static void Main(string[] args)
            ConfigWrapper config = new ConfigWrapper();

                IAzureMediaServicesClient client = CreateMediaServicesClient(config);

                // Set the polling interval for long running operations to 2 seconds.
                // The default value is 30 seconds for the .NET client SDK
                client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout = 2;

                // Creating a unique suffix so that we don't have name collisions if you run the sample
                // multiple times without cleaning up.
                string uniqueness = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13);

                string jobName         = "job-" + uniqueness;
                string outputAssetName = "output-" + uniqueness;
                string inputAssetName  = "input-" + uniqueness;

                // Ensure that you have the desired encoding Transform. This is really a one time setup operation.
                Transform videoAnalyzerTransform = EnsureTransformExists(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, VideoAnalyzerTransformName, new VideoAnalyzerPreset("en-US"));

                // Create a new input Asset and upload the specified local video file into it.
                CreateInputAsset(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, inputAssetName, InputMP4FileName);

                // Use the name of the created input asset to create the job input.
                JobInput jobInput = new JobInputAsset(assetName: inputAssetName);

                // Output from the encoding Job must be written to an Asset, so let's create one
                Asset outputAsset = client.Assets.CreateOrUpdate(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, outputAssetName, new Asset());

                Job job = SubmitJob(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, VideoAnalyzerTransformName, jobName, jobInput, outputAssetName);

                // In this demo code, we will poll for Job status
                // Polling is not a recommended best practice for production applications because of the latency it introduces.
                // Overuse of this API may trigger throttling. Developers should instead use Event Grid.
                job = WaitForJobToFinish(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, VideoAnalyzerTransformName, jobName);

                if (job.State == JobState.Finished)
                    Console.WriteLine("Job finished.");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(OutputFolder))

                    DownloadResults(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, outputAssetName, OutputFolder);

                Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue");
            catch (ApiErrorException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.Message);

                Console.WriteLine("ERROR:API call failed with error code: {0} and message: {1}",
                                  ex.Body.Error.Code, ex.Body.Error.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the sample async.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The parm is of type ConfigWrapper. This class reads values from local configuration file.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        // <RunAsync>
        private static async Task RunAsync(ConfigWrapper config)
            IAzureMediaServicesClient client = await CreateMediaServicesClientAsync(config);

            // Set the polling interval for long running operations to 2 seconds.
            // The default value is 30 seconds for the .NET client SDK
            client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout = 2;

            // Creating a unique suffix so that we don't have name collisions if you run the sample
            // multiple times without cleaning up.
            string uniqueness      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            string jobName         = $"job-{uniqueness}";
            string locatorName     = $"locator-{uniqueness}";
            string outputAssetName = $"output-{uniqueness}";

            // Ensure that you have the desired encoding Transform. This is really a one time setup operation.
            Transform transform = await GetOrCreateTransformAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName);

            // Output from the encoding Job must be written to an Asset, so let's create one
            Asset outputAsset = await CreateOutputAssetAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, outputAssetName);

            Job job = await SubmitJobAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName, outputAsset.Name, jobName);

            // In this demo code, we will poll for Job status
            // Polling is not a recommended best practice for production applications because of the latency it introduces.
            // Overuse of this API may trigger throttling. Developers should instead use Event Grid.
            job = await WaitForJobToFinishAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName, jobName);

            if (job.State == JobState.Finished)
                // Set a token signing key that you want to use
                TokenSigningKey = Convert.FromBase64String(config.SymmetricKey);

                // Create the content key policy that configures how the content key is delivered to end clients
                // via the Key Delivery component of Azure Media Services.
                // We are using the ContentKeyIdentifierClaim in the ContentKeyPolicy which means that the token presented
                // to the Key Delivery Component must have the identifier of the content key in it.
                ContentKeyPolicy policy = await GetOrCreateContentKeyPolicyAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, ContentKeyPolicyName, TokenSigningKey);

                StreamingLocator locator = await CreateStreamingLocatorAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, outputAsset.Name, locatorName, ContentKeyPolicyName);

                // In this example, we want to play the PlayReady (CENC) encrypted stream.
                // We need to get the key identifier of the content key where its type is CommonEncryptionCenc.
                string keyIdentifier = locator.ContentKeys.Where(k => k.Type == StreamingLocatorContentKeyType.CommonEncryptionCenc).First().Id.ToString();

                Console.WriteLine($"KeyIdentifier = {keyIdentifier}");

