/// <inhericdoc /> public void StartEarlyProcessing(IReadOnlyList <string> history) { // The context only changes when the user executes the corresponding command. this._azContext?.UpdateContext(); lock (_userAcceptedAndSuggestion) { _userAcceptedAndSuggestion.Clear(); } if (history.Count > 0) { if (_lastTwoMaskedCommands.Any()) { _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Dequeue(); } else { // This is the first time we populate our record. Push the second to last command in history to the // queue. If there is only one command in history, push the command placeholder. if (history.Count() > 1) { string secondToLastLine = history.TakeLast(AzPredictorConstants.CommandHistoryCountToProcess).First(); var secondToLastCommand = GetAstAndMaskedCommandLine(secondToLastLine); _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Enqueue(secondToLastCommand.Item2); _service.RecordHistory(secondToLastCommand.Item1); } else { _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Enqueue(AzPredictorConstants.CommandPlaceholder); // We only extract parameter values from the command line in _service.RecordHistory. // So we don't need to do that for a placeholder. } } string lastLine = history.Last(); var lastCommand = GetAstAndMaskedCommandLine(lastLine); _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Enqueue(lastCommand.Item2); if ((lastCommand.Item2 != null) && !string.Equals(AzPredictorConstants.CommandPlaceholder, lastCommand.Item2, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { _service.RecordHistory(lastCommand.Item1); } _telemetryClient.OnHistory(lastCommand.Item2); _service.RequestPredictions(_lastTwoMaskedCommands); } ValueTuple <CommandAst, string> GetAstAndMaskedCommandLine(string commandLine) { var asts = Parser.ParseInput(commandLine, out _, out _); var allNestedAsts = asts?.FindAll((ast) => ast is CommandAst, true); var commandAst = allNestedAsts?.LastOrDefault() as CommandAst; string maskedCommandLine = null; var commandName = commandAst?.CommandElements?.FirstOrDefault().ToString(); if (_service.IsSupportedCommand(commandName)) { maskedCommandLine = AzPredictor.MaskCommandLine(commandAst); } else { maskedCommandLine = AzPredictorConstants.CommandPlaceholder; } return(ValueTuple.Create(commandAst, maskedCommandLine)); } }
/// <inhericdoc /> public void StartEarlyProcessing(IReadOnlyList <string> history) { // The context only changes when the user executes the corresponding command. _azContext?.UpdateContext(); if (history.Count > 0) { // We try to find the commands to request predictions for. // We should only have "start_of_snippet" when there are no enough Az commands for prediction. // We then ignore that when there are new "start_of_snippet". // This is the scenario. // 1. New-AzResourceGroup -Name **** // 2. $resourceName="Test" // 3. $resourceLocation="westus2" // 4. New-AzVM -Name $resourceName -Location $resourceLocation // // We'll replace 2 and 3 with "start_of_snippet" but if we request prediction using 2 and 3, that'll reset the // workflow. We want to predict only by Az commands. That's to use commands 1 and 4. bool isLastTwoCommandsChanged = false; if (_lastTwoMaskedCommands.Count == 0) { // This is the first time we populate our record. Push the second to last command in history to the // queue. If there is only one command in history, push the command placeholder. if (history.Count() > 1) { string secondToLastLine = history.TakeLast(AzPredictorConstants.CommandHistoryCountToProcess).First(); var secondToLastCommand = GetAstAndMaskedCommandLine(secondToLastLine); _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Enqueue(secondToLastCommand.Item2); if (!string.Equals(AzPredictorConstants.CommandPlaceholder, secondToLastCommand.Item2, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { _service.RecordHistory(secondToLastCommand.Item1); } } else { _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Enqueue(AzPredictorConstants.CommandPlaceholder); // We only extract parameter values from the command line in _service.RecordHistory. // So we don't need to do that for a placeholder. } isLastTwoCommandsChanged = true; } string lastLine = history.Last(); var lastCommand = GetAstAndMaskedCommandLine(lastLine); bool isLastCommandSupported = !string.Equals(AzPredictorConstants.CommandPlaceholder, lastCommand.Item2, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (isLastCommandSupported) { if (_lastTwoMaskedCommands.Count == 2) { // There are already two commands, dequeue the oldest one. _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Dequeue(); } _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Enqueue(lastCommand.Item2); isLastTwoCommandsChanged = true; _service.RecordHistory(lastCommand.Item1); } else if (_lastTwoMaskedCommands.Count == 1) { isLastTwoCommandsChanged = true; var existingInQueue = _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Dequeue(); _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Enqueue(AzPredictorConstants.CommandPlaceholder); _lastTwoMaskedCommands.Enqueue(existingInQueue); } _telemetryClient.OnHistory(new HistoryTelemetryData(lastCommand.Item2)); if (isLastTwoCommandsChanged) { _service.RequestPredictions(_lastTwoMaskedCommands); } } ValueTuple <CommandAst, string> GetAstAndMaskedCommandLine(string commandLine) { var asts = Parser.ParseInput(commandLine, out _, out _); var allNestedAsts = asts?.FindAll((ast) => ast is CommandAst, true); var commandAst = allNestedAsts?.LastOrDefault() as CommandAst; string maskedCommandLine = AzPredictorConstants.CommandPlaceholder; var commandName = commandAst?.CommandElements?.FirstOrDefault().ToString(); if (_service.IsSupportedCommand(commandName)) { maskedCommandLine = CommandLineUtilities.MaskCommandLine(commandAst); } return(ValueTuple.Create(commandAst, maskedCommandLine)); } }