 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">The implementation.</param>
 public CharacterDeviceAdapter(ICharacterDevice device)
     if (device == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("device");
     this.device = device;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this REngine object. Only the first call has an effect. Subsequent calls to this function are ignored.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">The optional startup parameters</param>
        /// <param name="device">The optional character device to use for the R engine</param>
        /// <param name="setupMainLoop">if true, call the functions to initialise the embedded R</param>
        public void Initialize(StartupParameter parameter = null, ICharacterDevice device = null, bool setupMainLoop = true)
            //         Console.WriteLine("REngine.Initialize start");
            if (this.isRunning)
            //         Console.WriteLine("REngine.Initialize, after isRunning checked as false");
            this.parameter = parameter ?? new StartupParameter();
            this.adapter = new CharacterDeviceAdapter(device ?? DefaultDevice);
            // Disabling the stack checking here, to try to avoid the issue on Linux.
            // The disabling used to be here around end Nov 2013. Was moved later in this
            // function to cater for disabling on Windows, @ rev 305, however this may have
            // re-broken on Linux. so we may need to call it twice.
            //         Console.WriteLine("Initialize-SetCstackChecking; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));

            if (!setupMainLoop)
                this.isRunning = true;

            string[] R_argv = BuildRArgv(this.parameter);
            //string[] R_argv = new[]{"rdotnet_app",  "--interactive",  "--no-save",  "--no-restore-data",  "--max-ppsize=50000"};
            //rdotnet_app --quiet --interactive --no-save --no-restore-data --max-mem-size=18446744073709551615 --max-ppsize=50000
            int R_argc = R_argv.Length;
            //         Console.WriteLine("Initialize-R_setStartTime; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));

            if (NativeUtility.GetPlatform() == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                // Attempted Fix for https://rdotnet.codeplex.com/workitem/110; not working
                // Tried to make sure that the command line options are taken into account. They are NOT effectively so via Rf_initialize_R only.
                // The problem is that cmdlineoptions assumes it is called by RGui.exe or RTerm.exe, and overrides R_HOME

                //   GetFunction<R_set_command_line_arguments>()(R_argc, R_argv);
                //   GetFunction<cmdlineoptions>()(R_argc, R_argv);

            var status = GetFunction<Rf_initialize_R>()(R_argc, R_argv);
            if (status != 0)
                throw new Exception("A call to Rf_initialize_R returned a non-zero; status=" + status);
            //         Console.WriteLine("Initialize-Rf_initialize_R; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));

            // following in RInside: may not be needed.
            //GetFunction<R_ReplDLLinit> () ();
            //this.parameter.Interactive = true;
            this.adapter.Install(this, this.parameter);
            //Console.WriteLine("Initialize-adapter installation; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));
            switch (NativeUtility.GetPlatform())
                case PlatformID.Win32NT:
                    GetFunction<R_SetParams_Windows>("R_SetParams")(ref this.parameter.start);

                case PlatformID.MacOSX:
                case PlatformID.Unix:
                    GetFunction<R_SetParams_Unix>("R_SetParams")(ref this.parameter.start.Common);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Initialize-R_SetParams_Unix; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));
            //Console.WriteLine("Initialize-after setup_Rmainloop; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));

            // See comments in the first call to SetCstackChecking in this function as to why we (may) need it twice.
            this.isRunning = true;

            //Console.WriteLine("Initialize-just before leaving; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));

