public async Task <BuildHistoryDTO> BuildProject([FromBody] NewBuildHistoryDTO history)
            var buildHistory = await _buildService.Create(history);

            await _builder.StartBuild(history.ProjectId, buildHistory.Id, buildHistory.BranchHash, buildHistory.PerformerId);

        /// <summary>look for any new builds on the CI server
        /// By default, it will start with the newest (ordered by build number) and work its way back.
        /// If fullScan is set to false (the default), it will stop processing builds and assume that all
        /// previous ones have been uploaded. If fullScan is true, it will continue to process builds until
        /// all have been checked.
        /// </summary>
        public void LookForBuilds(bool fullScan = false)
            // interrogate the file server for new builds
            foreach (var appDirectory in applicationDirectoires)
                // first ensure that the app exists in the db

                // grab the application object
                string appName     = appDirectory.Split('\\').Last();
                var    application = applicationService.GetByName(appName);

                var builds = Directory.GetDirectories(appDirectory);

                // Iterate over each directory inside this application folder
                // order by name (ie build number)
                foreach (var buildDir in builds.OrderByDescending(b => b)) // limit this by... date? versionNo?
                    // grab the plist file from the ci package
                    var      filepath = string.Concat(buildDir, "\\info.plist");
                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filepath);

                    if (fileInfo.Exists)
                        var plist       = new PList(filepath);
                        var buildNumber = buildDir.Split('\\').Last();

                        var build = BuildService.GetByVersionNumber(application.Id, buildNumber);

                        if (build == null)
                            build = new Build
                                Application = application,
                                /* from package xml */
                                BuildNumber   = buildNumber,
                                VersionNumber = plist["CFBundleShortVersionString"],
                                /* from ci output */
                                DateCreated  = fileInfo.CreationTime,
                                Type         = BuildType.Production,
                                ReleaseNotes = "pulled from svn",
                                PackageUrl   = ""

                        else if (fullScan == false)
                            // stop processing builds for this app once the last uploaded one has been found
 public async Task <BuildHistoryDTO> Create(NewBuildHistoryDTO buildHistory)
     return(await _buildService.Create(buildHistory));