        /// <summary>
        /// Execute an SQL Command (SELECT) using the _IDBClass properties in the query, only when properties are not null
        /// SQLSelect can be used to return only what was specified, ex. SQLSelect = "name, phone"
        /// SQLWhere can be used to restrict, ex. SQLWhere = "age > 23"
        /// SQLOrderBy can be used to sort the result, ex. SQLOrderBy = "date_birth desc, name asc"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_IDBClass"></param>
        /// <returns>The Select Results (BPA.Data.Hashtables)</returns>
        public static Hashtables Select(IDBClass _IDBClass)
            if (_IDBClass.SQLSelect.IsNullOrEmpty())
                _IDBClass.SQLSelect = "*";

            StringBuilder SQLQuery = new StringBuilder(String.Format(" SELECT {0} FROM {1} ", _IDBClass.SQLSelect, GETDBName(_IDBClass)));

            var props = (from t in _IDBClass.GetType().GetProperties()
                         where t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null) != null
                         && t.Name != "PrimaryKey"
                         && t.Name != "SQLSelect"
                         && t.Name != "SQLWhere"
                         && t.Name != "SQLOrderBy"
                         select new
                             Name = t.Name,
                             Value = t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null),
                             DbType = GETDBType((t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null)).GetType().Name)

            if (props.Count() != 0)
                SQLQuery.Append(" WHERE ");

            Parameters p = new Parameters();

            foreach (var prop in props)
                p.Add(new Parameter(String.Format("#{0}", prop.Name), prop.Value, prop.DbType));
                SQLQuery.Append(String.Format(" AND {0} = #{1} ", prop.Name, prop.Name));

            if (p.Count != 0)
                SQLQuery = SQLQuery.Replace(" WHERE  AND ", " WHERE ");

            if (!_IDBClass.SQLWhere.IsNull())
                if (!SQLQuery.ToString().Contains("WHERE"))
                    SQLQuery.Append(String.Format(" WHERE {0} ", _IDBClass.SQLWhere));
                    SQLQuery.Append(String.Format(" AND {0} ", _IDBClass.SQLWhere));

            if (!_IDBClass.SQLOrderBy.IsNullOrEmpty())
                SQLQuery.Append(String.Format(" ORDER BY {0} ", _IDBClass.SQLOrderBy));

            return DBExecuteReader(SQLQuery.ToString(), p);
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute an SQL UPDATE Command at the DataBase, _IDBClass NEED to have PrimaryKey with a value to perform the Command
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_IDBClass"></param>
 public static void Update(IDBClass _IDBClass)
     ExecuteNonQuery(_IDBClass, DBActionType.Update);
        private static Int64? DBExecuteNonQuery(IDBClass _IDBClass, DBActionType _DBActionType)
            if (_DBActionType != DBActionType.Insert)
                throw new BPAExtensionException("DBActionType Not Found!");

            DbCommand DbComm = GETDBCommand(DBCore.SQLDBType);

            String PrimaryKey = GETDBPrimaryKey(_IDBClass);
            String Table = GETDBName(_IDBClass);

            Int64? ID = null;

            if (!DBCore.UseAutoIncrement)
                ID = GETDBLastID(PrimaryKey, Table);

            StringBuilder sbName = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbValue = new StringBuilder();

            Parameters ps = new Parameters();

            var props = (from t in _IDBClass.GetType().GetProperties()
                         where t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null) != null
                         && t.Name != "PrimaryKey"
                         && t.Name != "SQLSelect"
                         && t.Name != "SQLWhere"
                         && t.Name != "SQLOrderBy"
                         select new
                             Name = t.Name,
                             Value = t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null),
                             DbType = GETDBType((t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null)).GetType().Name)

            foreach (var prop in props)
                sbName.Append(String.Format("{0}, ", prop.Name));
                sbValue.Append(String.Format("#{0}, ", prop.Name));

                ps.Add(new Parameter(String.Format("#{0}", prop.Name), prop.Value, prop.DbType));

            if (!DBCore.UseAutoIncrement)
                sbName.Append(String.Format("{0}, ", PrimaryKey));
                sbValue.Append(String.Format("#{0}, ", PrimaryKey));

                ps.Add(new Parameter(String.Format("#{0}", PrimaryKey), ID, DbType.Int32));

