private static EducationModel CreateEducationModel(ICandidate candidate, IResume resume) { return(new EducationModel { Member = new EducationMemberModel { HighestEducationLevel = candidate.HighestEducationLevel, Schools = resume == null || resume.Schools == null ? new List <SchoolModel> { new SchoolModel() } : (from s in resume.Schools select new SchoolModel { Id = s.Id, EndDate = s.CompletionDate == null ? null : s.CompletionDate.End, Degree = s.Degree, Major = s.Major, Institution = s.Institution, City = s.City, Description = s.Description, IsCurrent = s.IsCurrent, }).ToList() }, Reference = new EducationReferenceModel { Months = Months, Years = SchoolYears, }, }); }
private static EmploymentHistoryModel CreateEmploymentHistoryModel(ICandidate candidate, IResume resume, IList <Industry> industries) { return(new EmploymentHistoryModel { Member = new EmploymentHistoryMemberModel { RecentProfession = candidate.RecentProfession, RecentSeniority = candidate.RecentSeniority, IndustryIds = candidate.Industries == null ? new List <Guid>() : candidate.Industries.Select(i => i.Id).ToList(), Jobs = resume == null || resume.Jobs == null ? new List <JobModel> { new JobModel() } : (from j in resume.Jobs select new JobModel { Id = j.Id, Company = j.Company, Description = j.Description, StartDate = j.Dates == null ? null : j.Dates.Start, EndDate = j.Dates == null ? null : j.Dates.End, Title = j.Title, IsCurrent = j.IsCurrent, }).ToList() }, Reference = new EmploymentHistoryReferenceModel { Industries = industries, Months = Months, Years = JobYears, }, }); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var sti = (STIntegerWUTestCase )candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include((((int)sti.i_int) + 2) > 100); }
private DesiredJobModel CreateDesiredJobModel(IMember member, ICandidate candidate, IList <Country> countries) { var visibility = member.VisibilitySettings.Professional.EmploymentVisibility; var country = ActivityContext.Location.Country; return(new DesiredJobModel { Member = new DesiredJobMemberModel { SendSuggestedJobs = GetSuggestedJobsEmailSetting(member.Id), DesiredJobTitle = candidate.DesiredJobTitle, DesiredJobTypes = candidate.DesiredJobTypes, Status = candidate.Status, DesiredSalaryLowerBound = candidate.DesiredSalary == null ? null : candidate.DesiredSalary.LowerBound, DesiredSalaryRate = candidate.DesiredSalary == null ? Defaults.DesiredSalaryRate : candidate.DesiredSalary.Rate, IsSalaryNotVisible = !visibility.IsFlagSet(ProfessionalVisibility.Salary), RelocationPreference = candidate.RelocationPreference, RelocationCountryIds = candidate.RelocationLocations.GetRelocationCountryIds(), RelocationCountryLocationIds = candidate.RelocationLocations.GetRelocationCountryLocationIds(country), }, Reference = new DesiredJobReferenceModel { Countries = countries, CountrySubdivisions = (from s in _locationQuery.GetCountrySubdivisions(country) where !s.IsCountry select s).ToList(), Regions = _locationQuery.GetRegions(country), CurrentCountry = country, SalaryRates = SalaryRates, }, }); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var sts = (STStringTestCase )candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(sts.str.ToLower().IndexOf("od") >= 0); }
public void Test_OneBetterThanNext_Candidate(ICandidate current, ICandidate next, JobRelevantSkills job) { var dataAService = new DataAnalysingService(); var result = dataAService.CurrentCandidateIsBetterThanNextOne(current, next, job); Assert.False(result); }
private static NameValueCollection GetParameters(ICandidate candidate, ISchool school) { var parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "HighestEducationLevel", candidate.HighestEducationLevel == null ? null : candidate.HighestEducationLevel.Value.ToString() }, }; if (school != null) { if (school.Id != Guid.Empty) { parameters.Add("Id", school.Id.ToString()); } parameters.Add("City", school.City); parameters.Add("Degree", school.Degree); parameters.Add("Description", school.Description); parameters.Add("Institution", school.Institution); parameters.Add("Major", school.Major); parameters.Add("EndDateMonth", school.CompletionDate == null || school.CompletionDate.End == null || school.CompletionDate.End.Value.Month == null ? null : school.CompletionDate.End.Value.Month.Value.ToString()); parameters.Add("EndDateYear", school.CompletionDate == null || school.CompletionDate.End == null ? null : school.CompletionDate.End.Value.Year.ToString()); parameters.Add("IsCurrent", (school.CompletionDate != null && school.CompletionDate.End == null).ToString()); } return(parameters); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { // use starting _ for PascalCase conversion purposes var _predicate = (Predicate <T>)GetContent(); candidate.Include(_predicate((T)candidate.GetObject())); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var sts = (STByteWUTestCase )candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include((((byte)sts.i_byte) + 2) > 100); }
