public ButtplugServer(ButtplugServerOptions aOptions)
            ButtplugUtils.ArgumentNotNull(aOptions, nameof(aOptions));
            _clientName   = null;
            _serverName   = aOptions.ServerName;
            _maxPingTime  = aOptions.MaxPingTime;
            _pingTimedOut = false;
            if (_maxPingTime != 0)
                // Create a new timer that wont fire any events just yet
                _pingTimer = new Timer(PingTimeoutHandler, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);

            BpLogManager = new ButtplugLogManager();
            _bpLogger    = BpLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bpLogger.Debug("Setting up ButtplugServer");
            _parser        = new ButtplugJsonMessageParser(BpLogManager);
            _deviceManager = aOptions.DeviceManager ?? new DeviceManager(BpLogManager, aOptions.SubtypeManagerSearchPaths);

            _bpLogger.Info("Finished setting up ButtplugServer");
            _deviceManager.DeviceMessageReceived += DeviceMessageReceivedHandler;
            _deviceManager.ScanningFinished      += ScanningFinishedHandler;

            if (!DeviceConfigurationManager.HasManager)
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtplugClientDevice"/> class, using
        /// discrete parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aIndex">The device index.</param>
        /// <param name="aName">The device name.</param>
        /// <param name="aMessages">The device allowed message list, with corresponding attributes.</param>
        public ButtplugClientDevice(IButtplugLogManager aLogManager,
                                    ButtplugClient aOwningClient,
                                    Func <ButtplugClientDevice, ButtplugDeviceMessage, CancellationToken, Task> aSendClosure,
                                    uint aIndex,
                                    string aName,
                                    Dictionary <string, MessageAttributes> aMessages)
            ButtplugUtils.ArgumentNotNull(aLogManager, nameof(aLogManager));
            ButtplugUtils.ArgumentNotNull(aOwningClient, nameof(aOwningClient));
            ButtplugUtils.ArgumentNotNull(aSendClosure, nameof(aSendClosure));
            _bpLogger       = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _owningClient   = aOwningClient;
            _sendClosure    = aSendClosure;
            Index           = aIndex;
            Name            = aName;
            AllowedMessages = new Dictionary <Type, MessageAttributes>();
            foreach (var msg in aMessages)
                var msgType = ButtplugUtils.GetMessageType(msg.Key);
                if (msgType == null)
                    throw new ButtplugDeviceException($"Message type {msg.Key} does not exist.");

                AllowedMessages[msgType] = msg.Value;
        public async Task StartServerAsync([NotNull] Func <ButtplugServer> aFactory, uint aMaxConnections = 1, int aPort = 12345, bool aLocalOnly = true, string aCertPath = null, string aKeyPath = null)
            _cancellation  = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _serverFactory = aFactory;

            _maxConnections = aMaxConnections;

            _logManager = new ButtplugLogManager();
            _logger     = _logManager.GetLogger(GetType());

            var endpoint = new IPEndPoint(aLocalOnly ? IPAddress.Loopback : IPAddress.Any, aPort);

            var options = new WebSocketListenerOptions();


            if (aCertPath != null && aKeyPath != null)
                var cert = CertUtils.LoadPEMCert(aCertPath, aKeyPath);

            _server = new WebSocketListener(endpoint, options);
            await _server.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            _websocketTask = Task.Run(() => AcceptWebSocketClientsAsync(_server, _cancellation.Token));
 public HidDeviceFactory(IButtplugLogManager aLogManager, IHidDeviceInfo aInfo)
     _buttplugLogManager = aLogManager;
     _bpLogger           = _buttplugLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
     _bpLogger.Trace($"Creating {GetType().Name}");
     _deviceInfo = aInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtplugJsonMessageParser"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aLogManager">Log manager</param>
        public ButtplugJsonMessageParser(IButtplugLogManager aLogManager = null)
            _bpLogger = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bpLogger?.Info($"Setting up {GetType().Name}");

