        /// <summary>
        /// Receives client's call and adds a node in the workflow
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventArgument">WorkflowId  & Node id</param>
        public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)
            try {
                fieldTypes = new XmlSchema();   //Creating the schema that will contain the field types
                string[] args     = eventArgument.Split('&');
                string   nodeID   = args[0];
                string   nodeName = args[1];

                //Initializing the string to return
                serialized_field_types += args[0] + '&';

                // idnodo & nodeName & basetype | id | label | position x | position y | width | height | rendered_label | constraints &  ...

                 *  EXAMPLE:
                 * workflow_1_node_1&nodeName&StringBox|1|pippo|120|208|100|30|pippo|AddMaxLengthConstraint#30@AddMinLengthConstraint#3@AddRangeLengthConstraint#3$30

                for (int i = 2; i < args.Length; i++)
                    string[] property = args[i].Split('|');

                    IBaseType f = getField(property[0]);
                    if (f != null)
                        f.TypeName = property[0] + property[1];

                        f.Name = XmlConvert.DecodeName(property[2]);

                        //Applying costraints
                        if (!property[8].Equals("")) //apply only if some costraints are defined
                            //  COSTRAINTS STRING FORMAT:
                            //  & CostraintName # CostraintParameter1 | .. | CostraintParameterNN

                            string[] constraints = property[8].Split('@');
                            for (int k = 0; k < constraints.Length; k++)
                                string[] constraintRapresentation = constraints[k].Split('#'); //divide costraint name from parameters

                                string[] tmpParams;
                                if (constraintRapresentation[1].Equals(""))
                                    tmpParams = null;
                                    tmpParams = constraintRapresentation[1].Split('$'); //divide each param
                                List <MethodInfo> constraintList = FieldsManager.GetConstraints(f.GetType());
                                bool constraint_loaded           = false;
                                foreach (MethodInfo c in constraintList)
                                    if (constraintRapresentation[0].Equals(c.Name))
                                        constraint_loaded = (bool)c.Invoke(f, tmpParams); //apply costraint to field
                                if (!constraint_loaded)
                                    throw new Exception("No constraint with name \"" + constraintRapresentation[0] + "\" could be applied.");

                        //for the client
            catch (Exception e) {
                error = e.Message;
        public override bool EqualsTo(IBaseType value)
            if (value == null)
                return false;

            if (value.GetType() != typeof(Struct))
                return false;

            if (!StructuralEquals(value as Struct))
                return false;

            foreach (var item in (value as Struct).Attributes)
                if (!item.Value.Value.EqualsTo(Attributes[item.Key].Value))
                    return false;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Receives client's call and gets the predicates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventArgument">The constraints string</param>
        public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)
            string[] property = eventArgument.Split('|');

            //property[0] -> field.basType
            IBaseType f = getField(property[0]);

            if (f != null)
                returnValue = "";

                //Applying costraints
                if (!property[1].Equals("")) //apply only if some costraints are defined
                    //  COSTRAINTS STRING FORMAT:
                    //  & CostraintName # CostraintParameter1 | .. | CostraintParameterNN

                    string[] constraints = property[1].Split('@');
                    for (int k = 0; k < constraints.Length; k++)
                        string[] constraintRapresentation = constraints[k].Split('#'); //divide costraint name from parameters

                        string[] tmpParams;
                        if (constraintRapresentation[1].Equals(""))
                            tmpParams = null;
                            tmpParams = constraintRapresentation[1].Split('$'); //divide each param
                        List <MethodInfo> constraintList = FieldsManager.GetConstraints(f.GetType());
                        bool constraint_loaded           = false;
                        foreach (MethodInfo c in constraintList)
                            if (constraintRapresentation[0].Equals(c.Name))
                                constraint_loaded = (bool)c.Invoke(f, tmpParams); //apply costraint to field
                        if (!constraint_loaded)
                            List <MethodInfo> constr     = FieldsManager.GetConstraints(f.GetType());
                            string            constrName = "";
                            foreach (MethodInfo mi in constr)
                                if (mi.Name.Equals(constraintRapresentation[0]))
                                    object[] attributes = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                                    Fields.ConstraintAttribute attribute = (Fields.ConstraintAttribute)attributes[0];
                                    constrName += attribute.Name;

                            returnValue = "Error applying constraint \"" + constrName + "\"";
                            if (tmpParams != null)
                                returnValue += " with parameter";
                                if (tmpParams.Length > 1)
                                    returnValue += "s ";
                                    for (int i = 0; i < tmpParams.Length; i++)
                                        returnValue += ((i != 0)?", ":"") + tmpParams[i];
                                    returnValue += " " + tmpParams[0];