/// <summary> /// Determine whether an update is needed to the resume/profile based on candidate's status /// In the absence of a update date/time on the resume the member's creation date/time is used /// </summary> /// <param name="member"></param> /// <param name="candidate"></param> /// <param name="resume"></param> /// <returns>true is the profile needs to be updated; false otherwise</returns> bool IMemberStatusQuery.IsUpdateNeeded(IMember member, ICandidate candidate, IResume resume) { DateTime lastUpdatedBefore; switch (candidate.Status) { case CandidateStatus.AvailableNow: lastUpdatedBefore = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1 * UpdateIntervalAvailableNow); break; case CandidateStatus.ActivelyLooking: lastUpdatedBefore = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1 * UpdateIntervalActivelyLooking); break; case CandidateStatus.NotLooking: lastUpdatedBefore = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1 * UpdateIntervalNotLooking); break; case CandidateStatus.OpenToOffers: lastUpdatedBefore = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1 * UpdateIntervalOpenToOffers); break; default: lastUpdatedBefore = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1 * UpdateIntervalUnspecified); break; } return(GetLastUpdatedTime(member, candidate, resume) < lastUpdatedBefore); }
private void AssertCandidate(bool canAccessSalary, ICandidate candidate) { // Should be able to access all these no matter what. Assert.AreEqual(Status, candidate.Status); Assert.AreEqual(DesiredJobTitle, candidate.DesiredJobTitle); Assert.AreEqual(DesiredJobTypes, candidate.DesiredJobTypes); if (canAccessSalary) { Assert.AreEqual(DesiredSalary, candidate.DesiredSalary); } else { Assert.IsNull(candidate.DesiredSalary); } Assert.IsTrue(_industries.CollectionEqual(candidate.Industries)); Assert.IsTrue(_relocationLocations.CollectionEqual(candidate.RelocationLocations)); Assert.AreEqual(RelocationPreference, candidate.RelocationPreference); Assert.AreEqual(HighestEducationLevel, candidate.HighestEducationLevel); Assert.AreEqual(RecentSeniority, candidate.RecentSeniority); Assert.AreEqual(RecentProfession, candidate.RecentProfession); Assert.AreEqual(VisaStatus, candidate.VisaStatus); }
private static NameValueCollection GetParameters(IMember member, ICandidate candidate, IResume resume) { var primaryEmailAddress = member.GetPrimaryEmailAddress(); var secondaryEmailAddress = member.GetSecondaryEmailAddress(); var primaryPhoneNumber = member.GetPrimaryPhoneNumber(); var secondaryPhoneNumber = member.GetSecondaryPhoneNumber(); return(new NameValueCollection { { "FirstName", member.FirstName }, { "LastName", member.LastName }, { "CountryId", member.Address.Location.Country.Id.ToString() }, { "Location", member.Address.Location.ToString() }, { "EmailAddress", primaryEmailAddress == null ? null : primaryEmailAddress.Address }, { "SecondaryEmailAddress", secondaryEmailAddress == null ? null : secondaryEmailAddress.Address }, { "PhoneNumber", primaryPhoneNumber.Number }, { "PhoneNumberType", primaryPhoneNumber.Type.ToString() }, { "SecondaryPhoneNumber", secondaryPhoneNumber == null ? null : secondaryPhoneNumber.Number }, { "SecondaryPhoneNumberType", secondaryPhoneNumber == null ? null : secondaryPhoneNumber.Type.ToString() }, { "Citizenship", resume == null ? null : resume.Citizenship }, { "VisaStatus", candidate.VisaStatus == null ? null : candidate.VisaStatus.Value.ToString() }, { "Aboriginal", member.EthnicStatus.IsFlagSet(EthnicStatus.Aboriginal) ? "true" : "false" }, { "TorresIslander", member.EthnicStatus.IsFlagSet(EthnicStatus.TorresIslander) ? "true" : "false" }, { "Gender", member.Gender == Gender.Male ? "Male" : member.Gender == Gender.Female ? "Female" : null }, { "DateOfBirthMonth", member.DateOfBirth == null || member.DateOfBirth.Value.Month == null ? null : member.DateOfBirth.Value.Month.Value.ToString() }, { "DateOfBirthYear", member.DateOfBirth == null ? null : member.DateOfBirth.Value.Year.ToString() }, }); }
