public void CanCreate() { Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); testOperations.Create("LastName", "FirstName", gender: 'f', age: 34, grade: 12); }, "The create operation must be successful"); }
public void CanUpdate() { Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); testOperations.Update(id: 1, "LastName", "FirstName", gender: 'm', age: 19, grade: 11); }, "The update operation must be successful"); }
public void CanDelete() { Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); testOperations.Delete(id: 1); }, "The delete operation must be successful"); }
public void CanReadMapped() { Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); Student student = testOperations.ReadMapped(id: 69); Assert.IsNotNull(student, "The Student returned must not be null"); }, "The mapped read operation must be successful"); }
public void CanReadAllMapped() { Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); IEnumerable <Student> students = testOperations.ReadAllMapped(); Assert.IsNotNull(students, "The enumeration returned must not be null"); }, "The mapped read all operation must be successful"); }
public void CanRead() { Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); DataSet dataSet = testOperations.Read(); Assert.IsNotNull(dataSet, "The call must return a non-null DataSet"); }, "The read operation must be successful"); }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { base.OnStartup(e); IDataOperations myData = GlobalConfig.Inject(); IPagination paginator = GlobalConfig.InjectPaginator(); MainWindow mw = new MainWindow(myData, paginator); mw.Show(); }
public void CanUpdateAsync() { Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync(async() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); Task task = testOperations.UpdateAsync(id: 1, "LastName", "FirstName", gender: 'm', age: 19, grade: 11); Assert.IsNotNull(task, "The Task returned must not be null"); await task; }, "The async update operation must be successful"); }
public void CanDeleteAsync() { Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync(async() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); Task task = testOperations.DeleteAsync(id: 35); Assert.IsNotNull(task, "The Task returned must not be null"); await task; }, "The async delete operation must be successful"); }
public void CanReadMappedAsync() { Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync(async() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); Task <Student> task = testOperations.ReadMappedAsync(id: 69); Assert.IsNotNull(task, "The Task returned must not be null"); Student student = await task; Assert.IsNotNull(student, "The Student returned must not be null"); }, "The mapped read operation must be successful"); }
public void CanReadAllMappedAsync() { Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync(async() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); Task <IEnumerable <Student> > task = testOperations.ReadAllMappedAsync(); Assert.IsNotNull(task, "The Task returned must not be null"); IEnumerable <Student> students = await task; Assert.IsNotNull(students, "The enumeration returned must not be null"); }, "The mapped read all operation must be successful"); }
public void CanReadAllAsync() { Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync(async() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); Task <DataSet> task = testOperations.ReadAllAsync(); Assert.IsNotNull(task, "The Task returned must not be null"); DataSet dataSet = await task; Assert.IsNotNull(dataSet, "The DataSet returned must not be null"); }, "The async read all operation must be successful"); }
public void CanCreateWithMappedParameters() { Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); testOperations.Create(new Student { FirstName = "CompoundTypeTest", LastName = "LastName", Age = 28, Gender = "M", Grade = 12 }); }, "The create operation with mapped parameters must be successful"); }
public void CanUpdateWithMappedParameters() { Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { IDataOperations testOperations = CreateOperationsInterface(); testOperations.Update(id: 55, new Student { FirstName = "CompoundTypeTest - Updated", LastName = "LastName - Updated", Age = 29, Gender = "F", Grade = 11 }); }, "The update operation with mapped parameters must be successful"); }
public ApiDataController(ILogger <ApiDataController> logger, IDataOperations iDataOperations) { _iDataOperations = iDataOperations; _logger = logger; }
public void SetDataMap(IDataOperations <TObject, TResult, TSearch> mappingInstance) { business.SetDataMap(mappingInstance); }
public KeyValueStoreBusiness(IDataOperations <T> dataOperation) { this.dataOperation = dataOperation; }
public CreditCardPaymentFactory(IConfiguration configuration, IDataOperations dataOperations) { _configuration = configuration; _dataOperations = dataOperations; }
public void SetDataMap(IDataOperations <TObject> dataOperatorInstance) { business.SetDataMap(dataOperatorInstance); }
public void SetDataMap(IDataOperations <TObject, TKey> mappingInstance) { business.SetDataMap(mappingInstance); }
public PaymentRepository(IDataOperations dataOperations, IPaymentFactory paymentFactory, ILogger <PaymentRepository> logger) { _dataOperations = dataOperations; _paymentFactory = paymentFactory; _logger = logger; }
public void Setup() { _operations = GlobalConfig.Inject(); _operations.LoadProductData(); _operations.LoadCart(); }
public MessageRouter(ILogger logger, IDataOperations dataOperations, IMessageFilter filter) { _logger = logger; _dataOperations = dataOperations; _filter = filter; }
public CustomerRepository(IDataOperations dataOperations) { _dataOperations = dataOperations; }
public MainWindow(IDataOperations operations, IPagination paginator) { this.Operations = operations; this.Paginator = paginator; InitializeComponent(); }