protected override void calculate() { #region khoi dau base.calculate(); CalculationEventArg evt = new CalculationEventArg(); //evt.Type = EnumTypeOfLoopCalculation.InListCalculators; evt.CurrentIndexCalculator = this._index; evt.Log = string.Format("********** Bắt đầu tính cho thửa nông nghiệp ở vị trí {0} ********", vitri); onCalculating(evt); #endregion //[thaydoi] - them cac khai bao can thiet //************************************ #region khai bao cac bien //Lay connection info hien tai SdeConnection conn = new SdeConnection(); ISdeConnectionInfo sdeConn = conn as ISdeConnectionInfo; IWorkspaceEdit wspEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)sdeConn.Workspace; IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit mwspEdit = (IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit)sdeConn.Workspace; this._fcName = new TnFeatureClassName(sdeConn.Workspace); this._tblName = new TnTableName(sdeConn.Workspace); IFeatureWorkspace fw = (IFeatureWorkspace)sdeConn.Workspace; ICopyFeatures copyTool = new DataManager(sdeConn.Workspace,sdeConn.Environment); #region thua string thuaName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", DataNameTemplate.Thua, this._currentConfig.NamApDung); _fcName.FC_THUA.NAME = thuaName; _fcName.FC_THUA.InitIndex(); IFeatureClass thuaFeatureClass = fw.OpenFeatureClass(thuaName); IFeatureLayer thuaFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); thuaFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = thuaFeatureClass; IFeatureSelection thuaFeatureSelection; #endregion #region xa IFeatureClass xaFeatureClass = fw.OpenFeatureClass(DataNameTemplate.Ranh_Xa_Poly); IFeatureLayer xaFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); xaFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = xaFeatureClass; IFeatureSelection xaFeatureSelection; #endregion #region duong IFeatureClass duongFeatureClass = fw.OpenFeatureClass(DataNameTemplate.Duong); IFeatureLayer duongFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); duongFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = duongFeatureClass; IFeatureSelection duongFeatureSelection; //_fcName.FC_DUONG.InitIndex(); #endregion #region thua gia dat string tgd = string.Format("{0}_{1}", DataNameTemplate.Thua_Gia_Dat_Draft, this._currentConfig.NamApDung); _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.NAME = tgd; _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.InitIndex(); //_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.NAME = tgd; //_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.InitIndex(); IFeatureClass tgdFeatureClass=null; try { tgdFeatureClass = fw.OpenFeatureClass(tgd); } catch (Exception exc) { evt.Log = string.Format("Không tìm thấy lớp dữ liệu: {0}", tgd); onCalculating(evt); onFinished(evt); return; } ITable tblThuaGiaDat = (ITable)tgdFeatureClass; IFeatureLayer tgdFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); ISDETableEditor sdeTblTgdEditor = new SDETable(tblThuaGiaDat, sdeConn.Workspace); #endregion #region gia dat duong //string gdd = string.Format("{0}_{1}", DataNameTemplate.Gia_Dat_Duong, this._currentConfig.NamApDung); //_tblName.GIA_DAT_DUONG.NAME = gdd; //_tblName.GIA_DAT_DUONG.InitIndex(); #endregion #region ten duong ITable tblTenDuong; try { tblTenDuong = fw.OpenTable(DataNameTemplate.Ten_Duong); } catch (Exception exc) { evt.Log = string.Format("Không tìm thấy lớp dữ liệu: {0}", DataNameTemplate.Ten_Duong); onCalculating(evt); onFinished(evt); return; } #endregion #region loai dat ITable tblLoaiDat; try { tblLoaiDat = fw.OpenTable(DataNameTemplate.Loai_Dat); } catch (Exception exc) { evt.Log = string.Format("Không tìm thấy lớp dữ liệu: {0}", DataNameTemplate.Loai_Dat); onCalculating(evt); onFinished(evt); return; } #endregion #region he so vi tri ITable tblHesoVitri; try { tblHesoVitri = fw.OpenTable(DataNameTemplate.He_So_K); } catch (Exception exc) { evt.Log = string.Format("Không tìm thấy lớp dữ liệu: {0}", DataNameTemplate.He_So_K); onCalculating(evt); onFinished(evt); return; } #endregion #region khac IQueryFilter qrf = new QueryFilterClass(); bool result = false; int sothuatimthay = 0; int sothuatinhduoc = 0; int sothuaKhongTinhDuoc = 0; _dataManager = new DataManager(sdeConn.Workspace, sdeConn.Environment); _version = SdeVersionsTool.CallMe(); _clipTool = new GExtractTool(sdeConn.Environment); string duongBuffer100mNoSde = FilterSdeLayerName.GetActualName(DataNameTemplate.Duong_Buffer_); duongBuffer100mNoSde += _currentConfig.DSauDuongVitri1Nn; string thuaClip100mNoSde = FilterSdeLayerName.GetActualName(DataNameTemplate.Thua_Clip_); thuaClip100mNoSde += _currentConfig.DSauDuongVitri1Nn; string duongBuffer100mCoSde = string.Format("{0}{1}", DataNameTemplate.Duong_Buffer_, _currentConfig.DSauDuongVitri1Nn); string thuaClip100mCoSde = string.Format("{0}{1}", DataNameTemplate.Thua_Clip_, _currentConfig.DSauDuongVitri1Nn); #endregion #endregion //************************************ //******************************************* //=========================================== //=========================================== #region bat dau tinh _bufferTool = new GProximityTool(sdeConn.Environment); if (!_dataManager.LayerExist(duongBuffer100mNoSde)) { _bufferTool.BufferInsideSde(duongFeatureClass.AliasName, duongBuffer100mNoSde, _currentConfig.DSauDuongVitri1Nn); } IFeatureClass duongBuff100FeatureClass = fw.OpenFeatureClass(duongBuffer100mNoSde); IFeatureLayer duongBuff100FeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); ISelectionSet duongBuff100Sls; IFeatureSelection duongBuff100Fsls; duongBuff100FeatureLayer.FeatureClass = duongBuff100FeatureClass; //[thaydoi] - cac may tinh khac chi can thay dieu kien truy van he so vi tri //****************************************************************** #region lay cac quy tac tim vi tri #region log--- evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Lấy các quy tắc tìm vị trí thửa từ bảng {0}, ứng với hệ số {1} ...", DataNameTemplate.He_So_K, TnHeSoK.DatNongNghiepVt1Hon100m); onCalculating(evt); #endregion qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", "hesovitri", TnHeSoK.DatNongNghiepVt1Hon100m); ICursor cur = tblHesoVitri.Search(qrf, false); string quytac = ""; string cachtinh = ""; string cachtinhdongia = ""; try { IRow row = cur.NextRow(); if (row != null) { quytac = row.get_Value(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.GetIndex(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.QUY_TAC)).ToString(); cachtinh = row.get_Value(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.GetIndex(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.CACH_TINH)).ToString(); cachtinhdongia = row.get_Value(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.GetIndex(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.CACH_TINH_DON_GIA)).ToString(); } } catch { } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cur); } #endregion #region tinh theo xa if (this._inputParams.MA_XA != "-1") { //[kodoi] //======================= #region chon xa co ma dang xet //neu dang tinh cho 1 xa if (_inputParams.MA_XA != "*") { qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.MA_XA, _inputParams.MA_XA); } else//neu dang tinh cho toan huyen { qrf.WhereClause = ""; } ISelectionSet xaSelectionSet = xaFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); xaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)xaFeatureLayer; xaFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = xaSelectionSet; #endregion //======================= #region vong lap tung xa //[thaydoi] - co the them bien chay //************************* #region khoi dau IEnumIDs xaIds = xaSelectionSet.IDs; int xaId = 0; IFeature xaFt = null; List<object> lstMaDuong = new List<object>(); #endregion //************************* while ((xaId = xaIds.Next()) != -1) { //[kodoi] //======================= #region lay thong tin xa xaFt = xaFeatureClass.GetFeature(xaId); string maxa = xaFt.get_Value(xaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.MA_XA)).ToString(); string tenxa = xaFt.get_Value(xaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.TEN_XA)).ToString(); string loaixa = xaFt.get_Value(xaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.MA_LOAI_XA)).ToString(); #endregion #region -----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n************************************************"); evt.Log += string.Format("\n****** Đang tính cho xã/phường: {0} ******", tenxa); evt.Log += string.Format("\n************************************************"); onCalculating(evt); #endregion #region tim duong trong khu vuc do thi bang qua xa //chon xa dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.OID, xaId); xaSelectionSet = xaFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); xaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)xaFeatureLayer; xaFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = xaSelectionSet; //Chon cac duong co do rong theo quy dinh qrf.WhereClause = "";//string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.PHAN_LOAI, _isDothi);// "maduong='2'"; ISelectionSet duongSelectionSet = duongFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionNormal, sdeConn.Workspace); duongFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)duongFeatureLayer; duongFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = duongSelectionSet; //bat dau truy van khong gian _qrBl.FromLayer = duongFeatureLayer; _qrBl.ByLayer = xaFeatureLayer; _qrBl.LayerSelectionMethod = esriLayerSelectionMethod.esriLayerSelectIntersect; _qrBl.ResultType = esriSelectionResultEnum.esriSelectionResultAnd; _qrBl.UseSelectedFeatures = true; duongSelectionSet = _qrBl.Select(); #endregion //======================= #region vong lap xet tung duong //[thaydoi] - co the them bien chay //=============================== #region khoi dau IEnumIDs eIds = duongSelectionSet.IDs; int duongId; IFeature ftDuong; int iDuong = 0; int progressingTotalCount = 1; evt.Reset(); evt.ProgressingTotal = duongSelectionSet.Count; onCalculating(evt); #endregion //================================ while ((duongId = eIds.Next()) != -1) { //[kodoi] //====================== #region log----- evt.Reset(); evt.ProgressingTotalCount = progressingTotalCount; onCalculating(evt); progressingTotalCount++; #endregion //====================== //[capnhat] - lay ten duong tu bang ten duong //++++++++++++++++++++++++ #region lay thong tin cua duong dang xet ftDuong = duongFeatureClass.GetFeature(duongId); double dorongDuong; result = double.TryParse(ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.DO_RONG)).ToString(), out dorongDuong); if (!result) { dorongDuong = 0; } if (dorongDuong < _currentConfig.DRongDuongVitri1Nn) { continue; } string tenduong = "";//ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.TEN_DUONG)).ToString(); object maduong = ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.MA_DUONG)); lstMaDuong.Add(maduong); string batdau = "";// ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.BAT_DAU)).ToString(); string ketthuc = "";// ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.KET_THUC)).ToString(); #endregion //++++++++++++++++++++++++ //[kodoi] //Chon duong dang xet, buoc này de ra layer duong dung de truy van khong gian cac thua dat //==================== #region chon duong dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.OID, duongId); duongSelectionSet = duongFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); duongFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)duongFeatureLayer; duongFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = duongSelectionSet; #endregion //==================== //tim cac thua theo dieu kien mat tien #region tinh vi tri cho cac thua //doc cach tim thua trong bang he so vi tri //lay cach tim cho dat o //truyen thong so cach tinh,thualayer,duonglayer,khoangcach //MessageBox.Show(func); //func = "ChongLop([INTERSECT],[NEW_SELECTION],1) Then ChongLop([CONTAINED_BY],[AND_SELECTION],50)"; //[kodoi] //============================ #region tim cac thua theo vi tri quy dinh thuaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)thuaFeatureLayer; thuaFeatureSelection.Clear(); Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(quytac); eval.ThuaLayer = thuaFeatureLayer; eval.DuongLayer = duongFeatureLayer; eval.EvaluateQuery(); //thuaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)thuaFeatureLayer; ISelectionSet thuaSelectionSet = thuaFeatureSelection.SelectionSet; #endregion //============================ //MessageBox.Show(thuaSelectionSet.Count.ToString()); #endregion #region clip cac thua vua tim duoc #region delete bang thua_sau100m_clip IFeatureClass thuaClipFc = null; #region log--- evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Kiểm tra, xóa bảng {0} ...", thuaClip100mCoSde); onCalculating(evt); #endregion if (_dataManager.LayerExist(thuaClip100mNoSde)) { //thuaClipFc = fw.OpenFeatureClass("sde.thua_sau50m_clip"); //mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); //wspEdit.StartEditing(false); //wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); ((IFeatureClassManager)_dataManager).DeleteFcInSde(thuaClip100mCoSde); //((IDataset)thuaClipFc).Delete(); //wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); //wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } #endregion #region chon duong buffer 100 dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.OID, duongId); duongBuff100Sls = duongBuff100FeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); duongBuff100Fsls = (IFeatureSelection)duongBuff100FeatureLayer; duongBuff100Fsls.SelectionSet = duongBuff100Sls; #endregion #region log--- evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Kiểm tra, clip thửa theo đường buffer {0}m, lưu vào bảng {1} ...", _currentConfig.DSauDuongVitri1Nn, thuaClip100mCoSde); onCalculating(evt); #endregion string thualyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, thuaClip100mNoSde); string duonglyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, duongBuffer100mNoSde); _clipTool.ClipByLayerFileInsideSde(thuaFeatureLayer, thualyr, duongBuff100FeatureLayer, duonglyr, thuaClip100mNoSde); try { thuaClipFc = fw.OpenFeatureClass(thuaClip100mCoSde); } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } _version.RegisterDataset((IDataset)thuaClipFc, true, true); #endregion //[kodoi] //============================ #region ----log if (thuaSelectionSet.Count == 0) { evt.Log = string.Format("\n !!! Không tìm thấy thửa nào tiếp giáp với đường {0} đoạn từ {1} đến {2} và nằm trong vùng buffer 50m", tenduong, batdau, ketthuc); onCalculating(evt); #region report progressing duong if (iDuong < duongSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iDuong % (decimal)duongSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iDuong++; #endregion continue; } #endregion sothuatimthay += thuaSelectionSet.Count; //============================ #region xet tung thua //[thaydoi] - co the them bien chay //******************** #region khoi dau IEnumIDs thuaIds = thuaSelectionSet.IDs; int thuaId; IFeature thuaFt; int iThua = 0; List<object[,]> pairColValTgd = new List<object[,]>(); int rowTgdNnHandleUpdate = 0; List<object> newId = new List<object>(); #endregion //******************** while ((thuaId = thuaIds.Next()) != -1) { int hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatNongNghiepVt1Hon100m; //[thaydoi] - co them them dieu kien de xac dinh vi tri cua thua //*********************************** #region lay thong tin thua dang xet //[kodoi] //============================ #region lay thong tin co ban thuaFt = thuaFeatureClass.GetFeature(thuaId); //neu thua bi khoa tim vi tri,bo qua,xet thua ke string lockTimVitri = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.LOCKED)).ToString(); if (lockTimVitri == "1") { sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } //neu thua ko thuoc xa dang xet thi ko tinh tiep object mathua = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA)); object maxaThua = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.MA_XA)); object dientichpl = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.DIEN_TICH)); #endregion //============================ //[kodoi] //============================ #region kiem tra maxa if (maxaThua.ToString() == "" || maxaThua == null) { maxaThua = "0"; #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("Chưa xác định mã xã cho thửa {0}", mathua); #endregion sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #region danh rieng khi tinh theo xa else if (maxaThua.ToString() != maxa) { #region ----log evt.Reset(); evt.Log = string.Format("thửa {0} không thuộc xã {1}", mathua, tenxa); onCalculating(evt); #endregion sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #endregion #endregion //============================ #region lay loai dat //neu ko co dat phi nong nghiep thi bo qua,xet thua ke //neu co dat nong nghiep thi datnn=true //neu la dat hon hop, neu co dat sxkd thi datsxkd=true, //neu co dat o thi codato=true //cac truong hop he so vi tri: //o:3010, sxkd:4010, o+nn:5010, o+sxkd:6010 string loaidat = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.LOAI_DAT)).ToString(); //evt.Log = string.Format("\n loai dat cua thua {0} la {1}", thuaId, loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); //[thaydoi] - may tinh dat nong nghiep co the khac //*********************** #region kiem tra dat nong nghiep bool codatnn = false; object datnn = ""; foreach (string s in TnLoaiDats.NONG_NGHIEP) { if (loaidat == s) { codatnn = true; datnn = s; break; } else { codatnn = false; } } if (!codatnn) { sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #endregion //*********************** #endregion #endregion //*********************************** //[thaydoi] - thay doi he so vi tri phu hop //*********************************** #region quyet dinh he so vi tri cho thua if (codatnn) { hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatNongNghiepVt1Hon100m; } else { hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.KhongXacDinh; } #endregion //*********************************** //[thaydoi] - thay doi dieu kien truy van ung voi tung may tinh khac nhau //*********************************** #region kiem tra trong bang thua_giadat, voi dieu kien:mathua,maduong,hesovitri,khoagia=0 evt.Reset(); evt.Log = string.Format("\n[!]--- Kiểm tra các vị trí, cập nhật vị trí mới cho thửa {0} ...", mathua); onCalculating(evt); qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("({0}='{1}' or {2} is null) and {3}='{4}' and {5}='{6}' and {7}='{8}'", _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.LOCKED, 0, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.LOCKED, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA, mathua, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG, maduong, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K, hesoVitri); ICursor tgdFcs = tblThuaGiaDat.Search(qrf, false); IRow tgdRow = null; //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1401 CalcPosThuaMattien - bat dau try, query:\n{0}", qrf.WhereClause)); try { tgdRow = tgdFcs.NextRow();//dam bao la chi co 1 hang ket qua if (tgdRow != null) { //MessageBox.Show("co"); //kiem tra co cho phep tinh lai vi tri //neu co:xoa feater cu,them feature moi #region xet thua da co vi tri bool isOverWritePos = true; if (!isOverWritePos) { newId.Add(tgdRow.OID); //continue; } else { //[kodoi] //=================== #region xoa feature cu wspEdit.StartEditing(true); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); //qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", "OBJECTID", tgdRow.OID); //tblThuaGiaDat.DeleteSearchedRows(qrf); tgdRow.Delete(); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); #endregion //=================== #region chon trong bang thua clip qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA, mathua); IFeatureCursor thuaClipFcur = thuaClipFc.Search(qrf, false); IFeature thuaClipFt = null; try { thuaClipFt = thuaClipFcur.NextFeature(); if (thuaClipFt == null) { continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(thuaClipFcur); } #region lay thong tin thua clip IArea area = (IArea)thuaClipFt.Shape; #endregion #endregion //[thaydoi] - them gia tri //********************** #region them feature moi object copiedId = null; try { mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); copiedId = copyTool.Copy(thuaClipFt, tgdFeatureClass); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } catch (Exception ex) { wspEdit.AbortEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(false); } //them gia tri mathua,maduong,hesovitri pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { tgdRow.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), mathua } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { tgdRow.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), maduong } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { tgdRow.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), hesoVitri } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY), dientichpl } }); sdeTblTgdEditor.CacheData(copiedId, rowTgdNnHandleUpdate, pairColValTgd, EnumTypeOfEdit.UPDATE); rowTgdNnHandleUpdate++; pairColValTgd.Clear(); newId.Add(copiedId); #endregion //********************** } #endregion } else { #region chon trong bang thua clip qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA, mathua); IFeatureCursor thuaClipFcur = thuaClipFc.Search(qrf, false); IFeature thuaClipFt = null; try { thuaClipFt = thuaClipFcur.NextFeature(); if (thuaClipFt == null) { continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(thuaClipFcur); } #region lay thong tin thua clip IArea area = (IArea)thuaClipFt.Shape; #endregion #endregion //MessageBox.Show("ko co"); //[thaydoi] - them cac gia tri thich hop vao thua_giadat //*********************************** #region them feature moi object copiedId = null; try { mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); copiedId = copyTool.Copy(thuaClipFt, tgdFeatureClass); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } catch (Exception ex) { wspEdit.AbortEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } //them gia tri mathua,maduong,hesovitri pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), mathua } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), maduong } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), hesoVitri } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY), dientichpl } }); sdeTblTgdEditor.CacheData(copiedId, rowTgdNnHandleUpdate, pairColValTgd, EnumTypeOfEdit.UPDATE); rowTgdNnHandleUpdate++; pairColValTgd.Clear(); newId.Add(copiedId); #endregion //*********************************** } //MessageBox.Show(newId.Count.ToString()); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("CalcPosThuaMattien, line 1448-\n{0}", e1)); } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tgdFcs); } #endregion //*********************************** #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion } #endregion //[kodoi] //============================ #region luu thong tin vao bang gia dat if (!sdeTblTgdEditor.IsEditing()) { sdeTblTgdEditor.StartEditing(true); sdeTblTgdEditor.StartEditOperation(); } #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n----||| Đang lưu vị trí các thửa vào bảng {0} |||---- ", tgd); onCalculating(evt); #endregion sdeTblTgdEditor.SaveEdit(); sdeTblTgdEditor.StopEditOperation(); sdeTblTgdEditor.StopEditing(true); #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n----||| Đã lưu vị trí các thửa vào bảng {0} |||---- ", tgd); onCalculating(evt); #endregion #endregion #region tinh gia dat cho cac thua vua them vi tri CalcLandprice calc = new CalcLandprice(this); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("final:{0}", newId.Count)); calc.Maduong = maduong; calc.Calculate(newId); newId.Clear(); #endregion //============================ } #endregion } #endregion } #endregion //===================================================================== //===================================================================== #region tinh theo duong,doan duong else { #region timduong co ten dang xet //tinh theo doan duong #region tinh theo doan duong if (_inputParams.MA_DUONG != "-1") { qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}={1}", _fcName.FC_DUONG.MA_DUONG, _inputParams.MA_DUONG);// "maduong='2'"; #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n************************************************"); evt.Log += string.Format("\n****** Đang tính cho đoạn đường có mã: {0} ******", _inputParams.MA_DUONG); evt.Log += string.Format("\n************************************************"); onCalculating(evt); #endregion } #endregion //tinh cho 1 duong #region tinh cho 1 duong else if (_inputParams.TEN_DUONG != "" && _inputParams.TEN_DUONG != "*") { //phai sua lai thiet ke //dung relationshipclass many to many gia duong va ten duong #region tim trong bang ten duong qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}=N'{1}'", _tblName.TEN_DUONG.TEN_DUONG, _inputParams.TEN_DUONG); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 908 CalPosThuaNnVt1, tenduong={0}", _inputParams.TEN_DUONG)); ICursor tenduongCur = tblTenDuong.Search(qrf, false); object idDuong; List<object> lstIdDuong=new List<object>(); try { IRow tenduongRow = null; while ((tenduongRow = tenduongCur.NextRow()) != null) { idDuong = tenduongRow.get_Value(tenduongRow.Fields.FindField(_tblName.TEN_DUONG.MA_DUONG)); lstIdDuong.Add(idDuong); } } catch { } finally{Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tenduongCur);} #endregion #region tim trong bang duong string q = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lstIdDuong.Count; i++) { if (i == lstIdDuong.Count - 1) { q +=string.Format("{0}='{1}'",_fcName.FC_DUONG.MA_DUONG,lstIdDuong[i]); } else { q += string.Format("{0}='{1}' or ", _fcName.FC_DUONG.MA_DUONG, lstIdDuong[i]); } } qrf.WhereClause = q;// "maduong='2'"; #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n************************************************"); evt.Log += string.Format("\n****** Đang tính cho cả đường: {0} ******", _inputParams.TEN_DUONG); evt.Log += string.Format("\n************************************************"); onCalculating(evt); #endregion #endregion } #endregion //tinh cho ca duong else { qrf.WhereClause = ""; } //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("whereclause:{0}",duong.QueryFilter.WhereClause)); ISelectionSet duongSelectionSet = duongFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionNormal, sdeConn.Workspace); if (duongSelectionSet.Count == 0) { return; } duongFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)duongFeatureLayer; duongFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = duongSelectionSet; #endregion #region vong lap xet tung duong //[thaydoi] - co the them bien chay //=============================== #region khoi dau IEnumIDs eIds = duongSelectionSet.IDs; int duongId; IFeature ftDuong; int iDuong = 0; int progressingTotalCount = 1; evt.Reset(); evt.ProgressingTotal = duongSelectionSet.Count; onCalculating(evt); List<object> lstMaDuong = new List<object>(); #endregion //================================ while ((duongId = eIds.Next()) != -1) { //[kodoi] //====================== #region log----- evt.Reset(); evt.ProgressingTotalCount = progressingTotalCount; onCalculating(evt); progressingTotalCount++; #endregion //====================== //[capnhat] - lay ten duong tu bang ten duong //++++++++++++++++++++++++ #region lay thong tin cua duong dang xet ftDuong = duongFeatureClass.GetFeature(duongId); double dorongDuong; result = double.TryParse(ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.DO_RONG)).ToString(), out dorongDuong); if (!result) { dorongDuong = 0; } if (dorongDuong < _currentConfig.DRongDuongVitri1Nn) { continue; } string tenduong = "";//ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.TEN_DUONG)).ToString(); object maduong = ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.MA_DUONG)); lstMaDuong.Add(maduong); string batdau = "";// ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.BAT_DAU)).ToString(); string ketthuc = "";// ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.KET_THUC)).ToString(); #endregion //++++++++++++++++++++++++ //[kodoi] //Chon duong dang xet, buoc này de ra layer duong dung de truy van khong gian cac thua dat //==================== #region chon duong dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.OID, duongId); duongSelectionSet = duongFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); duongFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)duongFeatureLayer; duongFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = duongSelectionSet; #endregion //==================== //tim cac thua theo dieu kien mat tien #region tinh vi tri cho cac thua //doc cach tim thua trong bang he so vi tri //lay cach tim cho dat o //truyen thong so cach tinh,thualayer,duonglayer,khoangcach //MessageBox.Show(func); //func = "ChongLop([INTERSECT],[NEW_SELECTION],1) Then ChongLop([CONTAINED_BY],[AND_SELECTION],50)"; //[kodoi] //============================ #region tim cac thua theo vi tri quy dinh thuaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)thuaFeatureLayer; thuaFeatureSelection.Clear(); Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(quytac); eval.ThuaLayer = thuaFeatureLayer; eval.DuongLayer = duongFeatureLayer; eval.EvaluateQuery(); //thuaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)thuaFeatureLayer; ISelectionSet thuaSelectionSet = thuaFeatureSelection.SelectionSet; #endregion //============================ //MessageBox.Show(thuaSelectionSet.Count.ToString()); #endregion #region clip cac thua vua tim duoc #region delete bang thua_sau100m_clip IFeatureClass thuaClipFc = null; #region log--- evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Kiểm tra, xóa bảng {0} ...", thuaClip100mCoSde); onCalculating(evt); #endregion if (_dataManager.LayerExist(thuaClip100mNoSde)) { //thuaClipFc = fw.OpenFeatureClass("sde.thua_sau50m_clip"); //mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); //wspEdit.StartEditing(false); //wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); ((IFeatureClassManager)_dataManager).DeleteFcInSde(thuaClip100mCoSde); //((IDataset)thuaClipFc).Delete(); //wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); //wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } #endregion #region chon duong buffer 100 dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.OID, duongId); duongBuff100Sls = duongBuff100FeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); duongBuff100Fsls = (IFeatureSelection)duongBuff100FeatureLayer; duongBuff100Fsls.SelectionSet = duongBuff100Sls; #endregion #region log--- evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Kiểm tra, clip thửa theo đường buffer {0}m, lưu vào bảng {1} ...", _currentConfig.DSauDuongVitri1Nn, thuaClip100mCoSde); onCalculating(evt); #endregion string thualyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, thuaClip100mNoSde); string duonglyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, duongBuffer100mNoSde); _clipTool.ClipByLayerFileInsideSde(thuaFeatureLayer, thualyr, duongBuff100FeatureLayer, duonglyr, thuaClip100mNoSde); try { thuaClipFc = fw.OpenFeatureClass(thuaClip100mCoSde); } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } _version.RegisterDataset((IDataset)thuaClipFc, true, true); #endregion //[kodoi] //============================ #region ----log if (thuaSelectionSet.Count == 0) { evt.Log = string.Format("\n !!! Không tìm thấy thửa nào tiếp giáp với đường {0} đoạn từ {1} đến {2} và nằm trong vùng buffer 50m", tenduong, batdau, ketthuc); onCalculating(evt); #region report progressing duong if (iDuong < duongSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iDuong % (decimal)duongSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iDuong++; #endregion continue; } #endregion sothuatimthay += thuaSelectionSet.Count; //============================ #region xet tung thua //[thaydoi] - co the them bien chay //******************** #region khoi dau IEnumIDs thuaIds = thuaSelectionSet.IDs; int thuaId; IFeature thuaFt; int iThua = 0; List<object[,]> pairColValTgd = new List<object[,]>(); int rowTgdNnHandleUpdate = 0; List<object> newId = new List<object>(); #endregion //******************** while ((thuaId = thuaIds.Next()) != -1) { int hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatNongNghiepVt1Hon100m; //[thaydoi] - co them them dieu kien de xac dinh vi tri cua thua //*********************************** #region lay thong tin thua dang xet //[kodoi] //============================ #region lay thong tin co ban thuaFt = thuaFeatureClass.GetFeature(thuaId); //neu thua bi khoa tim vi tri,bo qua,xet thua ke string lockTimVitri = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.LOCKED)).ToString(); if (lockTimVitri == "1") { sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } //neu thua ko thuoc xa dang xet thi ko tinh tiep object mathua = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA)); object maxaThua = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.MA_XA)); object dientichpl = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.DIEN_TICH)); #endregion //============================ //[kodoi] //============================ #region kiem tra maxa if (maxaThua.ToString() == "" || maxaThua==null) { maxaThua = "0"; #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("Chưa xác định mã xã cho thửa {0}", mathua); #endregion sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #endregion //============================ #region lay loai dat //neu ko co dat phi nong nghiep thi bo qua,xet thua ke //neu co dat nong nghiep thi datnn=true //neu la dat hon hop, neu co dat sxkd thi datsxkd=true, //neu co dat o thi codato=true //cac truong hop he so vi tri: //o:3010, sxkd:4010, o+nn:5010, o+sxkd:6010 string loaidat = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.LOAI_DAT)).ToString(); //evt.Log = string.Format("\n loai dat cua thua {0} la {1}", thuaId, loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); //[thaydoi] - may tinh dat nong nghiep co the khac //*********************** #region kiem tra dat nong nghiep bool codatnn = false; object datnn=""; foreach (string s in TnLoaiDats.NONG_NGHIEP) { if (loaidat==s) { codatnn = true; datnn = s; break; } else { codatnn = false; } } if (!codatnn) { sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #endregion //*********************** #endregion #endregion //*********************************** //[thaydoi] - thay doi he so vi tri phu hop //*********************************** #region quyet dinh he so vi tri cho thua if (codatnn) { hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatNongNghiepVt1Hon100m; } else { hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.KhongXacDinh; } #endregion //*********************************** //[thaydoi] - thay doi dieu kien truy van ung voi tung may tinh khac nhau //*********************************** #region kiem tra trong bang thua_giadat, voi dieu kien:mathua,maduong,hesovitri,khoagia=0 evt.Reset(); evt.Log = string.Format("\n[!]--- Kiểm tra các vị trí, cập nhật vị trí mới cho thửa {0} ...", mathua); onCalculating(evt); qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("({0}='{1}' or {2} is null) and {3}='{4}' and {5}='{6}' and {7}='{8}'", _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.LOCKED, 0, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.LOCKED, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA, mathua, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG, maduong, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K, hesoVitri); ICursor tgdFcs = tblThuaGiaDat.Search(qrf, false); IRow tgdRow = null; //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1401 CalcPosThuaMattien - bat dau try, query:\n{0}", qrf.WhereClause)); try { tgdRow = tgdFcs.NextRow();//dam bao la chi co 1 hang ket qua if (tgdRow != null) { //MessageBox.Show("co"); //kiem tra co cho phep tinh lai vi tri //neu co:xoa feater cu,them feature moi #region xet thua da co vi tri bool isOverWritePos = true; if (!isOverWritePos) { newId.Add(tgdRow.OID); //continue; } else { //[kodoi] //=================== #region xoa feature cu wspEdit.StartEditing(true); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); //qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", "OBJECTID", tgdRow.OID); //tblThuaGiaDat.DeleteSearchedRows(qrf); tgdRow.Delete(); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); #endregion //=================== #region chon trong bang thua clip qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA, mathua); IFeatureCursor thuaClipFcur = thuaClipFc.Search(qrf, false); IFeature thuaClipFt = null; try { thuaClipFt = thuaClipFcur.NextFeature(); if (thuaClipFt == null) { continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(thuaClipFcur); } #region lay thong tin thua clip IArea area = (IArea)thuaClipFt.Shape; #endregion #endregion //[thaydoi] - them gia tri //********************** #region them feature moi object copiedId = null; try { mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); copiedId = copyTool.Copy(thuaClipFt, tgdFeatureClass); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } catch (Exception ex) { wspEdit.AbortEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(false); } //them gia tri mathua,maduong,hesovitri pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { tgdRow.