            IEnumerable <Type> allTypes;

            // Some classes in the library may not load on certain platforms due to missing symbols.
            // If this is the case, we should still find messages even though an exception was thrown.
                allTypes = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ButtplugMessage)).GetTypes();
            catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
                allTypes = e.Types;

            var messageClasses = allTypes.Where(t => t != null && t.IsClass && t.Namespace == "Buttplug4Net35.Messages" && typeof(ButtplugMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t));

            var enumerable = messageClasses as Type[] ?? messageClasses.ToArray();

            _bpLogger?.Debug($"Message type count: {enumerable.Length}");
            _messageTypes = new Dictionary <string, Type>();
            enumerable.ToList().ForEach(aMessageType =>
                _bpLogger?.Debug($"- {aMessageType.Name}");
                _messageTypes.Add(aMessageType.Name, aMessageType);
 public UWPBluetoothDeviceFactory([NotNull] IButtplugLogManager aLogManager, [NotNull] IBluetoothDeviceInfo aInfo)
     _buttplugLogManager = aLogManager;
     _bpLogger           = _buttplugLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
     _bpLogger.Trace($"Creating {GetType().Name}");
     _deviceInfo = aInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtplugJsonMessageParser"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aLogManager">Log manager, passed from the parser owner.</param>
        public ButtplugJsonMessageParser([NotNull] IButtplugLogManager aLogManager)
            // Set up logging.
            if (aLogManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(aLogManager));

            _bpLogger = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bpLogger?.Info($"Setting up {GetType().Name}");

            _serializer = new JsonSerializer {
                MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error
            _messageTypes = new Dictionary <string, Type>();
            foreach (var aMessageType in ButtplugUtils.GetAllMessageTypes())
                _bpLogger?.Debug($"- {aMessageType.Name}");
                _messageTypes.Add(aMessageType.Name, aMessageType);

            // If we can't find any message types in our assembly, the system is basically useless.
            if (!_messageTypes.Any())
                throw new ButtplugMessageException(_bpLogger, "No message types available.");

            // Load the schema for validation. Schema file is an embedded resource in the library.
            var jsonSchemaString = ButtplugUtils.GetStringFromFileResource("B******g.b******g-schema.json");

            _schema = JsonSchema.FromJsonAsync(jsonSchemaString)?.GetAwaiter().GetResult() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException();
 public KiirooPlatformEmulator()
     _log          = new ButtplugLogManager().GetLogger(GetType());
     _httpListener = new HttpListener();
     _stop      = false;
     _isRunning = false;
        public UWPBluetoothDeviceInterface(
            [NotNull] IButtplugLogManager aLogManager,
            [NotNull] IBluetoothDeviceInfo aInfo,
            [NotNull] BluetoothLEDevice aDevice,
            [NotNull] GattCharacteristic[] aChars)
            _bpLogger  = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bleDevice = aDevice;

            if (aInfo.Characteristics.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in aInfo.Characteristics)
                    var c = (from x in aChars
                             where x.Uuid == item.Value
                             select x).ToArray();
                    if (c.Length != 1)
                        var err = $"Cannot find characteristic ${item.Value} for device {Name}";
                        throw new Exception(err);

                    if (_indexedChars == null)
                        _indexedChars = new Dictionary <uint, GattCharacteristic>();

                    _indexedChars.Add(item.Key, c[0]);
                foreach (var c in aChars)
                    if (c.CharacteristicProperties.HasFlag(GattCharacteristicProperties.Read) ||
                        c.CharacteristicProperties.HasFlag(GattCharacteristicProperties.Notify) ||
                        _rxChar = c;
                    else if (c.CharacteristicProperties.HasFlag(GattCharacteristicProperties.WriteWithoutResponse) ||
                        _txChar = c;

            if (_rxChar == null && _txChar == null && _indexedChars == null)
                var err = $"No characteristics to connect to for device {Name}";
                throw new Exception(err);

