public PostCategoryCommanderServices(ICommander <PostCategory> commader, IMapper mapper, IFilter <PostCategory> filter) : base(commader, mapper) { _commader = commader; _mapper = mapper; _filter = filter; }
public Queue(IClock clock, ICommander commander, IDb db, UserContext userContext) { _clock = clock; _commander = commander; _db = db; _userContext = userContext; }
public static async Task Call(this ICommander commander, ICommand command, bool isolate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var context = await commander.Run(command, isolate, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); await context.UntypedResultTask.ConfigureAwait(false); }
public void SellCommand(ICommander order) { Console.WriteLine("Calling Invoker Class"); Console.WriteLine("Sell Command"); _commands.Add(order); }
/// <summary> /// Serializes an object that implements ICommander and places it into the packet. /// </summary> /// <param name="packet"></param> /// <param name="commander"></param> public static void AddCommander(this Packet packet, ICommander commander) { packet.PutInt(commander.Handle); packet.PutInt(0); packet.AddAppearancePc(commander); packet.PutFloat(commander.Position.X); packet.PutFloat(commander.Position.Y); packet.PutFloat(commander.Position.Z); packet.PutInt(commander.Exp); packet.PutInt(commander.MaxExp); packet.PutInt(commander.TotalExp); packet.PutLong(commander.Id); // TODO: Assign new IDs to characters such that the social ID does not conflict. packet.PutLong(commander.Id + 1); // SocialInfoId packet.PutInt(commander.Hp); packet.PutInt(commander.MaxHp); packet.PutShort(commander.Sp); packet.PutShort(commander.MaxSp); packet.PutInt(commander.Stamina); packet.PutInt(commander.MaxStamina); packet.PutShort(0); // Shield packet.PutShort(0); // MaxShield }
/// <summary> /// Register a module commander. /// </summary> /// <param name="commander"></param> public void RegisterModuleCommander(ICommander commander) { lock (m_moduleCommanders) { m_moduleCommanders.Add(commander.Name, commander); } }
public CommandsController(ICommander commander, CommandProfile mapper, ILogger <CommandsController> logger, TelemetryClient telemetryClient) //IMapper mapper { _commander = commander; _mapper = mapper; _logger = logger; _telemetryClient = telemetryClient; }
public MissionService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, ICommander commander, IIdentityProvider identityProvider, ICommandFactory commandFactory) { _unitOfWork = unitOfWork; _commander = commander; _identityProvider = identityProvider; _commandFactory = commandFactory; }
public static CommandContext Start(this ICommander commander, ICommand command, bool isolate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var context = CommandContext.New(commander, command, isolate); commander.Run(context, isolate, cancellationToken).Ignore(); return(context); }
public static async Task <CommandContext> Run(this ICommander commander, ICommand command, bool isolate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var context = CommandContext.New(commander, command, isolate); await commander.Run(context, isolate, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); return(context); }
// CallAsync overloads public static async Task <TResult> CallAsync <TResult>(this ICommander commander, ICommand <TResult> command, bool isolate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var context = commander.Start(command, isolate, cancellationToken); var typedContext = (CommandContext <TResult>)context; return(await typedContext.ResultTask.ConfigureAwait(false)); }
public WatcherHost(ICommander commander, IIgnorePatternCollection ignorePatternCollection, ILogger logger, IWatcher watcher) { _commander = commander; _ignorePatternCollection = ignorePatternCollection; _logger = logger; _watcher = watcher; _watcher.FileChanged += FileChanged; }
public Game(ICommander console, IServiceProvider gameServices, CommandMap allCommands, CommandMap globalCommands, ISet <Type> areas, IGameOptions gameOptions) { Commander = console; GameOptions = gameOptions; _gameServices = gameServices; _allCommands = allCommands; _globalCommands = globalCommands; _areas = areas; }
private void HandleCommanderHelp(string module, string[] cmd) { // Only safe for the interactive console, since it won't // let us come here unless both scene and commander exist ICommander moduleCommander = SceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene.GetCommander(cmd[1]); if (moduleCommander != null) { m_console.Notice(moduleCommander.Help); } }
public void AddWorker(string FullName, string Position, decimal Wage, ICommander commander) { Worker worker = new Worker() { FullName = FullName, Position = Position, Wage = Wage }; commander.AddSubordinate(worker); }
public CompletionProducer(Options?options, ICommander commander, AgentInfo agentInfo, ILogger <CompletionProducer>?log = null) { options ??= new(); Log = log ?? NullLogger <CompletionProducer> .Instance; LogLevel = options.LogLevel; AgentInfo = agentInfo; Commander = commander; }
