        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a lucene search using Examine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="documentTypes">Array of document type aliases to search for.</param>
        /// <param name="searchGroups">A list of search groupings, if you have more than one group it will apply an and to the search criteria</param>
        /// <returns>Examine search results</returns>
        public Examine.ISearchResults SearchUsingExamine(string[] documentTypes, List <SearchGroup> searchGroups)
            if (!ExamineManager.Instance.TryGetIndex("ExternalIndex", out var index))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"No index found by name 'External Index'");

            var searcher = index.GetSearcher();

            var searchCriteria = searcher.CreateQuery(IndexTypes.Content);

            //only shows results for visible documents.
            IBooleanOperation queryNodes = searchCriteria.GroupedOr(new string[] { "umbracoNaviHide" }, "0", "");

            if (documentTypes != null && documentTypes.Length > 0)
                //only get results for documents of a certain type - changed And() to Or()
                queryNodes = queryNodes.And().GroupedOr(new string[] { _docTypeAliasFieldName }, documentTypes);

            if (searchGroups != null && searchGroups.Any())
                //in each search group it looks for a match where the specified fields contain any of the specified search terms
                //usually would only have 1 search group, unless you want to filter out further, i.e. using categories as well as search terms
                foreach (SearchGroup searchGroup in searchGroups)
                    queryNodes = queryNodes.And().GroupedOr(searchGroup.FieldsToSearchIn, searchGroup.SearchTerms);
            //return the results of the search
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a lucene search using Examine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="documentTypes">Array of document type aliases to search for.</param>
        /// <param name="searchGroups">A list of search groupings, if you have more than one group it will apply an and to the search criteria</param>
        /// <returns>Examine search results</returns>
        public Examine.ISearchResults SearchUsingExamine(string[] documentTypes, List <SearchGroup> searchGroups)
            ISearchCriteria   searchCriteria = ExamineManager.Instance.CreateSearchCriteria(BooleanOperation.And);
            IBooleanOperation queryNodes     = null;

            //only shows results for visible documents.
            queryNodes = searchCriteria.GroupedNot(new string[] { "umbracoNaviHide" }, "1");

            if (documentTypes != null && documentTypes.Length > 0)
                //only get results for documents of a certain type
                queryNodes = queryNodes.And().GroupedOr(new string[] { _docTypeAliasFieldName }, documentTypes);

            if (searchGroups != null && searchGroups.Any())
                //in each search group it looks for a match where the specified fields contain any of the specified search terms
                //usually would only have 1 search group, unless you want to filter out further, i.e. using categories as well as search terms
                foreach (SearchGroup searchGroup in searchGroups)
                    queryNodes = queryNodes.And().GroupedOr(searchGroup.FieldsToSearchIn, searchGroup.SearchTerms);

            //return the results of the search
        private void AddGroupedCriteria(ref IBooleanOperation filter, string field, string value)
            string[] values = value.Split(',');
            var      fields = new string[values.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                fields[i] = field;
            filter.And().GroupedOr(fields, values);
        public IEnumerable <T> GetAll <T>(string doctypeAlias, int?maxResults = null, bool inCurrentSite = true)
            where T : class, IPublishedContent
            IBooleanOperation operation = Searcher.CreateSearchCriteria().NodeTypeAlias(doctypeAlias);

            if (inCurrentSite)
                int?homepageId = UmbracoContext.Current?.PublishedContentRequest?.PublishedContent?.AncestorOrSelf <Home>()?.Id;
                if (homepageId != null)
                    operation.And().Field("@homepageId", homepageId.ToString());

            ISearchCriteria criteria      = operation.Compile();
            ISearchResults  searchResults = maxResults.HasValue ? Searcher.Search(criteria, maxResults.Value) : Searcher.Search(criteria);

            return(searchResults.Select(sr => UmbracoHelper.TypedContent(sr.Id) as T));
        public void FluentApiTests_Cws_TextPage_OrderedByNodeName()
            var criteria            = _searcher.CreateSearchCriteria("content");
            IBooleanOperation query = criteria.NodeTypeAlias("cws_textpage");

            query = query.And().OrderBy("nodeName");
            var sCriteria = query.Compile();

            var results = _searcher.Search(sCriteria);

            criteria = _searcher.CreateSearchCriteria("content");
            IBooleanOperation query2 = criteria.NodeTypeAlias("cws_textpage");

            query2 = query2.And().OrderByDescending("nodeName");
            var sCriteria2 = query2.Compile();

            var results2 = _searcher.Search(sCriteria2);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(results.First().Id, results2.First().Id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the search.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="SearchResponse"/> containing the search results.</returns>
        public SearchResponse Execute()
            SearchResponse     searchResponse = new SearchResponse();
            BaseSearchProvider searchProvider = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection[SearchConstants.SearcherName];