            DbComm.CommandText = String.Format(
                "INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2})",
                new StringBuilder(sbName.Remove(sbName.ToString().LastIndexOf(','), 2).ToString()),
                new StringBuilder(sbValue.Remove(sbValue.ToString().LastIndexOf(','), 2).ToString())

            GETDBParams(DbComm, ps);

            Int64? _ID = DBSync(DbComm, DBActionType.Insert);

            if (DBCore.UseAutoIncrement)
                ID = _ID;

            return ID;
        private static void ExecuteNonQuery(IDBClass _IDBClass, DBActionType _DBActionType)
            DbCommand DbComm = GETDBCommand(DBCore.SQLDBType);

            String SQLQuery = String.Empty;
            String Table = GETDBName(_IDBClass);
            String PrimaryKey = GETDBPrimaryKey(_IDBClass);
            String PrimaryKeyValue = String.Empty;
            DbType PrimaryKeyType = DbType.Object;

            Parameters ps = new Parameters();

            switch (_DBActionType)
                case DBActionType.Update:
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                    var propsUpdate = (from t in _IDBClass.GetType().GetProperties()
                                       where t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null) != null
                                       && t.Name != "PrimaryKey"
                                       && t.Name != "SQLSelect"
                                       && t.Name != "SQLWhere"
                                       && t.Name != "SQLOrderBy"
                                       select new
                                           Name = t.Name,
                                           Value = t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null),
                                           DbType = GETDBType((t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null)).GetType().Name)

                    foreach (var prop in propsUpdate)
                        if (prop.Name != PrimaryKey)
                            sb.Append(String.Format("{0} = #{1}, ", prop.Name, prop.Name));

                            ps.Add(new Parameter(String.Format("#{0}", prop.Name), prop.Value, prop.DbType));
                            PrimaryKeyType = prop.DbType;
                            PrimaryKeyValue = prop.Value.ToString();

                    sb = new StringBuilder(sb.Remove(sb.ToString().LastIndexOf(','), 2).ToString());

                    SQLQuery = String.Format("UPDATE {0} SET {1} WHERE {2} = #{3}", Table, sb, PrimaryKey, PrimaryKey);

                    ps.Add(new Parameter(String.Format("#{0}", PrimaryKey), PrimaryKeyValue, DbType.Int32));

                case DBActionType.Delete:
                    var propsDelete = (from t in _IDBClass.GetType().GetProperties()
                                       where t.Name == GETDBPrimaryKey(_IDBClass)
                                       select new
                                           Name = t.Name,
                                           Value = t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null),
                                           DbType = GETDBType((t.GetValue(_IDBClass, null)).GetType().Name)

                    foreach (var prop in propsDelete)
                        if (prop.Name == PrimaryKey)
                            PrimaryKeyType = prop.DbType;
                            PrimaryKeyValue = prop.Value.ToString();

                    SQLQuery = String.Format("DELETE FROM {0} WHERE {1} = #{2}", Table, PrimaryKey, PrimaryKey);

                    ps.Add(new Parameter(String.Format("#{0}", PrimaryKey), PrimaryKeyValue, DbType.Int32));

                case DBActionType.Select:
                case DBActionType.Insert:
                    throw new BPAExtensionException("DBActionType Not Found!");

            DbComm.CommandText = SQLQuery.ToString();

            GETDBParams(DbComm, ps);

            DBSync(DbComm, null);
 private static String GETDBName(IDBClass _IDBClass)
     return GETDBName(_IDBClass.GetType().Name.ToString());