                // In order to generate our test token we must get the ContentKeyId to put in the ContentKeyIdentifierClaim claim.
                string token = GetTokenAsync(Issuer, Audience, keyIdentifier, TokenSigningKey);

                string dashPath = await GetDASHStreamingUrlAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, locator.Name);

                Console.WriteLine("Copy and paste the following URL in your browser to play back the file in the Azure Media Player.");
                Console.WriteLine("You can use Edge/IE11 for PlayReady and Chrome/Firefox Widevine.");



            Console.WriteLine("When finished testing press enter to cleanup.");

            Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up...");
            await CleanUpAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName, ContentKeyPolicyName);
        public static async Task <object> Run([HttpTrigger(WebHookType = "genericJson")] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info($"AMS v3 Function - create_transform was triggered!");

            string jsonContent = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonContent);

            // Validate input objects
            if (data.transformName == null)
                return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new { error = "Please pass transformName in the input object" }));
            if (data.builtInStandardEncoderPreset == null && data.videoAnalyzerPreset == null)
                return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new { error = "Please pass preset in the input object" }));
            string transformName = data.transformName;

            MediaServicesConfigWrapper amsconfig = new MediaServicesConfigWrapper();
            string transformId = null;

                IAzureMediaServicesClient client = CreateMediaServicesClient(amsconfig);
                // Does a Transform already exist with the desired name? Assume that an existing Transform with the desired name
                // also uses the same recipe or Preset for processing content.
                Transform transform = client.Transforms.Get(amsconfig.ResourceGroup, amsconfig.AccountName, transformName);

                if (transform == null)
                    // You need to specify what you want it to produce as an output
                    var transformOutputList = new List <TransformOutput>();

                    // BuiltInStandardEncoderPreset
                    if (data.builtInStandardEncoderPreset != null)
                        EncoderNamedPreset preset = EncoderNamedPreset.AdaptiveStreaming;

                        if (data.builtInStandardEncoderPreset.presetName != null)
                            string presetName = data.builtInStandardEncoderPreset.presetName;
                            if (encoderPreset.ContainsKey(presetName))
                                preset = encoderPreset[presetName];

                        TransformOutput encoderTransform = new TransformOutput
                            // The preset for the Transform is set to one of Media Services built-in sample presets.
                            // You can  customize the encoding settings by changing this to use "StandardEncoderPreset" class.
                            Preset = new BuiltInStandardEncoderPreset()
                                // This sample uses the built-in encoding preset for Adaptive Bitrate Streaming.
                                PresetName = preset

                    // VideoAnalyzerPreset
                    if (data.builtInStandardEncoderPreset != null)
                        bool   audioInsightsOnly = false;
                        string audioLanguage     = "en-US";

                        if (data.videoAnalyzerPreset.audioInsightsOnly != null)
                            audioInsightsOnly = data.videoAnalyzerPreset.audioInsightsOnly;
                        if (data.videoAnalyzerPreset.audioLanguage != null)
                            audioLanguage = data.videoAnalyzerPreset.audioLanguage;

                        TransformOutput encoderTransform = new TransformOutput
                            // The preset for the Transform is set to one of Media Services built-in sample presets.
                            // You can  customize the encoding settings by changing this to use "StandardEncoderPreset" class.
                            Preset = new VideoAnalyzerPreset(audioLanguage, audioInsightsOnly)

                    // You need to specify what you want it to produce as an output
                    TransformOutput[] output = transformOutputList.ToArray();

                    // Create the Transform with the output defined above
                    transform   = client.Transforms.CreateOrUpdate(amsconfig.ResourceGroup, amsconfig.AccountName, transformName, output);
                    transformId = transform.Id;
            catch (ApiErrorException e)
                log.Info($"ERROR: AMS API call failed with error code: {e.Body.Error.Code} and message: {e.Body.Error.Message}");
                return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new
                    error = "AMS API call error: " + e.Message

            return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new
                transformId = transformId
        // </CreateMediaServicesClient>