            IBooleanOperation searchCriteria = searchProvider.CreateSearchCriteria().OrderBy(string.Empty);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Query))
                searchCriteria = searchProvider
                                            this.Query.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(w => w.Trim().MultipleCharacterWildcard())

            if (this.Categories.Any())
                searchCriteria.And().Field(SearchConstants.CategoryField, string.Join(" ", this.Categories));

            if (searchCriteria != null)
                ISearchResults searchResults = null;
                    searchResults = searchProvider.Search(searchCriteria.Compile());
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    // If the query object can't be compiled then an exception within Examine is raised

                if (searchResults != null)
                    Analyzer  analyzer  = new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29);
                    Formatter formatter = new SimpleHTMLFormatter("<strong>", "</strong>");

                    foreach (SearchResult searchResult in searchResults.OrderByDescending(x => x.Score))
                        // Check to see if the result is culture specific.
                        // This is a bit hacky but there is no way with property wrappers like Vorto to separate the results into
                        // different indexes so we have to fall back to regular expressions.
                        string       fieldResult = searchResult.Fields[SearchConstants.MergedDataField];
                        RegexOptions options     = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline;

                        string opts = $"({string.Join("|", this.Query.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))})";

                        // First check to see if there is any matches for any installed languages and remove any
                        // That are not in our culture collection.
                        // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery
                        foreach (Language language in this.languages)
                            if (!this.Cultures.Contains(language.CultureInfo))
                                fieldResult = Regex.Replace(
                                    string.Format(SearchConstants.CultureRegexTemplate, language.IsoCode, opts),

                        // Now clean up the languages we do have a result for.
                        MatchCollection matches = AllCultureRegex.Matches(fieldResult);

                        foreach (Match match in matches)
                            if (match.Success)
                                string replacement = match.Groups["replacement"].Value;

                                fieldResult = Regex.Replace(
                                    replacement + " ",

                        // Now check to see if we have any match left over. If not, break out.
                        if (!new Regex(string.Format(SearchConstants.QueryRegexTemplate, opts), options).Match(fieldResult).Success)

                        this.AddSearchMatch(analyzer, formatter, searchResults, searchResponse, searchResult, fieldResult);

                    searchResponse.TotalCount = searchResponse.SearchMatches.Count;

        public static LatestUpdateList ObtainAllMessages(int pageNo = 1)
            //Instantiate variables
            var umbracoHelper = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);
            LatestUpdateList lstLatestUpdates = new LatestUpdateList();

            //Get all ...
            BaseSearchProvider mySearcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection[Common.searchProviders.MessagesSearcher];
            ISearchCriteria    criteria   = mySearcher.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Content);
            IBooleanOperation  query      = criteria.Field(Common.NodeProperties.indexType, Common.NodeProperties.content); //gets all items

            ISearchResults isResults = mySearcher.Search(query.Compile());

            if (isResults.Any())
                //Instantiate variables
                DateTime          msgDate      = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                DateTime          prevDate     = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                latestUpdates     latestUpdate = new latestUpdates();
                visionary         visionary    = new visionary();
                message           message;
                IPublishedContent ipMsg;
                IPublishedContent ipVisionary;

                //Get item counts and total experiences.
                lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.itemsPerPage = 20;
                lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.totalItems   = isResults.Count();

                //Determine how many pages/items to skip and take, as well as the total page count for the search result.
                if (lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.totalItems > lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.itemsPerPage)
                    lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.totalItems / (double)lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.itemsPerPage);
                    lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.itemsPerPage = lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.totalItems;
                    lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.totalPages   = 1;

                //Determine current page number
                if (pageNo <= 0 || pageNo > lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.totalPages)
                    pageNo = 1;
                lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.pageNo = pageNo;

                //Determine how many pages/items to skip
                if (lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.totalItems > lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.itemsPerPage)
                    lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.itemsToSkip = lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.itemsPerPage * (pageNo - 1);

                //Get top 'n' results and determine link structure
                //foreach (SearchResult srResult in isResults.Take(30))
                foreach (SearchResult srResult in isResults.Skip(lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.itemsToSkip).Take(lstLatestUpdates.Pagination.itemsPerPage))
                    //Obtain message's node
                    ipMsg = umbracoHelper.TypedContent(Convert.ToInt32(srResult.Id));
                    if (ipMsg != null)
                        //Obtain date of message
                        msgDate = ipMsg.GetPropertyValue <DateTime>(Common.NodeProperties.publishDate);

                        //Create a new date for messages
                        if (msgDate != prevDate)
                            //Update current date
                            prevDate = msgDate;

                            //Create new instances for updates and add to list of all updates.
                            latestUpdate = new latestUpdates();
                            latestUpdate.datePublished = msgDate;

                            //Reset the visionary class on every new date change.
                            visionary = new visionary();

                        //Obtain current visionary or webmaster
                        if (ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.Visionary) != null)
                            if (visionary.id != ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.Visionary).Id)
                                //Obtain visionary node
                                ipVisionary = ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.Visionary);

                                //Create new visionary class and add to latest update class
                                visionary      = new visionary();
                                visionary.id   = ipVisionary.Id;
                                visionary.name = ipVisionary.Name;
                                visionary.url  = ipVisionary.Url;
                        else if (ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.WebmasterMessageList) != null)
                            if (visionary.id != ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.WebmasterMessageList).Id)
                                //Obtain visionary node
                                ipVisionary = ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.WebmasterMessageList);

