public MpegAudio(string path) { this.ResetData(); using (BinaryReader reader1 = new BinaryReader(File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))) { int num1 = ID3v2Helper.GetTagSize(reader1.BaseStream); this.m_FileLength = reader1.BaseStream.Length; reader1.BaseStream.Seek((long)num1, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] buffer1 = reader1.ReadBytes(0xd82); this.FindFrame(buffer1, ref this.m_VBR); this.m_VendorID = this.FindVendorID(buffer1); if (!this.m_Frame.Found) { reader1.BaseStream.Seek((this.m_FileLength - num1) / ((long)2), SeekOrigin.Begin); buffer1 = reader1.ReadBytes(0xd82); this.FindFrame(buffer1, ref this.m_VBR); } if (this.m_Frame.Found && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_VendorID)) { reader1.BaseStream.Seek((long)-(buffer1.Length + ID3v1Helper.GetTagSize(reader1.BaseStream)), SeekOrigin.End); buffer1 = reader1.ReadBytes(0xd82); this.FindFrame(buffer1, ref this.m_VBR); this.m_VendorID = this.FindVendorID(buffer1); } } if (!this.m_Frame.Found) { this.ResetData(); } }
private void btnRemoveID3v2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Filename)) { MessageBox.Show("No file loaded", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Remove ID3v2 tag from '{0}'?", Path.GetFileName(m_Filename)), "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { Boolean success = ID3v2Helper.RemoveTag(m_Filename); if (success) { MessageBox.Show("ID3v2 tag successfully removed", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("ID3v2 tag not found", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } btnRemoveID3v2.Enabled = ID3v2Helper.DoesTagExist(m_Filename); ucID3v2.LoadFile(m_Filename); }
public void LoadFile(String path) { ClearImageData(); m_ID3v2 = ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(path); txtFilename.Text = Path.GetFileName(path); txtArtist.Text = m_ID3v2.Artist; txtTitle.Text = m_ID3v2.Title; txtAlbum.Text = m_ID3v2.Album; cmbGenre.Text = m_ID3v2.Genre; txtYear.Text = m_ID3v2.Year; txtTrackNumber.Text = m_ID3v2.TrackNumber; BindingSource bindingSource = new BindingSource(); imageBindingNavigator.BindingSource = bindingSource; bindingSource.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(bindingSource_CurrentChanged); bindingSource.DataSource = m_ID3v2.PictureList; switch (m_ID3v2.Header.TagVersion) { case ID3v2TagVersion.ID3v22: cmbID3v2.SelectedIndex = cmbID3v2.Items.IndexOf("ID3v2.2"); break; case ID3v2TagVersion.ID3v23: cmbID3v2.SelectedIndex = cmbID3v2.Items.IndexOf("ID3v2.3"); break; case ID3v2TagVersion.ID3v24: cmbID3v2.SelectedIndex = cmbID3v2.Items.IndexOf("ID3v2.4"); break; } }
private void LoadFile(String path) { m_Filename = path; ucID3v2.LoadFile(m_Filename); ucID3v1.LoadFile(m_Filename); btnSave.Enabled = true; btnRemoveID3v2.Enabled = ID3v2Helper.DoesTagExist(m_Filename); btnRemoveID3v1.Enabled = ID3v1Helper.DoesTagExist(m_Filename); }
/// <summary> /// This method sets various audio file properties into a Dictionary /// </summary> /// <param name="source">source indicates the path to the file whose properties are to be extracted</param> /// <returns>Returns a Dictionary object where key => property name and value => property value</returns> public override StringDictionary GetProperties(string source) { if (IO.File.Exists(source)) { try { TagLib.File file = TagLib.File.Create(source); TagLib.Tag tags = file.Tag; fileProperties["title"] = tags.Title; fileProperties["album"] = tags.Album; fileProperties["artist"] = string.Join(",", tags.AlbumArtists); fileProperties["year"] = tags.Year.ToString(); fileProperties["track"] = tags.Track.ToString(); fileProperties["genres"] = string.Join(",", tags.Genres); fileProperties["comment"] = tags.Comment; fileProperties["length"] = TimeSpan.Parse(file.Properties.Duration.Hours + ":" + file.Properties.Duration.Minutes + ":" + file.Properties.Duration.Seconds).ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) //CorruptFileException { if (ID3v1Helper.DoesTagExist(source)) { IID3v1 id3v1 = ID3v1Helper.CreateID3v1(source); fileProperties["title"] = id3v1.Title; fileProperties["album"] = id3v1.Album; fileProperties["artist"] = id3v1.Artist; fileProperties["year"] = id3v1.Year; fileProperties["track"] = id3v1.TrackNumber.ToString(); fileProperties["comment"] = id3v1.Comment; } if (ID3v2Helper.DoesTagExist(source)) { IID3v2 id3v2 = ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(source); TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(id3v2.LengthMilliseconds.Value); fileProperties["length"] = TimeSpan.Parse(ts.Hours + ":" + ts.Minutes + ":" + ts.Seconds).ToString(); fileProperties["genres"] = id3v2.Genre; } if (!(ID3v1Helper.DoesTagExist(source) && ID3v2Helper.DoesTagExist(source))) { RemoveFileSpecificKeys(); } } return(base.GetProperties(source)); } else if (Win32Helper.PathExist(source)) { RemoveFileSpecificKeys(); return(base.GetProperties(source)); } return(null); }
private void ScanDirectory(Object basePathObject) { Int32 totalFiles = 0; BindingList <Track> trackList = new BindingList <Track>(); try { String basePath = (String)basePathObject; DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(basePath); FileInfo[] fileList = di.GetFiles("*.mp3", SearchOption.AllDirectories); EnableCancelButton(); totalFiles = fileList.Length; for (Int32 i = 0; i < totalFiles; i++) { if (m_CancelScanning) { totalFiles = i; break; } IID3v2 id3 = ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(fileList[i].FullName); trackList.Add(new Track(id3.Artist, id3.Title, id3.Album, id3.Year, id3.Genre, fileList[i].Name)); if ((i % 100) == 0) { UpdateProgress(i * 100 / totalFiles); } } } finally { EndRecursiveScanning(totalFiles, trackList); } }
/* * private void LoadImageData(IAttachedPicture attachedPicture) * { * pictureBox1.Image = attachedPicture.Picture; * * txtImageDescription.Text = attachedPicture.Description; * cmbImageType.SelectedIndex = cmbImageType.Items.IndexOf(PictureTypeHelper.GetStringFromPictureType(attachedPicture.PictureType)); * * txtImageDescription.Enabled = true; * cmbImageType.Enabled = true; * } * * private void ClearImageData() * { * pictureBox1.Image = null; * txtImageDescription.Text = ""; * cmbImageType.SelectedIndex = -1; * * txtImageDescription.Enabled = false; * cmbImageType.Enabled = false; * } * * private void SaveImageToFile(IAttachedPicture attachedPicture) * { * String extension = attachedPicture.PictureExtension; * * imageSaveFileDialog.FileName = "image." + extension; * * DialogResult dialogResult = imageSaveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); * if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) * { * using (FileStream fs = File.Open(imageSaveFileDialog.FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) * { * fs.Write(attachedPicture.PictureData, 0, attachedPicture.PictureData.Length); * } * } * } * * private void LoadImageFromFile(IAttachedPicture attachedPicture) * { * DialogResult dialogResult = imageOpenFileDialog.ShowDialog(); * if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) * { * attachedPicture.Picture = Image.FromFile(imageOpenFileDialog.FileName); * pictureBox1.Image = attachedPicture.Picture; * } * } * * private IAttachedPicture GetCurrentPictureFrame() * { * if (imageBindingNavigator.BindingSource == null) * return null; * return imageBindingNavigator.BindingSource.Current as IAttachedPicture; * } */ #endregion <<< Private Methods >>> #region <<< Public Methods >>> public void LoadFile(FileInfo file) { m_ID3v2 = ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(file.FullName); m_tagdict = new StringDictionary(); m_tagdict.Add("MP3FileName", file.Name); PropertyInfo[] infos = this.m_ID3v2.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo info in infos) { m_tagdict.Add(info.Name, String.Format("{0}", info.GetValue(this.m_ID3v2, null))); } switch (m_ID3v2.Header.TagVersion) { case ID3v2TagVersion.ID3v22: break; case ID3v2TagVersion.ID3v23: break; case ID3v2TagVersion.ID3v24: break; } }
