         * Process some bytes, then compute the output.
         * This function is supposed to implement the processing in
         * constant time (and thus constant memory access pattern) for
         * all values of 'len' between 'minLen' and 'maxLen'
         * (inclusive). This function works only for the supported
         * underlying hash functions (MD5, SHA-1 and the SHA-2
         * functions).
         * The source array (buf[]) must contain at least maxLen bytes
         * (starting at offset 'off'); they will all be read.
        public void ComputeCT(byte[] buf, int off, int len,
                              int minLen, int maxLen, byte[] outBuf, int outOff)
             * Padding is 0x80, followed by 0 to 63 bytes of value
             * 0x00 (up to 127 bytes for SHA-384 and SHA-512), then
             * the input bit length expressed over 64 bits
             * (little-endian for MD5, big-endian for
             * the SHA-* functions)(for SHA-384 and SHA-512, this is
             * 128 bits).
             * Note that we only support bit lengths that fit on
             * 64 bits, so we can handle SHA-384/SHA-512 padding
             * almost as if it was the same as SHA-256; we just have
             * to take care of the larger blocks (128 bytes instead
             * of 64) and the larger minimal overhead (17 bytes
             * instead of 9 bytes).
             * be   true for big-endian length encoding
             * bs   block size, in bytes (must be a power of 2)
             * po   padding overhead (0x80 byte and length encoding)
            bool be;
            int  bs, po;

            if (h is MD5)
                be = false;
                bs = 64;
                po = 9;
            else if ((h is SHA1) || (h is SHA2Small))
                be = true;
                bs = 64;
                po = 9;
            else if (h is SHA2Big)
                be = true;
                bs = 128;
                po = 17;
                throw new NotSupportedException();

             * Method implemented here is inspired from the one
             * described there:
             * https://www.imperialviolet.org/2013/02/04/luckythirteen.html

             * We compute the data bit length; let's not forget
             * the initial first block (the one with the HMAC key).
            ulong bitLen = ((ulong)bs + dataLen + (ulong)len) << 3;

             * All complete blocks before minLen can be processed
             * efficiently.
            ulong nDataLen = (dataLen + (ulong)minLen) & ~(ulong)(bs - 1);

            if (nDataLen > dataLen)
                int zlen = (int)(nDataLen - dataLen);
                h.Update(buf, off, (int)(nDataLen - dataLen));
                dataLen = nDataLen;
                off    += zlen;
                len    -= zlen;
                maxLen -= zlen;

             * At that point:
             * -- dataLen contains the number of bytes already processed
             * (in total, not counting the initial key block).
             * -- We must input 'len' bytes, which may be up to 'maxLen'
             * (inclusive).
             * We compute kr, kl, kz and km:
             *  kr   number of input bytes already in the current block
             *  km   index of the first byte after the end of the last
             *       padding block, if 'len' is equal to 'maxLen'
             *  kz   index of the last byte of the actual last padding
             *       block
             *  kl   index of the start of the encoded length
            int kr = (int)dataLen & (bs - 1);
            int kz = ((kr + len + po + bs - 1) & ~(bs - 1)) - 1 - kr;
            int kl = kz - 7;
            int km = ((kr + maxLen + po + bs - 1) & ~(bs - 1)) - kr;

             * We must process km bytes. For index i from 0 to km-1:
             *   d is from data[] if i < maxLen, 0x00 otherwise
             *   e is an encoded length byte or 0x00, depending on i
             * These tests do not depend on the actual length, so
             * they need not be constant-time.
             * Actual input byte is:
             *   d      if i < len
             *   0x80   if i == len
             *   0x00   if i > len and i < kl
             *   e      if i >= kl
             * We extract hash state whenever we reach a full block;
             * we keep it only if i == kz.
            int hlen = h.DigestSize;

            for (int k = 0; k < hlen; k++)
                tmp[k] = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < km; i++)
                int d = (i < maxLen) ? buf[off + i] : 0x00;
                int e;
                int j = (kr + i) & (bs - 1);
                if (j >= (bs - 8))
                    int k = (j - (bs - 8)) << 3;
                    if (be)
                        e = (int)(bitLen >> (56 - k));
                        e = (int)(bitLen >> k);
                    e &= 0xFF;
                    e = 0x00;

                 * x0 is 0x80 if i == len; otherwise it is d.
                int z  = i - len;
                int x0 = 0x80 ^ (((z | -z) >> 31) & (0x80 ^ d));

                 * x1 is e if i >= kl; otherwise it is 0x00.
                int x1 = e & ~((i - kl) >> 31);

                 * We input x0 if i <= len, x1 otherwise.
                h.Update((byte)(x0 ^ (((len - i) >> 31) & (x0 ^ x1))));

                 * Get current state if we are at the end of a block,
                 * and keep it if i == kz.
                if (j == (bs - 1))
                    h.CurrentState(tmpCT, 0);
                    z = i - kz;
                    z = ~((z | -z) >> 31);
                    for (int k = 0; k < hlen; k++)
                        tmp[k] |= (byte)(z & tmpCT[k]);

             * We got the hash output in tmp[]; we must complete
             * the HMAC computation.
            h.DoFinal(outBuf, outOff);