private void ResizeColumnsIfRequired(DataTable toProcess, IDataLoadEventListener listener)
            var tbl            = _database.ExpectTable(TargetTableName);
            var typeTranslater = tbl.GetQuerySyntaxHelper().TypeTranslater;

            //Get the current estimates from the datatype computer
            Dictionary <string, string> oldTypes = _dataTypeDictionary.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value.GetSqlDBType(typeTranslater), StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

            //adjust the computer to
            //work out the max sizes - expensive bit
            foreach (DataRow row in toProcess.Rows)
                //for each destination column
                foreach (string col in _dataTypeDictionary.Keys)
                    //if it appears in the toProcess DataTable
                    if (toProcess.Columns.Contains(col))
                        //run the datatype computer over it to compute max lengths

            //see if any have changed
            foreach (DataColumn column in toProcess.Columns)
                //get what is required for the current batch and the current type that is configured in the live table
                string oldSqlType = oldTypes[column.ColumnName];
                string newSqlType = _dataTypeDictionary[column.ColumnName].GetSqlDBType(typeTranslater);

                bool changesMade = false;

                //if the SQL data type has degraded e.g. varchar(10) to varchar(50) or datetime to varchar(20)
                if (oldSqlType != newSqlType)
                    listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Warning, "Resizing column '" + column + "' from '" + oldSqlType + "' to '" + newSqlType + "'"));

                    var col = tbl.DiscoverColumn(column.ColumnName, _managedConnection.ManagedTransaction);

                    //try changing the Type to the legit type
                    col.DataType.AlterTypeTo(newSqlType, _managedConnection.ManagedTransaction, AlterTimeout);

                    changesMade = true;

                if (changesMade)