public BootcampLocationViewModel Get() { BootcampLocationViewModel model = new BootcampLocationViewModel(); //get all bootcamp locations to be displayed in overview table foreach (BootcampLocation location in _bootcampLocationsRepo.GetAllBootcampLocations()) { //for each bootcamp location, convert format and add to view model Location locationById = _locationRepo.GetLocationById(location.LocationID); BootcampLocationAng item = new BootcampLocationAng { Id = location.BootcampLocationID, Bootcamp = _bootcampRepo.GetBootcampByID(location.BootcampID).Name, Location = locationById.City + ", " + locationById.Country }; model.BootcampLocations.Add(item); } //get all bootcamps with their Ids for drop down list foreach (Bootcamp bootcamp in _bootcampRepo.GetAllBootcamps()) { //convert format BootcampAng ang2 = new BootcampAng { BootcampID = bootcamp.BootcampID, Name = bootcamp.Name }; //add converted technology to the list model.Bootcamps.Add(ang2); } //get all locations with their Ids for drop down list foreach (Location location3 in _locationRepo.GetAllLocations()) { //convert format LocationAng ang3 = new LocationAng { LocationId = location3.LocationID, Name = location3.City + ", " + location3.Country }; //add converted location to list model.Locations.Add(ang3); } return(model); }
public void GetAllBootcampLocationsTest() { Assert.AreEqual(_locationsRepo.GetAllBootcampLocations().Count, 3); }