public static List<UserAccount> Get(ICrypto crypto, ApplicationOptions options) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var users = new List<UserAccount> { new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef"), Email = "alice@localhost", PasswordHash = crypto.HashPassword("alice@localhost", options.PasswordHashingIterationCount), CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, IsEmailVerified = true, IsLoginAllowed = true, Claims = new List<UserAccountClaim> { new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, "Alice Smith") { Id = Guid.Parse("1338ad75-8453-4024-b5ff-657b1bc79a4c"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.GivenName, "Alice") { Id = Guid.Parse("a4342819-61c2-4ae0-8ce2-649a8ad89bd5"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.FamilyName, "Smith") { Id = Guid.Parse("a31f501c-6b77-466d-b1a0-3f92daef5e60"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Email, "alice@localhost") { Id = Guid.Parse("a31f501c-6b77-466d-b1a0-3f92daef5e60"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.EmailVerified, "true", ClaimValueTypes.Boolean) { Id = Guid.Parse("ea7c1cd4-0346-44ce-8675-39b39d5c663d"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, "Admin") { Id = Guid.Parse("a916297c-d8fb-455f-8da9-1ec00af90b71"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, "Geek") { Id = Guid.Parse("0b6daa16-c51b-4510-b69b-3d402716a82a"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.WebSite, "") { Id = Guid.Parse("bb3d1029-973f-463c-92a7-4dab1a063453"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Address, @"{ 'street_address': 'One Hacker Way', 'locality': 'Heidelberg', 'postal_code': 69118, 'country': 'Germany' }", IdentityServerConstants.ClaimValueTypes.Json) { Id = Guid.Parse("3b28ab5d-2976-4802-a2e5-b468d323e5c4"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef") } } }, new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95"), Email = "bob@localhost", PasswordHash = crypto.HashPassword("bob@localhost", options.PasswordHashingIterationCount), CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, IsEmailVerified = true, IsLoginAllowed = true, Claims = new List<UserAccountClaim> { new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, "Bob Smith") { Id = Guid.Parse("58389f05-ed6c-431b-8318-a530e55d5450"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.GivenName, "Bob") { Id = Guid.Parse("e7b6a0f6-5437-48ef-b868-a949991fadfe"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.FamilyName, "Smith") { Id = Guid.Parse("6398ac60-67ce-48e4-9803-de9c244dcd7b"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Email, "bob@localhost") { Id = Guid.Parse("2ce9ee83-8fb6-4b41-bef1-0551e010fde6"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.EmailVerified, "true", ClaimValueTypes.Boolean) { Id = Guid.Parse("26c8d08b-ff04-43d0-b80e-4252f04241e3"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, "Developer") { Id = Guid.Parse("cd6f4039-8fee-43fe-8058-48ffa680d5de"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, "Geek") { Id = Guid.Parse("298d7a32-cc8f-4ec0-837f-aeed1ae43e74"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.WebSite, "") { Id = Guid.Parse("41e399c7-dec0-4696-be2b-0067f6b1c6a1"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95") }, new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Address, @"{ 'street_address': 'One Hacker Way', 'locality': 'Heidelberg', 'postal_code': 69118, 'country': 'Germany' }", IdentityServerConstants.ClaimValueTypes.Json) { Id = Guid.Parse("79d46959-3a46-4b26-8bf9-808c50651c90"), UserAccountId = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95") } } } }; return users; }
public SignUpInResult SignUp(SignUpRequest request) { return(BaseInvokeCheckModel(request, () => { var responseBuilder = ResponseBuilder <SignUpInResult> .Fail(); if (_dbContext.Users.Any(x => x.Email == request.Email)) { return responseBuilder.SetInfoAndBuild("User with this email already registered"); } var salt = _crypto.GenerateSalt(); var passwordHah = _crypto.HashPassword(salt, request.Password); var dataUser = UserMapper.ToData.FromRequest(request, user => { user.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); user.IsUploadingAudio = false; user.PasswordHash = passwordHah; user.PasswordSalt = salt; user.RegisterDate = DateTime.Now; }); var dataAuthToken = new AuthToken { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), DateExpired = DateTime.Now.AddDays(AuthTokenDaysExpired), UserId = dataUser.Id, IsActive = true }; var playlist = new Playlist { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), IsGeneral = true, Title = GeneralPlaylistName, OwnerId = dataUser.Id, OrderValue = 0 }; _dbContext.AuthTokens.Add(dataAuthToken); _dbContext.Users.Add(dataUser); _dbContext.Playlists.Add(playlist); _dbContext.SaveChanges(); return ResponseBuilder <SignUpInResult> .SuccessBuild(new SignUpInResult { User = UserMapper.ToApi.FromData(dataUser), AuthToken = AuthTokenMapper.ToApi.FromData(dataAuthToken) }); })); }
public UserAccount CreateNewLocalUserAccount( string email, string password = null, string returnUrl = null) { DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; UserAccount userAccount = new UserAccount { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Email = email, FailedLoginCount = 0, IsEmailVerified = false, IsLoginAllowed = applicationOptions .RequireLocalAccountVerification, PasswordChangedAt = now, CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now }; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { userAccount.PasswordHash = crypto.HashPassword( password, applicationOptions.PasswordHashingIterationCount ); } if (applicationOptions.RequireLocalAccountVerification && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl)) { this.SetVerification( userAccount, VerificationKeyPurpose.ConfirmAccount, returnUrl, now ); } return(userAccount); }