            // Partial Workaround (hopefully temporary) for https://rdotnet.codeplex.com/workitem/110
            if (NativeUtility.GetPlatform() == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                Evaluate(string.Format("invisible(memory.limit({0}))", (this.parameter.MaxMemorySize / 1048576UL)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a reference to the R engine, creating and initializing it if necessary. In most cases users need not provide any parameter to this method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dll">The file name of the library to load, e.g. "R.dll" for Windows. You usually do not need need to provide this optional parameter</param>
 /// <param name="initialize">Initialize the R engine after its creation. Default is true</param>
 /// <param name="parameter">If 'initialize' is 'true', you can optionally specify the specific startup parameters for the R native engine</param>
 /// <param name="device">If 'initialize' is 'true', you can optionally specify a character device for the R engine to use</param>
 /// <returns>The engine.</returns>
 /// <example>
 /// <p>A minimalist approach is to just call GetInstance</p>
 /// <code>
 /// REngine.SetEnvironmentVariables();
 /// var engine = REngine.GetInstance();
 /// engine.Evaluate("letters[1:26]");
 /// </code>
 /// <p>In unusual circumstances you may need to elaborate on the initialization in a separate method call</p>
 /// <code>
 /// REngine.SetEnvironmentVariables(rPath=@"c:\my\peculiar\path\to\R\bin\x64");
 /// var engine = REngine.GetInstance(initialize=false);
 /// StartupParameter sParams=new StartupParameter(){NoRenviron=true;};
 /// ICharacterDevice device = new YourCustomDevice();
 /// engine.Initialize(parameter: sParams, device: device);
 /// engine.Evaluate("letters[1:26]");
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public static REngine GetInstance(string dll = null, bool initialize = true, StartupParameter parameter = null, ICharacterDevice device = null)
     if (!environmentIsSet) // should there be a warning? and how?
     if (engine == null)
         engine = CreateInstance(EngineName, dll);
         if (initialize)
             engine.Initialize(parameter, device);
     if (engine.Disposed)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("The single REngine instance has already been disposed of (i.e. shut down). Multiple engine restart is not possible.");
     return engine;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this REngine object. Only the first call has an effect. Subsequent calls to this function are ignored.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">The optional startup parameters</param>
        /// <param name="device">The optional character device to use for the R engine</param>
        /// <param name="setupMainLoop">if true, call the functions to initialise the embedded R</param>
        public void Initialize(StartupParameter parameter = null, ICharacterDevice device = null, bool setupMainLoop = true)
            //         Console.WriteLine("REngine.Initialize start");
            if (this.isRunning)
            //         Console.WriteLine("REngine.Initialize, after isRunning checked as false");
            this.parameter = parameter ?? new StartupParameter();
            this.adapter   = new CharacterDeviceAdapter(device ?? DefaultDevice);
            // Disabling the stack checking here, to try to avoid the issue on Linux.
            // The disabling used to be here around end Nov 2013. Was moved later in this
            // function to cater for disabling on Windows, @ rev 305, however this may have
            // re-broken on Linux. so we may need to call it twice.
            //         Console.WriteLine("Initialize-SetCstackChecking; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));

            if (!setupMainLoop)
                this.isRunning = true;

            string[] R_argv = BuildRArgv(this.parameter);
            //string[] R_argv = new[]{"rdotnet_app",  "--interactive",  "--no-save",  "--no-restore-data",  "--max-ppsize=50000"};
            //rdotnet_app --quiet --interactive --no-save --no-restore-data --max-mem-size=18446744073709551615 --max-ppsize=50000
            GetFunction <R_setStartTime>()();
            int R_argc = R_argv.Length;

            //         Console.WriteLine("Initialize-R_setStartTime; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));

            if (NativeUtility.GetPlatform() == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                // Attempted Fix for https://rdotnet.codeplex.com/workitem/110; not working
                // Tried to make sure that the command line options are taken into account. They are NOT effectively so via Rf_initialize_R only.
                // The problem is that cmdlineoptions assumes it is called by RGui.exe or RTerm.exe, and overrides R_HOME

                //   GetFunction<R_set_command_line_arguments>()(R_argc, R_argv);
                //   GetFunction<cmdlineoptions>()(R_argc, R_argv);

            var status = GetFunction <Rf_initialize_R>()(R_argc, R_argv);

            if (status != 0)
                throw new Exception("A call to Rf_initialize_R returned a non-zero; status=" + status);
            //         Console.WriteLine("Initialize-Rf_initialize_R; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));