private static NameValueCollection GetParameters(IMember member, ICandidate candidate, bool sendSuggestedJobs) { var parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "DesiredJobTitle", candidate.DesiredJobTitle }, { "DesiredSalaryLowerBound", candidate.DesiredSalary == null || candidate.DesiredSalary.LowerBound == null ? null : candidate.DesiredSalary.LowerBound.Value.ToString() }, { "DesiredSalaryRate", candidate.DesiredSalary == null ? null : candidate.DesiredSalary.Rate.ToString() }, { "FullTime", candidate.DesiredJobTypes.IsFlagSet(JobTypes.FullTime) ? "true" : "false" }, { "PartTime", candidate.DesiredJobTypes.IsFlagSet(JobTypes.PartTime) ? "true" : "false" }, { "Contract", candidate.DesiredJobTypes.IsFlagSet(JobTypes.Contract) ? "true" : "false" }, { "Temp", candidate.DesiredJobTypes.IsFlagSet(JobTypes.Temp) ? "true" : "false" }, { "JobShare", candidate.DesiredJobTypes.IsFlagSet(JobTypes.JobShare) ? "true" : "false" }, { "Status", candidate.Status.ToString() }, { "IsSalaryNotVisible", member.VisibilitySettings.Professional.EmploymentVisibility.IsFlagSet(ProfessionalVisibility.Salary) ? "false" : "true" }, { "SendSuggestedJobs", sendSuggestedJobs ? "true" : "false" }, { "RelocationPreference", candidate.RelocationPreference.ToString() }, }; if (candidate.RelocationLocations != null && candidate.RelocationLocations.Count > 0) { foreach (var location in candidate.RelocationLocations.Where(l => l.IsCountry)) { parameters.Add("RelocationCountryIds", location.Country.Id.ToString()); } foreach (var location in candidate.RelocationLocations.Where(l => !l.IsCountry)) { parameters.Add("RelocationCountryLocationIds", location.NamedLocation.Id.ToString()); } } return(parameters); }
protected override void AssertMember(IMember member, ICandidate candidate, IResume resume) { Assert.AreEqual(candidate.HighestEducationLevel == null ? "" : candidate.HighestEducationLevel.Value.ToString(), _highestEducationLevelDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value); // The first school is displayed. var school = resume == null || resume.Schools == null || resume.Schools.Count == 0 ? null : resume.Schools[0]; if (school == null) { Assert.AreEqual("", _endDateMonthDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value); Assert.AreEqual("", _endDateYearDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value); Assert.AreEqual("", _degreeTextBox.Text); Assert.AreEqual("", _majorTextBox.Text); Assert.AreEqual("", _institutionTextBox.Text); Assert.AreEqual("", _cityTextBox.Text); Assert.AreEqual("", _descriptionTextBox.Text.Trim()); } else { Assert.AreEqual(school.CompletionDate == null || school.CompletionDate.End == null || school.CompletionDate.End.Value.Month == null ? "" : school.CompletionDate.End.Value.Month.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), _endDateMonthDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value); Assert.AreEqual(school.CompletionDate == null || school.CompletionDate.End == null ? "" : school.CompletionDate.End.Value.Year.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), _endDateYearDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value); Assert.AreEqual(school.Degree, _degreeTextBox.Text); Assert.AreEqual(school.Major, _majorTextBox.Text); Assert.AreEqual(school.Institution, _institutionTextBox.Text); Assert.AreEqual(school.City, _cityTextBox.Text); Assert.AreEqual(school.Description, _descriptionTextBox.Text.Trim()); } }
public bool CurrentCandidateIsBetterThanNextOne(ICandidate current, ICandidate next, IJobRelevantSkills jobRequiredSkill) { foreach (var skill in jobRequiredSkill.NormalizedSkillSet.OrderByDescending(s => s.Value).Select(s => s.Key).ToList()) { if (current.skillSet.ContainsKey(skill) && next.skillSet.ContainsKey(skill)) { // 1 is strongest n is weakest, current one may have stronger skil of what job required if (current.skillSet[skill] < next.skillSet[skill]) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else if (current.skillSet.ContainsKey(skill) && !next.skillSet.ContainsKey(skill)) { return(true); // current one is better than next one , ready to re-order } else if (!current.skillSet.ContainsKey(skill) && next.skillSet.ContainsKey(skill)) { return(false); // next one is better . no need to re-order } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Does c1 dominate c2? /// </summary> /// <param name="c1">the subject candidate, c1 (does this dominate...).