public void AugmentQuickInfoSession(IQuickInfoSession session, IList <object> qiContent, out ITrackingSpan applicableToSpan) { applicableToSpan = null; if (session == null || qiContent == null || qiContent.Count > 0 || !WESettings.Instance.Css.ShowBrowserTooltip) { return; } SnapshotPoint?point = session.GetTriggerPoint(_buffer.CurrentSnapshot); if (!point.HasValue) { return; } var tree = CssEditorDocument.FromTextBuffer(_buffer); ParseItem item = tree.StyleSheet.ItemBeforePosition(point.Value.Position); if (item == null || !item.IsValid) { return; } ICssSchemaInstance schema = CssSchemaManager.SchemaManager.GetSchemaForItem(_rootSchema, item); Tuple <ParseItem, ICssCompletionListEntry> tuple = GetEntriesAndPoint(item, point.Value, schema); if (tuple == null) { return; } ParseItem tipItem = tuple.Item1; ICssCompletionListEntry entry = tuple.Item2; if (tipItem == null || entry == null) { return; } var ruleSet = item.FindType <RuleSet>(); //If the selector's full name would require computation (it's nested), compute it and add it to the output if (ruleSet != null && ruleSet.Parent.FindType <RuleSet>() != null) { qiContent.Add(LessDocument.GetLessSelectorName(ruleSet)); } applicableToSpan = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(tipItem.Start, tipItem.Length, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeNegative); string syntax = entry.GetSyntax(schema.Version); string b = entry.GetAttribute("browsers"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(b) && tipItem.Parent != null && tipItem.Parent is Declaration) { b = schema.GetProperty(((Declaration)tipItem.Parent).PropertyName.Text).GetAttribute("browsers"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(syntax)) { syntax = tipItem.Text; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(syntax)) { //var example = CreateExample(syntax); qiContent.Add("Example: " + syntax); } Dictionary <string, string> browsers = GetBrowsers(b); qiContent.Add(CreateBrowserList(browsers)); }
public void AugmentQuickInfoSession(IQuickInfoSession session, IList <object> qiContent, out ITrackingSpan applicableToSpan) { applicableToSpan = null; if (!EnsureTreeInitialized() || session == null || qiContent == null || qiContent.Count > 0 || !WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.ShowBrowserTooltip)) { return; } SnapshotPoint?point = session.GetTriggerPoint(_buffer.CurrentSnapshot); if (!point.HasValue) { return; } ParseItem item = _tree.StyleSheet.ItemBeforePosition(point.Value.Position); if (item == null || !item.IsValid) { return; } ParseItem theOne = null; ICssCompletionListEntry entry = null; ICssSchemaInstance schema = CssSchemaManager.SchemaManager.GetSchemaForItem(_rootSchema, item); // Declaration Declaration dec = item.FindType <Declaration>(); if (dec != null && dec.PropertyName != null && dec.PropertyName.ContainsRange(point.Value.Position, 1)) { entry = schema.GetProperty(dec.PropertyName.Text); theOne = dec.PropertyName; } else if (dec != null && dec.IsValid && dec.Values.TextStart <= point.Value.Position && dec.Values.TextAfterEnd >= point.Value.Position) { entry = schema.GetProperty(dec.PropertyName.Text); if (entry != null) { var list = schema.GetPropertyValues(entry.DisplayText); theOne = dec.StyleSheet.ItemFromRange(point.Value.Position, 0); entry = list.SingleOrDefault(r => r.DisplayText.Equals(theOne.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } } // Pseudo class if (entry == null) { PseudoClassSelector pseudoClass = item.FindType <PseudoClassSelector>(); if (pseudoClass != null) { entry = schema.GetPseudo(pseudoClass.Text); theOne = pseudoClass; } } // Pseudo class function if (entry == null) { PseudoClassFunctionSelector pseudoClassFunction = item.FindType <PseudoClassFunctionSelector>(); if (pseudoClassFunction != null) { entry = schema.GetPseudo(pseudoClassFunction.Text); theOne = pseudoClassFunction; } } // Pseudo element if (entry == null) { PseudoElementSelector pseudoElement = item.FindType <PseudoElementSelector>(); if (pseudoElement != null) { entry = schema.GetPseudo(pseudoElement.Text); theOne = pseudoElement; } } // Pseudo element function if (entry == null) { PseudoElementFunctionSelector pseudoElementFunction = item.FindType <PseudoElementFunctionSelector>(); if (pseudoElementFunction != null) { entry = schema.GetPseudo(pseudoElementFunction.Text); theOne = pseudoElementFunction; } } // @-directive if (entry == null) { AtDirective atDirective = item.Parent as AtDirective; if (atDirective != null && atDirective.Keyword != null) { entry = schema.GetAtDirective("@" + atDirective.Keyword.Text); theOne = atDirective.Keyword; } } if (entry != null) { applicableToSpan = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(theOne.Start, theOne.Length, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeNegative); string syntax = entry.GetSyntax(schema.Version); string b = entry.GetAttribute("browsers"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(b) && theOne.Parent != null && theOne.Parent is Declaration) { b = schema.GetProperty(((Declaration)theOne.Parent).PropertyName.Text).GetAttribute("browsers"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(syntax)) { syntax = theOne.Text; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(syntax)) { qiContent.Add("Example: " + syntax); } Dictionary <string, string> browsers = GetBrowsers(b); qiContent.Add(CreateBrowserList(browsers)); } }