public int Open(string FileName) { if (_FileOpened) { return(-1); } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FileName)) { return(-1); } if (_FileOpened) { return(-1); } _Decoder = new CAudioDecoderFFmpeg(); _Decoder.Init(); try { if (errorCheck("Initialize", PortAudio.Pa_Initialize())) { return(-1); } _Initialized = true; int hostApi = apiSelect(); _apiInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiInfo(hostApi); _outputDeviceInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(_apiInfo.defaultOutputDevice); _paStreamCallback = new PortAudio.PaStreamCallbackDelegate(_PaStreamCallback); if (_outputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency < 0.1) { _outputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency = 0.1; } } catch (Exception) { _Initialized = false; CLog.LogError("Error Init PortAudio Playback"); return(-1); } _FileName = FileName; _Decoder.Open(FileName); _Duration = _Decoder.GetLength(); FormatInfo format = _Decoder.GetFormatInfo(); _ByteCount = 2 * format.ChannelCount; _BytesPerSecond = format.SamplesPerSecond * _ByteCount; _CurrentTime = 0f; _SyncTimer.Time = _CurrentTime; AudioStreams stream = new AudioStreams(0); IntPtr data = new IntPtr(0); PortAudio.PaStreamParameters outputParams = new PortAudio.PaStreamParameters(); outputParams.channelCount = format.ChannelCount; outputParams.device = _apiInfo.defaultOutputDevice; outputParams.sampleFormat = PortAudio.PaSampleFormat.paInt16; outputParams.suggestedLatency = _outputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency; errorCheck("OpenDefaultStream", PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream( out _Ptr, IntPtr.Zero, ref outputParams, format.SamplesPerSecond, (uint)CConfig.AudioBufferSize, PortAudio.PaStreamFlags.paNoFlag, _paStreamCallback, data)); stream.handle = _Ptr.ToInt32(); if (stream.handle != 0) { _Paused = true; _waiting = true; _FileOpened = true; _data = new RingBuffer(BUFSIZE); _NoMoreData = false; _DecoderThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; _DecoderThread.Name = Path.GetFileName(FileName); _DecoderThread.Start(); return(stream.handle); } return(-1); }
public int Open(string FileName) { if (_FileOpened) return -1; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FileName)) return -1; if (_FileOpened) return -1; _Decoder = new CAudioDecoderFFmpeg(); _Decoder.Init(); try { _source = AL.GenSource(); _buffers = AL.GenBuffers(buffer_count); _state = 0; //AL.SourceQueueBuffers(_source, _buffers.Length, _buffers); } catch (Exception) { _Initialized = false; CLog.LogError("Error Init OpenAL Playback"); return -1; } _FileName = FileName; _Decoder.Open(FileName); _Duration = _Decoder.GetLength(); _format = _Decoder.GetFormatInfo(); _ByteCount = 2 * _format.ChannelCount; _BytesPerSecond = _format.SamplesPerSecond * _ByteCount; _CurrentTime = 0f; _Timer.Reset(); AudioStreams stream = new AudioStreams(0); stream.handle = _buffers[0]; if (stream.handle != 0) { _FileOpened = true; _data = new RingBuffer(BUFSIZE); _NoMoreData = false; _DecoderThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; _DecoderThread.Name = Path.GetFileName(FileName); _DecoderThread.Start(); return stream.handle; } return -1; }
public int Open(string FileName) { if (_FileOpened) { return(-1); } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FileName)) { return(-1); } if (_FileOpened) { return(-1); } _Decoder = new CAudioDecoderFFmpeg(); _Decoder.Init(); try { _source = AL.GenSource(); _buffers = AL.GenBuffers(buffer_count); _state = 0; //AL.SourceQueueBuffers(_source, _buffers.Length, _buffers); } catch (Exception) { _Initialized = false; CLog.LogError("Error Init OpenAL Playback"); return(-1); } _FileName = FileName; _Decoder.Open(FileName); _Duration = _Decoder.GetLength(); _format = _Decoder.GetFormatInfo(); _ByteCount = 2 * _format.ChannelCount; _BytesPerSecond = _format.SamplesPerSecond * _ByteCount; _CurrentTime = 0f; _Timer.Reset(); AudioStreams stream = new AudioStreams(0); stream.handle = _buffers[0]; if (stream.handle != 0) { _FileOpened = true; _data = new RingBuffer(BUFSIZE); _NoMoreData = false; _DecoderThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; _DecoderThread.Name = Path.GetFileName(FileName); _DecoderThread.Start(); return(stream.handle); } return(-1); }
public override bool Open(bool prescan) { Debug.Assert(!_FileOpened); if (_FileOpened) { return(false); } if (!File.Exists(_Medium)) { Dispose(); return(false); } bool ok = true; try { _Source = AL.GenSource(); _Buffers = new int[_BufferCount]; for (int i = 0; i < _BufferCount; i++) { _Buffers[i] = AL.GenBuffer(); ok = ok && _Buffers[i] != 0; } } catch (Exception) { ok = false; } if (!ok) { Dispose(); CLog.Error("Error Init OpenAL Playback"); return(false); } _Decoder = new CAudioDecoderFFmpeg(); if (!_Decoder.Open(_Medium)) { Dispose(); CLog.Error("Error opening audio file: " + _Medium); return(false); } _Format = _Decoder.GetFormatInfo(); if (_Format.SamplesPerSecond == 0) { Dispose(); CLog.Error("Error Init OpenAL Playback (samples=0)"); return(false); } Length = _Decoder.GetLength(); _ByteCount = 2 * _Format.ChannelCount; _BytesPerSecond = _Format.SamplesPerSecond * _ByteCount; _CurrentTime = 0f; _TimeCode = 0f; _Timer.Reset(); _Data = new CRingBuffer(_Bufsize); _NoMoreData = false; _SampleBuf = new byte[(int)CConfig.Config.Sound.AudioBufferSize]; //From now on closing the driver and the decoder is handled by the thread ONLY! _DecoderThread = new Thread(_Execute) { Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal, Name = Path.GetFileName(_Medium) }; _DecoderThread.Start(); _FileOpened = true; return(true); }