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), mathua } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { tgdRow.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), maduong } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { tgdRow.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), hesoVitri } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY), dientichpl } }); sdeTblTgdEditor.CacheData(copiedId, rowTgdNnHandleUpdate, pairColValTgd, EnumTypeOfEdit.UPDATE); rowTgdNnHandleUpdate++; pairColValTgd.Clear(); newId.Add(copiedId); #endregion //********************** } #endregion } else { #region chon trong bang thua clip qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA, mathua); IFeatureCursor thuaClipFcur = thuaClipFc.Search(qrf, false); IFeature thuaClipFt = null; try { thuaClipFt = thuaClipFcur.NextFeature(); if (thuaClipFt == null) { continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(thuaClipFcur); } #region lay thong tin thua clip IArea area = (IArea)thuaClipFt.Shape; #endregion #endregion //MessageBox.Show("ko co"); //[thaydoi] - them cac gia tri thich hop vao thua_giadat //*********************************** #region them feature moi object copiedId = null; try { mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); copiedId = copyTool.Copy(thuaClipFt, tgdFeatureClass); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } catch (Exception ex) { wspEdit.AbortEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } //them gia tri mathua,maduong,hesovitri pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), mathua } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), maduong } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), hesoVitri } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY), dientichpl } }); sdeTblTgdEditor.CacheData(copiedId, rowTgdNnHandleUpdate, pairColValTgd, EnumTypeOfEdit.UPDATE); rowTgdNnHandleUpdate++; pairColValTgd.Clear(); newId.Add(copiedId); #endregion //*********************************** } //MessageBox.Show(newId.Count.ToString()); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("CalcPosThuaMattien, line 1448-\n{0}", e1)); } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tgdFcs); } #endregion //*********************************** #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion } #endregion //[kodoi] //============================ #region luu thong tin vao bang gia dat if (!sdeTblTgdEditor.IsEditing()) { sdeTblTgdEditor.StartEditing(true); sdeTblTgdEditor.StartEditOperation(); } #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n----||| Đang lưu vị trí các thửa vào bảng {0} |||---- ", tgd); onCalculating(evt); #endregion sdeTblTgdEditor.SaveEdit(); sdeTblTgdEditor.StopEditOperation(); sdeTblTgdEditor.StopEditing(true); #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n----||| Đã lưu vị trí các thửa vào bảng {0} |||---- ", tgd); onCalculating(evt); #endregion #endregion #region tinh gia dat cho cac thua vua them vi tri CalcLandprice calc = new CalcLandprice(this); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("final:{0}", newId.Count)); calc.Maduong = maduong; calc.Calculate(newId); newId.Clear(); #endregion //============================ } #endregion } #endregion #endregion //=========================================== //=========================================== //******************************************* //[kodoi] //============== #region doan ket sothuatinhduoc = sothuatimthay - sothuaKhongTinhDuoc; #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n\n**************************************\n******* Đã tính xong các thửa phi nông nghiệp tại đô thị vị trí mặt tiền*******\n**********************************"); //evt.Log += string.Format("\n Số thửa tìm thấy: {0}", sothuatimthay); //evt.Log += string.Format("\n Số thửa được tính: {0}", sothuatinhduoc); onCalculating(evt); #endregion evt.Reset(); evt.ProgressingTotalCount = "."; evt.ProgressingTotal = "."; onCalculating(evt); //evt.CurrentIndexCalculator= evt.CurrentIndexCalculator=this._index; onFinished(evt); #endregion //============== }
protected override void calculate() { //base.calculate(); #region khoi dau base.calculate(); CalculationEventArg evt = new CalculationEventArg(); //evt.Type = EnumTypeOfLoopCalculation.InListCalculators; evt.CurrentIndexCalculator = this._index; evt.Log = string.Format("********** Bắt đầu tính cho thửa phi nông nghiệp ở vị trí {0} tại đô thị ********", vitri); onCalculating(evt); #endregion //[thaydoi] - them cac khai bao can thiet //************************************ #region khai bao cac bien //Lay connection info hien tai SdeConnection conn = new SdeConnection(); ISdeConnectionInfo sdeConn = conn as ISdeConnectionInfo; IWorkspaceEdit wspEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)sdeConn.Workspace; IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit mwspEdit=(IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit)sdeConn.Workspace; this._fcName = new TnFeatureClassName(sdeConn.Workspace); this._tblName = new TnTableName(sdeConn.Workspace); IFeatureWorkspace fw = (IFeatureWorkspace)sdeConn.Workspace; ICopyFeatures copyTool = new DataManager(); #region thua string thuaName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", DataNameTemplate.Thua, this._currentConfig.NamApDung); _fcName.FC_THUA.NAME = thuaName; _fcName.FC_THUA.InitIndex(); IFeatureClass thuaFeatureClass = fw.OpenFeatureClass(thuaName); IFeatureLayer thuaFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); thuaFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = thuaFeatureClass; IFeatureSelection thuaFeatureSelection; #endregion #region xa IFeatureClass xaFeatureClass = fw.OpenFeatureClass(DataNameTemplate.Ranh_Xa_Poly); IFeatureLayer xaFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); xaFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = xaFeatureClass; IFeatureSelection xaFeatureSelection; #endregion #region duong IFeatureClass duongFeatureClass = fw.OpenFeatureClass(DataNameTemplate.Duong); IFeatureLayer duongFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); duongFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = duongFeatureClass; IFeatureSelection duongFeatureSelection; //_fcName.FC_DUONG.InitIndex(); #endregion #region thua gia dat string tgd = string.Format("{0}_{1}", DataNameTemplate.Thua_Gia_Dat_Draft, this._currentConfig.NamApDung); _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.NAME = tgd; _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.InitIndex(); //_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT_.NAME = tgd; //_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.InitIndex(); IFeatureClass tgdFeatureClass = null; try { tgdFeatureClass = fw.OpenFeatureClass(tgd); } catch (Exception exc) { evt.Log = string.Format("Không tìm thấy lớp dữ liệu: {0}", tgd); onCalculating(evt); onFinished(evt); return; } //ITable tblThuaGiaDat = (ITable)tgdFeatureClass; IFeatureLayer tgdFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); ISDETableEditor sdeTblTgdEditor = new SDETable((ITable)tgdFeatureClass, sdeConn.Workspace); #endregion #region gia dat duong string gdd = string.Format("{0}_{1}", DataNameTemplate.Gia_Dat_Duong, this._currentConfig.NamApDung); _tblName.GIA_DAT_DUONG.NAME = gdd; _tblName.GIA_DAT_DUONG.InitIndex(); #endregion #region ten duong ITable tblTenDuong; try { tblTenDuong = fw.OpenTable(DataNameTemplate.Ten_Duong); } catch (Exception exc) { evt.Log = string.Format("Không tìm thấy lớp dữ liệu: {0}", DataNameTemplate.Ten_Duong); onCalculating(evt); onFinished(evt); return; } #endregion #region loai dat ITable tblLoaiDat; try { tblLoaiDat = fw.OpenTable(DataNameTemplate.Loai_Dat); } catch (Exception exc) { evt.Log = string.Format("Không tìm thấy lớp dữ liệu: {0}", DataNameTemplate.Loai_Dat); onCalculating(evt); onFinished(evt); return; } #endregion #region he so vi tri ITable tblHesoVitri; try { tblHesoVitri = fw.OpenTable(DataNameTemplate.He_So_K); } catch (Exception exc) { evt.Log = string.Format("Không tìm thấy lớp dữ liệu: {0}", DataNameTemplate.He_So_K); onCalculating(evt); onFinished(evt); return; } #endregion #region khac IQueryFilter qrf = new QueryFilterClass(); bool result = false; int sothuatimthay = 0; int sothuatinhduoc = 0; int sothuaKhongTinhDuoc = 0; _dataManager = new DataManager(sdeConn.Workspace, sdeConn.Environment); _version = SdeVersionsTool.CallMe(); _eraseTool = new GExtractTool(sdeConn.Environment); string duongBuffer50mNoSde = FilterSdeLayerName.GetActualName(DataNameTemplate.Duong_Buffer_); duongBuffer50mNoSde += _currentConfig.DKhoangCach50mMatTien; string thuaClip50mNoSde=FilterSdeLayerName.GetActualName(DataNameTemplate.Thua_Erase_); thuaClip50mNoSde += _currentConfig.DKhoangCach50mMatTien; string duongBuffer50mCoSde = string.Format("{0}{1}", DataNameTemplate.Duong_Buffer_, _currentConfig.DKhoangCach50mMatTien); string thuaClip50mCoSde = string.Format("{0}{1}", DataNameTemplate.Thua_Erase_, _currentConfig.DKhoangCach50mMatTien); #endregion #endregion //************************************ //******************************************* //=========================================== //=========================================== #region bat dau tinh _bufferTool = new GProximityTool(sdeConn.Environment); if (!_dataManager.LayerExist(duongBuffer50mNoSde)) { _bufferTool.BufferInsideSde(duongFeatureClass.AliasName, duongBuffer50mNoSde, _currentConfig.DKhoangCach50mMatTien); } IFeatureClass duongBuff50FeatureClass = fw.OpenFeatureClass(duongBuffer50mNoSde); IFeatureLayer duongBuff50FeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); ISelectionSet duongBuff50Sls; IFeatureSelection duongBuff50Fsls; duongBuff50FeatureLayer.FeatureClass = duongBuff50FeatureClass; #region test //string ex = string.Format("VongLap(ChonDuong('dorong=10'),VongLap(ChonThua('dientich<1.5'),test([doituonglap]),[doituonglap]))"); ////ex=string.Format("VongLap(DuongDangChon(),VongLap() //Evaluation evalu = new Evaluation(ex); //evalu.DuongLayer = duongFeatureLayer; //evalu.ThuaLayer = thuaFeatureLayer; //evalu.EvaluateCalculating(); //return; #endregion //[thaydoi] - cac may tinh khac chi can thay dieu kien truy van he so vi tri //****************************************************************** #region lay cac quy tac tim vi tri #region log--- evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Lấy các quy tắc tìm vị trí thửa từ bảng {0}, ứng với hệ số {1} ...", DataNameTemplate.He_So_K, TnHeSoK.DatOSauMatTien50mDt); onCalculating(evt); #endregion qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", "hesovitri", TnHeSoK.DatOSauMatTien50mDt); ICursor cur = tblHesoVitri.Search(qrf, false); string quytac = ""; string cachtinh = ""; string cachtinhdongia = ""; try { IRow row = cur.NextRow(); if (row != null) { quytac = row.get_Value(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.GetIndex(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.QUY_TAC)).ToString(); cachtinh = row.get_Value(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.GetIndex(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.CACH_TINH)).ToString(); cachtinhdongia = row.get_Value(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.GetIndex(_tblName.HESO_VITRI.CACH_TINH_DON_GIA)).ToString(); } } catch { } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cur); } #endregion #region tinh theo xa if (this._inputParams.MA_XA != "-1") { //[kodoi] //======================= #region chon xa co ma dang xet //neu dang tinh cho 1 xa if (_inputParams.MA_XA != "*") { qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.MA_XA, _inputParams.MA_XA); } else//neu dang tinh cho toan huyen { qrf.WhereClause = ""; } ISelectionSet xaSelectionSet = xaFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); xaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)xaFeatureLayer; xaFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = xaSelectionSet; #endregion //======================= #region vong lap tung xa //[thaydoi] - co the them bien chay //************************* #region khoi dau IEnumIDs xaIds = xaSelectionSet.IDs; int xaId = 0; IFeature xaFt = null; List<object> lstMaDuong = new List<object>(); #endregion //************************* while ((xaId = xaIds.Next()) != -1) { //[kodoi] //======================= #region lay thong tin xa xaFt = xaFeatureClass.GetFeature(xaId); string maxa = xaFt.get_Value(xaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.MA_XA)).ToString(); string tenxa = xaFt.get_Value(xaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.TEN_XA)).ToString(); string loaixa = xaFt.get_Value(xaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.MA_LOAI_XA)).ToString(); int loaidothi = 0; result = int.TryParse(xaFt.get_Value(xaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.LOAI_DO_THI)).ToString(), out loaidothi); #endregion if (loaidothi == 0) { continue; } #region -----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n************************************************"); evt.Log += string.Format("\n****** Đang tính cho xã/phường: {0} ******", tenxa); evt.Log += string.Format("\n************************************************"); onCalculating(evt); #endregion #region tim duong trong khu vuc do thi bang qua xa //chon xa dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.OID, xaId); xaSelectionSet = xaFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); xaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)xaFeatureLayer; xaFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = xaSelectionSet; //Chon cac duong co do rong theo quy dinh qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.PHAN_LOAI, _isDothi);// "maduong='2'"; ISelectionSet duongSelectionSet = duongFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionNormal, sdeConn.Workspace); duongFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)duongFeatureLayer; duongFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = duongSelectionSet; //bat dau truy van khong gian _qrBl.FromLayer = duongFeatureLayer; _qrBl.ByLayer = xaFeatureLayer; _qrBl.LayerSelectionMethod = esriLayerSelectionMethod.esriLayerSelectIntersect; _qrBl.ResultType = esriSelectionResultEnum.esriSelectionResultAnd; _qrBl.UseSelectedFeatures = true; duongSelectionSet = _qrBl.Select(); #endregion //======================= #region vong lap xet tung duong //[thaydoi] - co the them bien chay //=============================== #region khoi dau IEnumIDs eIds = duongSelectionSet.IDs; int duongId; IFeature duongFt; int iDuong = 0; int progressingTotalCount = 1; evt.Reset(); evt.ProgressingTotal = duongSelectionSet.Count; onCalculating(evt); //List<object> lstMaDuong = new List<object>(); #endregion //================================ while ((duongId = eIds.Next()) != -1) { //[kodoi] //====================== #region log----- evt.Reset(); evt.ProgressingTotalCount = progressingTotalCount; onCalculating(evt); progressingTotalCount++; #endregion //====================== //[capnhat] - lay ten duong tu bang ten duong //++++++++++++++++++++++++ #region lay thong tin cua duong dang xet duongFt = duongFeatureClass.GetFeature(duongId); string tenduong = "";//ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.TEN_DUONG)).ToString(); object maduong = duongFt.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.MA_DUONG)); //lstMaDuong.Add(maduong); string batdau = "";// ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.BAT_DAU)).ToString(); string ketthuc = "";// ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.KET_THUC)).ToString(); #endregion //++++++++++++++++++++++++ //[kodoi] //Chon duong dang xet, buoc này de ra layer duong dung de truy van khong gian cac thua dat //==================== #region chon duong dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.OID, duongId); duongSelectionSet = duongFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); duongFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)duongFeatureLayer; duongFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = duongSelectionSet; #endregion //==================== //tim cac thua theo dieu kien mat tien #region tinh vi tri cho cac thua //doc cach tim thua trong bang he so vi tri //lay cach tim cho dat o //truyen thong so cach tinh,thualayer,duonglayer,khoangcach //MessageBox.Show(func); //func = "ChongLop([INTERSECT],[NEW_SELECTION],1) Then ChongLop([CONTAINED_BY],[AND_SELECTION],50)"; //[kodoi] //============================ #region tim cac thua theo vi tri quy dinh thuaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)thuaFeatureLayer; thuaFeatureSelection.Clear(); Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(quytac); eval.ThuaLayer = thuaFeatureLayer; eval.DuongLayer = duongFeatureLayer; eval.EvaluateQuery(); //thuaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)thuaFeatureLayer; ISelectionSet thuaSelectionSet = thuaFeatureSelection.SelectionSet; #endregion //============================ //MessageBox.Show(thuaSelectionSet.Count.ToString()); #endregion #region clip cac thua vua tim duoc #region delete bang thua_sau50m_clip IFeatureClass thuaClipFc = null; if (_dataManager.LayerExist(thuaClip50mNoSde)) { #region log--- evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Kiểm tra, xóa bảng {0} ...", thuaClip50mCoSde); onCalculating(evt); #endregion //thuaClipFc = fw.OpenFeatureClass("sde.thua_sau50m_clip"); //mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); //wspEdit.StartEditing(false); //wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); ((IFeatureClassManager)_dataManager).DeleteFcInSde(thuaClip50mCoSde); //((IDataset)thuaClipFc).Delete(); //wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); //wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } #endregion #region chon duong buffer 50 dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.OID, duongId); duongBuff50Sls = duongBuff50FeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); duongBuff50Fsls = (IFeatureSelection)duongBuff50FeatureLayer; duongBuff50Fsls.SelectionSet = duongBuff50Sls; #endregion #region log--- evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Kiểm tra, clip thửa theo đường buffer {0}m, lưu vào bảng {1} ...", _currentConfig.DKhoangCach50mMatTien, thuaClip50mCoSde); onCalculating(evt); #endregion string thualyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, thuaClip50mNoSde); string duonglyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, duongBuffer50mNoSde); _eraseTool.EraseByLayerFileInsideSde(thuaFeatureLayer, thualyr, duongBuff50FeatureLayer, duonglyr, thuaClip50mNoSde); try { thuaClipFc = fw.OpenFeatureClass(thuaClip50mCoSde); } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } _version.RegisterDataset((IDataset)thuaClipFc, true, true); #endregion //[kodoi] //============================ #region ----log if (thuaSelectionSet.Count == 0) { evt.Log = string.Format("\n !!! Không tìm thấy thửa nào tiếp giáp với đường {0} đoạn từ {1} đến {2} và nằm trong vùng buffer 50m", tenduong, batdau, ketthuc); onCalculating(evt); #region report progressing duong if (iDuong < duongSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iDuong % (decimal)duongSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iDuong++; #endregion continue; } #endregion sothuatimthay += thuaSelectionSet.Count; //============================ #region xet tung thua //[thaydoi] - co the them bien chay //******************** #region khoi dau IEnumIDs thuaIds = thuaSelectionSet.IDs; int thuaId; IFeature thuaFt; int iThua = 0; List<object[,]> pairColValTgd = new List<object[,]>(); int rowTgdNnHandleUpdate = 0; List<object> newId = new List<object>(); #endregion //******************** while ((thuaId = thuaIds.Next()) != -1) { int hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatOSauMatTien50mDt; #region chon duong dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_THUA.OID, thuaId); thuaSelectionSet = thuaFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); thuaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)thuaFeatureLayer; thuaFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = thuaSelectionSet; #endregion //[thaydoi] - co them them dieu kien de xac dinh vi tri cua thua //*********************************** #region lay thong tin thua dang xet //[kodoi] //============================ #region lay thong tin co ban thuaFt = thuaFeatureClass.GetFeature(thuaId); //neu thua bi khoa tim vi tri,bo qua,xet thua ke string lockTimVitri = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.LOCKED)).ToString(); if (lockTimVitri == "1") { sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } //neu thua ko thuoc xa dang xet thi ko tinh tiep object mathua = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA)); object maxaThua = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.MA_XA)); object dientichpl = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.DIEN_TICH)); #endregion //============================ //[kodoi] //============================ #region kiem tra maxa if (maxaThua.ToString() == "" || maxaThua == null) { maxaThua = "0"; #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("Chưa xác định mã xã cho thửa {0}", mathua); #endregion sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #region danh rieng khi tinh theo xa else if (maxaThua.ToString() != maxa) { #region ----log evt.Reset(); evt.Log = string.Format("thửa {0} không thuộc xã {1}", mathua, tenxa); onCalculating(evt); #endregion sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #endregion #endregion #region lay thong tin loai do thi //neu ko la do thi thi bo qua,xet thua ke qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}={1}", _fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.MA_XA, maxaThua); IFeatureCursor fcrXa = xaFeatureClass.Search(qrf, false); IFeature ftXa = fcrXa.NextFeature(); string loaiDoThi = ""; if (ftXa != null) { loaiDoThi = ftXa.get_Value(ftXa.