public OperationInvalidator( ICommander commander, AgentInfo agentInfo, IInvalidationInfoProvider invalidationInfoProvider, ILogger <OperationInvalidator>?log = null) { Log = log ?? NullLogger <OperationInvalidator> .Instance; AgentInfo = agentInfo; InvalidationInfoProvider = invalidationInfoProvider; Commander = commander; }
public CompletionProducer(Options?options, ICommander commander, AgentInfo agentInfo, ILogger <CompletionProducer>?log = null) { options ??= new(); Log = log ?? NullLogger <CompletionProducer> .Instance; IsLoggingEnabled = options.IsLoggingEnabled && Log.IsEnabled(LogLevel); AgentInfo = agentInfo; Commander = commander; }
/// <summary> /// Register a module commander. /// </summary> /// <param name="commander"></param> public void RegisterModuleCommander(ICommander commander) { m_moduleCommandersRwLock.AcquireWriterLock(-1); try { m_moduleCommanders.Add(commander.Name, commander); } finally { m_moduleCommandersRwLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } }
public WatcherHost(ICommander commander, ILogger logger, IIgnorePatternCollection ignorePatternCollection) { _commander = commander; _logger = logger; _ignorePatternCollection = ignorePatternCollection; _watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); _watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true; _watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite; _watcher.Changed += FileChanged; }
public void ChangeFollower(ICommander commander, NPCController follower) { for (int j = 0; j < stationNPC.Length; j++) { if (stationNPC[j] == follower) { return; } } follower.ClearAllCommand(); commander.AddFollower(follower); Followers.Remove(follower); }
protected virtual void AddPluginCommands(ICommandConsole console) { if (m_log.IsDebugEnabled) { m_log.DebugFormat("{0} called", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } List <string> topics = GetHelpTopics(); foreach (string topic in topics) { string capitalizedTopic = char.ToUpper(topic[0]) + topic.Substring(1); // This is a hack to allow the user to enter the help command in upper or lowercase. This will go // away at some point. console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false, "help " + topic, "help " + capitalizedTopic, "Get help on plugin command '" + topic + "'", HandleCommanderHelp); console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false, "help " + capitalizedTopic, "help " + capitalizedTopic, "Get help on plugin command '" + topic + "'", HandleCommanderHelp); ICommander commander = null; Scene s = SceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene; if (s != null && s.GetCommanders() != null) { if (s.GetCommanders().ContainsKey(topic)) { commander = s.GetCommanders()[topic]; } } if (commander == null) { continue; } foreach (string command in commander.Commands.Keys) { console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false, topic + " " + command, topic + " " + commander.Commands[command].ShortHelp(), String.Empty, HandleCommanderCommand); } } }
protected virtual void AddPluginCommands() { // If console exists add plugin commands. if (m_console != null) { List <string> topics = GetHelpTopics(); foreach (string topic in topics) { string capitalizedTopic = char.ToUpper(topic[0]) + topic.Substring(1); // This is a hack to allow the user to enter the help command in upper or lowercase. This will go // away at some point. m_console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false, "help " + topic, "help " + capitalizedTopic, "Get help on plugin command '" + topic + "'", HandleCommanderHelp); m_console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false, "help " + capitalizedTopic, "help " + capitalizedTopic, "Get help on plugin command '" + topic + "'", HandleCommanderHelp); ICommander commander = null; Scene s = SceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene; if (s != null && s.GetCommanders() != null) { if (s.GetCommanders().ContainsKey(topic)) { commander = s.GetCommanders()[topic]; } } if (commander == null) { continue; } foreach (string command in commander.Commands.Keys) { m_console.Commands.AddCommand(capitalizedTopic, false, topic + " " + command, topic + " " + commander.Commands[command].ShortHelp(), String.Empty, HandleCommanderCommand); } } } }
public Match(Player white, Player black) { Board = new Board(new Coord(9, 9)); WhitePool = new Pool(true); BlackPool = new Pool(false); Turn = new Turn(); WhitePlayer = white; BlackPlayer = black; History = new History(); _textRenderer = new TextRenderer(Console.Out); _textCommander = new TextCommander(Console.In); }
public FusionState( IStateFactory stateFactory, Session session, ICommander commander, Func <CancellationToken, Task <T> > computeState, Action <FusionStateStatusEnum> onLiveStateChanged) { StateFactory = stateFactory; Session = session; Commander = commander; ComputeState = computeState; HandleStateChangedInternal = (state, eventKind) => { var status = CurrentFusionStateStatus(); //if (eventKind == StateEventKind.Updated) onLiveStateChanged(status); }; }