public override bool Open(bool prescan) { Debug.Assert(!_FileOpened); if (_FileOpened) { return(false); } if (!File.Exists(_Medium)) { Dispose(); return(false); } try { _PaHandle = new CPortAudioHandle(); int hostApi = _PaHandle.GetHostApi(); _ApiInfo = PortAudioSharp.PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiInfo(hostApi); _OutputDeviceInfo = PortAudioSharp.PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(_ApiInfo.defaultOutputDevice); if (_OutputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency < 0.1) { _OutputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency = 0.1; } _PaStreamCallback = _ProcessNewData; } catch (Exception) { Dispose(); CLog.Error("Error Init PortAudio Playback"); return(false); } _Decoder = new CAudioDecoderFFmpeg(); if (!_Decoder.Open(_Medium)) { Dispose(); CLog.Error("Error opening audio file: " + _Medium); return(false); } SFormatInfo format = _Decoder.GetFormatInfo(); if (format.SamplesPerSecond == 0) { Dispose(); CLog.Error("Error Init PortAudio Playback (samples=0)"); return(false); } Length = _Decoder.GetLength(); _ByteCount = 2 * format.ChannelCount; _BytesPerSecond = format.SamplesPerSecond * _ByteCount; _SyncTimer.Pause(); _SyncTimer.Time = 0f; PortAudioSharp.PortAudio.PaStreamParameters?outputParams = new PortAudioSharp.PortAudio.PaStreamParameters { channelCount = format.ChannelCount, device = _ApiInfo.defaultOutputDevice, sampleFormat = PortAudioSharp.PortAudio.PaSampleFormat.paInt16, suggestedLatency = _OutputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency, hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = IntPtr.Zero }; if (!_PaHandle.OpenOutputStream( out _Stream, ref outputParams, format.SamplesPerSecond, (uint)CConfig.Config.Sound.AudioBufferSize / 2, PortAudioSharp.PortAudio.PaStreamFlags.paNoFlag, _PaStreamCallback, IntPtr.Zero) || _Stream == IntPtr.Zero) { Dispose(); return(false); } _Latency = CConfig.Config.Sound.AudioLatency / 1000f + (float)PortAudioSharp.PortAudio.Pa_GetStreamInfo(_Stream).outputLatency; //From now on closing the driver and the decoder is handled by the thread ONLY! _Paused = true; _FileOpened = true; _Data = new CRingBuffer(_Bufsize); _NoMoreData = false; _DecoderThread = new Thread(_Execute) { Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal, Name = Path.GetFileName(_Medium) }; _DecoderThread.Start(); return(true); }
public int Open(string FileName) { if (_FileOpened) return -1; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FileName)) return -1; if (_FileOpened) return -1; _Decoder = new CAudioDecoderFFmpeg(); _Decoder.Init(); try { if (errorCheck("Initialize", PortAudio.Pa_Initialize())) return -1; _Initialized = true; int hostApi = apiSelect(); _apiInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiInfo(hostApi); _outputDeviceInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(_apiInfo.defaultOutputDevice); _paStreamCallback = new PortAudio.PaStreamCallbackDelegate(_PaStreamCallback); if (_outputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency < 0.1) _outputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency = 0.1; } catch (Exception) { _Initialized = false; CLog.LogError("Error Init PortAudio Playback"); return -1; } _FileName = FileName; _Decoder.Open(FileName); _Duration = _Decoder.GetLength(); FormatInfo format = _Decoder.GetFormatInfo(); _ByteCount = 2 * format.ChannelCount; _BytesPerSecond = format.SamplesPerSecond * _ByteCount; _CurrentTime = 0f; _SyncTimer.Time = _CurrentTime; AudioStreams stream = new AudioStreams(0); IntPtr data = new IntPtr(0); PortAudio.PaStreamParameters outputParams = new PortAudio.PaStreamParameters(); outputParams.channelCount = format.ChannelCount; outputParams.device = _apiInfo.defaultOutputDevice; outputParams.sampleFormat = PortAudio.PaSampleFormat.paInt16; outputParams.suggestedLatency = _outputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency; uint bufsize = (uint)CConfig.AudioBufferSize; errorCheck("OpenDefaultStream", PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream( out _Ptr, IntPtr.Zero, ref outputParams, format.SamplesPerSecond, bufsize, PortAudio.PaStreamFlags.paNoFlag, _paStreamCallback, data)); stream.handle = _Ptr.ToInt32(); if (stream.handle != 0) { _Paused = true; _waiting = true; _FileOpened = true; _data = new RingBuffer(BUFSIZE); _NoMoreData = false; _DecoderThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; _DecoderThread.Name = Path.GetFileName(FileName); _DecoderThread.Start(); return stream.handle; } return -1; }