public async Task <UserAccount> CreateNewLocalUserAccountAsync(string email, string password, string returnUrl = null) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var userAccount = new UserAccount { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Email = email, PasswordHash = _crypto.HashPassword(password, _applicationOptions.PasswordHashingIterationCount), FailedLoginCount = 0, IsEmailVerified = false, IsLoginAllowed = _applicationOptions.RequireLocalAccountVerification, PasswordChangedAt = now, CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now }; if (_applicationOptions.RequireLocalAccountVerification && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl)) { // Set verification key userAccount.SetVerification( _crypto.Hash(_crypto.GenerateSalt()).StripUglyBase64(), VerificationKeyPurpose.ConfirmAccount, returnUrl, now); } await _userAccountStore.WriteAsync(userAccount); // Emit event await _eventService.RaiseSuccessfulUserAccountCreatedEventAsync( userAccount.Id, IdentityServerConstants.LocalIdentityProvider); return(userAccount); }
private static void SeedAccounts() { var username = "******"; var hashedPassword = _crypto.HashPassword(username, 10); var user = _context.UsersProfiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserAccount.Username == username); if (user == null) { _context.Set <UserAccount>().Add( new UserAccount { Username = username, Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), HashedPassword = hashedPassword, Email = "*****@*****.**", LastUpdated = DateTimeOffset.Now, IsLoginAllowed = true, IsAccountVerified = true, Created = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, ClaimCollection = new UserClaimCollection { new UserClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, UserAccessLevel.Admin.ToString()) { ObjectState = ObjectState.Added } }, Profile = new UserProfile { FirstName = "System", LastName = "Admin", Iso2 = "CA", ProvinceState = "BC", Created = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, ObjectState = ObjectState.Added }, ObjectState = ObjectState.Added } ); _hasUpdates = true; } username = "******"; hashedPassword = _crypto.HashPassword(username, 10); user = _context.UsersProfiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserAccount.Username == username); if (user != null) { return; } _context.Set <UserAccount>().Add( new UserAccount { Username = username, Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), HashedPassword = hashedPassword, Email = "*****@*****.**", LastUpdated = DateTimeOffset.Now, IsLoginAllowed = true, IsAccountVerified = true, Created = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, ClaimCollection = new UserClaimCollection { new UserClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, UserAccessLevel.User.ToString()) { ObjectState = ObjectState.Added } }, Profile = new UserProfile { FirstName = "Demo", LastName = "user", Iso2 = "CA", ProvinceState = "BC", Created = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, ObjectState = ObjectState.Added }, ObjectState = ObjectState.Added } ); _hasUpdates = true; }
public IEnumerable <UserAccount> GetUserAccounts( ICrypto crypto, ApplicationOptions options) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var users = new List <UserAccount> { // Active user account with local account but no external accounts new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef"), Email = "alice@localhost", PasswordHash = crypto.HashPassword( "alice@localhost", options.PasswordHashingIterationCount), CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, IsEmailVerified = true, IsLoginAllowed = true, Claims = new List <UserAccountClaim> { new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, "Alice Smith"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.GivenName, "Alice"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.FamilyName, "Smith"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Email, "alice@localhost"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.EmailVerified, "true", ClaimValueTypes.Boolean), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, "Admin"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, "Geek"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.WebSite, ""), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Address, @"{ 'street_address': 'One Hacker Way', 'locality': 'Heidelberg', 'postal_code': 69118, 'country': 'Germany' }", IdentityServerConstants.ClaimValueTypes.Json) } }, // Active user account new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("28575826-68a0-4a1d-9428-674a2eb5db95"), Email = "bob@localhost", PasswordHash = crypto.HashPassword( "bob@localhost", options.PasswordHashingIterationCount), CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, IsEmailVerified = true, IsLoginAllowed = true, Claims = new List <UserAccountClaim> { new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, "Bob Smith"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.GivenName, "Bob"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.FamilyName, "Smith"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Email, "bob@localhost"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.EmailVerified, "true", ClaimValueTypes.Boolean), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, "Developer"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, "Geek"), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.WebSite, ""), new