        public async Task Initialize(object navigationData)
            CurrentDate = GlobalSettings.EventDate;
            IsBusy      = true;
                var weather     = _weatherService.GetDemoWeatherInfoAsync();
                var events      = _eventsService.GetEvents();
                var suggestions = _ridesService.GetSuggestions();

                var tasks = new List <Task> {
                    weather, events, suggestions
                while (tasks.Count > 0)
                    var finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);


                    if (finishedTask.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                        if (finishedTask == weather)
                            var weatherResults = await weather;
                            if (weatherResults is WeatherInfo)
                                var weatherInfo = weatherResults as WeatherInfo;
                                Location = weatherInfo.LocationName;
                                Temp     = Math.Round(weatherInfo.Temp).ToString();
                        else if (finishedTask == events)
                            var eventsResults = await events;
                            Events = new ObservableCollection <Event>(eventsResults);
                        else if (finishedTask == suggestions)
                            var suggestionsResults = await suggestions;
                            Suggestions = new ObservableCollection <Suggestion>(suggestionsResults);

                var traditions  = new List <Tradition>();
                var restaurants = new List <Restaurant>();


                //traditions = await _censusService.GetTraditions(10, 0);
                //restaurants = await _censusService.GetRestaurants(10, 0);

                    var traditionsModel = await _cacheManager.Get <List <Tradition> >(GlobalSettings.traditions_key);

                    if (traditionsModel != null)
                        traditions = traditionsModel;
                        traditions = await _censusService.GetTraditions(10, 0);

                        await _cacheManager.Set <List <Tradition> >(GlobalSettings.traditions_key, traditions);

                    var restaurantsModel = await _cacheManager.Get <List <Restaurant> >(GlobalSettings.restaurants_key);

                    if (restaurantsModel != null)
                        restaurants = restaurantsModel;
                        restaurants = await _censusService.GetRestaurants(10, 0);

                        await _cacheManager.Set <List <Restaurant> >(GlobalSettings.restaurants_key, restaurants);
                catch (Exception ex)

                var ridesResult = new List <Stats>();
                foreach (var t in traditions)
                    if (t != null)
                        ridesResult.Add(new Stats
                            Title  = t.BaseInfo.EndPointStorsName,
                            Label1 = string.Format("{0}月销量", DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).Month),
                            Label2 = string.Format("{0}月销量", DateTime.Now.Month),
                            Value1 = "0",
                            Value2 = "0"

                foreach (var t in restaurants)
                    if (t != null)
                        ridesResult.Add(new Stats
                            Title  = t.BaseInfo.EndPointStorsName,
                            Label1 = string.Format("{0}月", DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).Month),
                            Label2 = string.Format("{0}月", DateTime.Now.Month),
                            Value1 = "0",
                            Value2 = "0"

                Statistics = new ObservableCollection <Stats>(ridesResult);

                TotalSum = 0;
                var statistics = await _censusService.GetStatistics();

                statistics.ForEach(s => {
                    TotalSum += s.EndPointSum;
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is WebException || ex is HttpRequestException)
                //await _dialogService.ShowAlertAsync("Communication error", "Error", "Ok");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Error loading data in: {ex}");

            IsBusy = false;
        private async Task LoadData()
            IsBusy = true;

                if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
                    var traditions  = new List <Tradition>();
                    var restaurants = new List <Restaurant>();

                        var cacheTraditions = await _cacheManager.Get <List <Tradition> >(GlobalSettings.network_traditions_key);

                        if (cacheTraditions != null)
                            traditions = cacheTraditions;
                            traditions = await _censusService.GetTraditions(200, 0);

                            await _cacheManager.Set <List <Tradition> >(GlobalSettings.network_traditions_key, traditions);

                        var cacheRestaurants = await _cacheManager.Get <List <Restaurant> >(GlobalSettings.network_restaurants_key);

                        if (cacheRestaurants != null)
                            restaurants = cacheRestaurants;
                            restaurants = await _censusService.GetRestaurants(200, 0);

                            await _cacheManager.Set <List <Restaurant> >(GlobalSettings.network_restaurants_key, restaurants);
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    var ridesResult = new List <Ride>();
                    foreach (var t in traditions)
                        var photo = t.DoorheadPhotos.FirstOrDefault();
                        var track = t.TrackLocation;
                        ridesResult.Add(new Ride()
                            Id            = t.Id,
                            EventId       = t.Id,
                            RideType      = RideType.Tradition,
                            Name          = "传统普查",
                            Start         = DateTime.Now,
                            Stop          = t.UpdateDate,
                            Duration      = track != null ? track.Duration : 0,
                            Distance      = 0,
                            From          = "",
                            FromStation   = new Station(),
                            To            = "",
                            ToStation     = new Station(),
                            City          = t.BaseInfo.City,
                            TraditionInfo = new Tradition()
                                BaseInfo = new TraditionBaseInfo()
                                    EndPointStorsName = t.BaseInfo.EndPointStorsName,
                                    EndPointAddress   = t.BaseInfo.EndPointAddress,
                                BusinessInfo = new TraditionBusinessInfo()
                                    EndPointType = t.BusinessInfo.EndPointType
                                UpdateDate = t.UpdateDate
                            ThumbnailPhoto = photo != null ? photo.StoragePath : "noimg.jpg"

                    foreach (var t in restaurants)
                        var photo = t.DoorheadPhotos.FirstOrDefault();
                        var track = t.TrackLocation;
                        ridesResult.Add(new Ride()
                            Id             = t.Id,
                            EventId        = t.Id,
                            RideType       = RideType.Restaurant,
                            Name           = "餐饮普查",
                            Start          = DateTime.Now,
                            Stop           = t.UpdateDate,
                            Duration       = track != null ? track.Duration : 0,
                            Distance       = 0,
                            From           = "",
                            FromStation    = new Station(),
                            To             = "",
                            ToStation      = new Station(),
                            City           = t.BaseInfo.City,
                            RestaurantInfo = new Restaurant()
                                BaseInfo = new RestaurantBaseInfo()
                                    EndPointStorsName = t.BaseInfo.EndPointStorsName,
                                    EndPointAddress   = t.BaseInfo.EndPointAddress,
                                BusinessInfo = new RestaurantBusinessInfo()
                                    EndPointType = t.BusinessInfo.EndPointType
                                UpdateDate = t.UpdateDate
                            ThumbnailPhoto = photo != null ? photo.StoragePath : "noimg.jpg"

                    MyRides = new ObservableRangeCollection <Ride>(ridesResult);
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is WebException || ex is HttpRequestException)
                // await _dialogService.ShowAlertAsync("Communication error", "Error", "Ok");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Error in: {ex}");
                IsBusy = false;