                                //Create new visionary class and add to latest update class
                                visionary      = new visionary();
                                visionary.id   = ipVisionary.Id;
                                visionary.name = ipVisionary.Name;
                                visionary.url  = ipVisionary.Url;

                        //Create new message and add to existing visionary class.
                        message       = new message();
                        message.id    = ipMsg.Id;
                        message.title = ipMsg.Name;
                        message.url   = ipMsg.Url;

            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            //    //sb.AppendLine(@"MessageController.cs : RenderLatestMessages()");
            //    //sb.AppendLine("model:" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lstLatestUpdates));
            //    //Common.SaveErrorMessage(ex, sb, typeof(MessageController));

            //    //ModelState.AddModelError("", "*An error occured while creating the latest message list.");
            //    //return CurrentUmbracoPage();

            //Return data to partialview
        public static List <latestUpdates> ObtainLatestMessages()
            //Instantiate variables
            var umbracoHelper = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);
            List <latestUpdates> lstLatestUpdates = new List <latestUpdates>();

                //Get all messages
                BaseSearchProvider mySearcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection[Common.searchProviders.MessagesSearcher];
                ISearchCriteria    criteria   = mySearcher.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Content);
                IBooleanOperation  query      = criteria.Field(Common.NodeProperties.indexType, Common.NodeProperties.content); //gets all items
                ISearchResults isResults = mySearcher.Search(query.Compile());

                if (isResults.Any())
                    //Instantiate variables
                    DateTime msgDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                    //DateTime prevDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                    latestUpdates     latestUpdate = new latestUpdates();
                    visionary         visionary    = new visionary();
                    message           message;
                    IPublishedContent ipMsg;
                    IPublishedContent ipVisionary;
                    Boolean           isFirst = true;

                    //Get top 'n' results and determine link structure
                    foreach (SearchResult srResult in isResults)
                        //Obtain message's node
                        ipMsg = umbracoHelper.TypedContent(Convert.ToInt32(srResult.Id));
                        if (ipMsg != null)
                            if (isFirst)
                                //Obtain date of latest message
                                msgDate = ipMsg.GetPropertyValue <DateTime>(Common.NodeProperties.publishDate);
                                isFirst = false;
                                //Exit loop if a different publish date exists
                                if (msgDate != ipMsg.GetPropertyValue <DateTime>(Common.NodeProperties.publishDate))

                            //Create a new date for messages
                            //if (msgDate != prevDate)
                            //    //Update current date
                            //    prevDate = msgDate;

                            //Create new instances for updates and add to list of all updates.
                            latestUpdate = new latestUpdates();
                            latestUpdate.datePublished = msgDate;

                            //Reset the visionary class on every new date change.
                            visionary = new visionary();

                            //Obtain current visionary or webmaster
                            if (ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.Visionary) != null)
                                if (visionary.id != ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.Visionary).Id)
                                    //Obtain visionary node
                                    ipVisionary = ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.Visionary);

                                    //Create new visionary class and add to latest update class
                                    visionary      = new visionary();
                                    visionary.id   = ipVisionary.Id;
                                    visionary.name = ipVisionary.Name;
                                    visionary.url  = ipVisionary.UrlAbsolute();
                            else if (ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.WebmasterMessageList) != null)
                                if (visionary.id != ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.WebmasterMessageList).Id)
                                    //Obtain visionary node
                                    ipVisionary = ipMsg.AncestorsOrSelf().FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias == Common.docType.WebmasterMessageList);

                                    //Create new visionary class and add to latest update class
                                    visionary      = new visionary();
                                    visionary.id   = ipVisionary.Id;
                                    visionary.name = ipVisionary.Name;
                                    visionary.url  = ipVisionary.UrlAbsolute();

                            //Create new message and add to existing visionary class.
                            message       = new message();
                            message.id    = ipMsg.Id;
                            message.title = ipMsg.Name;
                            message.url   = ipMsg.UrlAbsolute();
            catch (Exception ex)
                //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                //sb.AppendLine(@"MessageController.cs : RenderLatestMessages()");
                //sb.AppendLine("model:" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lstLatestUpdates));
                //Common.saveErrorMessage(ex.ToString(), sb.ToString());

                //ModelState.AddModelError("", "*An error occured while creating the latest message list.");
                //return CurrentUmbracoPage();

        //public ActionResult RenderMsgs_byVisionary(IPublishedContent ipVisionary)
        //    //Instantiate variables
        //    MsgList msgList = new MsgList();
        //    var umbracoHelper = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);

        //    try
        //    {
        //        msgList.VisionaryName = "working";