</param> /// <param name="c2">the object candidate, c2 (is dominated by).</param> /// <returns></returns> private static Boolean dominatesDiversity(ICandidate c1, ICandidate c2) { var Dominates = false; for (int i = 0; i < numObjectives; i++) { double c1Value = 0.0, c2Value = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < numObjectives; j++) { if (j == i) { c1Value += (int)optDirections[j] * c1.objectives[j] / Math.Abs(c2.objectives[j]); c2Value += (int)optDirections[j] * Math.Sign(c2.objectives[j]); } else { c1Value += (int)optDirections[j] * alpha * c1.objectives[j] / Math.Abs(c2.objectives[j]); c2Value += (int)optDirections[j] * alpha *Math.Sign(c2.objectives[j]); } } if (c1Value < c2Value) { return(false); } if (c1Value > c2Value) { Dominates = true; } } return(Dominates); }
/// <summary> /// Does c1 dominate c2? /// </summary> /// <param name="c1">the subject candidate, c1 (does this dominate...).</param> /// <param name="c2">the object candidate, c2 (is dominated by).</param> /// <returns></returns> private static Boolean dominatesWithWeights(ICandidate c1, ICandidate c2) { var Dominates = false; for (int i = 0; i < numObjectives; i++) { double c1Value = 0.0, c2Value = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < numObjectives; j++) { if (j == i) { c1Value += (int)optDirections[j] * weights[j] * c1.objectives[j]; c2Value += (int)optDirections[j] * weights[j] * c2.objectives[j]; } else { c1Value += (int)optDirections[j] * alpha * weights[j] * c1.objectives[j]; c2Value += (int)optDirections[j] * alpha * weights[j] * c2.objectives[j]; } } if (c1Value < c2Value) { return(false); } if (c1Value > c2Value) { Dominates = true; } } return(Dominates); }
private ICandidate FindDefaultCandidate() { ICandidate candidateToFind = _context.DefaultCandidate; if (candidateToFind == null) { return(null); } foreach (ICandidate candidate in Candidates) { if (ReferenceEquals(candidateToFind, candidate)) { return(candidate); } var enhancedCandidate = candidate as EnhancedParameterInfoCandidate; if (enhancedCandidate != null && ReferenceEquals(enhancedCandidate.UnderlyingCandidate, candidateToFind)) { return(enhancedCandidate); } } return(null); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var sts = (STCharWUTestCase )candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include((((char)sts.i_char) + 2) > 100); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { // use starting _ for PascalCase conversion purposes EvaluationDelegate _evaluation = GetEvaluationDelegate(); _evaluation(candidate); }
private ICandidate[] Enhance([NotNull] ICandidate[] candidates) { int length = candidates.Length; var wrappedCandidates = new ICandidate[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) wrappedCandidates[i] = Enhance(candidates[i]); return wrappedCandidates; }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var sts = (STShortWUTestCase )candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include((((short)sts.i_short) + 2) > 100); }
public virtual void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var pe = (ParameterizedEvaluationTestCase) candidate.GetObject (); var inc = pe.str.IndexOf(str) != -1; candidate.Include(inc); }
public ICandidate mate(ICandidate other) { valueCanidate child = new valueCanidate(obj.mate(myVal, ((valueCanidate)other).myVal), obj); child.toOptimze = toOptimze; return(child); }
public UserWithParameters InstanciateNew(ICandidate <UserWithParameters> candidate) { var id = candidate.Value.Id; var name = candidate.Value.Name; return(new UserWithParameters(id, name)); }
public void CreateNextGeneration() { nextGeneration = new List <ICandidate>(100); do { var parentA = SelectOne(); var parentB = SelectOne(); var probability = randomHelper.GetProbability(); var children = new ICandidate[] { parentA, parentB }; if (probability < CrossOverRate) { var crossOverPoint = randomHelper.GetRandomInt(1, geneCount - 1); children = CrossOver(parentA, parentB, crossOverPoint); } children[0].Mutate(MutationRate); children[1].Mutate(MutationRate); nextGeneration.AddRange(children); } while (nextGeneration.Count < PopulationSize); currentGeneration = nextGeneration; nextGeneration = null; generationCount++; }
private void AssertResume(ICandidate candidate, IResume resume, FileReference fileReference) { Assert.IsNotNull(resume); var resumeFile = _candidateResumeFilesQuery.GetResumeFile(candidate.Id, fileReference.Id); Assert.AreEqual(fileReference.Id, resumeFile.FileReferenceId); }