            // following in RInside: may not be needed.
            //GetFunction<R_ReplDLLinit> () ();
            //this.parameter.Interactive = true;
            this.adapter.Install(this, this.parameter);
            //Console.WriteLine("Initialize-adapter installation; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));
            switch (NativeUtility.GetPlatform())
            case PlatformID.Win32NT:
                GetFunction <R_SetParams_Windows>("R_SetParams")(ref this.parameter.start);

            case PlatformID.MacOSX:
            case PlatformID.Unix:
                GetFunction <R_SetParams_Unix>("R_SetParams")(ref this.parameter.start.Common);
                //Console.WriteLine("Initialize-R_SetParams_Unix; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));
            GetFunction <setup_Rmainloop>()();
            //Console.WriteLine("Initialize-after setup_Rmainloop; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));

            // See comments in the first call to SetCstackChecking in this function as to why we (may) need it twice.
            this.isRunning = true;

            //Console.WriteLine("Initialize-just before leaving; R_CStackLimit value is " + GetDangerousInt32("R_CStackLimit"));

            // Partial Workaround (hopefully temporary) for https://rdotnet.codeplex.com/workitem/110
            if (NativeUtility.GetPlatform() == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                Evaluate(string.Format("invisible(memory.limit({0}))", (this.parameter.MaxMemorySize / 1048576UL)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a reference to the R engine, creating and initializing it if necessary. In most cases users need not provide any parameter to this method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dll">The file name of the library to load, e.g. "R.dll" for Windows. You usually do not need need to provide this optional parameter</param>
 /// <param name="initialize">Initialize the R engine after its creation. Default is true</param>
 /// <param name="parameter">If 'initialize' is 'true', you can optionally specify the specific startup parameters for the R native engine</param>
 /// <param name="device">If 'initialize' is 'true', you can optionally specify a character device for the R engine to use</param>
 /// <returns>The engine.</returns>
 /// <example>
 /// <p>A minimalist approach is to just call GetInstance</p>
 /// <code>
 /// REngine.SetEnvironmentVariables();
 /// var engine = REngine.GetInstance();
 /// engine.Evaluate("letters[1:26]");
 /// </code>
 /// <p>In unusual circumstances you may need to elaborate on the initialization in a separate method call</p>
 /// <code>
 /// REngine.SetEnvironmentVariables(rPath=@"c:\my\peculiar\path\to\R\bin\x64");
 /// var engine = REngine.GetInstance(initialize=false);
 /// StartupParameter sParams=new StartupParameter(){NoRenviron=true;};
 /// ICharacterDevice device = new YourCustomDevice();
 /// engine.Initialize(parameter: sParams, device: device);
 /// engine.Evaluate("letters[1:26]");
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public static REngine GetInstance(string dll = null, bool initialize = true, StartupParameter parameter = null, ICharacterDevice device = null)
     if (!environmentIsSet) // should there be a warning? and how?
     if (engine == null)
         engine = CreateInstance(EngineName, dll);
         if (initialize)
             engine.Initialize(parameter, device);
     if (engine.Disposed)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("The single REngine instance has already been disposed of (i.e. shut down). Multiple engine restart is not possible.");
		public virtual bool Close()
			bool result;
			if (result = this.backend.NotNull() && this.backend.Close())
				this.backend = null;
			return result;
		protected CharacterDevice(ICharacterDevice backend)
			this.backend = backend;
		public CharacterDevice(ICharacterDevice backend, Action<char> onRead, Action<char> onWrite) :
			this.OnRead = onRead;
			this.OnWrite = onWrite;
		public static CharacterDevice Open(ICharacterDevice backend, Action<char> onRead, Action<char> onWrite)
			CharacterDevice result = CharacterDevice.Open(backend);
			if (result.NotNull())
				result.OnRead += onRead;
				result.OnWrite += onWrite;
			return result;
		public static CharacterDevice Open(ICharacterDevice backend)
			return backend.NotNull() ? new CharacterDevice(backend) : null;