        public async Task <KeyValidationResult> IsValid(KeyChallenge keyChallenge, string httpMethod, string serviceName, string apiNameOrUrl)
            // Validate client key
            var clientKeyResult = await IsKeyValid(keyChallenge);

            var publicKey = keyChallenge.Properties[ApiKeyPropertyNames.PublicKey];

            if (!clientKeyResult.IsValid)
                // Client key validation failed
                return(new KeyValidationResult
                    InnerValidationResult = clientKeyResult,
                    IsValid = false,
                    Message = _localizer["Client key validation failed"]

            // Key validation passed. Now check if client has the right permission to access the api/url

            var result = new KeyValidationResult();

            ServiceModel service = null;

            if (serviceName.ToLower() == AppConstants.SysApiServiceName.ToLower())
                // Its a core service (eg. manage key, service, role, etc. All active clients can use this service)
                service = await _serviceManager.GetSysService();
                service = await _serviceManager.GetByName(publicKey, serviceName);

            if (service == null)
                result.Message = _localizer["Service not found. Service name or api key is invalid."];
                result.IsValid = false;

            ApiModel api;

            if (serviceName.ToLower() == AppConstants.SysApiServiceName.ToLower())
                // System API
                api = await _apiManager.GetByApiName(service.Id, httpMethod, apiNameOrUrl);
                // User API
                api = await _apiManager.GetByApiName(publicKey, service.Id, httpMethod, apiNameOrUrl);

            if (api == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiNameOrUrl))
                api = await _apiManager.GetByApiUrl(publicKey, service.Id, httpMethod, apiNameOrUrl);

            if (api == null)
                api = await _apiManager.GetByApiName(publicKey, service.Id, httpMethod, string.Empty);

            if (api == null)
                result.Message = _localizer["Api not found"];
                result.IsValid = false;

            var clientKeyWithRoles = await _keyManager.GetByPublicKey(publicKey);

            foreach (var role in api.Roles)
                result.IsValid = clientKeyWithRoles.Roles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == role.Id && !role.IsDisabled) != null;
                if (result.IsValid)

            if (result.IsValid == false)
                result.Message = _localizer["Access denied."];

            result.ApiId     = api.Id;
            result.KeyId     = clientKeyResult.KeyId;
            result.ServiceId = api.ServiceId;