        //        //Get all prayers
        //        BaseSearchProvider mySearcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection[Common.searchProviders.MessagesSearcher];
        //        ISearchCriteria criteria = mySearcher.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Content);
        //        IBooleanOperation query = criteria.Field(Common.NodeProperties.indexType, Common.NodeProperties.content); //gets all items when this exists for every record.
        //        query.And().OrderByDescending(Common.NodeProperties.publishDate);
        //        query.And().OrderBy(Common.NodeProperties.nodeName);
        //        query.And().Field(Common.miscellaneous.Path, ipVisionary.Path.MultipleCharacterWildcard());
        //        ISearchResults isResults = mySearcher.Search(query.Compile());

        //        //Get item counts and total experiences.
        //        msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage = 30;
        //        msgList.Pagination.totalItems = isResults.Count();

        //        //Determine how many pages/items to skip and take, as well as the total page count for the search result.
        //        if (msgList.Pagination.totalItems > msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage)
        //        {
        //            msgList.Pagination.totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)msgList.Pagination.totalItems / (double)msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage = msgList.Pagination.totalItems;
        //            msgList.Pagination.totalPages = 1;
        //        }

        //        //Determine current page number
        //        var pageNo = 1;
        //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[Common.miscellaneous.PageNo]))
        //        {
        //            int.TryParse(Request.QueryString[Common.miscellaneous.PageNo], out pageNo);
        //            if (pageNo <= 0 || pageNo > msgList.Pagination.totalPages)
        //            {
        //                pageNo = 1;
        //            }
        //        }
        //        msgList.Pagination.pageNo = pageNo;

        //        //Determine how many pages/items to skip
        //        if (msgList.Pagination.totalItems > msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage)
        //        {
        //            msgList.Pagination.itemsToSkip = msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage * (pageNo - 1);
        //        }

        //        //Convert list of SearchResults to list of classes
        //        foreach (SearchResult sRecord in isResults.Skip(msgList.Pagination.itemsToSkip).Take(msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage))
        //        {
        //            var msgLink = new Models.MsgLink();
        //            msgLink.Id = sRecord.Id;
        //            msgLink.Title = sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.nodeName];
        //            msgLink.Subtitle = sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.subtitle];
        //            msgLink.Url = Umbraco.NiceUrl(sRecord.Id);

        //            //msgLink.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.publishDate]);

        //            //Obtain list of all dates
        //            var ipMsg = Umbraco.TypedContent(sRecord.Id);
        //            List<DateTime> lstDateRange = ipMsg.GetPropertyValue<List<DateTime>>(Common.NodeProperties.dateOfMessages);

        //            //Determine proper date range for messages
        //            if (lstDateRange != null && lstDateRange.Count > 0)
        //            {
        //                if (lstDateRange.Count == 1)
        //                {
        //                    msgLink.Dates = lstDateRange.First().ToString("MMM d");
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    StringBuilder sbDateRange = new StringBuilder();
        //                    sbDateRange.Append(lstDateRange.First().ToString("MMM d"));
        //                    sbDateRange.Append(" — ");
        //                    sbDateRange.Append(lstDateRange.Last().ToString("MMM d"));

        //                    msgLink.Dates = sbDateRange.ToString();
        //                }
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                msgLink.Dates = Convert.ToDateTime(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.publishDate]).ToString("MMM d");
        //            }

        //            msgList.lstMsgLinks.Add(msgLink);
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        //        sb.AppendLine(@"MessageController.cs : RenderMsgs_byVisionary()");
        //        //sb.AppendLine("ipVisionary:" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ipVisionary));
        //        sb.AppendLine("msgList:" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgList));
        //        Common.SaveErrorMessage(ex, sb, typeof(MessageController));

        //        ModelState.AddModelError("", "*An error occured while retrieving messages by visionary.");
        //    }

        //    //Return data to partialview
        //    return PartialView("~/Views/Partials/MessagesFromHeaven/_msgList.cshtml", msgList);

        public ActionResult RenderMsgs_byVisionary(IPublishedContent ipVisionary)
            //Instantiate variables
            MsgList msgList       = new MsgList();
            var     umbracoHelper = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);

                msgList.VisionaryName = "working";

                //Get all prayers
                BaseSearchProvider mySearcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection[Common.searchProviders.MessagesSearcher];
                ISearchCriteria    criteria   = mySearcher.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Content);
                IBooleanOperation  query      = criteria.Field(Common.NodeProperties.indexType, Common.NodeProperties.content); //gets all items when this exists for every record.
                query.And().Field(Common.miscellaneous.Path, ipVisionary.Path.MultipleCharacterWildcard());
                ISearchResults isResults = mySearcher.Search(query.Compile());

                //Get item counts and total experiences.
                msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage = 30;
                msgList.Pagination.totalItems   = isResults.Count();

                //Determine how many pages/items to skip and take, as well as the total page count for the search result.
                if (msgList.Pagination.totalItems > msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage)
                    msgList.Pagination.totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)msgList.Pagination.totalItems / (double)msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage);
                    msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage = msgList.Pagination.totalItems;
                    msgList.Pagination.totalPages   = 1;

