public void FillValues(PropertyInfo property, IBindingContext context)
                if (_conversionPropertyBinder.CanBeParsed(property.PropertyType))
                    bool convertedAsIs = context.Data.ValueAs <string>(property.Name, value => _conversionPropertyBinder.Bind(property, context));
                    if (convertedAsIs)

                var requests = context.GetEnumerableRequests(property.Name).ToList();

                // TODO -- need an end to end test on this behavior
                if (!requests.Any())

                var data = new T[requests.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < requests.Count; i++)
                    var requestData = requests[i];


                    // TODO -- got to add the BindResult to context to store it later
                    context.BindObject(requestData, typeof(T), o =>
                        data[i] = (T)o;

                property.SetValue(context.Object, data, null);