public void Test_mapping_complex_type_with_one_attribute_to_single_acc()
            string mappingFile = TestUtils.PathToTestResource(@"XSDImporterTest\mapping\MappingImporterTests\mapping_complex_type_with_one_attribute_to_single_acc\mapping.mfd");

            string[] schemaFiles = new[] { TestUtils.PathToTestResource(@"XSDImporterTest\mapping\MappingImporterTests\mapping_complex_type_with_one_attribute_to_single_acc\source.xsd") };

            new MappingImporter(new[] { mappingFile }, schemaFiles, ccLibrary, bLibrary, DocLibraryName, BieLibraryName, BdtLibraryName, Qualifier, RootElementName, cctsRepository).ImportMapping();

            var bieLibrary = ShouldContainBieLibrary(BieLibraryName);

            IBdtLibrary bdtLibrary = ShouldContainBdtLibrary(BdtLibraryName);

            IBdt bdtText = ShouldContainBdt(bdtLibrary, "String_Text", "Text", null);

            Assert.That(bdtLibrary.Bdts.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));

            IAbie bieAddress = ShouldContainAbie(bieLibrary, "AddressType_Address", "Address", new[] { new BbieDescriptor("Town_CityName", bdtText.Id) }, null);

            var docLibrary = ShouldContainDocLibrary(DocLibraryName);

            ShouldContainMa(docLibrary, "test_Invoice", new[]
                new AsmaDescriptor("Address", bieAddress.Id),
        public void Test_mapping_with_semisemantic_loss()
            string mappingFile = TestUtils.PathToTestResource(@"XSDImporterTest\mapping\MappingImporterTests\mapping_with_semisemantic_loss\mapping.mfd");

            string[] schemaFiles = new[] { TestUtils.PathToTestResource(@"XSDImporterTest\mapping\MappingImporterTests\mapping_with_semisemantic_loss\source.xsd") };

            new MappingImporter(new[] { mappingFile }, schemaFiles, ccLibrary, bLibrary, DocLibraryName, BieLibraryName, BdtLibraryName, Qualifier, RootElementName, cctsRepository).ImportMapping();

            var         bieLibrary = ShouldContainBieLibrary(BieLibraryName);
            var         docLibrary = ShouldContainDocLibrary(DocLibraryName);
            IBdtLibrary bdtLibrary = ShouldContainBdtLibrary(BdtLibraryName);

            IBdt bdtText = ShouldContainBdt(bdtLibrary, "String_Text", "Text", null);

            Assert.That(bdtLibrary.Bdts.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));

            IAbie bieAddress = ShouldContainAbie(bieLibrary, "AddressType_Address", "Address", new[] { new BbieDescriptor("StreetName_StreetName", bdtText.Id), new BbieDescriptor("Town_CityName", bdtText.Id) }, null);

            IAbie biePerson = ShouldContainAbie(bieLibrary, "PersonType_Party", "Party", new[] { new BbieDescriptor("FirstName_Name", bdtText.Id), new BbieDescriptor("LastName_Name", bdtText.Id) }, new[] { new AsbieDescriptor("HomeAddress_Residence", bieAddress.Id), new AsbieDescriptor("WorkAddress_Residence", bieAddress.Id) });

            ShouldContainMa(docLibrary, "test_Invoice", new[]
                new AsmaDescriptor("Person", biePerson.Id),
        private void buttonGenerateBDT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if ((cache.PathIsValid(CacheConstants.PATH_CDTs, new[] { selectedCDTLName, selectedCDTName })) &&
                (cache.PathIsValid(CacheConstants.PATH_BDTLs, new[] { selectedBDTLName })))
                ICdt        cdt  = repository.GetCdtById(cache.CDTLs[selectedCDTLName].CDTs[selectedCDTName].Id);
                IBdtLibrary bdtl = repository.GetBdtLibraryById(cache.BDTLs[selectedBDTLName].Id);

                BdtSpec bdtSpec = BdtSpec.CloneCdt(cdt, textBDTName.Text);

                var sups = new List <BdtSupSpec>(bdtSpec.Sups);
                foreach (cSUP sup in cache.CDTLs[selectedCDTLName].CDTs[selectedCDTName].SUPs.Values)
                    if (sup.State == CheckState.Unchecked)
                        var name = sup.Name;
                        sups.RemoveAll(s => s.Name == name);
                bdtSpec.Sups = sups;

