        private void UpdateRuntimeBackends(DynamicConfigRoot config)
            var desiredBackends = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);

            foreach (var configBackendPair in config.Backends)
                var configBackend = configBackendPair.Value;

                    itemId: configBackendPair.Key,
                    setupAction: backend =>
                    UpdateRuntimeEndpoints(configBackend.Endpoints, backend.EndpointManager);

                    var newConfig = new BackendConfig(
                        new BackendConfig.BackendHealthCheckOptions(
                            enabled: configBackend.HealthCheckOptions?.Enabled ?? false,
                            interval: configBackend.HealthCheckOptions?.Interval ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
                            timeout: configBackend.HealthCheckOptions?.Timeout ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
                            port: configBackend.HealthCheckOptions?.Port ?? 0,
                            path: configBackend.HealthCheckOptions?.Path ?? string.Empty),
                        new BackendConfig.BackendLoadBalancingOptions(
                            mode: configBackend.LoadBalancing?.Mode ?? default));

                    var currentBackendConfig = backend.Config.Value;
                    if (currentBackendConfig == null ||
                        currentBackendConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Enabled != newConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Enabled ||
                        currentBackendConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Interval != newConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Interval ||
                        currentBackendConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Timeout != newConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Timeout ||
                        currentBackendConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Port != newConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Port ||
                        currentBackendConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Path != newConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Path)
                        if (currentBackendConfig == null)
                            _logger.LogDebug("Backend {backendId} has been added.", configBackendPair.Key);
                            _logger.LogDebug("Backend {backendId} has changed.", configBackendPair.Key);

                        // Config changed, so update runtime backend
                        backend.Config.Value = newConfig;

            foreach (var existingBackend in _backendManager.GetItems())
                if (!desiredBackends.Contains(existingBackend.BackendId))
                    // NOTE 1: This is safe to do within the `foreach` loop
                    // because `IBackendManager.GetItems` returns a copy of the list of backends.
                    // NOTE 2: Removing the backend from `IBackendManager` is safe and existing
                    // ASP .NET Core endpoints will continue to work with their existing behavior (until those endpoints are updated)
                    // and the Garbage Collector won't destroy this backend object while it's referenced elsewhere.
                    _logger.LogDebug("Backend {backendId} has been removed.", existingBackend.BackendId);
        public async Task ApplyConfigurationsAsync_OneBackendOneEndpointOneRoute_Works()
            // Arrange
            const string TestAddress = "https://localhost:123/";

            var backend = new Backend
                Endpoints =
                    { "ep1", new BackendEndpoint {
                          Address = TestAddress
                      } }
            var route = new ParsedRoute
                RouteId   = "route1",
                BackendId = "backend1",

            var dynamicConfigRoot = new DynamicConfigRoot
                Backends = new Dictionary <string, Backend> {
                    { "backend1", backend }
                Routes = new[] { route },

            Mock <IDynamicConfigBuilder>()
            .Setup(d => d.BuildConfigAsync(It.IsAny <IConfigErrorReporter>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))

            var errorReporter = new TestConfigErrorReporter();
            var proxyManager  = Create <ReverseProxyConfigManager>();

            // Act
            var result = await proxyManager.ApplyConfigurationsAsync(errorReporter, CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert

            var actualBackends = _backendManager.GetItems();

            Assert.Equal("backend1", actualBackends[0].BackendId);

            var actualEndpoints = actualBackends[0].EndpointManager.GetItems();

            Assert.Equal("ep1", actualEndpoints[0].EndpointId);
            Assert.Equal(TestAddress, actualEndpoints[0].Config.Value.Address);

            var actualRoutes = _routeManager.GetItems();

            Assert.Equal("route1", actualRoutes[0].RouteId);
            Assert.Same(actualBackends[0], actualRoutes[0].Config.Value.BackendOrNull);
        public async Task UpdateTrackedBackends()
            // TODO: (future) It's silly to go through all backends just to see which ones changed, if any.
            // We should use Signals instead.

            // Step 1: Get the backend table.
            var proberAdded   = 0;
            var backends      = _backendManager.GetItems();
            var backendIdList = new HashSet <string>();

            // Step 2: Start background tasks to probe each backend at their configured intervals. The number of concurrent probes are controlled by semaphore.
            var stopTasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (var backend in backends)
                var backendConfig   = backend.Config.Value;
                var createNewProber = false;

                // Step 3A: Check whether this backend already has a prober.
                if (_activeProbers.TryGetValue(backend.BackendId, out var activeProber))
                    // Step 3B: Check if the config of backend has changed.
                    if (backendConfig == null ||
                        !backendConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Enabled ||
                        activeProber.Config != backendConfig)
                        // Current prober is not using latest config, stop and remove the outdated prober.
                        _logger.LogInformation($"Health check work stopping prober for '{backend.BackendId}'.");

                        // And create a new prober if needed
                        createNewProber = backendConfig?.HealthCheckOptions.Enabled ?? false;
                    // Step 3C: New backend we aren't probing yet, set up a new prober.
                    createNewProber = backendConfig?.HealthCheckOptions.Enabled ?? false;

                if (!createNewProber)
                    var reason = backendConfig == null ? "no backend configuration" : $"{nameof(backendConfig.HealthCheckOptions)}.{nameof(backendConfig.HealthCheckOptions.Enabled)} = false";
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Health check prober for backend: '{backend.BackendId}' is disabled because {reason}.");

                // Step 4: New prober need to been created, start the new registered prober.
                if (createNewProber)
                    // Start probing health for all endpoints(replica) in this backend(service).
                    var newProber = _backendProberFactory.CreateBackendProber(backend.BackendId, backendConfig, backend.EndpointManager);
                    _activeProbers.Add(backend.BackendId, newProber);
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Prober for backend '{backend.BackendId}' has created.");

            // Step 5: Stop and remove probes for backends that no longer exist.
            var probersToRemove = new List <string>();

            foreach (var kvp in _activeProbers)
                if (!backendIdList.Contains(kvp.Key))
                    // Gracefully shut down the probe.
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Health check work stopping prober for '{kvp.Key}'.");

            // remove the probes for backends that were removed.
            probersToRemove.ForEach(p => _activeProbers.Remove(p));
            await Task.WhenAll(stopTasks);

            _logger.LogInformation($"Health check prober are updated. Added {proberAdded} probes, removed {probersToRemove.Count} probes. There are now {_activeProbers.Count} probes.");