                //Determine current page number
                var pageNo = 1;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[Common.miscellaneous.PageNo]))
                    int.TryParse(Request.QueryString[Common.miscellaneous.PageNo], out pageNo);
                    if (pageNo <= 0 || pageNo > msgList.Pagination.totalPages)
                        pageNo = 1;
                msgList.Pagination.pageNo = pageNo;

                //Determine how many pages/items to skip
                if (msgList.Pagination.totalItems > msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage)
                    msgList.Pagination.itemsToSkip = msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage * (pageNo - 1);

                //Convert list of SearchResults to list of classes
                foreach (SearchResult sRecord in isResults) //.Skip(msgList.Pagination.itemsToSkip).Take(msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage))
                    var msgLink = new Models.MsgLink();
                    msgLink.Id       = sRecord.Id;
                    msgLink.Title    = sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.nodeName];
                    msgLink.Subtitle = sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.subtitle];
                    msgLink.Url      = Umbraco.NiceUrl(sRecord.Id);

                    /* msgLink.Date = */

                    //Obtain list of all dates
                    var             ipMsg        = Umbraco.TypedContent(sRecord.Id);
                    List <DateTime> lstDateRange = ipMsg.GetPropertyValue <List <DateTime> >(Common.NodeProperties.dateOfMessages);

                    //Determine proper date range for messages
                    if (lstDateRange != null && lstDateRange.Count > 0)
                        if (lstDateRange.Count == 1)
                            msgLink.Dates = lstDateRange.First().ToString("MMM d");
                            StringBuilder sbDateRange = new StringBuilder();
                            sbDateRange.Append(lstDateRange.First().ToString("MMM d"));
                            sbDateRange.Append(" — ");
                            sbDateRange.Append(lstDateRange.Last().ToString("MMM d"));

                            msgLink.Dates = sbDateRange.ToString();

                        msgLink.Date = lstDateRange.First(); //Used for resorting list before displaying
                        msgLink.Dates = Convert.ToDateTime(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.publishDate]).ToString("MMM d");
                        msgLink.Date  = Convert.ToDateTime(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.publishDate]); //Used for resorting list before displaying


                //Reorder messages by date and obtain only what is to be displayed.
                msgList.lstMsgLinks = msgList.lstMsgLinks.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).Skip(msgList.Pagination.itemsToSkip).Take(msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(@"MessageController.cs : RenderMsgs_byVisionary()");
                //sb.AppendLine("ipVisionary:" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ipVisionary));
                sb.AppendLine("msgList:" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgList));
                Common.SaveErrorMessage(ex, sb, typeof(MessageController));

                ModelState.AddModelError("", "*An error occured while retrieving messages by visionary.");

            //Return data to partialview
            return(PartialView("~/Views/Partials/MessagesFromHeaven/_msgList.cshtml", msgList));
        public ActionResult RenderAllMessages()
            //Instantiate variables
            MsgList msgList       = new MsgList();
            var     umbracoHelper = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);

                //Get all prayers
                BaseSearchProvider mySearcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection[Common.searchProviders.MessagesSearcher];
                ISearchCriteria    criteria   = mySearcher.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Content);
                IBooleanOperation  query      = criteria.Field(Common.NodeProperties.indexType, Common.NodeProperties.content); //gets all items
                ISearchResults isResults = mySearcher.Search(query.Compile());

                //Get item counts and total experiences.
                msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage = 20;
                msgList.Pagination.totalItems   = isResults.Count();

                //Determine how many pages/items to skip and take, as well as the total page count for the search result.
                if (msgList.Pagination.totalItems > msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage)
                    msgList.Pagination.totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)msgList.Pagination.totalItems / (double)msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage);
                    msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage = msgList.Pagination.totalItems;
                    msgList.Pagination.totalPages   = 1;

                //Determine current page number
                var pageNo = 1;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[Common.miscellaneous.PageNo]))
                    int.TryParse(Request.QueryString[Common.miscellaneous.PageNo], out pageNo);
                    if (pageNo <= 0 || pageNo > msgList.Pagination.totalPages)
                        pageNo = 1;
                msgList.Pagination.pageNo = pageNo;

                //Determine how many pages/items to skip
                if (msgList.Pagination.totalItems > msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage)
                    msgList.Pagination.itemsToSkip = msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage * (pageNo - 1);

                //Convert list of SearchResults to list of classes
                foreach (SearchResult sRecord in isResults.Skip(msgList.Pagination.itemsToSkip).Take(msgList.Pagination.itemsPerPage))
                    var msgLink = new Models.MsgLink();
                    msgLink.Id       = sRecord.Id;
                    msgLink.Title    = sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.nodeName];
                    msgLink.Subtitle = sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.subtitle];
                    msgLink.Url      = Umbraco.NiceUrl(sRecord.Id);
                    //msgLink.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.publishDate]);
                    msgLink.Dates = (Convert.ToDateTime(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.publishDate])).ToString("MMMM dd");

            catch (Exception ex)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(@"MessageController.cs : RenderAllMessages()");
                sb.AppendLine("model:" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgList));
                Common.SaveErrorMessage(ex, sb, typeof(MessageController));