private void AddMusic(string[] strTemp, string strTitle, string strFileName, string strFilePath) { bool isFolder = false; bool isEmptyFolder = false; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(strFilePath, strFileName)); Hashtable tags = new Hashtable(); Media objMedia = MediaServices.Get(_strMediaName.Trim(), _mediaType, _path, _cleanTitle, _entityType, _patternType, _useSubFolder, _bGetImage, _bParseNfo, true); if (file.Exists == false && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.Extension)) { if (Directory.Exists(file.FullName)) { DirectoryInfo folder = new DirectoryInfo(file.FullName); FileInfo[] files = folder.GetFiles("*.mp3", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); files = files.Concat(folder.GetFiles("*.flc", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)).ToArray(); files = files.Concat(folder.GetFiles("*.flac", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)).ToArray(); if (files.Any()) { file = files[0]; isFolder = true; } else { isEmptyFolder = true; } } } if (isEmptyFolder == false) { if (Dal.GetInstance.GetMusics(objMedia.Name, strFilePath, strFileName) == null) { switch (file.Extension) { case ".mp3": IID3v2 objMp3Tag = ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(file.FullName); tags.Add("Title", objMp3Tag.Title); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objMp3Tag.Album) == false) { tags.Add("Album", objMp3Tag.Album); } if (isFolder == false && objMp3Tag.LengthMilliseconds != null) { tags.Add("Length", objMp3Tag.LengthMilliseconds); } if (objMp3Tag.PictureList.Count > 0) { tags.Add("Cover", objMp3Tag.PictureList[0].PictureData); } tags.Add("Genre", objMp3Tag.Genre); tags.Add("Artist", objMp3Tag.Artist); break; case ".flac": case ".flc": try { FlacTagger objFlacTag = new FlacTagger(file.FullName); tags.Add("Title", objFlacTag.Title); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objFlacTag.Album) == false) { tags.Add("Album", objFlacTag.Album); } if (isFolder == false) { tags.Add("Length", objFlacTag.Length); } if (objFlacTag.Arts.Count > 0) { tags.Add("Cover", objFlacTag.Arts[0].PictureData); } tags.Add("Genre", objFlacTag.Genre); tags.Add("Artist", objFlacTag.Artist); break; } //FIX catch (FileFormatException) { break; } } #region Title if (tags.ContainsKey("Title") == false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTitle) == false) { strTitle = strTitle.Replace('_', ' '); strTitle = strTitle.Replace(".MP3", ""); strTitle = strTitle.Replace(".Mp3", ""); strTitle = strTitle.Replace(".flac", ""); strTitle = strTitle.Trim(); strTitle = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(strTitle); tags.Add("Title", strTitle); } } #endregion Music objMusic = new Music(); objMusic.Ressources = new List <Ressource>(); objMusic.Genres = new List <Genre>(); objMusic.Title = strTitle; objMusic.AddedDate = DateTime.Now; objMusic.FileName = strFileName; objMusic.FilePath = strFilePath; if (tags.ContainsKey("Album")) { objMusic.Album = tags["Album"].ToString(); if (isFolder == true && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tags["Album"].ToString()) == false) { objMusic.Title = tags["Album"].ToString(); } } if (tags.ContainsKey("Length")) { objMusic.Runtime = tags["Length"] as int?; } objMusic.Media = objMedia; #region Cover if (_bGetImage == true) { RessourcesServices.AddImage(Util.GetLocalImage(objMusic.FilePath, objMusic.FileName, _bFile), objMusic, true); } else { RessourcesServices.AddImage(tags["Cover"] as byte[], objMusic, true); } #endregion bool bExist = false; if (Dal.GetInstance.GetMusics(objMusic.Media.Name, objMusic.FilePath, objMusic.FileName) != null) { bExist = true; } if (bExist == false) { #region ParseNfo