        public applicationTO SubmitToSola()

            if (isComplete())
                // initialize the case manegement service
                ICaseManagementService caseManagementService = CasemanagementProxy.Instance;
                caseManagementService.SetCredentials(username, password);

                var appTO         = new applicationTO();
                var contactPerson = getContactPerson();
                appTO.contactPerson = contactPerson;

                appTO.propertyList = getPropertyList();
                appTO.serviceList  = getServiceList();
                appTO.sourceList   = getSourceList();

                var solaAppTO = caseManagementService.SaveApplication(appTO);
                app.SolaId = solaAppTO.nr;
                app.Status = solaAppTO.statusCode;


        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting tests...");
            IAdministrativeService administrativeService = AdministrativeServiceProxy.Instance;

            administrativeService.SetCredentials("test", "test");
            Console.WriteLine("AdministrativeService.CheckConnection = " + administrativeService.CheckConnection());
            //baUnitTO baUnit = administrativeService.GetBaUnitById("2965019"); // Valid BA Unit Id required!!
            //if (baUnit != null)
            //    Console.WriteLine("AdministrativeService.GetBaUnitById = " + baUnit.nameFirstpart + "/" + baUnit.nameLastpart + " - " + baUnit.rowVersion);

            //    // To test the save you need to provide a service id that is referenced by a pending transaction.transaction
            //    //baUnit.nameFirstpart = "2";
            //    //baUnit = administrativeService.SaveBaUnit("26cf9f4e-8081-475e-831e-275967754c98", baUnit);
            //    //Console.WriteLine("AdministrativeService.SaveBaUnit = " + baUnit.nameFirstpart + "/" + baUnit.nameLastpart + " - " + baUnit.rowVersion);

            ISearchService searchService = SearchServiceProxy.Instance;

            searchService.SetCredentials("test", "test");
            Console.WriteLine("SearchService.CheckConnection = " + searchService.CheckConnection());
            userSearchResultTO[] activeUsers = searchService.GetActiveUsers();
            int size = activeUsers == null ? 0 : activeUsers.Length;

            Console.WriteLine("Num of Active Users = " + size);
            Console.WriteLine("*** Press enter to close ***");

            partyTO personalInfo;
            applicationPropertyTO property;
            applicationTO         application;
            partyTO party = new partyTO();

            ICaseManagementService caseManagementService = CasemanagementProxy.Instance;

            caseManagementService.SetCredentials("test", "test");
            party.address = new addressTO()
                description = "some desc"
            party.age                  = 10;
            party.dateOfBirth          = DateTime.Now;
            party.dateOfBirthSpecified = true;
            party.email                = "*****@*****.**";
            party.fathersLastName      = "Miriwa";
            party.fathersName          = "Wisdom";
            party.lastName             = "Tomiwa";
            party.mobile               = "07037290250";
            party.name                 = "Tomiwa Ijaware";
            party.phone                = "07037290250";
            party.typeCode             = "naturalPerson";
            partyTO p = caseManagementService.SaveParty(party);

            Console.WriteLine("PArty with ID " + p.id + " has just been loaded");

            property = new applicationPropertyTO()

            applicationTO app2 = new applicationTO()
                contactPerson = party,
                serviceList   = new serviceTO[]
                    new serviceTO()
                        requestTypeCode = "newCofO",
                        actionCode      = "lodge",
                        statusCode      = "lodged",

            Console.WriteLine("Application has been saved successfully");

            var app3 = caseManagementService.GetApplication(app2.id);
