IRasterFunctionVariable myBandIndicesVar; // Variable for the Band Indices property.

        public NDVICustomFunctionUIClass()
            myForm        = new NDVICustomFunctionUIForm();
            myArgs        = null;
            myPriority    = 100;
            myPageSite    = null;
            myHelpFile    = "";
            mySupportedID = new UIDClass();
            // The UID of the NDVICustomFunction object.
            mySupportedID.Value = "{" + "652642F3-9106-4EB3-9262-A4C39E03BC56" + "}";
            templateMode        = false;

            myRasterVar      = null;
            myBandIndicesVar = null;
        IRasterFunctionVariable myBandIndicesVar; // Variable for the Band Indices property.

        public NDVICustomFunctionUIClass()
            myForm = new NDVICustomFunctionUIForm();
            myArgs = null;
            myPriority = 100;
            myPageSite = null;
            myHelpFile = "";
            mySupportedID = new UIDClass();
            // The UID of the NDVICustomFunction object.
            mySupportedID.Value = "{" + "652642F3-9106-4EB3-9262-A4C39E03BC56" + "}";
            templateMode = false;

            myRasterVar = null;
            myBandIndicesVar = null;
        IRasterFunctionVariable myWatermarkImagePathVar; // Variable for WatermarkImagePath property.

        public WatermarkFunctionUIClass()
            myForm              = new WatermarkFunctionUIForm();
            myArgs              = null;
            myPriority          = 100;
            myPageSite          = null;
            myHelpFile          = "";
            mySupportedID       = new UIDClass();
            mySupportedID.Value = "{" + "168721E7-7010-4a36-B886-F644437B164D" + "}";
            templateMode        = false;
            isFormReadOnly      = false;

            myRasterVar             = null;
            myBlendPercentageVar    = null;
            myWatermarkLocationVar  = null;
            myWatermarkImagePathVar = null;
        IRasterFunctionVariable myWatermarkImagePathVar; // Variable for WatermarkImagePath property.

        public WatermarkFunctionUIClass()
            myForm = new WatermarkFunctionUIForm();
            myArgs = null;
            myPriority = 100;
            myPageSite = null;
            myHelpFile = "";
            mySupportedID = new UIDClass();
            mySupportedID.Value = "{" + "168721E7-7010-4a36-B886-F644437B164D" + "}";
            templateMode = false;
            isFormReadOnly = false;

            myRasterVar = null;
            myBlendPercentageVar = null;
            myWatermarkLocationVar = null;
            myWatermarkImagePathVar = null;
        public WatermarkFunctionUIClass()
            myForm              = new WatermarkFunctionUIForm();
            myArgs              = null;
            myPriority          = 100;
            myPageSite          = null;
            myHelpFile          = "";
            mySupportedID       = new UIDClass();
            mySupportedID.Value = "{" + "25BE29A6-AAF9-496E-AE73-130D5947682D" + "}";
            templateMode        = false;
            isFormReadOnly      = false;

            myRasterVar             = null;
            myBlendPercentageVar    = null;
            myWatermarkImagePathVar = null;
            myXGapVar = null;
            myYGapVar = null;
        bool templateMode; // Flag to specify template mode.

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public WatermarkFunctionUIClass()
            myForm = new WatermarkFunctionUIForm();
            myArgs = null;
            myPriority = 100;
            myPageSite = null;
            myHelpFile = "";
            mySupportedID = new UIDClass();
            mySupportedID.Value = "{" + "25BE29A6-AAF9-496E-AE73-130D5947682D" + "}";
            templateMode = false;
            isFormReadOnly = false;

            myRasterVar = null;
            myBlendPercentageVar = null;
            myWatermarkImagePathVar = null;
            myXGapVar = null;
            myYGapVar = null;