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.LOAI_DO_THI)).ToString(); } else { loaiDoThi = "0"; } if (loaiDoThi == "0") { sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #endregion //============================ #region lay loai dat //neu ko co dat phi nong nghiep thi bo qua,xet thua ke //neu co dat nong nghiep thi datnn=true //neu la dat hon hop, neu co dat sxkd thi datsxkd=true, //neu co dat o thi codato=true //cac truong hop he so vi tri: //o:3010, sxkd:4010, o+nn:5010, o+sxkd:6010 string loaidat = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.LOAI_DAT)).ToString(); //evt.Log = string.Format("\n loai dat cua thua {0} la {1}", thuaId, loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); //[thaydoi] - may tinh dat nong nghiep co the khac //*********************** #region kiem tra dat phi nong nghiep bool datpnn = false; foreach (string s in TnLoaiDats.PHI_NONG_NGHIEP_DOTHI) { if (loaidat.Contains(s)) { datpnn = true; break; } else { datpnn = false; } } if (!datpnn) { sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #endregion //*********************** //[thaydoi] - may tinh dat nong nghiep co the khac //*********************** #region kiem tra dat honhop bool codatsxkd = false; bool dathonhop = false; bool codato = false; bool chicodato = false; bool chicodatsxkd = false; bool codatnn = false; string loaidatNn = ""; //evt.Log = string.Format("line 983 mattien, loaidat:{0}", loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); if (loaidat.Contains("+")) { //evt.Log = string.Format("line 987 mattien, loaidat:{0}, co +", loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); dathonhop = true; #region kiem tra co dat o foreach (string dato in TnLoaiDats.PNN_O_DT) { if (loaidat.Contains(dato)) { //evt.Log = string.Format("line 992 mattien, loaidat:{0}, co odt", loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); codato = true; break; } } #endregion #region kiem tra co dat nong nghiep foreach (string s in TnLoaiDats.NONG_NGHIEP) { if (loaidat.Contains(s)) { codatnn = true; loaidatNn = s; break; } else { codatnn = false; } } #endregion #region kiem tra chi co dat sxkd foreach (string s in TnLoaiDats.PNN_SX_KD) { if (loaidat == s) { chicodatsxkd = true; break; } else { chicodatsxkd = false; } } #endregion } else { #region kiem tra chi co dat o foreach (string dato in TnLoaiDats.PNN_O_DT) { if (loaidat.Contains(dato)) { //evt.Log = string.Format("line 992 mattien, loaidat:{0}, co odt", loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); chicodato = true; break; } else { chicodato = false; } } #endregion #region kiem tra chi co dat sxkd foreach (string s in TnLoaiDats.PNN_SX_KD) { if (loaidat == s) { chicodatsxkd = true; break; } else { chicodatsxkd = false; } } #endregion } #endregion //*********************** #endregion #endregion //*********************************** //[thaydoi] - thay doi he so vi tri phu hop //*********************************** #region quyet dinh he so vi tri cho thua if (chicodato) { hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatOSauMatTien50mDt; } else if (chicodatsxkd) { hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatSxkdSauMatTien50mDt; } else if (dathonhop && codato && codatnn) { hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatONnSauMatTien50m; } //else if (dathonhop && codato && codatsxkd) //{ // hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatOSxkdSauMatTien50m; //} #endregion //*********************************** //[thaydoi] - thay doi dieu kien truy van ung voi tung may tinh khac nhau //*********************************** #region kiem tra trong bang thua_giadat, voi dieu kien:mathua,maduong,hesovitri,khoagia=0 evt.Reset(); evt.Log = "\n[!]--- Kiểm tra các vị trí, cập nhật vị trí mới ..."; onCalculating(evt); qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("({0}='{1}' or {2} is null) and {3}='{4}' and {5}='{6}' and {7}='{8}'", _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.LOCKED, 0, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.LOCKED, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA, mathua, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG, maduong, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K, hesoVitri); IFeatureCursor tgdFcs = tgdFeatureClass.Search(qrf, false); IFeature tgdRow = null; //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1401 CalcPosThuaMattien - bat dau try, query:\n{0}", qrf.WhereClause)); try { tgdRow = tgdFcs.NextFeature();//dam bao la chi co 1 hang ket qua Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tgdFcs); if (tgdRow != null) { //MessageBox.Show("co"); //kiem tra co cho phep tinh lai vi tri //neu co:xoa feater cu,them feature moi #region xet thua da co vi tri bool isOverWritePos = true; if (!isOverWritePos) { newId.Add(tgdRow.OID); //continue; } else { //[kodoi] //=================== #region xoa feature cu wspEdit.StartEditing(true); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); //qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", "OBJECTID", tgdRow.OID); //tblThuaGiaDat.DeleteSearchedRows(qrf); tgdRow.Delete(); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); #endregion //=================== #region chon trong bang thua clip qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA, mathua); IFeatureCursor thuaClipFcur = thuaClipFc.Search(qrf, false); IFeature thuaClipFt = null; try { thuaClipFt = thuaClipFcur.NextFeature(); } catch (Exception ex) { return; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(thuaClipFcur); } #region lay thong tin thua clip IArea area = (IArea)thuaClipFt.Shape; #endregion #endregion #region them feature moi object copiedId = null; try { //mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); wspEdit.StartEditing(true); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); copiedId = copyTool.Copy(thuaClipFt, tgdFeatureClass); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } catch (Exception ex) { wspEdit.AbortEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(false); } pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), mathua } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), maduong } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), hesoVitri } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY), Math.Round(area.Area, 2) } }); sdeTblTgdEditor.CacheData(copiedId, rowTgdNnHandleUpdate, pairColValTgd, EnumTypeOfEdit.UPDATE); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1604 CalcPosThuaSau50m copiedId={0}", copiedId)); rowTgdNnHandleUpdate++; pairColValTgd.Clear(); newId.Add(copiedId); #endregion } #endregion } else { #region chon trong bang thua clip qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA, mathua); IFeatureCursor thuaClipFcur = thuaClipFc.Search(qrf, false); IFeature thuaClipFt = null; try { thuaClipFt = thuaClipFcur.NextFeature(); } catch (Exception ex) { return; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(thuaClipFcur); } #region lay thong tin thua clip IArea area = (IArea)thuaClipFt.Shape; #endregion #endregion #region them feature moi object copiedId = null; try { //mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); wspEdit.StartEditing(true); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); copiedId = copyTool.Copy(thuaClipFt, tgdFeatureClass); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } catch (Exception ex) { wspEdit.AbortEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), mathua } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), maduong } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), hesoVitri } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY), Math.Round(area.Area, 2) } }); sdeTblTgdEditor.CacheData(copiedId, rowTgdNnHandleUpdate, pairColValTgd, EnumTypeOfEdit.UPDATE); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1604 CalcPosThuaSau50m copiedId={0}", copiedId)); rowTgdNnHandleUpdate++; pairColValTgd.Clear(); newId.Add(copiedId); #endregion //MessageBox.Show("ko co"); //*********************************** } //MessageBox.Show(newId.Count.ToString()); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("CalcPosThuaSau50m, line 1448-\n{0}", e1)); } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tgdFcs); } #endregion //*********************************** #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion } #endregion //[kodoi] //============================ #region luu thong tin vao bang gia dat if (!sdeTblTgdEditor.IsEditing()) { sdeTblTgdEditor.StartEditing(true); sdeTblTgdEditor.StartEditOperation(); } #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n----||| Đang lưu vị trí các thửa vào bảng {0} |||---- ", tgd); onCalculating(evt); #endregion sdeTblTgdEditor.SaveEdit(); sdeTblTgdEditor.StopEditOperation(); sdeTblTgdEditor.StopEditing(true); #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n----||| Đã lưu vị trí các thửa vào bảng {0} |||---- ", tgd); onCalculating(evt); #endregion #endregion #region tinh gia dat cho cac thua vua them vi tri CalcLandprice calc = new CalcLandprice(this); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("final:{0}", newId.Count)); calc.Maduong = maduong; calc.Calculate(newId); newId.Clear(); #endregion //============================ } #endregion } #endregion } #endregion //===================================================================== //===================================================================== #region tinh theo duong,doan duong else { #region timduong co ten dang xet //tinh theo doan duong #region tinh theo doan duong if (_inputParams.MA_DUONG != "-1") { qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}={1} and {2}={3}", _fcName.FC_DUONG.MA_DUONG, _inputParams.MA_DUONG, _fcName.FC_DUONG.PHAN_LOAI, _isDothi);// "maduong='2'"; #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n************************************************"); evt.Log += string.Format("\n****** Đang tính cho đoạn đường có mã: {0} ******", _inputParams.MA_DUONG); evt.Log += string.Format("\n************************************************"); onCalculating(evt); #endregion } #endregion //tinh cho 1 duong #region tinh cho 1 duong else if (_inputParams.TEN_DUONG != "" && _inputParams.TEN_DUONG != "*") { //phai sua lai thiet ke //dung relationshipclass many to many gia duong va ten duong #region tim trong bang ten duong qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}=N'{1}'", _tblName.TEN_DUONG.TEN_DUONG, _inputParams.TEN_DUONG); ICursor tenduongCur = tblTenDuong.Search(qrf, false); object idDuong; List<object> lstIdDuong = new List<object>(); try { IRow tenduongRow = null; while ((tenduongRow = tenduongCur.NextRow()) != null) { idDuong = tenduongRow.get_Value(tenduongRow.Fields.FindField(_tblName.TEN_DUONG.MA_DUONG)); lstIdDuong.Add(idDuong); } } catch { } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tenduongCur); } #endregion #region tim trong bang duong string q = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lstIdDuong.Count; i++) { if (i == lstIdDuong.Count - 1) { q += string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.MA_DUONG, lstIdDuong[i]); } else { q += string.Format("{0}='{1}' or ", _fcName.FC_DUONG.MA_DUONG, lstIdDuong[i]); } } qrf.WhereClause = q;// "maduong='2'"; #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n************************************************"); evt.Log += string.Format("\n****** Đang tính cho cả đường: {0} ******", _inputParams.TEN_DUONG); evt.Log += string.Format("\n************************************************"); onCalculating(evt); #endregion #endregion } #endregion //tinh cho ca duong else { qrf.WhereClause = ""; } //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("whereclause:{0}",duong.QueryFilter.WhereClause)); ISelectionSet duongSelectionSet = duongFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionNormal, sdeConn.Workspace); if (duongSelectionSet.Count == 0) { return; } duongFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)duongFeatureLayer; duongFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = duongSelectionSet; #endregion #region vong lap xet tung duong //[thaydoi] - co the them bien chay //=============================== #region khoi dau IEnumIDs eIds = duongSelectionSet.IDs; int duongId; IFeature duongFt; int iDuong = 0; int progressingTotalCount = 1; evt.Reset(); evt.ProgressingTotal = duongSelectionSet.Count; onCalculating(evt); //List<object> lstMaDuong = new List<object>(); #endregion //================================ while ((duongId = eIds.Next()) != -1) { //[kodoi] //====================== #region log----- evt.Reset(); evt.ProgressingTotalCount = progressingTotalCount; onCalculating(evt); progressingTotalCount++; #endregion //====================== //[capnhat] - lay ten duong tu bang ten duong //++++++++++++++++++++++++ #region lay thong tin cua duong dang xet duongFt = duongFeatureClass.GetFeature(duongId); string tenduong = "";//ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.TEN_DUONG)).ToString(); object maduong = duongFt.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.MA_DUONG)); //lstMaDuong.Add(maduong); string batdau = "";// ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.BAT_DAU)).ToString(); string ketthuc = "";// ftDuong.get_Value(_fcName.FC_DUONG.