public virtual void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { ParameterizedEvaluationTestCase pe = (ParameterizedEvaluationTestCase)candidate.GetObject (); bool inc = pe.str.IndexOf(str) != -1; candidate.Include(inc); }
protected void TestErrors(Guid instanceId, IMember member, ICandidate candidate, string password, string confirmPassword, bool acceptTerms, params string[] expectedErrorMessages) { SubmitPersonalDetails(instanceId, member, candidate, password, confirmPassword, acceptTerms); AssertUrl(GetPersonalDetailsUrl(instanceId)); AssertErrorMessages(expectedErrorMessages); AssertPersonalDetails(instanceId, member, candidate, password, confirmPassword, acceptTerms); }
public override void HoldElection(ICandidate localCandidate, IList<ICandidate> allCandidates) { Console.WriteLine("Election instigated by '{0}'.", localCandidate.Uri); base.HoldElection(localCandidate, allCandidates); Console.WriteLine("Election instigated by '{0}' COMPLETED.", localCandidate.Uri); }
private MemberModel CreateMemberModel(IMember member, ICandidate candidate, IResume resume) { return(new MemberModel { Status = CreateStatusModel(member, candidate, resume), Visibility = CreateVisibilityModel(member), }); }
private ICandidate Enhance([NotNull] ICandidate candidate) { var typedCandidate = candidate as ParameterInfoCandidate; return(typedCandidate != null ? new EnhancedParameterInfoCandidate(typedCandidate, _colorizerPresenter, _settings) : candidate); }
private void AssertFriend(Member friend, ICandidate candidate, IResume resume) { AssertPageContains(friend.FullName); var viewer = new PersonalView(friend, PersonalContactDegree.FirstDegree, PersonalContactDegree.FirstDegree); // Current Jobs. if (viewer.CanAccess(PersonalVisibility.CurrentJobs)) { AssertPageContains(resume.GetCurrentJobsDisplayHtml()); } else { AssertPageDoesNotContain(resume.GetCurrentJobsDisplayHtml()); } // Candidate Status. if (viewer.CanAccess(PersonalVisibility.CandidateStatus)) { if (candidate.Status != CandidateStatus.Unspecified) { AssertPageContains(NetworkerFacade.GetCandidateStatusText(candidate.Status)); } } else { if (candidate.Status != CandidateStatus.Unspecified) { AssertPageDoesNotContain(NetworkerFacade.GetCandidateStatusText(candidate.Status)); } } // Suburb. if (viewer.CanAccess(PersonalVisibility.Suburb)) { AssertPageContains(friend.Address.Location.Suburb); AssertPageContains(" " + friend.Address.Location.Postcode); } else { AssertPageDoesNotContain(friend.Address.Location.Suburb); AssertPageDoesNotContain(" " + friend.Address.Location.Postcode); // GUIDs can contain "3143", too! } // CountrySubdivision. if (viewer.CanAccess(PersonalVisibility.CountrySubdivision)) { AssertPageContains(friend.Address.Location.CountrySubdivision.ShortName); } else { AssertPageDoesNotContain(friend.Address.Location.CountrySubdivision.ShortName); } }
public CoordinatorElectionScheduler(IElectionsOfficer electionsOfficer, IList<ICandidate> candidates, object lockObject) { _electionsOfficer = electionsOfficer; _candidates = candidates; _lockObject = lockObject; _localCandidate = _candidates.First(c => c.IsLocal); }
public virtual CandidateStatus SendElectionNotification(ICandidate candidate) { if (candidate.IsLocal) { throw new Exception("candidate must not be local (i.e. associated with another process)"); } using (ZmqContext context = ZmqContext.Create()) using (ZmqSocket client = context.CreateSocket(SocketType.REQ)) { client.Connect(candidate.Uri); client.ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(CoordinatorElectionScheduler.ElectionMessageReceiveTimeoutSeconds); client.Send(CoordinatorElectionScheduler.ElectionMessage, Encoding.Unicode); var reply = client.Receive(Encoding.Unicode); client.Linger = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(CoordinatorElectionScheduler.ElectionMessageReceiveSocketLingerSeconds); //required client.Close(); //required return reply == CoordinatorElectionScheduler.OkMessage ? CandidateStatus.Ok : CandidateStatus.NotOk; } }
public virtual void HoldElection(ICandidate localCandidate, IList<ICandidate> allCandidates) { if (!localCandidate.IsLocal) { throw new Exception("localCandidate must be local (i.e. associated with the current process)"); } if (!localCandidate.MoreAuthoritativeCandidateIds.Any()) { CoordinatorElectionScheduler.IsCoordinatorProcess = true; return; } foreach (var id in localCandidate.MoreAuthoritativeCandidateIds.OrderByDescending(i => i)) { if (SendElectionNotification(allCandidates[id]) == CandidateStatus.Ok) { CoordinatorElectionScheduler.IsCoordinatorProcess = false; return; } } CoordinatorElectionScheduler.IsCoordinatorProcess = true; }