protected virtual void AddPluginCommands() { // If console exists add plugin commands. if (m_console != null) { List <string> topics = GetHelpTopics(); foreach (string topic in topics) { m_console.Commands.AddCommand("plugin", false, "help " + topic, "help " + topic, "Get help on plugin command '" + topic + "'", HandleCommanderHelp); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("plugin", false, topic, topic, "Execute subcommand for plugin '" + topic + "'", null); ICommander commander = null; Scene s = SceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene; if (s != null && s.GetCommanders() != null) { if (s.GetCommanders().ContainsKey(topic)) { commander = s.GetCommanders()[topic]; } } if (commander == null) { continue; } foreach (string command in commander.Commands.Keys) { m_console.Commands.AddCommand(topic, false, topic + " " + command, topic + " " + commander.Commands[command].ShortHelp(), String.Empty, HandleCommanderCommand); } } } }
public StatusProcessor(ILogger <StatusProcessor> log, IShip ship, ICommander commander, INavRoute navRoute, ICargo cargo, IMarket market, IModules modules, IBackpack backpack, IShipyard shipyard, IOutfitting outfitting, IFileReader fileReader) { _log = log; _ship = ship; _commander = commander; _navRoute = navRoute; _cargo = cargo; _market = market; _modules = modules; _backpack = backpack; _shipyard = shipyard; _outfitting = outfitting; _fileReader = fileReader; _cache = new Dictionary <string, string>(); }
public TodoPageStore( IStateFactory stateFactory, Session session, ITodoService todoService, ICommander commander) { if (todoService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(todoService)); } TodoService = todoService; SetPageRequest(new TodoPageGetRequest { PageRef = new PageRef <string>(Count: 5) }); F = new FusionState <TodoPageGetResponse?>(stateFactory, session, commander, ComputeState, OnLiveStateChanged); F.GoLive(); }
public List <Employee> DisplayEmployees(ICommander commander) { employees.Add(commander as Employee); foreach (ICommandable item in commander.DirectSubordinates) { if (item is ICommander) { DisplayEmployees(item as ICommander); } if (!(item is ICommander)) { employees.Add(item as Employee); } } return(employees); }
public void Setup() { var services = ServiceContainerBuilder.ConfigureServices(); var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); var plateau = serviceProvider.GetService <IPlateau>(); plateau.SetSize("5 5"); _roverCommander = serviceProvider.GetService <ICommander>(); _roverCommander.Plateau = plateau; _rover = serviceProvider.GetService <IRover>(); _rover.SetPosition("1 2 N"); _rover.Commands = "LMLMLMLMM"; _roverCommander.Plateau.AddRover(_rover); }
public void Think(int turn, int maxTurn, int player, GameField field, ICommander commander) { if (field.GetPrepareResource(plan.Excavator, player, true) >= 4 && field[plan.Excavator].Terrain == Terrain.Wasteland) { disposition.AddBuildOrder(1000, plan.Excavator, Terrain.Excavator); disposition.AddMoveOrder(100, plan.Excavator, GameField.GetNeedRobot(Terrain.Excavator)); } foreach (Point town in plan.Town) { if (field.GetPrepareResource(town, player, true) < 9) continue; disposition.AddBuildOrder(1000, town, Terrain.Town); disposition.AddMoveOrder(100, town, GameField.GetNeedRobot(Terrain.Town)); } DistanceMap distance = new DistanceMap(field, player, InitialPoint); BuildPriority priority = new BuildPriority(field, player, InitialPoint, 99); foreach (Point point in field.Iterator()) { if (field.GetPrepareResource(point, player, true) < 4) continue; if (!field.IsAdjoinTerritory(point, player)) continue; if (point == new Point { X = 6, Y = 6 }) continue; Terrain building; switch(field[point].Terrain) { case Terrain.Wasteland: building = Terrain.House; break; case Terrain.Hole: building = Terrain.Bridge; break; default: continue; } disposition.AddBuildOrder(priority[point] * 10, point, building); disposition.AddMoveOrder(priority[point], point, GameField.GetNeedRobot(building)); } foreach (OrderBuild build in disposition.EnumerateOrder<OrderBuild>()) { disposition.AddSecureResource(build.Priority / 10 - 1, build.Point, player, field); } disposition.AddSecureGround(150, 100, player, field); disposition.AddKamikaze(0, player, field); disposition.Dispose(field, commander); }
public GameResultController(ICommander commander) { _commander = commander; }
public MatchStartController(ICommander commander) { _commander = commander; }
public void Think(int turn, int maxTurn, int player, GameField field, ICommander commander) { if (!Build(player, field, commander)) { Move(player, field, commander); } commander.Finish(); }
private bool Build(int player, GameField field, ICommander commander) { Terrain building = (Terrain)random.Next(4, 10); foreach (Point point in field.Iterator()) { if (field.IsBuild(point, building)) { commander.Build(point.X, point.Y, building); return true; } } return false; }
private void Move(int player, GameField field, ICommander commander) { foreach (Point point in field.Iterator()) { Direction dir = (Direction)random.Next(1, 7); int robot = random.Next(field[point].ActiveRobot) + 1; if (field.IsMove(point, dir, robot)) { commander.Move(point.X, point.Y, dir, robot); } } }