            _bleDevice.ConnectionStatusChanged += ConnectionStatusChangedHandler;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtplugDevice"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aLogManager">The log manager</param>
 /// <param name="aName">The device name</param>
 /// <param name="aIdentifier">The device identifier</param>
 protected ButtplugDevice([NotNull] IButtplugLogManager aLogManager,
                          [NotNull] string aName,
                          [NotNull] string aIdentifier)
     BpLogger   = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
     MsgFuncs   = new Dictionary <Type, ButtplugDeviceWrapper>();
     Name       = aName;
     Identifier = aIdentifier;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtplugJsonMessageParser"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aLogManager">Log manager</param>
        public ButtplugJsonMessageParser(IButtplugLogManager aLogManager = null)
            _bpLogger = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bpLogger?.Info($"Setting up {GetType().Name}");
            _serializer = new JsonSerializer {
                MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error
            IEnumerable <Type> allTypes;

            // Some classes in the library may not load on certain platforms due to missing symbols.
            // If this is the case, we should still find messages even though an exception was thrown.
                allTypes = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ButtplugMessage)).GetTypes();
            catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
                allTypes = e.Types;

            var messageClasses = allTypes.Where(t => t != null && t.IsClass && t.Namespace == "B******g.Core.Messages" && typeof(ButtplugMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t));

            var enumerable = messageClasses as Type[] ?? messageClasses.ToArray();

            _bpLogger?.Debug($"Message type count: {enumerable.Length}");
            _messageTypes = new Dictionary <string, Type>();
            enumerable.ToList().ForEach(aMessageType =>
                _bpLogger?.Debug($"- {aMessageType.Name}");
                _messageTypes.Add(aMessageType.Name, aMessageType);

            // Load the schema for validation
            var          assembly     = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            const string resourceName = "B******g.Core.b******g-schema.json";
            Stream       stream       = null;

                stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    stream = null;
                    var result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    _schema = JsonSchema4.FromJsonAsync(result).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
 public UWPBluetoothDeviceInterface(
     [NotNull] IButtplugLogManager aLogManager,
     [NotNull] BluetoothLEDevice aDevice,
     [NotNull] GattCharacteristic[] aCharacteristics)
     _bpLogger            = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
     _bleDevice           = aDevice;
     _gattCharacteristics = aCharacteristics;
     _bleDevice.ConnectionStatusChanged += ConnectionStatusChangedHandler;
 public ButtplugWSClient(string aClientName)
     _clientName   = aClientName;
     _bpLogManager = new ButtplugLogManager();
     _bpLogger     = _bpLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
     _parser       = new ButtplugJsonMessageParser(_bpLogManager);
     _bpLogger.Info("Finished setting up ButtplugClient");
     _owningDispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
     _tokenSource      = new CancellationTokenSource();
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtplugDevice"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aLogManager">The log manager.</param>
 /// <param name="aDevice">The device implementation (Bluetooth, USB, etc).</param>
 /// <param name="aProtocol">The device protocol (Lovense, Launch, etc).</param>
 public ButtplugDevice([NotNull] IButtplugLogManager aLogManager,
                       [NotNull] IButtplugDeviceProtocol aProtocol,
                       [NotNull] IButtplugDeviceImpl aDevice)
     // Protocol can be null if activator construction from type constructor fails
     ButtplugUtils.ArgumentNotNull(aProtocol, nameof(aProtocol));
     _protocol              = aProtocol;
     _device                = aDevice;
     BpLogger               = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
     _device.DeviceRemoved += OnDeviceRemoved;
        public VibHubDevice(string deviceId, uint aDeviceNum, VibHubManager aManager, IButtplugLogManager aLogManager)
            Identifier    = deviceId;
            _deviceNumber = aDeviceNum;
            _manager      = aManager;
            _bpLogger     = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());

