public static async Task ReplyWithChart(IDialogContext context, string workbookId, string worksheetId, WorkbookChart chart) { try { // Create and save user nonce var userNonce = (Guid.NewGuid()).ToString(); context.ConversationData.SetValue <ChartAttachment>( userNonce, new ChartAttachment() { WorkbookId = workbookId, WorksheetId = worksheetId, ChartId = chart.Id }); await context.FlushAsync(context.CancellationToken); // Reply with chart URL attached var reply = context.MakeMessage(); reply.Recipient.Id = (reply.Recipient.Id != null) ? reply.Recipient.Id : (string)(HttpContext.Current.Items["UserId"]); var image = new Microsoft.Bot.Connector.Attachment() { ContentType = "image/png", ContentUrl = $"{RequestHelper.RequestUri.Scheme}://{RequestHelper.RequestUri.Authority}/api/{reply.ChannelId}/{reply.Conversation.Id}/{reply.Recipient.Id}/{userNonce}/image" }; reply.Attachments.Add(image); await context.PostAsync(reply); } catch (Exception ex) { await context.PostAsync($"Sorry, something went wrong getting the **{chart.Name}** chart ({ex.Message})"); } }
public async Task Reminder(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result) { context.Reset(); context.ConversationData.Clear(); context.UserData.Clear(); context.PrivateConversationData.Clear(); await context.FlushAsync(CancellationToken.None); }
private async Task SaveAnswer(IDialogContext context, IMessageActivity message) { var question = context.PrivateConversationData.GetValue <string>(Constants.QuestionToAnswerKey); var typing = context.MakeMessage(); typing.Type = ActivityTypes.Typing; await context.PostAsync(typing); await this.updateKnowledgeBaseService.AddAnswer(question, message.Text); context.PrivateConversationData.RemoveValue(Constants.IsAnsweringKey); context.PrivateConversationData.RemoveValue(Constants.QuestionToAnswerKey); if (ConversationHelper.IsSlackChannel(message)) { var responseUrl = context.PrivateConversationData.GetValue <string>(Constants.SlackResponseUrlKey); context.PrivateConversationData.RemoveValue(Constants.SlackResponseUrlKey); var interactiveMessage = new SlackInteractiveMessage { ResponseType = "in_channel", DeleteOriginal = true, Text = $"Wow! I just learnt something new. Thanks {message.From.Name}!", Attachments = { new SlackAttachment { Color = "#36a64f", Title = $"{question}", Text = message.Text } } }; await SendSlackInteractiveMessage(responseUrl, interactiveMessage); } else { var reply = context.MakeMessage(); reply.Text = $"Wow! I just learnt something new. Thanks {message.From.Name}!"; reply.Attachments = new List <Attachment> { new HeroCard { Title = question, Text = message.Text, }.ToAttachment() }; await context.PostAsync(reply); } await context.FlushAsync(CancellationToken.None); context.Wait(this.MessageReceivedAsync); }
public async Task ClearData(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result) { context.ConversationData.Clear(); context.UserData.Clear(); await context.FlushAsync(CancellationToken.None); await context.PostAsync($"OK. I've deleted all data I had of you. It's true."); context.Wait(MessageReceived); }
private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result) { var activity = await result as Activity; var answer = await _qnaHandler.Handle(activity.Text); await context.PostAsync(answer.Answer); await context.FlushAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken.None); context.Wait(MessageReceivedAsync); }
public async Task None(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result) { var factory = new DialogFactory(); AzureBotLuisDialog <string> dialog = await factory.Create(result.Query); if (dialog != null) { var message = context.MakeMessage(); message.Text = userToBot; var accessToken = await context.GetAccessToken(resourceId.Value); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken)) { return; } await context.Forward(dialog, this.ResumeAfterForward, message, CancellationToken.None); } else { if (new[] { "cancel", "reset", "restart", "kill", "undo", "start over" }.Any(c => result.Query.Contains(c))) { context.Reset(); context.ConversationData.Clear(); context.UserData.Clear(); context.PrivateConversationData.Clear(); await context.FlushAsync(CancellationToken.None); await context.PostAsync($"Alright, I've reset everything, let's try again."); await this.Help(context, new LuisResult()); } else { string message = $"Sorry, I did not understand '{result.Query}'. Type 'help' if you need assistance."; await context.PostAsync(message); context.Wait(MessageReceived); } } }
public async Task InterviewDone(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <bool> confirmation) { if (await confirmation) { //TODO: find way to properly start new conversation. this will do it in weird way await context.PostAsync("Seems we are done"); await context.PostAsync("Enjoy the rest of your day"); await context.FlushAsync(context.CancellationToken); context.Wait(MessageReceivedAsync); } else { await context.PostAsync("O, let me restart the interview"); //TODO: find a better way to do this, don't want to call startasync ourselves await StartAsync(context); } }
private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> result) { var message = await result; context.PrivateConversationData.TryGetValue <bool>(Constants.IsAnsweringKey, out bool isAnswering); if (isAnswering) { await this.SaveAnswer(context, message); } else if ((ConversationHelper.IsSlackChannel(message) && (message.ChannelData == null || message.ChannelData.Payload == null)) || !ConversationHelper.IsUserGoingToAnswerQuestion(message)) { var text = message.Conversation.IsGroup.GetValueOrDefault() ? $"Oops. I dont know how to answer that. Anyone willing to help?\n\n**{message.Text}**" : $"Oops. I dont know how to answer that. Do you know the answer to **{message.Text}**?"; // in reality we can just check if user is going to answer a question and remove the Slack specific check var askForHelpReply = context.MakeMessage(); askForHelpReply.Text = text; askForHelpReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment> { new HeroCard { Buttons = new List <CardAction> { // sending the question as part of the button. Not required for Slack but a quick workaround for other channels. new CardAction(ActionTypes.PostBack, "Answer", value: $"{Constants.WikiQuestionKey}{message.Text}") } }.ToAttachment() }; await context.PostAsync(askForHelpReply); context.Wait(this.MessageReceivedAsync); } else { string user = message.From.Name; // the value of the button should contain the question string question = message.Text.Substring(Constants.WikiQuestionKey.Length); context.PrivateConversationData.SetValue(Constants.IsAnsweringKey, true); context.PrivateConversationData.SetValue(Constants.QuestionToAnswerKey, question); if (ConversationHelper.IsSlackChannel(message)) { string responseUrl = message.ChannelData.Payload.response_url; context.PrivateConversationData.SetValue(Constants.SlackResponseUrlKey, responseUrl); await context.FlushAsync(CancellationToken.None); // just showing how to access the data from the Slack payload user =; // question = message.ChannelData.Payload.original_message.text.ToString().Replace("*", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty); var interactiveMessage = new SlackInteractiveMessage { ResponseType = "in_channel", ReplaceOriginal = true, Text = message.Conversation.IsGroup.GetValueOrDefault() ? "Oops. I dont know how to answer that. Anyone willing to help?" : "Oops. I dont know how to answer that. Do you know the answer?", Attachments = { new SlackAttachment { Color = "#36a64f", Title = question, Text = $"@{user} is answering" } } }; await SendSlackInteractiveMessage(responseUrl, interactiveMessage); } else { await context.FlushAsync(CancellationToken.None); await context.PostAsync($"@{user} is answering"); } context.Wait(this.MessageReceivedAsync); } }
public Task FlushAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return(context.FlushAsync(cancellationToken)); }
public Task FlushAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return(_original.FlushAsync(cancellationToken)); }