/// <summary>
 /// Indicates if the provided character id is valid for the user in the message context.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="characterId">The id to check.</param>
 /// <param name="characterRepository">The character repository service.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the character id is valid/</returns>
 private async Task <bool> IsCharacterIdValidForUser(int characterId, ICharacterRepository characterRepository)
     //We only support positive character ids so if they request a less than 0 it's invalid and likely spoofed
     //or if they request an id they don't own
     //or if it's an not a known character
     return(characterId >= 0 &&
            await characterRepository.ContainsAsync(characterId) &&
            (await characterRepository.RetrieveAsync(characterId)).AccountId == ClaimsReader.GetUserIdInt(User));