public async Task <IActionResult> InviteToProject([FromBody] UtilityInviteModel inviteModel)
            //get the current user
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User);

            //make sure the user who is making the request is a project administrator
            if (!_validation.userIsProjectAdministrator(user.Id, inviteModel.projectId))

            var invitee = _usersRepo.GetUserByUserName(inviteModel.inviteeUserName);

            //if no user with the username exists
            if (invitee == null)
                return(NotFound("User with the given username does not exist"));

            //if the user is already part of the project
            if (_validation.userIsProjectMember(invitee.Id, inviteModel.projectId))
                return(BadRequest("This user is already a member of the project"));

            //if the user has already been invited to the project
            if (_projectsRepo.HasUserBeenInvited(inviteModel.projectId, invitee.Id) == true)
                return(BadRequest("This user has already been invited to join this project"));

            //build project invitation object
            ProjectInvitation projectInvitation = new ProjectInvitation();

            projectInvitation.ProjectId = inviteModel.projectId;
            projectInvitation.InviterId = user.Id;
            projectInvitation.InviteeId = invitee.Id;
