToleranceRect.left   = X - Tolerance;
            pToleranceRect.right  = X + Tolerance;
            pToleranceRect.top    = Y - Tolerance;
            pToleranceRect.bottom = Y + Tolerance;

            IEnvelope pSearchEnvelope = null;

            pSearchEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
            pDispTrans.TransformRect(pSearchEnvelope, ref pToleranceRect, (int)(esriDisplayTransformationEnum.esriTransformPosition | esriDisplayTransformationEnum.esriTransformToMap));

            // identify feature points of measurement
            IBasicDocument pBasicDoc = null;

            pBasicDoc = (IBasicDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document;
            pSearchEnvelope.SpatialReference = pMxDoc.ActiveView.FocusMap.SpatialReference;

            IIdentify pIdentify = null;

            pIdentify = (IIdentify)pMxDoc.FocusMap.get_Layer(0);
            if (pIdentify == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No layer");

            IArray pIDArray = null;

            pIDArray = pIdentify.Identify(pSearchEnvelope);

            // get object from feature point
            IIdentifyObj pIDObj = null;

            if (pIDArray != null)
                pIDObj = (IIdentifyObj)pIDArray.get_Element(0);

            if (pIDObj == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No feature was identified");

            // get the name of the layer containing feature points
            ILayer pLayer = null;

            pLayer = pMxDoc.FocusMap.get_Layer(0);

            string layerName = null;

            layerName = pLayer.Name;

            // get primary display field for measurement values and set names of a date/time field and gage ID field
            IFeatureLayer pFeatLayer = null;

            pFeatLayer = (IFeatureLayer)pLayer;
            string dataFldName   = null;
            string timefldName   = null;
            string gageIDFldName = null;

            dataFldName   = "TSValue";
            timefldName   = "TSDateTime"; // substitute data/time field name for different dataset
            gageIDFldName = "Name";       // substitute gage ID field name for different dataset

            // get display table from layer
            ITable        pTable        = null;
            IDisplayTable pDisplayTable = null;

            pDisplayTable = (IDisplayTable)pLayer;
            if (pDisplayTable != null)
                pTable = pDisplayTable.DisplayTable;
                if (pTable == null)
                    goto THEEND;

            // get fields from display table
            IFields pFields = null;

            pFields = pTable.Fields;
            long fldCount = 0;

            fldCount = pFields.FieldCount;

            // create WHERE clause from identified objects of measurement points
            int gageIDFldIdx = 0;

            gageIDFldIdx = pFields.FindField(gageIDFldName);

            IRowIdentifyObject pRowIDObj = null;

            pRowIDObj = (IRowIdentifyObject)pIDObj;

            string gageID = null;

            gageID = (string)pRowIDObj.Row.get_Value(gageIDFldIdx);

            IFeatureLayerDefinition pFeatureLayerDef = null;

            pFeatureLayerDef = (IFeatureLayerDefinition)pLayer;
            string definitionExpression = null;

            definitionExpression = pFeatureLayerDef.DefinitionExpression;

            string whereClause = null;

            if (definitionExpression == "")
                whereClause = "[" + gageIDFldName + "] = '" + gageID + "'";
                whereClause = "[" + gageIDFldName + "] = '" + gageID + "' AND " + definitionExpression;

            //find color for the identified object from feature layer's renderer
            IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer = null;

            pGeoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pLayer;

            ILookupSymbol pLookupSymbol = null;

            pLookupSymbol = (ILookupSymbol)pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer;

            IFeature pFeature = null;

            pFeature = (IFeature)pRowIDObj.Row;

            IMarkerSymbol pSymbol = null;

            pSymbol = (IMarkerSymbol)pLookupSymbol.LookupSymbol(false, pFeature);

            // Find an opened GraphWindow
            IDataGraphBase    pDataGraphBase = null;
            IDataGraphT       pDataGraphT    = null;
            IDataGraphWindow2 pDGWin         = null;

            IDataGraphCollection pDataGraphs = null;

            pDataGraphs = (IDataGraphCollection)pMxDoc;
            int grfCount = 0;

            grfCount = pDataGraphs.DataGraphCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < grfCount; i++)
                pDataGraphBase = pDataGraphs.get_DataGraph(i);
                pDGWin         = FindGraphWindow(ref pDataGraphBase);
                if (pDGWin != null)