                IBdt newBDT = bdtl.CreateBdt(bdtSpec);

                cache.BDTLs[selectedBDTLName].BDTs.Add(newBDT.Name, new cBDT(newBDT.Name, newBDT.Id, newBDT.BasedOn.Id, CheckState.Unchecked));

                textBDTName.Text = "";
                textBDTName.Text = newBDT.Name;
        private static void AssertHasSUP(IImporterContext context, IBdt bdtText, int index, string basicTypeName, string name)
            var expectedBasicType = context.PRIMLibrary.GetPrimByName(basicTypeName);
            var sup = bdtText.Sups.ElementAt(index);

            Assert.That(sup.Name, Is.EqualTo(name));
            Assert.That(sup.BasicType.Id, Is.EqualTo(expectedBasicType.Id));
 public static string getConBasicTypeName(IBdt bdt)
     if (bdt.Con != null && bdt.Con.BasicType != null)
         return(TrimElementName(GetBasicTypeName(bdt.Con as UpccAttribute)));
        private static void AssertBDTIsBasedOn(IImporterContext context, IBdt bdt, string cdtName)
            var cdt = context.CDTLibrary.GetCdtByName(cdtName);

            Assert.That(bdt.BasedOn, Is.Not.Null, "BasedOn is null");
            Assert.That(bdt.BasedOn, Is.Not.Null, "BasedOn.CDT is null");
            Assert.That(bdt.BasedOn.Id, Is.EqualTo(cdt.Id), string.Format("Based on wrong CDT:\nExpected: <{0}>\nBut was:  <{1}>", cdt.Name, bdt.BasedOn.Name));
        public PotentialBdt(string newBdtName)
            mName        = newBdtName;
            mChecked     = false;
            mOriginalBDT = null;

            mItemReadOnly  = false;
            mItemCursor    = Cursors.IBeam;
            mItemFocusable = true;
        public PotentialBdt(IBdt originalBdt)
            mName        = originalBdt.Name;
            mChecked     = false;
            mOriginalBDT = originalBdt;

            mItemReadOnly  = true;
            mItemCursor    = Cursors.Arrow;
            mItemFocusable = false;
        private static IBdt AssertThatBDTLibraryContainsBDT(IImporterContext context, string bdtName, string conBasicTypeName)
            var  expectedCONBasicType = context.PRIMLibrary.GetPrimByName(conBasicTypeName);
            IBdt bdtText = context.BDTLibrary.GetBdtByName(bdtName);

            Assert.That(bdtText, Is.Not.Null, string.Format("Expected BDT named '{0}' not generated.", bdtName));
            Assert.That(bdtText.Con, Is.Not.Null, string.Format("CON of BDT {0} is null", bdtName));
            Assert.That(bdtText.Con.BasicType, Is.Not.Null, string.Format("BasicType of BDT {0} is null", bdtName));
            Assert.That(bdtText.Con.BasicType.Id, Is.EqualTo(expectedCONBasicType.Id), string.Format("Wrong basic type for CON of BDT {0}:\nExpected: <{1}>\nBut was: <{2}>", bdtName, expectedCONBasicType.Name, bdtText.Con.BasicType.Name));
        private void CompileXsdTypesFromBdt(IBdt bdt)
            if (!alreadyCompiledTypes.Contains(bdt.Id))

                XsdType xsdType = AddXsdType(bdt.Name);

                foreach (IBdtSup sup in bdt.Sups)
        /// <summary>
        /// [R A7B8]
        /// The name of a BDT that uses a primitive to define its content component BVD MUST be
        /// - the BDT ccts:DataTypeQualifier(s) if any, plus
        /// - the ccts:DataTypeTerm, plus
        /// - the primitive type name,
        /// - followed by the word ‘Type’
        /// - with the separators removed and approved abbreviations and acronyms applied.
        /// Deviation: Separators ('_') are not removed.
        /// [R 90FB]
        /// The name of a BDT that includes one or more Supplementary Components MUST be:
        /// - The BDT ccts:DataTypeQualifier(s) if any, plus
        /// - The ccts:DataTypeTerm, plus
        /// - The suffix of the Content Component Business Value Domain where the suffix is
        ///   the primitive type name, the code list token, the series of code list tokens,
        ///   or the identifier scheme token.
        /// plus
        /// - The ccts:DictionaryEntryName for each Supplementary Component present following the order
        ///   defined in the Data Type Catalogue, plus
        /// - The suffix that represents the Supplementary Component BVD where the suffix is the primitive
        ///   type name, the code list token, the series of code list tokens, or the identifier scheme token, plus
        /// - The word ‘Type’.
        /// - With all separators removed and approved abbreviations and acronyms applied.
        /// Deviation: Ignoring the SUPs, which means that we name complex types in the same way as simple types.
        /// Deviation: Separators ('_') are not removed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bdt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetXsdTypeNameFromBdt(IBdt bdt)
            if (bdt == null)
            var bdtToUse = bdt.SourceElement as IBdt;