if (_bParseNfo == true) { string errorMessage; MusicServices.ParseNfo(objMusic, out errorMessage); } #endregion #region Artist string strArtistFullName = string.Empty; if (tags.ContainsKey("Artist") == true) { if (tags["Artist"] == null) { if (_mapping != null) { strArtistFullName = Util.ConstructString(strTemp, (string[])_mapping["Artist"], _nbrBaseParsing); } } else { strArtistFullName = tags["Artist"] as string; } } #endregion Dal.GetInstance.AddMusic(objMusic); if (tags.ContainsKey("Genre")) { GenreServices.AddGenres(new[] { tags["Genre"] as string }, objMusic, true); } if (strArtistFullName != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strArtistFullName.Trim()) == false) { ArtistServices.AddArtist(strArtistFullName, objMusic); } _intAddedItem++; } else { _intNotAddedItem++; } } } }
public void SyncTagsToFiles() { using (var dataContext = new MusicEntities1()) { IQueryable <SONG> songs = dataContext.SONG.OrderByDescending(s => s.UPDATED).Take(5000); SONG[] songArray = songs.ToArray(); foreach (SONG song in songArray) { try { if (Regex.IsMatch(song.LOCATION, ".mp3", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(song.LOCATION); string directoryRoot = Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(song.LOCATION); string filename = song.LOCATION; if (directoryRoot.ToLower().IndexOf("e:\\") == -1) { filename = filename.Substring(1); filename = "e" + filename; } string genre = null; IID3v2 iD3v2 = ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(filename); genre = iD3v2.Genre; UltraID3 ultraID3 = new UltraID3(); ultraID3.Read(filename); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genre)) { genre = ultraID3.Genre; } else if (ultraID3.Genre != genre) { // ultraID3.Genre = genre; } IID3v1 iD3v1 = ID3v1Helper.CreateID3v1(filename); if (Regex.IsMatch(genre, "(")) { genre = GenreHelper.GenreByIndex[iD3v1.GenreIndex]; } // ID3v2Tag id3v2Tag = ultraID3.ID3v2Tag; if ((genre != song.GENRE) && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(song.GENRE)) //&& (song.GENRE.ToLower().IndexOf("blues")==-1) //&& (song.GENRE.ToLower().IndexOf("other") == -1) //&& (song.GENRE.ToLower().IndexOf("unknown") == -1) ) { testContextInstance.WriteLine("{0}, DB genre: {1}, Disk genre: {2}", filename, song.GENRE, genre); try { ultraID3.Genre = song.GENRE; iD3v2.Genre = song.GENRE; } catch (Exception e1) { testContextInstance.WriteLine("Exception, song: {0}, {1}, {2}", song.LOCATION, e1.Message, e1.StackTrace); } iD3v2.Save(filename); ultraID3.Write(); } } } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException) { testContextInstance.WriteLine("Exception, file not found, song: {0}", song.LOCATION); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { testContextInstance.WriteLine("Exception, file not found, song: {0}", song.LOCATION); } catch (Exception ex) { testContextInstance.WriteLine("Exception, song: {0}, {1}, {2}", song.LOCATION, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } } }
public void SyncTagsToDb() { using (var dataContext = new MusicEntities1()) { IQueryable <SONG> songs = from s in dataContext.SONG orderby s.ID select s; foreach (SONG song in songs) { try { if (Regex.IsMatch(song.LOCATION, ".mp3", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(song.LOCATION); string directoryRoot = Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(song.LOCATION); string filename = song.LOCATION; if (directoryRoot.ToLower().IndexOf("e:\\") == -1) { filename = filename.Substring(1); filename = "e" + filename; } string genre = null; UltraID3 ultraID3 = new UltraID3(); ultraID3.Read(filename); genre = ultraID3.Genre; IID3v2 iD3v2 = ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(filename); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genre)) { genre = iD3v2.Genre; } IID3v1 iD3v1 = ID3v1Helper.CreateID3v1(filename); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genre)) { genre = GenreHelper.GenreByIndex[iD3v1.GenreIndex]; } ID3v2Tag id3v2Tag = ultraID3.ID3v2Tag; //if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ultraID3.Genre)) && // (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id3v2Tag.Genre)) && // (ultraID3.Genre != id3v2Tag.Genre) // ) //{ // testContextInstance.