public virtual void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { candidate.Include(_predicate.AppliesTo(candidate.GetObject())); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { candidate.Include(candidate.GetObject().ToString().ToLower().StartsWith("hell")); }
public void AddCandidate(ICandidate candidate) { //Assert.IsTrue(candidatesManager.AddCandidate()); // Test logic + Assertion }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var sts = (STStringTestCase ) candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(sts.str.ToLower().IndexOf("od") >= 0); }
public virtual void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var ci = (CaseInsensitiveTestCase) candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(; }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { Car car=(Car)candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(car.History.Count % 2 == 0); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { ISTInterface sti = (ISTInterface)candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(sti.ReturnSomething().Equals("aaa")); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { Db4objects.Db4o.Tests.Common.Soda.Wrapper.Untyped.STIntegerWUTestCase sti = (Db4objects.Db4o.Tests.Common.Soda.Wrapper.Untyped.STIntegerWUTestCase )candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include((((int)sti.i_int) + 2) > 100); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var sts = (STByteWUTestCase ) candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include((((byte) sts.i_byte) + 2) > 100); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { Person realCandidate = (Person)candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(realCandidate.Name == _name); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { CsEvaluationDelegate obj = ((CsEvaluationDelegate)candidate.GetObject()); candidate.Include(; }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var sts = (STShortWUTestCase ) candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include((((short) sts.i_short) + 2) > 100); }
public override CandidateStatus SendElectionNotification(ICandidate candidate) { Console.WriteLine("Sending election notification to '{0}'.", candidate.Uri); return base.SendElectionNotification(candidate); }
public static void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var obj = ((CsEvaluationDelegate) candidate.GetObject()); candidate.Include("three")); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var sti = (STIntegerWUTestCase ) candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include((((int) sti.i_int) + 2) > 100); }
public virtual void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { candidate.Include(true); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { PlainObjectTestCase.Item item = (PlainObjectTestCase.Item)candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(item._plainObject == plainObject); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { var item = (Item) candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(item._plainObject == plainObject); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { string stringValue = (string)candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(pattern.IsMatch(stringValue)); }
internal static void EvaluationEvaluate(Object evaluation, ICandidate candidate) { IEvaluation eval = evaluation as IEvaluation; if (eval != null) { eval.Evaluate(candidate); } else { // use starting _ for PascalCase conversion purposes EvaluationDelegate _ed = evaluation as EvaluationDelegate; if (_ed != null) { _ed(candidate); } } }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { Pilot pilot = (Pilot)candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(pilot.Age % 2 != 0); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { Db4objects.Db4o.Tests.Common.Soda.Wrapper.Untyped.STShortWUTestCase sts = (Db4objects.Db4o.Tests.Common.Soda.Wrapper.Untyped.STShortWUTestCase )candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include((((short)sts.i_short) + 2) > 100); }
public void Evaluate(ICandidate candidate) { Db4objects.Db4o.Tests.Common.Soda.Classes.Simple.STStringTestCase sts = (Db4objects.Db4o.Tests.Common.Soda.Classes.Simple.STStringTestCase )candidate.GetObject(); candidate.Include(sts.str.ToLower().IndexOf("od") >= 0); }