        /// <summary>
        /// Create the content key policy that configures how the content key is delivered to end clients
        /// via the Key Delivery component of Azure Media Services.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">The Media Services client.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceGroupName">The name of the resource group within the Azure subscription.</param>
        /// <param name="accountName"> The Media Services account name.</param>
        /// <param name="contentKeyPolicyName">The name of the content key policy resource.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        // <GetOrCreateContentKeyPolicy>
        private static async Task <ContentKeyPolicy> GetOrCreateContentKeyPolicyAsync(
            IAzureMediaServicesClient client,
            string resourceGroupName,
            string accountName,
            string contentKeyPolicyName,
            byte[] tokenSigningKey)
            ContentKeyPolicy policy = await client.ContentKeyPolicies.GetAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, contentKeyPolicyName);

            if (policy == null)
                ContentKeyPolicySymmetricTokenKey primaryKey     = new ContentKeyPolicySymmetricTokenKey(tokenSigningKey);
                List <ContentKeyPolicyTokenClaim> requiredClaims = new List <ContentKeyPolicyTokenClaim>()
                List <ContentKeyPolicyRestrictionTokenKey> alternateKeys = null;
                ContentKeyPolicyTokenRestriction           restriction
                    = new ContentKeyPolicyTokenRestriction(Issuer, Audience, primaryKey, ContentKeyPolicyRestrictionTokenType.Jwt, alternateKeys, requiredClaims);

                ContentKeyPolicyPlayReadyConfiguration playReadyConfig = ConfigurePlayReadyLicenseTemplate();
                ContentKeyPolicyWidevineConfiguration  widevineConfig  = ConfigureWidevineLicenseTempate();
                // ContentKeyPolicyFairPlayConfiguration fairplayConfig = ConfigureFairPlayPolicyOptions();

                List <ContentKeyPolicyOption> options = new List <ContentKeyPolicyOption>();

                    new ContentKeyPolicyOption()
                    Configuration = playReadyConfig,
                    // If you want to set an open restriction, use
                    // Restriction = new ContentKeyPolicyOpenRestriction()
                    Restriction = restriction

                    new ContentKeyPolicyOption()
                    Configuration = widevineConfig,
                    Restriction   = restriction

                // add CBCS ContentKeyPolicyOption into the list
                //   options.Add(
                //       new ContentKeyPolicyOption()
                //       {
                //           Configuration = fairplayConfig,
                //           Restriction = restriction,
                //           Name = "ContentKeyPolicyOption_CBCS"
                //       });

                policy = await client.ContentKeyPolicies.CreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, contentKeyPolicyName, options);
                // Get the signing key from the existing policy.
                var policyProperties = await client.ContentKeyPolicies.GetPolicyPropertiesWithSecretsAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, contentKeyPolicyName);

                var restriction = policyProperties.Options[0].Restriction as ContentKeyPolicyTokenRestriction;
                if (restriction != null)
                    var signingKey = restriction.PrimaryVerificationKey as ContentKeyPolicySymmetricTokenKey;
                    if (signingKey != null)
                        TokenSigningKey = signingKey.KeyValue;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ConfigWrapper config = new ConfigWrapper();

                IAzureMediaServicesClient client = CreateMediaServicesClient(config);
                // Set the polling interval for long running operations to 2 seconds.
                // The default value is 30 seconds for the .NET client SDK
                client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout = 2;

                // Creating a unique suffix so that we don't have name collisions if you run the sample
                // multiple times without cleaning up.
                string uniqueness = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13);

                string jobName         = "job-" + uniqueness;
                string locatorName     = "locator-" + uniqueness;
                string outputAssetName = "output-" + uniqueness;

                // Ensure that you have the desired encoding Transform. This is really a one time setup operation.
                Transform transform = EnsureTransformExists(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName);

                // Output from the encoding Job must be written to an Asset, so let's create one
                Asset outputAsset = CreateOutputAsset(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, outputAssetName);

                Job job = SubmitJob(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName, outputAsset.Name, jobName);

                // In this demo code, we will poll for Job status
                // Polling is not a recommended best practice for production applications because of the latency it introduces.
                // Overuse of this API may trigger throttling. Developers should instead use Event Grid.
                job = WaitForJobToFinish(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName, jobName);

                if (job.State == JobState.Finished)
                    Console.WriteLine("Job finished.");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(OutputFolder))

                    // In case you don't want to stream the results from Media Services, you can choose to download the files
                    // DownloadResults(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, outputAsset.Name, OutputFolder);

                    StreamingLocator locator = CreateStreamingLocator(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, outputAsset.Name, locatorName);

                    IList <string> urls = GetStreamingURLs(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, locator.Name);
                    foreach (var url in urls)

                Console.WriteLine("Done. Copy and paste the Streaming URL into the Azure Media Player at");
                Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue");
            catch (ApiErrorException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.Message);

                Console.WriteLine("ERROR:API call failed with error code: {0} and message: {1}",
                                  ex.Body.Error.Code, ex.Body.Error.Message);