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_DUONG.KET_THUC)).ToString(); #endregion //++++++++++++++++++++++++ //[kodoi] //Chon duong dang xet, buoc này de ra layer duong dung de truy van khong gian cac thua dat //==================== #region chon duong dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.OID, duongId); duongSelectionSet = duongFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); duongFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)duongFeatureLayer; duongFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = duongSelectionSet; #endregion //==================== //tim cac thua theo dieu kien mat tien #region tinh vi tri cho cac thua //doc cach tim thua trong bang he so vi tri //lay cach tim cho dat o //truyen thong so cach tinh,thualayer,duonglayer,khoangcach //MessageBox.Show(func); //func = "ChongLop([INTERSECT],[NEW_SELECTION],1) Then ChongLop([CONTAINED_BY],[AND_SELECTION],50)"; //[kodoi] //============================ #region tim cac thua theo vi tri quy dinh thuaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)thuaFeatureLayer; thuaFeatureSelection.Clear(); Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(quytac); eval.ThuaLayer = thuaFeatureLayer; eval.DuongLayer = duongFeatureLayer; eval.EvaluateQuery(); //thuaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)thuaFeatureLayer; ISelectionSet thuaSelectionSet = thuaFeatureSelection.SelectionSet; #endregion //============================ //MessageBox.Show(thuaSelectionSet.Count.ToString()); #endregion #region clip cac thua vua tim duoc #region delete bang thua_sau50m_clip IFeatureClass thuaClipFc=null; #region log--- evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Kiểm tra, xóa bảng {0} ...", thuaClip50mCoSde); onCalculating(evt); #endregion if (_dataManager.LayerExist(thuaClip50mNoSde)) { //thuaClipFc = fw.OpenFeatureClass("sde.thua_sau50m_clip"); //mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); //wspEdit.StartEditing(false); //wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); ((IFeatureClassManager)_dataManager).DeleteFcInSde(thuaClip50mCoSde); //((IDataset)thuaClipFc).Delete(); //wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); //wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } #endregion #region chon duong buffer 50 dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.OID, duongId); duongBuff50Sls = duongBuff50FeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); duongBuff50Fsls = (IFeatureSelection)duongBuff50FeatureLayer; duongBuff50Fsls.SelectionSet = duongBuff50Sls; #endregion #region log--- evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Kiểm tra, clip thửa theo đường buffer {0}m, lưu vào bảng {1} ...", _currentConfig.DKhoangCach50mMatTien, thuaClip50mCoSde); onCalculating(evt); #endregion string thualyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, thuaClip50mNoSde); string duonglyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, duongBuffer50mNoSde); _eraseTool.EraseByLayerFileInsideSde(thuaFeatureLayer, thualyr, duongBuff50FeatureLayer, duonglyr, thuaClip50mNoSde); try { thuaClipFc = fw.OpenFeatureClass(thuaClip50mCoSde); } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } _version.RegisterDataset((IDataset)thuaClipFc, true, true); #endregion //[kodoi] //============================ #region ----log if (thuaSelectionSet.Count == 0) { evt.Log = string.Format("\n !!! Không tìm thấy thửa nào tiếp giáp với đường {0} đoạn từ {1} đến {2} và nằm trong vùng buffer 50m", tenduong, batdau, ketthuc); onCalculating(evt); #region report progressing duong if (iDuong < duongSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iDuong % (decimal)duongSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iDuong++; #endregion continue; } #endregion sothuatimthay += thuaSelectionSet.Count; //============================ #region xet tung thua //[thaydoi] - co the them bien chay //******************** #region khoi dau IEnumIDs thuaIds = thuaSelectionSet.IDs; int thuaId; IFeature thuaFt; int iThua = 0; List<object[,]> pairColValTgd = new List<object[,]>(); int rowTgdNnHandleUpdate = 0; List<object> newId = new List<object>(); #endregion //******************** while ((thuaId = thuaIds.Next()) != -1) { int hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatOSauMatTien50mDt; #region chon duong dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_THUA.OID, thuaId); thuaSelectionSet = thuaFeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); thuaFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)thuaFeatureLayer; thuaFeatureSelection.SelectionSet = thuaSelectionSet; #endregion //[thaydoi] - co them them dieu kien de xac dinh vi tri cua thua //*********************************** #region lay thong tin thua dang xet //[kodoi] //============================ #region lay thong tin co ban thuaFt = thuaFeatureClass.GetFeature(thuaId); //neu thua bi khoa tim vi tri,bo qua,xet thua ke string lockTimVitri = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.LOCKED)).ToString(); if (lockTimVitri == "1") { sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } //neu thua ko thuoc xa dang xet thi ko tinh tiep object mathua = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA)); object maxaThua = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.MA_XA)); object dientichpl = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.DIEN_TICH)); #endregion //============================ //[kodoi] //============================ #region kiem tra maxa if (maxaThua.ToString() == "" || maxaThua == null) { maxaThua = "0"; #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("Chưa xác định mã xã cho thửa {0}", mathua); #endregion sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #endregion #region lay thong tin loai do thi //neu ko la do thi thi bo qua,xet thua ke qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}={1}", _fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.MA_XA, maxaThua); IFeatureCursor fcrXa = xaFeatureClass.Search(qrf, false); IFeature ftXa = fcrXa.NextFeature(); string loaiDoThi = ""; if (ftXa != null) { loaiDoThi = ftXa.get_Value(ftXa.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_RANH_XA_POLY.LOAI_DO_THI)).ToString(); } else { loaiDoThi = "0"; } if (loaiDoThi == "0") { sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #endregion //============================ #region lay loai dat //neu ko co dat phi nong nghiep thi bo qua,xet thua ke //neu co dat nong nghiep thi datnn=true //neu la dat hon hop, neu co dat sxkd thi datsxkd=true, //neu co dat o thi codato=true //cac truong hop he so vi tri: //o:3010, sxkd:4010, o+nn:5010, o+sxkd:6010 string loaidat = thuaFt.get_Value(thuaFt.Fields.FindField(_fcName.FC_THUA.LOAI_DAT)).ToString(); //evt.Log = string.Format("\n loai dat cua thua {0} la {1}", thuaId, loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); //[thaydoi] - may tinh dat nong nghiep co the khac //*********************** #region kiem tra dat phi nong nghiep bool datpnn = false; foreach (string s in TnLoaiDats.PHI_NONG_NGHIEP_DOTHI) { if (loaidat.Contains(s)) { datpnn = true; break; } else { datpnn = false; } } if (!datpnn) { sothuaKhongTinhDuoc++; #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion continue; } #endregion //*********************** //[thaydoi] - may tinh dat nong nghiep co the khac //*********************** #region kiem tra dat honhop bool codatsxkd = false; bool dathonhop = false; bool codato = false; bool chicodato = false; bool chicodatsxkd = false; bool codatnn = false; string loaidatNn = ""; //evt.Log = string.Format("line 983 mattien, loaidat:{0}", loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); if (loaidat.Contains("+")) { //evt.Log = string.Format("line 987 mattien, loaidat:{0}, co +", loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); dathonhop = true; #region kiem tra co dat o foreach (string dato in TnLoaiDats.PNN_O_DT) { if (loaidat.Contains(dato)) { //evt.Log = string.Format("line 992 mattien, loaidat:{0}, co odt", loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); codato = true; break; } } #endregion #region kiem tra co dat nong nghiep foreach (string s in TnLoaiDats.NONG_NGHIEP) { if (loaidat.Contains(s)) { codatnn = true; loaidatNn = s; break; } else { codatnn = false; } } #endregion #region kiem tra chi co dat sxkd foreach (string s in TnLoaiDats.PNN_SX_KD) { if (loaidat == s) { chicodatsxkd = true; break; } else { chicodatsxkd = false; } } #endregion } else { #region kiem tra chi co dat o foreach (string dato in TnLoaiDats.PNN_O_DT) { if (loaidat.Contains(dato)) { //evt.Log = string.Format("line 992 mattien, loaidat:{0}, co odt", loaidat); //onCalculating(evt); chicodato = true; break; } else { chicodato = false; } } #endregion #region kiem tra chi co dat sxkd foreach (string s in TnLoaiDats.PNN_SX_KD) { if (loaidat == s) { chicodatsxkd = true; break; } else { chicodatsxkd = false; } } #endregion } #endregion //*********************** #endregion #endregion //*********************************** //[thaydoi] - thay doi he so vi tri phu hop //*********************************** #region quyet dinh he so vi tri cho thua if (chicodato) { hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatOSauMatTien50mDt; } else if (chicodatsxkd) { hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatSxkdSauMatTien50mDt; } else if (dathonhop && codato && codatnn) { hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatONnSauMatTien50m; } //else if (dathonhop && codato && codatsxkd) //{ // hesoVitri = TnHeSoK.DatOSxkdSauMatTien50m; //} #endregion //*********************************** //[thaydoi] - thay doi dieu kien truy van ung voi tung may tinh khac nhau //*********************************** #region kiem tra trong bang thua_giadat, voi dieu kien:mathua,maduong,hesovitri,khoagia=0 evt.Reset(); evt.Log = "\n[!]--- Kiểm tra các vị trí, cập nhật vị trí mới ..."; onCalculating(evt); qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("({0}='{1}' or {2} is null) and {3}='{4}' and {5}='{6}' and {7}='{8}'", _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.LOCKED, 0, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.LOCKED, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA, mathua, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG, maduong, _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K, hesoVitri); IFeatureCursor tgdFcs = tgdFeatureClass.Search(qrf, false); IFeature tgdRow = null; //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1401 CalcPosThuaMattien - bat dau try, query:\n{0}", qrf.WhereClause)); try { tgdRow = tgdFcs.NextFeature();//dam bao la chi co 1 hang ket qua Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tgdFcs); if (tgdRow != null) { //MessageBox.Show("co"); //kiem tra co cho phep tinh lai vi tri //neu co:xoa feater cu,them feature moi #region xet thua da co vi tri bool isOverWritePos = true; if (!isOverWritePos) { newId.Add(tgdRow.OID); //continue; } else { //[kodoi] //=================== #region xoa feature cu wspEdit.StartEditing(true); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); //qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", "OBJECTID", tgdRow.OID); //tblThuaGiaDat.DeleteSearchedRows(qrf); tgdRow.Delete(); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); #endregion //=================== #region chon trong bang thua clip qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA, mathua); IFeatureCursor thuaClipFcur = thuaClipFc.Search(qrf, false); IFeature thuaClipFt = null; try { thuaClipFt = thuaClipFcur.NextFeature(); } catch (Exception ex) { return; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(thuaClipFcur); } #region lay thong tin thua clip IArea area = (IArea)thuaClipFt.Shape; #endregion #endregion #region them feature moi object copiedId = null; try { //mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); wspEdit.StartEditing(true); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); copiedId = copyTool.Copy(thuaClipFt, tgdFeatureClass); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } catch (Exception ex) { wspEdit.AbortEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(false); } pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), mathua } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), maduong } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), hesoVitri } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY), Math.Round(area.Area,2) } }); sdeTblTgdEditor.CacheData(copiedId, rowTgdNnHandleUpdate, pairColValTgd, EnumTypeOfEdit.UPDATE); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1604 CalcPosThuaSau50m copiedId={0}", copiedId)); //evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Lưu thông tin cho vùng giá {0}---- ", copiedId); //onCalculating(evt); //evt.Log = string.Format("\n----Cột mathua:{0},cột maduong:{1}, cot hesovitri:{2}, cot