        private void SerializeControllerChip(IControllerChip controllerChip)
            if (controllerChip.export == false)




        /// <summary>
        ///     This mthod manually loads the game file's binary data then configures the engine and processes the files.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadDefaultGame()
            // Create a list of valid files we want to load from the game directory
            string[] fileExtensions =

            // Create a new list to store the file paths
            var gameFiles = new List <string>();

            // Get only the files we need from the directory base on their extension above.
            var files = from p in Directory.EnumerateFiles(gamePath)
                        where fileExtensions.Any(val => p.EndsWith(val))
                        select p;

            // Loop through each file in the list
            foreach (var file in files)
                // Read the binary data and save it along with the file name to the dictionary.

            // Configure a new PV8 engine to play the game

            // Manually activate the custom game chip
            tmpEngine.ActivateChip("GameChip", new LuaGameChip {
                DefaultScriptPath = "Content/code.lua"

            // Process the files
            ProcessFiles(tmpEngine, gameFiles.ToArray());

            controllerChip = ActiveEngine.ControllerChip;
        public override void ActivateEngine(IEngine engine)
            // Get a reference to the Lua game
            var game = engine.gameChip as LuaGameChip;

            // Get the script
            var luaScript = game.luaScript;

            luaScript.Globals["StartNextPreload"]     = new Action(StartNextPreload);
            luaScript.Globals["PreloaderComplete"]    = new Action(RunGame);
            luaScript.Globals["EnableCRT"]            = (EnableCRTDelegator)EnableCRT;
            luaScript.Globals["Brightness"]           = (BrightnessDelegator)Brightness;
            luaScript.Globals["Sharpness"]            = (SharpnessDelegator)Sharpness;
            luaScript.Globals["BootDone"]             = new Action <bool>(BootDone);
            luaScript.Globals["ReadPreloaderPercent"] = new Func <int>(() => (int)(loadService.percent * 100));
            luaScript.Globals["LoadGame"]             =
                new Func <string, Dictionary <string, string>, bool>((path, metadata) =>
                                                                     Load(path, RunnerMode.Loading, metadata));
            luaScript.Globals["SystemVersion"] = new Func <string>(() => systemVersion);
            luaScript.Globals["SystemName"]    = new Func <string>(() => systemName);
            luaScript.Globals["SessionID"]     = new Func <string>(() => sessionID);

            // Expose Bios APIs
            luaScript.Globals["ReadBiosData"] = new Func <string, string, string>((key, defaultValue) =>
                                                                                  bios.ReadBiosData(key, defaultValue));
            luaScript.Globals["WriteBiosData"] = new Action <string, string>(bios.UpdateBiosData);

            //            luaScript.Globals["NewWorkspacePath"] = new Func<string, WorkspacePath>(WorkspacePath.Parse);

            //            UserData.RegisterType<WorkspacePath>();

            // Save a reference to the controller chip so we can listen for special key events
            controllerChip = engine.controllerChip;

            // Activate the game
        /// <summary>
        ///     This mthod manually loads the game file's binary data then configures the engine and processes the files.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadDefaultGame()
            // Create a list of valid files we want to load from the game directory
            var fileExtensions = new[]

            // Create a new dictionary to store the file binary data
            var gameFiles = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>();

            // Get only the files we need from the directory base on their extension above.
            var files = from p in Directory.EnumerateFiles(gamePath)
                        where fileExtensions.Any(val => p.EndsWith(val))
                        select p;

            // Loop through each file in the list
            foreach (var file in files)
                // Read the binary data and save it along with the file name to the dictionary.
                gameFiles.Add(Path.GetFileName(file), File.ReadAllBytes(file));

            // Configure a new PV8 engine to play the game

            // Manually activate the custom game chip
            tmpEngine.ActivateChip("GameChip", new LuaGameChip());

            // Process the files
            ProcessFiles(tmpEngine, gameFiles);

            controllerChip = activeEngine.controllerChip;
        public override void ActivateEngine(IEngine engine)
            // At this point this game is fully configured so all chips are accessible for extra configuring

            // Save a reference to the controller chip so we can listen for special key events
            controllerChip = engine.controllerChip;

            // Get a reference to the Lua game
            var game = engine.gameChip as LuaGameChip;

            // Get the script
            var luaScript = game.luaScript;

            // Inject the PV8 runner special global function
            luaScript.Globals["IsExporting"]       = new Func <bool>(ExportService.IsExporting);
            luaScript.Globals["ReadExportPercent"] = new Func <int>(ExportService.ReadExportPercent);
            luaScript.Globals["ReadExportMessage"] = new Func <string>(ExportService.ReadExportMessage);
            luaScript.Globals["ShutdownSystem"]    = new Action(ShutdownSystem);
            luaScript.Globals["QuitCurrentTool"]   = (QuitCurrentToolDelagator)QuitCurrentTool;
            luaScript.Globals["RefreshActionKeys"] = new Action(RefreshActionKeys);
            luaScript.Globals["DocumentPath"]      = new Func <string>(() => documentsPath);
            luaScript.Globals["TmpPath"]           = new Func <string>(() => tmpPath);
            luaScript.Globals["DiskPaths"]         = new Func <WorkspacePath[]>(() => workspaceServicePlus.Disks);
            luaScript.Globals["SaveActiveDisks"]   = new Action(() =>
                var disks = workspaceServicePlus.Disks;

                foreach (var disk in disks)
            luaScript.Globals["EjectDisk"]        = new Action <string>(EjectDisk);
            luaScript.Globals["EnableAutoRun"]    = new Action <bool>(EnableAutoRun);
            luaScript.Globals["EnableBackKey"]    = new Action <bool>(EnableBackKey);
            luaScript.Globals["RebuildWorkspace"] = new Action(workspaceServicePlus.RebuildWorkspace);
            luaScript.Globals["MountDisk"]        = new Action <WorkspacePath>(path =>
                var segments = path.GetDirectorySegments();

                var systemPath = Path.PathSeparator.ToString();

                if (segments[0] == "Disk")
                else if (segments[0] == "Workspace")
                    // TODO the workspace could have a different name so we should check the bios
                    systemPath = Path.Combine(documentsPath, segments[0]);

                for (var i = 1; i < segments.Length; i++)
                    systemPath = Path.Combine(systemPath, segments[i]);

                systemPath = Path.Combine(systemPath,
                                          path.IsDirectory ? Path.PathSeparator.ToString() : path.EntityName);

//                Console.WriteLine("Mount Disk From " + systemPath);


            // Activate the game

            // Force the lua script to use this boot done logic instead
            luaScript.Globals["BootDone"] = new Action <bool>(BootDone);