            _msgTypes.Add(typeof(StopDeviceCmd), new MessageAttributes());
            _msgTypes.Add(typeof(SingleMotorVibrateCmd), new MessageAttributes());
            _msgTypes.Add(typeof(VibrateCmd), new MessageAttributes(4));
        public void StartServer([NotNull] Func <ButtplugServer> aFactory, string aPipeName = "ButtplugPipe")
            _cancellation  = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _serverFactory = aFactory;

            _logManager = new ButtplugLogManager();
            _logger     = _logManager.GetLogger(GetType());

            _acceptTask = new Task(async() => { await ConnectionAccepter(aPipeName, _cancellation.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); }, _cancellation.Token, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
        public DeviceManager(IButtplugLogManager aLogManager)
            _bpLogManager = aLogManager;
            _bpLogger     = _bpLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bpLogger.Info("Setting up DeviceManager");
            _sentFinished       = true;
            _devices            = new Dictionary <uint, IButtplugDevice>();
            _deviceIndexCounter = 0;

            _managers = new List <IDeviceSubtypeManager>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtplugWSClient"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aClientName">The name of the client (used by the server for UI and permissions).</param>
        public ButtplugWSClient(string aClientName)
            _clientName = aClientName;
            IButtplugLogManager bpLogManager = new ButtplugLogManager();

            _bpLogger = bpLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _parser   = new ButtplugJsonMessageParser(bpLogManager);
            _bpLogger.Info("Finished setting up ButtplugClient");
            _owningDispatcher = SynchronizationContext.Current ?? new SynchronizationContext();
            _tokenSource      = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _counter          = 0;
        public ButtplugWebsocketServerSession(IButtplugLogManager aLogManager, ButtplugServer aServer, WebSocket aSocket, CancellationTokenSource aExternalCancelSource)
            _logger = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _internalCancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            _linkedCancelSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(aExternalCancelSource.Token, _internalCancelSource.Token);
            _ws     = aSocket;
            _server = aServer;
            _server.MessageReceived += ReceiveMessageFromServerHandler;
            _server.ClientConnected += ClientConnectedHandler;
            _server.PingTimeout     += PingTimeoutHandler;
        public ServerControl(Func <ButtplugServer> aFactory)
            _logManager = new ButtplugLogManager();
            _log        = _logManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _ws         = new ButtplugWebsocketServer();
            _bpFactory  = aFactory;
            _config     = new ButtplugConfig("B******g");
            _connUrls   = new ConnUrlList();
            _port       = 12345;

            // Usually, if we throw errors then connect, it's not actually an error. If we don't
            // connect after a second of throwing an exception, pop the toaster, but not before then.
            _toastTimer = new Timer
                Interval  = 1000,
                AutoReset = false,
                Enabled   = false,
            _toastTimer.Elapsed += PopToaster;

            if (uint.TryParse(_config.GetValue("b******g.server.port", "12345"), out uint pres))
                _port = pres;

            _secure = true;
            if (bool.TryParse(_config.GetValue("b******", "true"), out bool sres))
                _secure = sres;

            _loopback = true;
            if (bool.TryParse(_config.GetValue("b******g.server.loopbackOnly", "true"), out bool lres))
                _loopback = lres;

            _hostname = _config.GetValue("b******g.server.hostname", "localhost");

            PortTextBox.Text           = _port.ToString();
            SecureCheckBox.IsChecked   = _secure;
            LoopbackCheckBox.IsChecked = _loopback;

            ConnectionUrl.ItemsSource = _connUrls;

            _ws.OnException        += WebSocketExceptionHandler;
            _ws.ConnectionAccepted += WebSocketConnectionAccepted;
            _ws.ConnectionUpdated  += WebSocketConnectionAccepted;
            _ws.ConnectionClosed   += WebSocketConnectionClosed;

