public static void TestAssetLocalStorageLmdbPartitionedLRU_TryGetAsset_EmpyId_ArgumentException()
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => _localStorage.TryGetAsset(Guid.Empty, out var assetResult));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the asset from the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The asset.</returns>
        /// <param name="assetId">Asset identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="handler">Callback delegate to hand the asset to.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheRule">Bitfield controlling how local storage is to be handled when used as a cache for remote servers.</param>
        public void GetAssetAsync(Guid assetId, AssetHandler handler, CacheRule cacheRule)
            // Ask for null, get null.
            if (assetId == Guid.Empty)

            // TODO: see if would do a better job, but they have to finish releasing 4.0 first.

            // It might be beneficial to move the listener processsing to another thread, but then you potentially lose parallism across multiple asset IDs.

            StratusAsset result = null;

            while (true)
                // Hit up the local storage first. If there's no upstream then ignore skipread.
                if (!(cacheRule.HasFlag(CacheRule.SkipRead) && _config.SerialParallelAssetServers.Any()) && (_localStorage?.TryGetAsset(assetId, out result) ?? false))

                var listeners = new Queue <AssetHandler>();
                listeners.Enqueue(handler);                 // Add myself to the new listeners list first thing, assuming, probably wrongly, that the following test is true.  If wrong, meh: this queue gets dropped like an old potato.
                if (_idsBeingFetched.TryAdd(assetId, listeners))
                    // Got to go try the servers now.
                    foreach (var parallelServers in _config.SerialParallelAssetServers)
                        if (parallelServers.Count() == 1)                           // Optimization: no need to hit up the parallel stuff if there's only 1.
                            result = parallelServers.First().RequestAssetSync(assetId);
                            result = parallelServers.AsParallel().Select(server => server.RequestAssetSync(assetId)).FirstOrDefault(a => a != null);

                        if (result != null)
                            if (!cacheRule.HasFlag(CacheRule.SkipWrite))

                    // Now to process the listeners.
                    var exceptions = new ConcurrentQueue <Exception>();

                    lock (listeners) {                     // Prevent new listeners from being added.
                        Parallel.ForEach(listeners, waiting_handler => {
                            if (waiting_handler == null)
                                LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Warn, () => $"Attempted to process a handler for assetId {assetId} that was null!");

                            try {
                            catch (Exception e) {

                        _idsBeingFetched.TryRemove(assetId, out var trash);

                    if (exceptions.Count > 0)
                        LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Error, () => $"Exceptions ({exceptions.Count}) were thrown by handler(s) listening for asset {assetId}", new AggregateException(exceptions));

                    return;                     // We're done here.

                // See if we can add ourselves to the listener list.
                if (_idsBeingFetched.TryGetValue(assetId, out listeners))
                    // Skiplock: if the lock cannot be taken, move on to the retry because the list is already being emptied.
                    var lockTaken = false;
                    try {
                        Monitor.TryEnter(listeners, ref lockTaken);
                        if (lockTaken)
                    finally {
                        if (lockTaken)

                    // lock was skipped, therefore that list is already being cleaned out.

                // It's gone already, so let's try again as the asset should be in local storage or we should query the servers again.
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens or creates the write cache file. If there are entries in the file that are marked as not uploaded, then
        /// this ctor loads those assets from the local storage and uploads them to the remotes passed in via the ChattelWriter instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileInfo">FileInfo instance for the path where to load or create the write cache file.</param>
        /// <param name="recordCount">Record count to set the write cache to.</param>
        /// <param name="writer">ChattelWriter instance for uploading un-finished assets to on load.</param>
        /// <param name="localStorage">Local storage instace to load unfinished assets from.</param>
        /// <exception cref="T:Chattel.ChattelConfigurationException">Thrown if there are assets marked as needing to be uploaded but the current configuration prevents uploading.</exception>
        public WriteCache(FileInfo fileInfo, uint recordCount, ChattelWriter writer, IChattelLocalStorage localStorage)
            _fileInfo = fileInfo ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileInfo));
            if (recordCount < 2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(recordCount), "Having less than two record makes no sense and causes errors.");

            // If the file doesn't exist, create it and zero the needed records.
            if (!_fileInfo.Exists)
                LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Info, () => $"Write cache file doesn't exist, creating and formatting file '{_fileInfo.FullName}'");
                LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Debug, () => $"Write cache formatting complete.");

            var writeCacheFileRecordCount = (uint)((_fileInfo.Length - WRITE_CACHE_MAGIC_NUMBER.Length) / WriteCacheNode.BYTE_SIZE);

            if (writeCacheFileRecordCount < recordCount)
                // Expand the file.
                Expand(recordCount - writeCacheFileRecordCount);
            else if (writeCacheFileRecordCount > recordCount)
                // For now, use the file size.
                LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Warn, () => $"Write cache not able to be shrunk in this version of Chattel, continuing with old value of {writeCacheFileRecordCount} records instead of requested {recordCount} records.");
                recordCount = writeCacheFileRecordCount;
                // TODO: find a way to shrink the file without losing ANY of the records that have not yet been submitted to an upstream server.
                // Could get difficult in the case of a full file...

            LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Info, () => $"Reading write cache from file '{_fileInfo.FullName}'. Expecting {recordCount} records, found {writeCacheFileRecordCount} records, choosing the larger.");
            _writeCacheNodes = Read(out IEnumerable <WriteCacheNode> assetsToBeSentUpstream).ToArray();
            LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Debug, () => $"Reading write cache complete.");

            if (assetsToBeSentUpstream.Any())
                if (writer == null)
                    throw new ChattelConfigurationException("Write cache indicates assets needing to be sent to remote servers, but there is no asset writer!");

                if (localStorage == null)
                    throw new ChattelConfigurationException("Write cache indicates assets needing to be sent to remote servers, but there no cache to read them from!");

                if (!writer.HasUpstream)
                    throw new ChattelConfigurationException("Write cache indicates assets needing to be sent to remote servers, but there are no remote servers configured!");

            // Send the assets to the remote server. Yes do this in the startup thread: if you can't access the servers, then why continue?
            foreach (var assetCacheNode in assetsToBeSentUpstream)
                LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Debug, () => $"Attempting to remotely store {assetCacheNode.AssetId}.");

                if (localStorage.TryGetAsset(assetCacheNode.AssetId, out var asset))
                    try {
                    catch (AssetExistsException) {
                        // Ignore these.
                        LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Info, () => $"Remote server reports that the asset with ID {assetCacheNode.AssetId} already exists.");

                    LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Warn, () => $"Write cache indicates asset {assetCacheNode.AssetId} has not been sent upstream, but the cache reports that there's no such asset!.");

            // Bootstrap the system.
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the asset to the asset servers.
        /// Throws AssetExistsException or AggregateException.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asset">The asset to store.</param>
        public void PutAssetSync(StratusAsset asset)
            asset = asset ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(asset));

            if (asset.Id == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Asset cannot have zero ID.", nameof(asset));

            // Handle parallel calls with the same asset ID.
            var firstLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();

            try {

                var activeLock = _activeWriteLocks.GetOrAdd(asset.Id, firstLock);
                if (firstLock != activeLock)
                    LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Warn, () => $"Another thread already storing asset with ID {asset.Id}, halting this call until the first completes, then just returning.");
                    // There's another thread currently adding this exact ID, so we need to wait on it so that we return when it's actually ready for a GET.

                // Hit up local storage first.
                if (_localStorage?.TryGetAsset(asset.Id, out var result) ?? false)
                    _activeWriteLocks.TryRemove(asset.Id, out var lockObj);
                    // Lock is cleared in the finally clause.
                    throw new AssetExistsException(asset.Id);

                var            exceptions = new List <Exception>();
                var            success    = false;
                WriteCacheNode activeNode = null;

                // First step: get it in local storage.
                try {

                    if (HasUpstream)
                        // Write to writecache file. In this way if we crash after this point we can recover and send the asset to the servers.
                        activeNode = _writeCache.WriteNode(asset);
                        // If that fails, it'll throw.
                        // Set success if there're no upstream servers. This supports applications that act as asset servers.
                        success = true;
                catch (WriteCacheFullException e) {
                    LOG.Log(Logging.LogLevel.Warn, () => $"Local cache is full, attempting remote servers before failing.", e);
                catch (Exception e) {

                // Got to go try the servers now.
                foreach (var parallelServers in _config.SerialParallelAssetServers)
                    // Remember each iteration of this loop is going through serially accessed blocks of parallel-access servers.
                    // Therefore any failure or problem in one of the blocks means to just continue to the next block.
                    try {
                        if (parallelServers.Count() == 1)
                            var errorBag = new ConcurrentBag <Exception>();

                            Parallel.ForEach(parallelServers, server => {
                                try {
                                catch (Exception e) {

                            if (errorBag.Count >= parallelServers.Count())
                                // If all the servers choked, then pass the buck.
                                throw new AggregateException(errorBag);

                        if (activeNode != null)

                        success = true;
                        break;                         // It was successfully stored in the first bank of parallel servers, don't do the next bank.
                    catch (AssetException e) {
                    catch (AggregateException e) {
                        // Unwind the aggregate one layer.
                        foreach (var ex in e.InnerExceptions)
                    catch (Exception e) {

                if (!success)
                    throw new AggregateException("Unable to store asset anywhere. See inner exceptions for details.", exceptions);
            finally {
                _activeWriteLocks.TryRemove(asset.Id, out var lockObj);