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", ultraID3.Genre, id3v2Tag.Genre); //} //genre = id3v2Tag.Genre; //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genre)) //{ // genre = ultraID3.Genre; //} //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ultraID3.Genre)) //{ // genre = ultraID3.Genre; //} //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genre)) //{ // genre = id3v2Tag.Genre; //} if ((genre != song.GENRE) && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(song.GENRE)) //&& (song.GENRE.ToLower().IndexOf("blues")==-1) //&& (song.GENRE.ToLower().IndexOf("other") == -1) //&& (song.GENRE.ToLower().IndexOf("unknown") == -1) ) { testContextInstance.WriteLine("{0}, DB genre: {1}, Disk genre: {2}", filename, song.GENRE, genre); try { if ((song.UPDATED > fileInfo.LastWriteTime) && (song.GENRE != "Other")) { id3v2Tag.Genre = song.GENRE; ultraID3.Write(); } else if (genre != "Other") { song.GENRE = genre; } } catch (Exception e1) { testContextInstance.WriteLine("Exception, song: {0}, {1}, {2}", song.LOCATION, e1.Message, e1.StackTrace); } } } } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException) { testContextInstance.WriteLine("Exception, file not found, song: {0}", song.LOCATION); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { testContextInstance.WriteLine("Exception, file not found, song: {0}", song.LOCATION); } catch (Exception ex) { testContextInstance.WriteLine("Exception, song: {0}, {1}, {2}", song.LOCATION, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } dataContext.SaveChanges(); } }
public static SONG Populate(this SONG song) { string title, artist, album, genre; title = null; artist = null; album = null; genre = null; string trackNumber = null; try { try { IID3v2 iD3v2 = ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(song.LOCATION); artist = iD3v2.Artist; title = iD3v2.Title; album = iD3v2.Album; genre = iD3v2.Genre; trackNumber = iD3v2.TrackNumber; if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genre)) && (genre.Contains("("))) { genre = genre.Replace('(', ' '); genre = genre.Replace(')', ' '); genre = genre.Trim(); int genreIndex = Convert.ToInt16(genre); genre = GenreHelper.GenreByIndex[genreIndex]; } } catch (Exception) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Warning: Unable to extract ID3v2 tags from {0}", song.LOCATION)); } try { IID3v1 iD3v1 = ID3v1Helper.CreateID3v1(song.LOCATION); if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genre)) || (genre.Contains("("))) { genre = GenreHelper.GenreByIndex[iD3v1.GenreIndex]; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artist)) { artist = iD3v1.Artist; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { title = iD3v1.Title; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(album)) { album = iD3v1.Album; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Warning: Unable to extract ID3v1 tags from {0} {1}", song.LOCATION, ex.Message)); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { String[] s = song.LOCATION.Split(new char[] { '\\', '.' }); title = s[s.Length - 2]; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(artist)) { int loc = title.IndexOf("by"); if ((loc > -1) && (title.Length > 3)) { artist = title.Substring(loc + 3); if (loc > 1) { title = title.Substring(0, loc - 1); } loc = artist.IndexOf("from"); if ((loc > -1) && (artist.Length > 5)) { album = artist.Substring(loc + 5); artist = artist.Substring(0, loc - 1); } } } song.TITLE = title; song.ARTIST = artist; song.GENRE = genre; song.ALBUM = album; song.TrackNumber = trackNumber; song.RATING = 1; try { song.HASH = MusicDao.GenerateHashCode(song.LOCATION); } catch (Exception) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Warning: Unable to generate hash for {0}", song.LOCATION)); } try { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(song.LOCATION); song.FILESIZE = fileInfo.Length; } catch (Exception) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Warning: Unable to get file length {0}", song.LOCATION)); } } catch (Exception e1) { Debug.WriteLine(e1.Message); } return(song); }