            _log.OnLogException += ExceptionLogged;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtplugClient"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aClientName">The name of the client (used by the server for UI and permissions).</param>
        /// <param name="aConnector">Connector for the client.</param>
        public ButtplugClient([NotNull] string aClientName, [NotNull] IButtplugClientConnector aConnector)
            ButtplugUtils.ArgumentNotNull(aConnector, nameof(aConnector));
            Name       = aClientName;
            _connector = aConnector;
            _connector.Disconnected += (aObj, aEventArgs) =>
                ServerDisconnect?.Invoke(aObj, aEventArgs);
            _connector.InvalidMessageReceived += ConnectorErrorHandler;

            _bpLogManager         = new ButtplugLogManager();
            _connector.LogManager = _bpLogManager;
            _bpLogger             = _bpLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bpLogger.Info("Finished setting up ButtplugClient");
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtplugJsonMessageParser"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aLogManager">Log manager, passed from the parser owner.</param>
        public ButtplugJsonMessageParser([NotNull] IButtplugLogManager aLogManager)
            // Set up logging.
            if (aLogManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(aLogManager));
            _bpLogger = aLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bpLogger?.Info($"Setting up {GetType().Name}");

            _serializer = new JsonSerializer {
                MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error
            _messageTypes = new Dictionary <string, Type>();
            foreach (var aMessageType in ButtplugUtils.GetAllMessageTypes())
                _bpLogger?.Debug($"- {aMessageType.Name}");
                _messageTypes.Add(aMessageType.Name, aMessageType);

            // If we can't find any message types in our assembly, the system is basically useless.
            if (!_messageTypes.Any())
                throw new ButtplugMessageException(_bpLogger, "No message types available.");

            // Load the schema for validation. Schema file is an embedded resource in the library.
            var          assembly     = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            const string resourceName = "B******g.b******g-schema.json";
            var          stream       = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);

                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream ?? throw new InvalidOperationException()))
                    stream = null;
                    var result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    _schema = JsonSchema4.FromJsonAsync(result)?.GetAwaiter().GetResult() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException();
                // Always make sure we dispose of the resource stream, even if we throw. All
                // exceptions should be rethrown though.
        public DeviceManager(IButtplugLogManager aLogManager, List <string> aSearchDirs = null)
            ButtplugUtils.ArgumentNotNull(aLogManager, nameof(aLogManager));
            _bpLogManager = aLogManager;
            _bpLogger     = _bpLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bpLogger.Info("Setting up DeviceManager");
            _sentFinished       = true;
            Devices             = new Dictionary <uint, IButtplugDevice>();
            DeviceIds           = new Dictionary <string, uint>();
            _deviceIndexCounter = 0;
            _isScanning         = false;

            _managerSearchDirs = aSearchDirs ?? new List <string> {

            _managers = new List <IDeviceSubtypeManager>();
        public ButtplugService([NotNull] string aServerName, uint aMaxPingTime)
            _serverName   = aServerName;
            _maxPingTime  = aMaxPingTime;
            _pingTimedOut = false;
            if (aMaxPingTime != 0)
                _pingTimer          = new Timer(_maxPingTime);
                _pingTimer.Elapsed += PingTimeoutHandler;

            _bpLogManager = new ButtplugLogManager();
            _bpLogger     = _bpLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bpLogger.Trace("Setting up ButtplugService");
            _parser        = new ButtplugJsonMessageParser(_bpLogManager);
            _deviceManager = new DeviceManager(_bpLogManager);
            _bpLogger.Trace("Finished setting up ButtplugService");
            _deviceManager.DeviceMessageReceived += DeviceMessageReceivedHandler;
            _deviceManager.ScanningFinished      += ScanningFinishedHandler;
            _bpLogManager.LogMessageReceived     += LogMessageReceivedHandler;
        public ButtplugServer([NotNull] string aServerName, uint aMaxPingTime, DeviceManager aDeviceManager = null)
            _serverName   = aServerName;
            _maxPingTime  = aMaxPingTime;
            _pingTimedOut = false;
            if (aMaxPingTime != 0)
                // Create a new timer that wont fire any events just yet
                _pingTimer = new Timer(PingTimeoutHandler, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);