dientichpl:{3}---- ", // _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), // _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), // _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), // _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY)); //onCalculating(evt); rowTgdNnHandleUpdate++; pairColValTgd.Clear(); newId.Add(copiedId); #endregion //[thaydoi] - them gia tri //********************** #region clip thua dang xet /* #region chon duong buffer 50 dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.OID, duongId); duongBuff50Sls = duongBuff50FeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); duongBuff50Fsls = (IFeatureSelection)duongBuff50FeatureLayer; duongBuff50Fsls.SelectionSet = duongBuff50Sls; #endregion //_clipTool = new TnClip(sdeConn.Environment); //string thualyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, "thua_sau50m_clip.lyr"); //string duonglyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, "duong_sau50m_clip.lyr"); //_clipTool.ClipByLayerFileInsideSde(thuaFeatureLayer, thualyr, duongBuff50FeatureLayer, duonglyr, "thua_sau50m_clip"); //_dataManager.SaveToLayerFile((ILayer)thuaFeatureLayer, thualyr); //_dataManager.SaveToLayerFile((ILayer)duongBuff50FeatureLayer, duonglyr); //_clipTool.Clip(thualyr, duonglyr, "thua_sau50m_clip"); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1459 CalPosThuaSau50m {0}", _sysTempPath.TempFullPathNoEnd)); IFeatureClass fcThuaCliped = _dataManager.TnOpenFeatureClassFromFileMdb(_sysTempPath.TempFullPathNoEnd, "thua_sau50m_clip"); string clipPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", _sysTempPath.TempFullPath, "thua_sau50m_clip"); IFeatureLayer flThuaCliped = new FeatureLayerClass(); flThuaCliped.FeatureClass = fcThuaCliped; IFeatureCursor fcur = fcThuaCliped.Search(null, false); IFeature clipFt = null; try { clipFt = fcur.NextFeature(); } catch { continue; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fcur); } if (clipFt == null) { continue; } #endregion #region lay thong tin thua clip IArea area = (IArea)clipFt.Shape; #endregion #region them feature moi wspEdit.StartEditing(true); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); object copiedId = copyTool.CopyFromMdb(clipFt, tgdFeatureClass); //copyTool.CopyUseGeoprocessing(clipPath, tgdFeatureClass.AliasName); //IFeatureCursor fcurClip = tgdFeatureClass.Search(null, false); //object copiedId = null; //IFeature ftClip = null; //try //{ // while ((ftClip = fcurClip.NextFeature()) != null) // { // copiedId = ftClip.get_Value(0); // } //} //catch { } //finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fcurClip); } wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); //them gia tri mathua,maduong,hesovitri pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), mathua } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), maduong } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), hesoVitri } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY), area.Area } }); sdeTblTgdEditor.CacheData(copiedId, rowTgdNnHandleUpdate, pairColValTgd, EnumTypeOfEdit.UPDATE); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1533 CalcPosThuaSau50m copiedId={0}", copiedId)); rowTgdNnHandleUpdate++; pairColValTgd.Clear(); newId.Add(copiedId); * */ #endregion //********************** } #endregion } else { #region chon trong bang thua clip qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_THUA.MA_THUA, mathua); IFeatureCursor thuaClipFcur = thuaClipFc.Search(qrf, false); IFeature thuaClipFt = null; try { thuaClipFt = thuaClipFcur.NextFeature(); } catch (Exception ex) { return; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(thuaClipFcur); } #region lay thong tin thua clip IArea area = (IArea)thuaClipFt.Shape; #endregion #endregion #region them feature moi object copiedId = null; try { //mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); wspEdit.StartEditing(true); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); copiedId = copyTool.Copy(thuaClipFt, tgdFeatureClass); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } catch (Exception ex) { wspEdit.AbortEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); } pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), mathua } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), maduong } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), hesoVitri } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY), Math.Round(area.Area, 2) } }); sdeTblTgdEditor.CacheData(copiedId, rowTgdNnHandleUpdate, pairColValTgd, EnumTypeOfEdit.UPDATE); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1604 CalcPosThuaSau50m copiedId={0}", copiedId)); rowTgdNnHandleUpdate++; pairColValTgd.Clear(); newId.Add(copiedId); #endregion //MessageBox.Show("ko co"); #region clip thua dang xet /* #region chon duong buffer 50 dang xet qrf.WhereClause = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", _fcName.FC_DUONG.OID, duongId); duongBuff50Sls = duongBuff50FeatureClass.Select(qrf, esriSelectionType.esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOption.esriSelectionOptionOnlyOne, sdeConn.Workspace); duongBuff50Fsls = (IFeatureSelection)duongBuff50FeatureLayer; duongBuff50Fsls.SelectionSet = duongBuff50Sls; #endregion //_clipTool = new TnClip(sdeConn.Environment); //string thualyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, "thua_sau50m_clip.lyr"); //string duonglyr = string.Format("{0}/{1}", _sysTempPath.TempPath, "duong_sau50m_clip.lyr"); //_dataManager.SaveToLayerFile((ILayer)thuaFeatureLayer, thualyr); //_dataManager.SaveToLayerFile((ILayer)duongBuff50FeatureLayer, duonglyr); //((IFeatureClassManager)_dataManager).DeleteFcInSde("sde.thua_sau50m_clip"); //mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); //wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); IFeatureClass fcThuaCliped; //try //{ // fcThuaCliped = fw.OpenFeatureClass("thua_sau50m_clip"); // IDataset ft = (IDataset)fcThuaCliped; // ft.Delete(); // wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); // wspEdit.StopEditing(true); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1577 CalcPosThuaSau50m {0}", ex)); // wspEdit.AbortEditOperation(); // wspEdit.StopEditing(false); //} _clipTool.ClipInsideSde(thualyr, duonglyr, "thua_sau50m_clip"); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1517 CalPosThuaSau50m {0}", _sysTempPath.TempFullPathNoEnd)); fcThuaCliped = fw.OpenFeatureClass("sde.thua_sau50m_clip");//_dataManager.TnOpenFeatureClassFromFileMdb(_sysTempPath.TempFullPathNoEnd, "thua_sau50m_clip"); _version.RegisterDataset((IDataset)fcThuaCliped, true, true); string clipPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", _sysTempPath.TempFullPath, "thua_sau50m_clip"); IFeatureLayer flThuaCliped = new FeatureLayerClass(); flThuaCliped.FeatureClass = fcThuaCliped; IFeatureCursor fcur = fcThuaCliped.Search(null, false); IFeature clipFt = null; try { clipFt = fcur.NextFeature(); } catch { continue; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fcur); } if (clipFt == null) { continue; } #endregion #region lay thong tin thua clip IArea area = (IArea)clipFt.Shape; #endregion //[thaydoi] - them cac gia tri thich hop vao thua_giadat //*********************************** #region them feature moi object copiedId = null; try { //MessageBox.Show() mwspEdit.StartMultiuserEditing(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned); wspEdit.StartEditOperation(); copiedId = copyTool.Copy(clipFt, tgdFeatureClass); //copyTool.CopyUseGeoprocessing(clipPath, tgdFeatureClass.AliasName,sdeConn.Environment); //IAppend app = (IAppend)copyTool; //app.Append(fcThuaCliped, thuaFeatureClass); #region //IGeometry g = new PolygonClass(); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1597 CalcPosThuaSau50m {0}", g.GeometryType.ToString())); //IFeature feature = tgdFeatureClass.CreateFeature(); //feature.Shape = g; //// Apply the appropriate subtype to the feature. //ISubtypes subtypes = (ISubtypes)tgdFeatureClass; //IRowSubtypes rowSubtypes = (IRowSubtypes)feature; //if (subtypes.HasSubtype) //{ // // In this example, the value of 3 represents the PVC subtype. // rowSubtypes.SubtypeCode = 3; //} //// Initialize any default values the feature has. //rowSubtypes.InitDefaultValues(); //// Update the value on a string field that indicates who installed the feature. ////int contractorFieldIndex = tgdFeatureClass.FindField("CONTRACTOR"); ////feature.set_Value(contractorFieldIndex, "K Johnston"); //// Commit the new feature to the geodatabase. //feature.Store(); wspEdit.StopEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(true); #endregion } catch (Exception e1) { wspEdit.AbortEditOperation(); wspEdit.StopEditing(false); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1593 CalcPosThuaSau50m {0} \n{1}", copiedId, e1)); } MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1593 CalcPosThuaSau50m {0}",copiedId)); //copyTool.CopyUseGeoprocessing(clipPath, tgdFeatureClass.AliasName); //IFeatureCursor fcurClip = tgdFeatureClass.Search(null, false); //object copiedId=null; //IFeature ftClip=null; //try //{ // while ((ftClip = fcurClip.NextFeature()) != null) // { // copiedId = ftClip.get_Value(0); // } //} //catch { } //finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(fcurClip); } //them gia tri mathua,maduong,hesovitri pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_THUA), mathua } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.MA_DUONG), maduong } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.HE_SO_K), hesoVitri } }); pairColValTgd.Add(new object[,] { { _fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.GetIndex(_fcName.FC_THUA_GIADAT_DRAFT.DIEN_TICH_PHAP_LY), area.Area } }); sdeTblTgdEditor.CacheData(copiedId, rowTgdNnHandleUpdate, pairColValTgd, EnumTypeOfEdit.UPDATE); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("line 1604 CalcPosThuaSau50m copiedId={0}", copiedId)); rowTgdNnHandleUpdate++; pairColValTgd.Clear(); newId.Add(copiedId); * */ #endregion //*********************************** } //MessageBox.Show(newId.Count.ToString()); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("CalcPosThuaSau50m, line 1448-\n{0}", e1)); } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tgdFcs); } #endregion //*********************************** #region report progressing thua if (iThua < thuaSelectionSet.Count) { decimal i = (decimal)iThua / (decimal)thuaSelectionSet.Count * 100; int i1 = Convert.ToInt32(i); this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(i1); //MessageBox.Show("log 009"); } else { this._bgwCalculating.ReportProgress(99); } iThua++; #endregion } #endregion //[kodoi] //============================ #region luu thong tin vao bang gia dat if (!sdeTblTgdEditor.IsEditing()) { sdeTblTgdEditor.StartEditing(true); sdeTblTgdEditor.StartEditOperation(); } #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n----||| Đang lưu vị trí các thửa vào bảng {0} |||---- ", tgd); onCalculating(evt); #endregion sdeTblTgdEditor.SaveEdit(); sdeTblTgdEditor.StopEditOperation(); sdeTblTgdEditor.StopEditing(true); #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n----||| Đã lưu vị trí các thửa vào bảng {0} |||---- ", tgd); onCalculating(evt); #endregion #endregion #region tinh gia dat cho cac thua vua them vi tri CalcLandprice calc = new CalcLandprice(this); //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("final:{0}", newId.Count)); calc.Maduong = maduong; calc.Calculate(newId); newId.Clear(); #endregion //============================ } #endregion } #endregion #endregion //=========================================== //=========================================== //******************************************* //[kodoi] //============== #region doan ket sothuatinhduoc = sothuatimthay - sothuaKhongTinhDuoc; #region ----log evt.Log = string.Format("\n\n=====================================\n******* Đã tính xong*******\n====================================="); //evt.Log += string.Format("\n Số thửa tìm thấy: {0}", sothuatimthay); //evt.Log += string.Format("\n Số thửa được tính: {0}", sothuatinhduoc); onCalculating(evt); #endregion evt.Reset(); evt.ProgressingTotalCount = "."; evt.ProgressingTotal = "."; onCalculating(evt); evt.CurrentIndexCalculator = this._index; onFinished(evt); #endregion //============== }