                ModelState.AddModelError("", "*An error occured while retrieving all messages.");

            //Return data to partialview
            return(PartialView("~/Views/Partials/MessagesFromHeaven/_msgList.cshtml", msgList));
        public ActionResult RenderList()
            //Instantiate variables
            var prayerList = new Models.PrayerList();

                var memberShipHelper = new Umbraco.Web.Security.MembershipHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);
                var CmPrayerList     = new ContentModels.PrayerList(Umbraco.TypedContent((int)Common.siteNode.ThePrayerCorner));

                //Get all prayers
                BaseSearchProvider mySearcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection[Common.searchProviders.PrayersSearcher];
                ISearchCriteria    criteria   = mySearcher.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Content);
                IBooleanOperation  query      = criteria.Field(Common.NodeProperties.indexType, Common.NodeProperties.content); //gets all items
                ISearchResults isResults = mySearcher.Search(query.Compile());

                //Get item counts and total experiences.
                prayerList.Pagination.itemsPerPage = 10;
                prayerList.Pagination.totalItems   = isResults.Count();

                //Determine how many pages/items to skip and take, as well as the total page count for the search result.
                if (prayerList.Pagination.totalItems > prayerList.Pagination.itemsPerPage)
                    prayerList.Pagination.totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)prayerList.Pagination.totalItems / (double)prayerList.Pagination.itemsPerPage);
                    prayerList.Pagination.itemsPerPage = prayerList.Pagination.totalItems;
                    prayerList.Pagination.totalPages   = 1;

                //Determine current page number
                var pageNo = 1;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString[Common.miscellaneous.PageNo]))
                    int.TryParse(Request.QueryString[Common.miscellaneous.PageNo], out pageNo);
                    if (pageNo <= 0 || pageNo > prayerList.Pagination.totalPages)
                        pageNo = 1;
                prayerList.Pagination.pageNo = pageNo;

                //Determine how many pages/items to skip
                if (prayerList.Pagination.totalItems > prayerList.Pagination.itemsPerPage)
                    prayerList.Pagination.itemsToSkip = prayerList.Pagination.itemsPerPage * (pageNo - 1);

                //Convert list of SearchResults to list of classes
                foreach (SearchResult sRecord in isResults.Skip(prayerList.Pagination.itemsToSkip).Take(prayerList.Pagination.itemsPerPage))
                    //Create new prayerLink class
                    var prayerLink = new Models.PrayerLink();
                    prayerLink.Id    = sRecord.Id;
                    prayerLink.Title = sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.prayerTitle];
                    prayerLink.Url   = Umbraco.NiceUrl(sRecord.Id);
                    prayerLink.Date  = Convert.ToDateTime(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.requestDate]);

                    //Determine current percentage
                    prayerLink.currentPercentage   = int.Parse(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.currentPercentage]);
                    prayerLink.baseCalculationDate = DateTime.Parse(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.baseCalculationDate]);
                    int daysSinceBaseDate = (DateTime.Now - prayerLink.baseCalculationDate).Days;
                    if (daysSinceBaseDate > prayerLink.currentPercentage)
                        prayerLink.currentPercentage = 0;
                        prayerLink.currentPercentage = prayerLink.currentPercentage - daysSinceBaseDate;

                    //Determine proper candle based upon current percentage
                    prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.CandleOut.Url;
                    if (prayerLink.currentPercentage == 0)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.CandleOut.Url;
                    else if (prayerLink.currentPercentage >= 1 && prayerLink.currentPercentage <= 10)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.Candle10.Url;
                    else if (prayerLink.currentPercentage >= 11 && prayerLink.currentPercentage <= 20)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.Candle20.Url;
                    else if (prayerLink.currentPercentage >= 21 && prayerLink.currentPercentage <= 30)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.Candle30.Url;
                    else if (prayerLink.currentPercentage >= 31 && prayerLink.currentPercentage <= 40)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.Candle40.Url;
                    else if (prayerLink.currentPercentage >= 41 && prayerLink.currentPercentage <= 50)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.Candle50.Url;
                    else if (prayerLink.currentPercentage >= 51 && prayerLink.currentPercentage <= 60)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.Candle60.Url;
                    else if (prayerLink.currentPercentage >= 61 && prayerLink.currentPercentage <= 70)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.Candle70.Url;
                    else if (prayerLink.currentPercentage >= 71 && prayerLink.currentPercentage <= 80)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.Candle80.Url;
                    else if (prayerLink.currentPercentage >= 81 && prayerLink.currentPercentage <= 90)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.Candle90.Url;
                    else if (prayerLink.currentPercentage >= 91 && prayerLink.currentPercentage <= 100)
                        prayerLink.CandleUrl = CmPrayerList.Candle100.Url;

                    IEnumerable <string> prayerSummary = sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.prayer].Split().Take(32);
                    prayerLink.PrayerSummary = string.Join(" ", prayerSummary) + "...";