            BpLogManager = new ButtplugLogManager();
            _bpLogger    = BpLogManager.GetLogger(GetType());
            _bpLogger.Debug("Setting up ButtplugServer");
            _parser        = new ButtplugJsonMessageParser(BpLogManager);
            _deviceManager = aDeviceManager ?? new DeviceManager(BpLogManager);

            _bpLogger.Info("Finished setting up ButtplugServer");
            _deviceManager.DeviceMessageReceived += DeviceMessageReceivedHandler;
            _deviceManager.ScanningFinished      += ScanningFinishedHandler;
            BpLogManager.LogMessageReceived      += LogMessageReceivedHandler;
        public void CheckMessage(ButtplugMessage aMsg, IButtplugLog aLog = null)
            // We'll never match a system message, those are server -> client only.
            if (aMsg.Id == 0)
                throw new ButtplugMessageException(aLog, "Cannot sort message with System ID", aMsg.Id);

            // If we haven't gotten a system message and we're not currently waiting for the message
            // id, throw.
            if (!_waitingMsgs.TryRemove(aMsg.Id, out var queued))
                throw new ButtplugMessageException(aLog, "Message with non-matching ID received.", aMsg.Id);

            if (aMsg is Error errMsg)

        public void StartServer([NotNull] IButtplugServerFactory aFactory, int aPort = 12345, bool aLoopBack = true, bool aSecure = false, string aHostname = "localhost")
            _cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _factory      = aFactory;

            _logManager = new ButtplugLogManager();
            _logger     = _logManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());

            var endpoint = new IPEndPoint(aLoopBack ? IPAddress.Loopback : IPAddress.Any, aPort);

            _server = new WebSocketListener(endpoint);
            var rfc6455 = new vtortola.WebSockets.Rfc6455.WebSocketFactoryRfc6455(_server);

            if (aSecure)
                var cert = CertUtils.GetCert("B******g", aHostname);
                _server.ConnectionExtensions.RegisterExtension(new WebSocketSecureConnectionExtension(cert));


            Task.Run(() => AcceptWebSocketClientsAsync(_server, _cancellation.Token));
 /// <inheritdoc />
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a ButtplugException.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aLogger">Logger to log exception error message through (gives type context for the message).</param>
 /// <param name="aMessage">Exception message.</param>
 /// <param name="aClass">Exception class, based on B******g Error Message Classes. (https://b************</param>
 /// <param name="aId">Message ID for the resulting B******g Error Message.</param>
 /// <param name="aInner">Optional inner exception.</param>
 public ButtplugException([NotNull] IButtplugLog aLogger, string aMessage, Error.ErrorClass aClass = Error.ErrorClass.ERROR_UNKNOWN, uint aId = ButtplugConsts.SystemMsgId, Exception aInner = null)
     : this(aMessage, aClass, aId, aInner)
     ButtplugUtils.ArgumentNotNull(aLogger, nameof(aLogger));
 public static ButtplugException FromError(IButtplugLog aLogger, Error aMsg)
     ButtplugUtils.ArgumentNotNull(aLogger, nameof(aLogger));
 /// <inheritdoc cref="ButtplugException" />
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtplugClientConnectorException"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aLogger">Logger to log exception error message through (gives type context for the message).</param>
 /// <param name="aMessage">Exception message.</param>
 /// <param name="aClass">Exception class, based on B******g Error Message Classes. See https://b************ for more info.</param>
 /// <param name="aId">Message ID for the resulting B******g Error Message.</param>
 /// <param name="aInner">Optional inner exception.</param>
 public ButtplugClientConnectorException(IButtplugLog aLogger, string aMessage, Exception aInner = null)
     : base(aLogger, aMessage, Error.ErrorClass.ERROR_UNKNOWN, ButtplugConsts.SystemMsgId, aInner)