            if (bdtToUse == null)
                bdtToUse = bdt;
            return(TrimElementName(bdtToUse.Name) + "_" + bdtToUse.UniqueIdentifier);
 private static void AssertHasSUPs(IBdt bdtText, int expectedCount)
     if (expectedCount > 0)
         Assert.That(bdtText.Sups, Is.Not.Null, string.Format("Expected {0} SUPs.", expectedCount));
         Assert.That(bdtText.Sups.Count(), Is.EqualTo(expectedCount), string.Format("Wrong number of SUPs"));
         if (bdtText.Sups != null)
             Assert.That(bdtText.Sups.Count(), Is.EqualTo(0), "Expected no SUPs.");
 public static BbieSpec CloneBcc(IBcc bcc, IBdt bdt)
     return(new BbieSpec
         Name = bcc.Name,
         Bdt = bdt,
         LowerBound = bcc.LowerBound,
         UpperBound = bcc.UpperBound,
         BusinessTerms = new List <string>(bcc.BusinessTerms),
         Definition = bcc.Definition,
         LanguageCode = bcc.LanguageCode,
         SequencingKey = bcc.SequencingKey,
         UsageRules = new List <string>(bcc.UsageRules),
        protected override IEnumerable <BdtSupSpec> SpecifySUPs()
            string baseTypeName  = Restriction.BaseTypeName.Name;
            var    supAttributes = new SUPXsdAttributes(Restriction.Attributes);
            IBdt   parentBDT     = GetBDTByXsdTypeName(baseTypeName);

            foreach (IBdtSup parentSUP in parentBDT.Sups)
                var supSpec = BdtSupSpec.CloneBdtSup(parentSUP);
                if (!supAttributes.IsProhibited(supSpec))
                    yield return(supSpec);
 public static BdtSpec CloneBdt(IBdt bdt)
     return(new BdtSpec
         Name = bdt.Name,
         IsEquivalentTo = bdt.IsEquivalentTo,
         BasedOn = bdt.BasedOn,
         Con = BdtConSpec.CloneBdtCon(bdt.Con),
         Sups = new List <BdtSupSpec>(bdt.Sups.Convert(o => BdtSupSpec.CloneBdtSup(o))),
         BusinessTerms = new List <string>(bdt.BusinessTerms),
         Definition = bdt.Definition,
         LanguageCode = bdt.LanguageCode,
         VersionIdentifier = bdt.VersionIdentifier,
         UsageRules = new List <string>(bdt.UsageRules),
        private static IBdt ShouldContainBdt(IBdtLibrary bdtLibrary, string name, string cdtName, string[] generatedSups)
            IBdt bdt = bdtLibrary.GetBdtByName(name);

            Assert.IsNotNull(bdt, "BDT '" + name + "' not generated");

            Assert.That(bdt.BasedOn, Is.Not.Null, "BasedOn reference not specified");
            Assert.AreEqual(cdtName, bdt.BasedOn.Name, "BasedOn wrong CDT");

            if (generatedSups == null || generatedSups.Length == 0)
                Assert.That(SupNames(bdt), Is.Empty);
                Assert.That(SupNames(bdt), Is.EquivalentTo(generatedSups));

        private static XmlSchemaAnnotation GetTypeAnnotation(IBdt bdt)
            var xml = new XmlDocument();
            // Deviation from rule [R BFE5]: Generating only a subset of the defined annotations and added some additional annotations.
            var annNodes = new List <XmlNode>();

            AddAnnotation(xml, annNodes, "UniqueID", bdt.UniqueIdentifier);
            AddAnnotation(xml, annNodes, "VersionID", bdt.VersionIdentifier);
            AddAnnotation(xml, annNodes, "DictionaryEntryName", bdt.DictionaryEntryName);
            AddAnnotation(xml, annNodes, "Definition", bdt.Definition);
            AddAnnotations(xml, annNodes, "BusinessTermName", bdt.BusinessTerms);
            AddAnnotation(xml, annNodes, "PropertyTermName", bdt.Name);
            AddAnnotation(xml, annNodes, "LanguageCode", bdt.LanguageCode);
            AddAnnotation(xml, annNodes, "AcronymCode", "BDT");
            var ann = new XmlSchemaAnnotation();