public void UpdateTags(string connectionString, string musicDrive) { int songId = 0; int batchSize = 100; while (true) { bool songTaken = false; using (var dataContext = new MusicEntities1()) { IQueryable <SONG> songs = dataContext.SONG.Where(s => s.ID > songId && s.LOCATION.ToLower().Contains(".mp3")).OrderBy(s => s.ID).Take(batchSize); foreach (SONG song in songs) { songTaken = true; try { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(song.LOCATION); string directoryRoot = Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(song.LOCATION); string filename = song.LOCATION; if (directoryRoot.ToLower().IndexOf(musicDrive) != 0) { filename = filename.Substring(1); filename = musicDrive + filename; } string genre = null; UltraID3 ultraID3 = new UltraID3(); ultraID3.Read(filename); genre = ultraID3.Genre; IID3v2 iD3v2 = ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(filename); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genre)) { genre = iD3v2.Genre; } IID3v1 iD3v1 = ID3v1Helper.CreateID3v1(filename); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genre)) { genre = GenreHelper.GenreByIndex[iD3v1.GenreIndex]; } ID3v2Tag id3v2Tag = ultraID3.ID3v2Tag; if ((genre != song.GENRE) && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(song.GENRE)) && (song.GENRE.ToLower().IndexOf("blues") == -1) && (song.GENRE.ToLower().IndexOf("other") == -1) && (song.GENRE.ToLower().IndexOf("unknown") == -1) ) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, DB genre: {1}, Disk genre: {2}", filename, song.GENRE, genre)); try { ultraID3.Genre = song.GENRE; } catch (Exception e1) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Exception, song: {0}, {1}, {2}", song.LOCATION, e1.Message, e1.StackTrace)); } id3v2Tag.Genre = song.GENRE; ultraID3.Write(); } } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Exception, file not found, song: {0}", song.LOCATION)); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Exception, file not found, song: {0}", song.LOCATION)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Exception, song: {0}, {1}, {2}", song.LOCATION, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace)); } songId = song.ID; } } if (!songTaken) { break; } } }
public static void UpdateId3(Music objEntity) { string path = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objEntity.FilePath) == false && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objEntity.FileName) == false) { path = Path.Combine(objEntity.FilePath, objEntity.FileName); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objEntity.FilePath) == true && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objEntity.FileName) == false) { path = objEntity.FileName; } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objEntity.FilePath) == false && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objEntity.FileName) == true) { path = objEntity.FilePath; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) == false) { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { int index; byte[] cover = RessourcesServices.GetDefaultCover(objEntity, out index); DirectoryInfo folder = new DirectoryInfo(path); FileInfo[] files = folder.GetFiles("*.mp3", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); files = files.Concat(folder.GetFiles("*.flc", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)).ToArray(); files = files.Concat(folder.GetFiles("*.flac", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)).ToArray(); if (files.Any()) { foreach (FileInfo file in files) { switch (file.Extension) { case ".mp3": IID3v2 objMp3Tag = ID3v2Helper.CreateID3v2(file.FullName); if (objMp3Tag != null) { objMp3Tag.Album = objEntity.Album; objMp3Tag.Artist = objEntity.Artists.First().FulleName; objMp3Tag.Accompaniment = objEntity.Artists.First().FulleName; Genre genre = objEntity.Genres.FirstOrDefault(); if (genre != null) { objMp3Tag.Genre = genre.DisplayName; } if (cover != null) { while (objMp3Tag.PictureList.Any()) { objMp3Tag.PictureList.Remove(objMp3Tag.PictureList[0]); } IAttachedPicture picture = objMp3Tag.PictureList.AddNew(); if (picture != null) { picture.PictureData = cover; picture.PictureType = PictureType.CoverFront; // optional } } objMp3Tag.Save(file.FullName); } break; case ".flac": case ".flc": FlacTagger flacTaggerTag = new FlacTagger(file.FullName); flacTaggerTag.Album = objEntity.Album; flacTaggerTag.Artist = objEntity.Artists.First().FulleName; flacTaggerTag.Performer = objEntity.Artists.First().FulleName; Genre musicGenre = objEntity.Genres.FirstOrDefault(); if (musicGenre != null) { flacTaggerTag.Genre = musicGenre.DisplayName; } if (cover != null) { while (flacTaggerTag.Arts.Any()) { flacTaggerTag.RemoveArt(flacTaggerTag.Arts[0]); } ID3PictureFrame picture = new ID3PictureFrame(cover, ID3PictureType.FrontCover); flacTaggerTag.AddArt(picture); } flacTaggerTag.SaveMetadata(); break; } } } } } }
public BasicLameTagReader(string path) { this.m_IsLameTagFound = true; this.m_Tag = new LameTag(); using (BinaryReader reader1 = new BinaryReader(File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))) { int num1 = ID3v2Helper.GetTagSize(reader1.BaseStream); reader1.BaseStream.Seek((long)num1, SeekOrigin.Begin); StartOfFile file1 = StartOfFile.FromBinaryReader(reader1); reader1.BaseStream.Seek((long)num1, SeekOrigin.Begin); string text1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(file1.Info1); string text2 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(file1.Info2); string text3 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(file1.Info3); switch (text1) { case "Xing": case "Info": reader1.BaseStream.Seek((long)13, SeekOrigin.Current); break; default: switch (text2) { case "Xing": case "Info": reader1.BaseStream.Seek((long)0x15, SeekOrigin.Current); break; } switch (text3) { case "Xing": case "Info": reader1.BaseStream.Seek((long)0x24, SeekOrigin.Current); break; } this.m_IsLameTagFound = true; break; } reader1.BaseStream.Seek((long)0x77, SeekOrigin.Current); this.m_Tag = LameTag.FromBinaryReader(reader1); reader1.BaseStream.Seek((long)-Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LameTag)), SeekOrigin.Current); OldLameHeader header1 = OldLameHeader.FromBinaryReader(reader1); this.m_VersionStringNonLameTag = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(header1.VersionString); } if (this.m_Tag.VersionString[1] == 0x2e) { byte[] buffer1 = new byte[6]; int num2 = 0; while ((num2 < 4) || ((num2 == 4) && (this.m_Tag.VersionString[num2] == 0x62))) { buffer1[num2] = this.m_Tag.VersionString[num2]; num2++; } Array.Resize <byte>(ref buffer1, num2); this.m_VersionString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer1); } else { this.m_VersionString = ""; } if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(this.m_Tag.Encoder) != "LAME") { this.m_IsLameTagFound = false; } this.m_Preset = (ushort)(((this.m_Tag.Surround_Preset[0] << 8) + this.m_Tag.Surround_Preset[1]) & 0x7ff); this.m_PresetGuess = new PresetGuesser().GuessPreset(this.VersionStringNonLameTag, this.m_Tag.Bitrate, this.m_Tag.Quality, this.m_Tag.TagRevision_EncodingMethod, this.m_Tag.NoiseShaping, this.m_Tag.StereoMode, this.m_Tag.EncodingFlags_ATHType, this.m_Tag.Lowpass, out this.m_IsPresetGuessNonBitrate); }