                    //Obtain member
                    ContentModels.Member CmMember;
                    int memberId;
                    if (int.TryParse(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.prayerRequestMember], out memberId))
                        IPublishedContent ipMember = memberShipHelper.GetById(memberId);
                        CmMember = new ContentModels.Member(ipMember);
                        CmMember = new ContentModels.Member(Udi.Parse(sRecord.Fields[Common.NodeProperties.prayerRequestMember]).ToPublishedContent());

                    StringBuilder sbAuthor = new StringBuilder();
                    prayerLink.MemberName = sbAuthor.ToString();

            catch (Exception ex)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(@"PrayerController.cs : RenderList()");
                sb.AppendLine("model:" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(prayerList));
                Common.SaveErrorMessage(ex, sb, typeof(PrayerController));

                ModelState.AddModelError("", "*An error occured while creating the prayer list.");

            //Return data to partialview
            return(PartialView("~/Views/Partials/PrayerCorner/_prayerList.cshtml", prayerList));
        private IBooleanOperation GetCriteria(string sAgentId, string sCategory, string sService, string sCity, ref BaseSearchProvider searcher)
            Dictionary <string, string> values    = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            AgentViewCMSModel           srchModel = new AgentViewCMSModel();

            var searchCriteria = searcher.CreateSearchCriteria(BooleanOperation.And);

            IBooleanOperation query = null;

                //Built the exmine query
                query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, "Agent");

                if (sAgentId != null && sAgentId != "")
                    if (query == null)
                        //query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.NAME_PROPERTY_NAME, sAgentId);
                        query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.ID_PROPERTY_NAME, sAgentId);
                        query = query.And().Field(srchModel.ID_PROPERTY_NAME, sAgentId);

                if (sCategory != null && sCategory != "")
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.CATEGORY_PROPERTY_NAME, sCategory);
                        query = query.And().Field(srchModel.CATEGORY_PROPERTY_NAME, sCategory);


                if (sService != null && sService != "")
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.SERVICE_PROPERTY_NAME, sService);
                        query = query.And().Field(srchModel.SERVICE_PROPERTY_NAME, sService);
                //, sDevhold
                if (sCity != null && sCity != "")
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.CITY_PROPERTY_NAME, sCity);
                        query = query.And().Field(srchModel.CITY_PROPERTY_NAME, sCity);

                //If no criteria was provided from page.

            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the search. If the <paramref name="rootId"/> value is set the search will be executed for the site containing
        /// that content node only.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootId">The root id of the site to search within.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="SearchResponse"/> containing the search results.</returns>
        public SearchResponse Execute(string rootId = "")
            SearchResponse         searchResponse = new SearchResponse();
            UmbracoExamineSearcher searchProvider = (UmbracoExamineSearcher)ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection[ZoombracoConstants.Search.SearcherName];
            Analyzer analyzer = searchProvider.IndexingAnalyzer;

            // Wildcards are only supported using the languages using the standard analyzer.
            this.UseWildcards = this.UseWildcards && typeof(StandardAnalyzer) == analyzer.GetType();

            IBooleanOperation searchCriteria = searchProvider.CreateSearchCriteria().OrderBy(string.Empty);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Query))
                string[] mergedFields = new string[this.Cultures.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Cultures.Length; i++)
                    mergedFields[i] = string.Format(ZoombracoConstants.Search.MergedDataFieldTemplate, this.Cultures[i].Name);

                if (this.UseWildcards)
                    searchCriteria = searchProvider
                        this.Query.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(w => w.Trim().MultipleCharacterWildcard())
                    searchCriteria = searchProvider
                                     .GroupedAnd(mergedFields, this.Query);

            if (this.Categories != null && this.Categories.Any())
                searchCriteria.And().Field(ZoombracoConstants.Search.CategoryField, string.Join(" ", this.Categories));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rootId))
                searchCriteria.And().Field(ZoombracoConstants.Search.SiteField, rootId);

            if (searchCriteria != null)
                ISearchResults searchResults = null;
                    searchResults = searchProvider.Search(searchCriteria.Compile());
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    // If the query object can't be compiled then an exception within Examine is raised

                if (searchResults != null)
                    Formatter formatter = new SimpleHTMLFormatter("<strong>", "</strong>");

                    foreach (SearchResult searchResult in searchResults.Skip(this.Skip).Take(this.Take))
                        foreach (CultureInfo culture in this.Cultures)
                            string fieldName   = string.Format(ZoombracoConstants.Search.MergedDataFieldTemplate, culture.Name);
                            string fieldResult = searchResult.Fields[fieldName];
                            this.AddSearchMatch(analyzer, formatter, searchResults, searchResponse, searchResult, fieldName, fieldResult);

                    searchResponse.TotalCount = searchResults.TotalItemCount;

 public IQuery And(IBooleanOperation operation)
        private IBooleanOperation GetCriteria(int iServiceId, string sLocationName, string sCategory, string sType, string sDevhold, int iMinbed, int iMaxbed, int iMinPrice, string[] facilities, int iMaxPrice, string[] views, ref BaseSearchProvider searcher)
            Dictionary <string, string> values = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            PropertyCMSViewModel        srchModel = new PropertyCMSViewModel();
            string fct; string uv;

            fct = facilities == null ? "" : string.Join(",", facilities);
            uv  = views == null ? "" : string.Join(",", views);

            var searchCriteria = searcher.CreateSearchCriteria(BooleanOperation.And);