            ann.Items.Add(new XmlSchemaDocumentation {
                Language = "en", Markup = annNodes.ToArray()
        public void Test_mapping_single_simple_typed_element_to_bcc()
            string mappingFile = TestUtils.PathToTestResource(@"XSDImporterTest\mapping\MappingImporterTests\mapping_single_simple_typed_element_to_bcc\mapping.mfd");

            string[] schemaFiles = new[] { TestUtils.PathToTestResource(@"XSDImporterTest\mapping\MappingImporterTests\mapping_single_simple_typed_element_to_bcc\source.xsd") };

            new MappingImporter(new[] { mappingFile }, schemaFiles, ccLibrary, bLibrary, DocLibraryName, BieLibraryName, BdtLibraryName, Qualifier, RootElementName, cctsRepository).ImportMapping();

            var bieLibrary = ShouldContainBieLibrary(BieLibraryName);
            var docLibrary = ShouldContainDocLibrary(DocLibraryName);

            IBdtLibrary bdtLibrary = ShouldContainBdtLibrary(BdtLibraryName);

            IBdt bdtText = ShouldContainBdt(bdtLibrary, "String_Text", "Text", null);

            Assert.That(bdtLibrary.Bdts.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));

            IAbie bieParty = ShouldContainAbie(bieLibrary, "test_Party", "Party", new[] { new BbieDescriptor("PersonName_Name", bdtText.Id), }, null);

            ShouldContainMa(docLibrary, "test_Invoice", new[]
                new AsmaDescriptor("test_Party", bieParty.Id),
 public void RemoveBdt(IBdt bdt)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public IBdt UpdateBdt(IBdt element, BdtSpec spec)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public UpccBdtCon(IUmlAttribute umlAttribute, IBdt bdt)
     UmlAttribute = umlAttribute;
     Bdt          = bdt;
        protected override BdtConSpec SpecifyCON()
            IBdt parentBDT = GetBDTByXsdTypeName(Restriction.BaseTypeName.Name);

 /// <summary>
 /// Updates a BDT to match the given <paramref name="specification"/>.
 /// <param name="bdt">A BDT.</param>
 /// <param name="specification">A new specification for the given BDT.</param>
 /// <returns>The updated BDT. Depending on the implementation, this might be the same updated instance or a new instance!</returns>
 /// </summary>
 public IBdt UpdateBdt(IBdt bdt, BdtSpec specification)
     return(new UpccBdt(UmlPackage.UpdateClass(((UpccBdt)bdt).UmlClass, BdtSpecConverter.Convert(specification))));
 public UpccBdtSup(IUmlAttribute umlAttribute, IBdt bdt) : base(umlAttribute)
     Bdt = bdt;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an array of the names of all SUPs of the given BDT.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bdt"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static string[] SupNames(IBdt bdt)
     return((from sup in bdt.Sups select sup.Name).ToArray());
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes a BDT from this BDTLibrary.
 /// <param name="bdt">A BDT.</param>
 /// </summary>
 public void RemoveBdt(IBdt bdt)
 /// <summary>
 /// [R A7B8]
 /// The name of a BDT that uses a primitive to define its content component BVD MUST be
 /// - the BDT ccts:DataTypeQualifier(s) if any, plus
 /// - the ccts:DataTypeTerm, plus
 /// - the primitive type name,
 /// - followed by the word ‘Type’
 /// - with the separators removed and approved abbreviations and acronyms applied.
 /// Deviation: Separators ('_') are not removed.
 /// [R 90FB]
 /// The name of a BDT that includes one or more Supplementary Components MUST be:
 /// - The BDT ccts:DataTypeQualifier(s) if any, plus
 /// - The ccts:DataTypeTerm, plus
 /// - The suffix of the Content Component Business Value Domain where the suffix is
 ///   the primitive type name, the code list token, the series of code list tokens,
 ///   or the identifier scheme token.
 /// plus
 /// - The ccts:DictionaryEntryName for each Supplementary Component present following the order
 ///   defined in the Data Type Catalogue, plus
 /// - The suffix that represents the Supplementary Component BVD where the suffix is the primitive
 ///   type name, the code list token, the series of code list tokens, or the identifier scheme token, plus
 /// - The word ‘Type’.
 /// - With all separators removed and approved abbreviations and acronyms applied.
 /// Deviation: Ignoring the SUPs, which means that we name complex types in the same way as simple types.
 /// Deviation: Separators ('_') are not removed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bdt"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetXsdTypeNameFromBdt(IBdt bdt)
     return(bdt.Name + bdt.Con.BasicType.Name + "Type");