UserAccountClaim(JwtClaimTypes.Address, @"{ 'street_address': 'One Hacker Way', 'locality': 'Heidelberg', 'postal_code': 69118, 'country': 'Germany' }", IdentityServerConstants.ClaimValueTypes.Json) } }, // Inactive user account with local account but no external accounts new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("6b13d17c-55a6-482e-96b9-dc784015f927"), Email = "jim@localhost", PasswordHash = crypto.HashPassword( "jim@localhost", options.PasswordHashingIterationCount), CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, IsEmailVerified = true, EmailVerifiedAt = now, IsLoginAllowed = false, Claims = CreateClaims("Jim Panse", "Jim", "Panse"), }, // Not verified user account with local account but no external accounts new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("13808d08-b1c0-4f28-8d3e-8c9a4051efcb"), Email = "paul@localhost", PasswordHash = crypto.HashPassword( "paul@localhost", options.PasswordHashingIterationCount), CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, IsEmailVerified = false, IsLoginAllowed = false, Claims = CreateClaims("Paul Panzer", "Paul", "Panzer") // TODO: set VerificationKey, VerificationPurpose, VerificationKeySentAt }, // External user account new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("58631b04-9be5-454a-aa1d-f679cd454fa6"), Email = "bill@localhost", CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, // had never confirmed the email, since he got via facebook IsEmailVerified = false, // is allowed to login since he registed via facebook IsLoginAllowed = true, Claims = CreateClaims("Bill Smith", "Bill", "Smith"), Accounts = new List <ExternalAccount>() { new ExternalAccount { CreatedAt = now, Email = "bill@localhost", Subject = "123456789", Provider = "facebook" } } } }; return(users); }
public void InitializeStores() { // Cleanup // HACK: the memory db survives server dispose so i have to cleanup it here // cannot run this tests in parallel _configurationDbContext.Clients.Clear(); _configurationDbContext.IdentityResources.Clear(); _configurationDbContext.ApiResources.Clear(); _configurationDbContext.SaveChanges(); _persistedGrantDbContext.PersistedGrants.Clear(); _persistedGrantDbContext.SaveChanges(); _defaultDbContext.UserAccounts.Clear(); _defaultDbContext.ExternalAccounts.Clear(); _defaultDbContext.UserAccountClaims.Clear(); _defaultDbContext.SaveChanges(); // Add default sample data clients foreach (var client in Clients.Get().ToList()) { _configurationDbContext.Clients.Add(client.ToEntity()); } _configurationDbContext.SaveChanges(); foreach (var resource in Resources.GetIdentityResources().ToList()) { _configurationDbContext.IdentityResources.Add(resource.ToEntity()); } _configurationDbContext.SaveChanges(); foreach (var resource in Resources.GetApiResources().ToList()) { _configurationDbContext.ApiResources.Add(resource.ToEntity()); } _configurationDbContext.SaveChanges(); // Add test user accounts var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var userAccounts = new List <UserAccount> { // Active user account with local account but no external accounts new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("0c2954d2-4c73-44e3-b0f2-c00403e4adef"), Email = "alice@localhost", PasswordHash = _crypto.HashPassword("alice@localhost", _applicationOptions.PasswordHashingIterationCount), CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, IsEmailVerified = true, EmailVerifiedAt = now, IsLoginAllowed = true, Claims = this.CreateClaims("Alice Smith", "Alice", "Smith") }, // Inactive user account with local account but no external accounts new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("6b13d17c-55a6-482e-96b9-dc784015f927"), Email = "jim@localhost", PasswordHash = _crypto.HashPassword("jim@localhost", _applicationOptions.PasswordHashingIterationCount), CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, IsEmailVerified = true, EmailVerifiedAt = now, IsLoginAllowed = false, Claims = this.CreateClaims("Jim Panse", "Jim", "Panse"), }, // Not verified user account with local account but no external accounts new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("13808d08-b1c0-4f28-8d3e-8c9a4051efcb"), Email = "paul@localhost", PasswordHash = _crypto.HashPassword("paul@localhost", _applicationOptions.PasswordHashingIterationCount), CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, IsEmailVerified = false, IsLoginAllowed = false, Claims = this.CreateClaims("Paul Panzer", "Paul", "Panzer") // TODO: set VerificationKey, VerificationPurpose, VerificationKeySentAt }, // External user account new UserAccount { Id = Guid.Parse("58631b04-9be5-454a-aa1d-f679cd454fa6"), Email = "bob@localhost", CreatedAt = now, UpdatedAt = now, IsEmailVerified = false, // had never confirmed the email, since he got via facebook IsLoginAllowed = true, // is allowed to login since he registed via facebook Claims = this.CreateClaims("Bob Smith", "Bob", "Smith"), Accounts = new List <ExternalAccount>() { new ExternalAccount { CreatedAt = now, Email = "bob@localhost", Subject = "123456789", Provider = "facebook" } } } }; // Map all references foreach (var userAccount in userAccounts) { foreach (var claim in userAccount.Claims) { //claim.UserAccountId = userAccount.Id; claim.UserAccount = userAccount; } if (userAccount.Accounts != null) { foreach (var account in userAccount.Accounts) { account.UserAccountId = userAccount.Id; account.UserAccount = userAccount; } } _defaultDbContext.UserAccounts.Add(userAccount.ToEntity()); } _defaultDbContext.SaveChanges(); }