            IBooleanOperation query = null;

                //Built the exmine query
                if (iServiceId == 1)
                    query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.SERVICE_PROPERTY_NAME, "Sale");
                else if (iServiceId == 2)
                    //service Id 0 means first time search page loading.
                    query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.SERVICE_PROPERTY_NAME, "Rent");
                else if (iServiceId == 3)
                    //service Id 0 means first time search page loading.
                    query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.SERVICE_PROPERTY_NAME, "Short Stay");

                if (sCategory != "")
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.CATEGRY_PROPERTY_NAME, sCategory);
                        query = query.And().Field(srchModel.CATEGRY_PROPERTY_NAME, sCategory);

                if (sLocationName != "")
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.LOCATION_PROPERTY_NAME, sLocationName);
                        query = query.And().Field(srchModel.LOCATION_PROPERTY_NAME, sLocationName);

                if (sType != "")
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, sType);
                        query = query.And().Field(srchModel.TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, sType);
                //, sDevhold
                if (sDevhold != "")
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.DEVHOLD_PROPERTY_NAME, sDevhold);
                        query = query.And().Field(srchModel.DEVHOLD_PROPERTY_NAME, sDevhold);
                //, iMinbed, iMaxbed,
                if ((iMinbed > 0 && iMaxbed > 0) || (iMinbed <= 0 && iMaxbed > 0))
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Range(srchModel.BED_PROPERTY_NAME, iMinbed, iMaxbed, true, true);
                        query = query.And().Range(srchModel.BED_PROPERTY_NAME, iMinbed, iMaxbed, true, true);
                else if (iMinbed > 0 && iMaxbed <= 0)
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Range(srchModel.BED_PROPERTY_NAME, iMinbed, 1000, true, true);
                        query = query.And().Range(srchModel.BED_PROPERTY_NAME, iMinbed, 1000, true, true);
                //iMinPrice, iMaxPrice,
                if ((iMinPrice > 0 && iMaxPrice > 0) || (iMinPrice <= 0 && iMaxPrice > 0))
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Range(srchModel.PRICE_PROPERTY_NAME, iMinPrice, iMaxPrice, true, true);
                        query = query.And().Range(srchModel.PRICE_PROPERTY_NAME, iMinPrice, iMaxPrice, true, true);
                else if (iMinPrice > 0 && iMaxPrice <= 0)
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.Range(srchModel.PRICE_PROPERTY_NAME, iMinPrice, Convert.ToInt64(StringConstants.MAXSELLPRICE), true, true);
                        query = query.And().Range(srchModel.PRICE_PROPERTY_NAME, iMinPrice, Convert.ToInt64(StringConstants.MAXSELLPRICE), true, true);
                if (fct.Length > 0)
                    /*int count = 0;
                     * foreach (string value in fct.Split(','))
                     * {
                     *  if (query == null)
                     *  {
                     *      query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.FACILITIES_PROPERTY_NAME, value);
                     *  }
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      if (count == 0)
                     *      {
                     *          query = query.And().Field(srchModel.FACILITIES_PROPERTY_NAME, value);
                     *          count++;
                     *      }
                     *      else
                     *      {
                     *          query = query.Or().Field(srchModel.FACILITIES_PROPERTY_NAME, value);
                     *          count++;
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     * }*/

                    //Grouped OR for fcilities search

                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.GroupedOr(new[] { srchModel.FACILITIES_PROPERTY_NAME }, fct.Split(','));
                        query = query.And().GroupedOr(new[] { srchModel.FACILITIES_PROPERTY_NAME }, fct.Split(','));
                if (uv.Length > 0)
                    /*int count = 0;
                     * foreach (string value in uv.Split(','))
                     * {
                     *  if (query == null)
                     *  {
                     *      query = searchCriteria.Field(srchModel.VIEWS_PROPERTY_NAME, value);
                     *  }
                     *  else
                     *  {
                     *      if (count == 0)
                     *      {
                     *          query = query.And().Field(srchModel.VIEWS_PROPERTY_NAME, value);
                     *          count++;
                     *      }
                     *      else
                     *      {
                     *          query = query.Or().Field(srchModel.VIEWS_PROPERTY_NAME, value);
                     *          count++;
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     * }*/

                    //using Grouped OR for unit views searching
                    if (query == null)
                        query = searchCriteria.GroupedOr(new[] { srchModel.VIEWS_PROPERTY_NAME }, uv.Split(','));
                        query = query.And().GroupedOr(new[] { srchModel.VIEWS_PROPERTY_NAME }, uv.Split(','));

            catch (Exception ex)
 internal static IQuery And(this IQuery query, IBooleanOperation op)
     return(op?.And() ?? query);