        public async Task ShowDialogAsync(object context, IDialogInstance dialog, IDialogSettings settings = null)
            // Get the current dialog
            var metroDialog = await Instance.GetCurrentDialogAsync <BaseMetroDialog>(context);

            // Perform a very simply check to see if the correct dialog is returned, then show it
            if (metroDialog is not null && metroDialog.Title == dialog.Title)
                await Instance.ShowMetroDialogAsync(context, metroDialog, settings?.ToMetroDialogSettings());
        public async void SetConnectionInfo(ConnectionInfoEditorViewModel viewModel)
            _options.BaselineServer   = viewModel.BaselineServer;
            _options.BaselineDatabase = viewModel.BaselineDatabase;
            _options.BaselineSchema   = viewModel.BaselineSchema;
            _options.BaselineUsername = viewModel.BaselineUsername;
            _options.BaselinePassword = viewModel.BaselinePassword;

            _options.BenchmarkServer   = viewModel.BenchmarkServer;
            _options.BenchmarkDatabase = viewModel.BenchmarkDatabase;
            _options.BenchmarkSchema   = viewModel.BenchmarkSchema;
            _options.BenchmarkUsername = viewModel.BenchmarkUsername;
            _options.BenchmarkPassword = viewModel.BenchmarkPassword;

            _invalidOptions = false;

            ShowStatusMessage("Pre InitializeAll");
            // now that the options are filled, I can invoke the initialization
            BaseMetroDialog showingDialog = null;

            showingDialog = await _dialogCoordinator.GetCurrentDialogAsync <BaseMetroDialog>(this);

            if (showingDialog != null)
                await _dialogCoordinator.HideMetroDialogAsync(this, showingDialog);

            ShowStatusMessage("Post InitializeAll");
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows a <see cref="PackManagementDialog" /> dialog inside the current window.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packs">All packs available to choose from.</param>
        /// <param name="packToEdit">The pack to modify.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The message to the user. I.e 'edit' will be displayed.</param>
        /// <returns>The dialog</returns>
        public async Task <IPackDialog> ShowPackManagementDialogAsync(IEnumerable <Pack> packs, Pack packToEdit, string action)
            await dialogCoordinator.ShowMetroDialogAsync(shell, new PackManagementDialog(packs, dialogCoordinator, shell, packToEdit, action));

            IPackDialog dialog = await dialogCoordinator.GetCurrentDialogAsync <PackManagementDialog>(shell);

    /// <summary>
    /// Tweak around mahapps' behaviour with dialogs - Unloaded fires when showing child dialogs as well as when hiding dialog itself.
    /// We need to wait til dialog itself is close.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dialog">Dialog to show.</param>
    /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> representing the result of the asynchronous operation.</returns>
    public virtual async Task ShowAndWaitForClosedAsync(BaseMetroDialog dialog)
    => await Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() =>
        // Remember where we were before showing.
        BaseMetroDialog parentDialog = await dialogCoordinator.GetCurrentDialogAsync <BaseMetroDialog>(viewModel);

        await dialogCoordinator.ShowMetroDialogAsync(viewModel, dialog);

        BaseMetroDialog currentDialog;
            // Wailt until unload of this dialog (may happen multiple times)
            await dialog.WaitUntilUnloadedAsync();

            // Check if current dialog is the one that we remembered
            currentDialog = await dialogCoordinator.GetCurrentDialogAsync <BaseMetroDialog>(viewModel);
        }while (currentDialog != parentDialog);