            // if there is not an opened graph window - create a new graph for
            if (pDGWin == null)
                // create graph
                pDataGraphT    = new DataGraphTClass();
                pDataGraphBase = (IDataGraphBase)pDataGraphT;

                // load template from <ARCGISHOME>\GraphTemplates\
                string strPath = null;
                strPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ARCGISHOME");
                    pDataGraphT.LoadTemplate(strPath + @"GraphTemplates\timeseries.tee");
                { }

                // graph, axis and legend titles. Substitute them for different input layer
                pDataGraphT.GeneralProperties.Title           = "Daily Streamflow for Guadalupe Basin in 1999";
                pDataGraphT.LegendProperties.Title            = "Monitoring Point";
                pDataGraphT.get_AxisProperties(0).Title       = "Streamflow (cfs)";
                pDataGraphT.get_AxisProperties(0).Logarithmic = true;
                pDataGraphT.get_AxisProperties(2).Title       = "Date";
                pDataGraphBase.Name = layerName;
            else // get graph from the opened window
                pDataGraphT = (IDataGraphT)pDataGraphBase;

            // create vertical line series for all measurements for the identified gage
            ISeriesProperties pSP = null;

            pSP             = pDataGraphT.AddSeries("line:vertical");
            pSP.ColorType   = esriGraphColorType.esriGraphColorCustomAll;
            pSP.CustomColor = pSymbol.Color.RGB;
            pSP.WhereClause = whereClause;
            pSP.InLegend    = true;
            pSP.Name        = gageID;

            pSP.SourceData = pLayer;
            pSP.SetField(0, timefldName);
            pSP.SetField(1, dataFldName);
            IDataSortSeriesProperties pSortFlds = null;

            pSortFlds = (IDataSortSeriesProperties)pSP;
            int idx = 0;

            pSortFlds.AddSortingField(timefldName, true, ref idx);

            pDataGraphBase.UseSelectedSet = true;

            ITrackCancel pCancelTracker = null;

            pCancelTracker = new CancelTracker();

            // create data graph window if there is not any opened one
            if (pDGWin == null)
                pDGWin = new DataGraphWindowClass();
                pDGWin.DataGraphBase = pDataGraphBase;
                pDGWin.Application   = ArcMap.Application;



        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            IMap   map;
            IPoint clickedPoint = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);

            //If ActiveView is a PageLayout
            if (m_hookHelper.ActiveView is IPageLayout)
                //See whether the mouse has been clicked over a Map in the PageLayout
                map = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.HitTestMap(clickedPoint);

                //If mouse click isn't over a Map exit
                if (map == null)

                //Ensure the Map is the FocusMap
                if ((!object.ReferenceEquals(map, m_hookHelper.FocusMap)))
                    m_hookHelper.ActiveView.FocusMap = map;
                    m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);

                //Still need to convert the clickedPoint into map units using the map's IActiveView
                clickedPoint = ((IActiveView)map).ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);

            else //Or ActiveView is a Map
                map = m_hookHelper.FocusMap;

            IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)map;
            IRubberBand rubberEnv  = new RubberEnvelopeClass();
            IGeometry   geom       = rubberEnv.TrackNew(activeView.ScreenDisplay, null);
            IArea       area       = (IArea)geom;

            //Extra logic to cater for the situation where the user simply clicks a point on the map
            //or where envelope is so small area is zero
            if ((geom.IsEmpty == true) || (area.Area == 0))
                //create a new envelope
                IEnvelope tempEnv = new EnvelopeClass();

                //create a small rectangle
                ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.tagRECT RECT = new tagRECT();
                RECT.bottom = 0;
                RECT.left   = 0;
                RECT.right  = 5;
                RECT.top    = 5;

                //transform rectangle into map units and apply to the tempEnv envelope
                IDisplayTransformation dispTrans = activeView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation;
                dispTrans.TransformRect(tempEnv, ref RECT, 4); //4 = esriDisplayTransformationEnum.esriTransformToMap)
                geom = (IGeometry)tempEnv;

            //Set the spatial reference of the search geometry to that of the Map
            ISpatialReference spatialReference = map.SpatialReference;

            geom.SpatialReference = spatialReference;

            map.SelectByShape(geom, null, false);
            activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, activeView.Extent);